From 2a1b2c866bb630038100a150ee5da976f551e072 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pacien TRAN-GIRARD
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 21:07:18 +0200
Subject: Add "commande" module

 FPGA/commande/fan.bdf | 412 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 412 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 FPGA/commande/fan.bdf

(limited to 'FPGA/commande/fan.bdf')

diff --git a/FPGA/commande/fan.bdf b/FPGA/commande/fan.bdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67a23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/commande/fan.bdf
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
+editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
+the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
+Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
+Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
+and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
+functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
+(including device programming or simulation files), and any 
+associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
+to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
+Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
+Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
+without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
+programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
+Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
+applicable agreement for further details.
+(header "graphic" (version "1.4"))
+	(input)
+	(rect 48 40 224 56)
+	(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "fan_auto_user" (rect 5 0 77 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 176 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 92 12)(pt 117 12))
+		(line (pt 92 4)(pt 117 4))
+		(line (pt 121 8)(pt 176 8))
+		(line (pt 92 12)(pt 92 4))
+		(line (pt 117 4)(pt 121 8))
+		(line (pt 117 12)(pt 121 8))
+	)
+	(text "VCC" (rect 136 7 156 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(input)
+	(rect 48 56 224 72)
+	(text "INPUT" (rect 133 0 161 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "fan_speed[1..0]" (rect 5 0 82 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 176 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 92 12)(pt 117 12))
+		(line (pt 92 4)(pt 117 4))
+		(line (pt 121 8)(pt 176 8))
+		(line (pt 92 12)(pt 92 4))
+		(line (pt 117 4)(pt 121 8))
+		(line (pt 117 12)(pt 121 8))
+	)
+	(text "VCC" (rect 136 7 156 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(input)
+	(rect 56 72 224 88)
+	(text "INPUT" (rect 125 0 153 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "hot" (rect 5 0 21 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 168 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 84 12)(pt 109 12))
+		(line (pt 84 4)(pt 109 4))
+		(line (pt 113 8)(pt 168 8))
+		(line (pt 84 12)(pt 84 4))
+		(line (pt 109 4)(pt 113 8))
+		(line (pt 109 12)(pt 113 8))
+	)
+	(text "VCC" (rect 128 7 148 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(input)
+	(rect 56 24 224 40)
+	(text "INPUT" (rect 125 0 153 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "enable" (rect 5 0 39 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 168 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 84 12)(pt 109 12))
+		(line (pt 84 4)(pt 109 4))
+		(line (pt 113 8)(pt 168 8))
+		(line (pt 84 12)(pt 84 4))
+		(line (pt 109 4)(pt 113 8))
+		(line (pt 109 12)(pt 113 8))
+	)
+	(text "VCC" (rect 128 7 148 17)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(output)
+	(rect 544 24 720 40)
+	(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "fan_auto" (rect 90 0 133 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 0 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8))
+		(line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4))
+		(line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12))
+		(line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4))
+		(line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8))
+		(line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12))
+		(line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8))
+	)
+	(output)
+	(rect 544 40 720 56)
+	(text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 39 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "speed[1..0]" (rect 90 0 145 11)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 0 8)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8))
+		(line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4))
+		(line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12))
+		(line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4))
+		(line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8))
+		(line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12))
+		(line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8))
+	)
+	(rect 352 24 416 72)
+	(text "AND2" (rect 1 0 28 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst" (rect 3 37 20 48)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 14 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 32)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 32)(pt 14 32))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 64 24)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 42 24)(pt 64 24))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 14 12)(pt 30 12))
+		(line (pt 14 37)(pt 31 37))
+		(line (pt 14 12)(pt 14 37))
+		(arc (pt 31 37)(pt 30 12)(rect 18 12 43 37))
+	)
+	(rect 360 216 408 248)
