Beamer Viewer
Beamer Viewer is a web-based viewer for Beamer presentations, allowing slides and speaker notes to be displayed on separate screens without the need of any configuration.
It runs in most modern web browsers, which makes it cross-platform, and does not require any special software to be installed.
An instance of this web application is deployed at It is offline-enabled, and thus available locally even in the absence of network connectivity.
A double-width presentation may be generated with Beamer
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
A demonstration is available here.
Issues and patches: email the author.
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Euxane TRAN-GIRARD
Beamer Viewer is distributed under the terms of European
Union Public Licence version 1.2, a copy of which is provided in
This software makes use of and is distributed with a copy of the pdf.js library, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.