\chapter{User guide} \section{Running the game} \begin{tabular}{ l | l | l | l } Feature & Web & App & Console\\ \hline Animations & YES & NO & NO\\ Sound & YES & YES & NO\\ Illustrations & YES & YES & NO\\ Visual inventory & YES & YES & NO\\ Keyboard shortcuts & YES & YES & NO\\ \end{tabular} \subsection{Web version} To start the web version of the game, simply go to the \href{http://esieequest.pacien.net/#play}{project's website} using an up to date web browser. \subsection{Standalone app} An offline version of the game referred as ``standalone app'' can be executed by opening the .jar. The Java Runtime Environment is required. Because of the size limit imposed by JNews, the version sent for evaluation does not contain any image. To obtain the full version of the game, please go to the project webpage. \subsubsection{Applet} This interface can be executed as an applet on the \href{http://esieequest.pacien.net/applet.html}{project's website /applet.html}. \subsection{Console mode} To start the game in the console mode, open the .jar via the command line with the ``--console'' argument. \subsubsection{Test mode} To execute the commands contained in a test file, execute the game from the command line with the ``--file'' argument, followed by the path to the test file. \section{Commands} \begin{tabular}{ l | l | p{8cm} } Command & Argument & Description\\ \hline alea & & Force the destination of the transporter doors.\\ back & none & Go back to the previous room.\\ do & none & Automatically take an item or talk to a character, according to the context.\\ drop & & Drop an item in the current side of the current room.\\ go & & Go in the given direction or forward (in the direction of the current side)\\ help & none & Display the available commands.\\ inventory & none & Display the inventory.\\ load & & Load a saved game from a file.\\ look & none & Display informations about the current room.\\ new & & Create a new game, optionally in challenge mode.\\ quit & none & Quit the game.\\ save & & Save the game to a file.\\ sound & none & Toggle the sound (GUI and web only).\\ take & & Take an item from the room. Take one of the item of the current side if no name specified.\\ talk & & Talk to a character in the room. Talk to the character directly facing the player if no name specified.\\ turn & & Turn in the given direction.\\ use & & Use an item.\\ \end{tabular} \section{Keyboard shortcuts} \begin{tabular}{ l | l } Key & Action\\ \hline Left arrow & Turn left\\ Right arrow & Turn right\\ Up arrow & Go forward\\ Down arrow & Go back\\ PgUp & Take/Talk\\ Home & Open/Close the inventory\\ \end{tabular}