From 12bbdb42cdcf5e6e39832d75fbbd31e3781d550a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pacien TRAN-GIRARD
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 19:29:53 +0200
Subject: Import fichiers projet Quartus

 FPGA/vhdl/clock_divider.vhd         |  57 ++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/codec_config.vhd          |  92 +++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/codec_dac.vhd             | 110 +++++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/dds_sinus.vhd             | 101 ++++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/i2c_master.vhd            | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/lcd.vhd                   |  89 +++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/lcd_controller.vhd        | 363 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/lcd_message.vhd           | 158 ++++++++++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/message.vhd               |  67 +++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/rom_sinus.vhd             |  75 ++++++++
 FPGA/vhdl/seven_segment_decoder.vhd |  72 +++++++
 11 files changed, 1439 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/clock_divider.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/codec_config.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/codec_dac.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/dds_sinus.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/i2c_master.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/lcd.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/lcd_controller.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/lcd_message.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/message.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/rom_sinus.vhd
 create mode 100644 FPGA/vhdl/seven_segment_decoder.vhd

(limited to 'FPGA/vhdl')

diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/clock_divider.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/clock_divider.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a061bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/clock_divider.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--      Clock Divider
+-- Creation : A. Exertier, 2005
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+--                PARAMETRES GENERIQUES
+-- board_frequency  : frequency of the FPGA
+-- user_frequency   : desired frequency
+--                   INPUTS
+-- clk      : main clock
+-- resetn   : asynchronous active low reset
+--                   OUTPUT
+-- en_user  : signal at user_frequency
+--            set to 1 only 1 main clock cycle
+entity clock_divider is	
+  generic(
+     board_frequency   : real :=50_000_000.0; -- 50 MHz
+	 user_frequency    : real :=4.0);          -- 4 Hz
+  Port (
+    clk           : in  std_logic;  
+    resetn        : in  std_logic;  -- active low
+	en_user       : out std_logic);
+end clock_divider;
+architecture RTL of clock_divider is
+  constant max     : natural := integer(board_frequency/user_frequency);  
+  process(clk,resetn)
+      variable counter : natural range 0 to max-1;
+  begin
+   if resetn='0' then 			 
+     counter := 0;
+     en_user <= '0';
+   elsif rising_edge(clk) then 
+     if counter = max-1 then 
+       counter	:= 0;
+       en_user <= '1';	
+     else 
+       counter := counter+1;
+       en_user <= '0';
+     end if;
+   end if;
+  end process;
+end RTL;
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/codec_config.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/codec_config.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ae71f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/codec_config.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity codec_config is
+  generic (
+    system_frequency   : real := 50.0E6;   -- 50 MHz
+	  i2c_rate           : real := 20.0E3    -- 20 kHz	
+  );
+  port (
+    clk        : in    std_logic;
+	 resetn     : in    std_logic;
+	 end_config : out   std_logic;
+	 i2c_scl    : out   std_logic;
+	 i2c_sda    : inout std_logic
+  );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of codec_config is
+  type t_config is array(natural range 0 to 10) of std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  constant config_data : t_config :=
+              (X"34001A",
+						   X"34021A",
+						   X"34047B",
+						   X"34067B",
+						   X"3408F8",
+						   X"340A06",
+						   X"340C00",
+						   X"340E01",
+						   X"341002",
+						   X"341201",
+						   X"000000"
+						  );
+  type state is (init, config, finished);
+  signal i2c_data      : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+  signal i2c_go        : std_logic;