+	(text "NOT" (rect 1 0 21 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst2" (rect 3 21 26 32)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN" (rect 2 7 16 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN" (rect 2 7 16 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 13 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 48 16)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 52 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 32 7 52 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 39 16)(pt 48 16))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 13 25)(pt 13 7))
+		(line (pt 13 7)(pt 31 16))
+		(line (pt 13 25)(pt 31 16))
+		(circle (rect 31 12 39 20))
+	)
+	(rect 352 152 416 200)
+	(text "AND2" (rect 1 0 28 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst4" (rect 3 37 26 48)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 14 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 32)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 32)(pt 14 32))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 64 24)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 42 24)(pt 64 24))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 14 12)(pt 30 12))
+		(line (pt 14 37)(pt 31 37))
+		(line (pt 14 12)(pt 14 37))
+		(arc (pt 31 37)(pt 30 12)(rect 18 12 43 37))
+	)
+	(rect 352 264 416 312)
+	(text "AND3" (rect 1 0 28 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst6" (rect 3 37 26 48)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 16 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 24)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 22 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 22 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 24)(pt 16 24))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 32)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 64 24)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 43 24)(pt 64 24))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 16 12)(pt 31 12))
+		(line (pt 16 37)(pt 31 37))
+		(line (pt 16 12)(pt 16 37))
+		(arc (pt 31 36)(pt 31 12)(rect 19 12 44 37))
+	)
+	(rect 352 328 416 376)
+	(text "AND3" (rect 1 0 28 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst7" (rect 3 37 26 48)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 16 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 24)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 22 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 15 22 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 24)(pt 16 24))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 32)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN3" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 64 24)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 43 24)(pt 64 24))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 16 12)(pt 31 12))
+		(line (pt 16 37)(pt 31 37))
+		(line (pt 16 12)(pt 16 37))
+		(arc (pt 31 36)(pt 31 12)(rect 19 12 44 37))
+	)
+	(rect 352 88 416 136)
+	(text "OR2" (rect 1 0 22 10)(font "Arial" (font_size 6)))
+	(text "inst8" (rect 3 37 26 48)(font "Arial" ))
+	(port
+		(pt 0 32)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN2" (rect 2 23 22 34)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 32)(pt 15 32))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 0 16)
+		(input)
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "IN1" (rect 2 7 22 18)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 0 16)(pt 15 16))
+	)
+	(port
+		(pt 64 24)
+		(output)
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(text "OUT" (rect 48 15 68 26)(font "Courier New" (bold))(invisible))
+		(line (pt 48 24)(pt 64 24))
+	)
+	(drawing
+		(line (pt 14 36)(pt 25 36))
+		(line (pt 14 13)(pt 25 13))
+		(arc (pt 7 29)(pt 7 19)(rect -14 8 19 41))
+		(arc (pt 49 24)(pt 25 13)(rect -6 13 57 76))
+		(arc (pt 25 35)(pt 49 24)(rect -6 -27 57 36))
+	)
+	(text "fan_auto" (rect 440 40 483 51)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 416 48)
+	(pt 432 48)
+	(text "enable" (rect 296 32 329 43)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 40)
+	(pt 352 40)
+	(text "fan_auto_user" (rect 264 48 335 59)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 56)
+	(pt 352 56)
+	(text "not_fan_auto_user" (rect 432 224 525 235)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 408 232)
+	(pt 424 232)
+	(text "speed[0]" (rect 440 344 482 355)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 416 352)
+	(pt 432 352)
+	(text "fan_auto" (rect 288 160 331 171)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 168)
+	(pt 352 168)
+	(text "hot" (rect 312 176 327 187)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 184)
+	(pt 352 184)
+	(text "enable" (rect 296 272 329 283)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 280)
+	(pt 352 280)
+	(text "not_fan_auto_user" (rect 248 280 341 291)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 288)
+	(pt 352 288)
+	(text "fan_speed[1]" (rect 272 288 335 299)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 296)
+	(pt 352 296)
+	(text "enable" (rect 296 336 329 347)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 344)
+	(pt 352 344)
+	(text "not_fan_auto_user" (rect 248 344 341 355)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 352)
+	(pt 352 352)
+	(text "fan_speed[0]" (rect 272 352 335 363)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 336 360)
+	(pt 352 360)
+	(text "fan_auto_user" (rect 272 224 343 235)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 344 232)
+	(pt 360 232)
+	(text "speed[1]" (rect 440 104 482 115)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 416 112)
+	(pt 432 112)
+	(text "speed1_1" (rect 440 168 488 179)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 416 176)
+	(pt 432 176)
+	(text "speed1_2" (rect 440 280 488 291)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 416 288)
+	(pt 432 288)
+	(text "speed1_1" (rect 288 96 336 107)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 352 104)
+	(pt 336 104)
+	(text "speed1_2" (rect 288 112 336 123)(font "Arial" ))
+	(pt 352 120)
+	(pt 336 120)
cgit v1.2.3