+  signal i2c_ack       : std_logic;
+  signal i2c_ready     : std_logic;
+  signal ctr_data      : natural range 0 to 10;
+  signal current_state : state;  
+  i2c_data      <= config_data(ctr_data);
+  process(resetn, clk) is
+  begin
+    if resetn = '0' then 
+	  ctr_data      <= 0;
+	  current_state <= init;
+	  i2c_go        <= '0';
+	  end_config    <= '0';
+	elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+    case current_state is
+		  when init => i2c_go        <= '1';
+					         if i2c_ready = '0' then		              
+					            current_state <= config;
+					            ctr_data      <= ctr_data+1;
+					         end if;
+		  when config => i2c_go        <= '0';
+		                 if i2c_ready = '1' then		                   
+		                   if ctr_data<10 then
+		                     current_state <= init;		                     
+					             else 
+					               current_state <= finished;
+					             end if;  
+					           end if;					      
+		  when finished => end_config <= '1';
+		                   i2c_go     <= '0';
+		  end case;
+	end if;
+  end process;
+  i2c_ctrl : entity work.i2C_master
+    generic map (
+       system_frequency  => system_frequency,
+	     i2c_rate          => i2c_rate	
+    )
+    port map (
+      clk     => clk,
+	    resetn  => resetn,
+	    go      => i2c_go,
+	    ready   => i2c_ready,
+	    data_in => i2c_data,
+	    i2c_scl => i2c_scl,
+	    i2c_sda => i2c_sda,
+	    ack     => i2c_ack	
+  );
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/codec_dac.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/codec_dac.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cfd858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/codec_dac.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity codec_dac is
+  generic (
+    system_frequency : real := 50.0E6; -- 50 MHz
+    sample_rate      : real := 48.0E3; -- 48 kHz	
+	  data_width       : positive := 16; -- 16 bits
+	  channel_num      : positive := 2   -- dual channel
+  );
+  port (
+   clk            : in  std_logic;                 --
+	resetn         : in  std_logic;	                --
+	go             : in  std_logic;
+	data_in        : in  std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);
+	-- codec 
+	tempo_dac      : out std_logic;
+	end_dac        : out std_logic;
+	codec_dac_bclk : out std_logic;                 -- B4
+	codec_dac_data : out std_logic;                 -- A4
+	codec_dac_lrck : out std_logic                  -- C6
+  );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of codec_dac is
+  constant mod_bclk : positive := integer(system_frequency/(2.0*sample_rate*real(data_width)*real(channel_num)));
+  constant mod_lrck : positive := data_width*channel_num/2;
+  type state is (wait_for_go, tx);
+  signal current_state : state;
+  signal next_state    : state;
+  signal ctr_bclk   : natural range 0 to mod_bclk-1;
+  signal ctr_lrck   : natural range 0 to mod_lrck-1;
+  signal reg_data   : std_logic_vector(data_in'range);
+  signal cmd_data   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal bclk       : std_logic;
+  signal lrck       : std_logic;
+  signal end_bit    : std_logic;
+  codec_dac_bclk <= bclk;
+  codec_dac_lrck <= lrck;
+  codec_dac_data <= reg_data(reg_data'low);
+  tempo_dac      <= end_bit;
+  end_bit        <= '0' when (ctr_bclk< mod_bclk-1) or bclk='0' 
+                    else '1';
+  -- registers and counters
+  process(clk, resetn) is
+  begin
+    if resetn ='0' then
+	  bclk     <= '0';
+	  lrck     <= '0';
+	  reg_data <= (others => '0');
+	  ctr_bclk <= 0;
+	  ctr_lrck <= 0;
+	  current_state <= wait_for_go;
+    	elsif rising_edge(clk) then 
+    	  current_state <= next_state;
+    	  if ctr_bclk< mod_bclk-1 then
+    	    ctr_bclk <= ctr_bclk+1;
+    	  else
+    	    ctr_bclk <= 0;	 
+    	    bclk     <=not bclk;    
+    	  end if;
+    	  --  data register
+    	  case cmd_data is
+    	    when "10"    => reg_data <= data_in;
+    	    when "11"    => reg_data <= '0'&reg_data(reg_data'high downto 1);
+    	    when others  => null;
+    	  end case;
+    	  if end_bit = '1' then 
+    	    if ctr_lrck < mod_lrck-1 then
+    	      ctr_lrck  <= ctr_lrck +1;
+    	    else
+    		    ctr_lrck  <= 0;
+    		    lrck      <= not lrck;
+    	    end if;
+    	  end if;
+    	end if;
+	end process;
+  process(current_state,go,end_bit, ctr_lrck) is
+  begin
+    next_state <= current_state;
+    cmd_data   <= "00";
+    end_dac    <= '1';
+    case current_state is
+      when wait_for_go => if go = '1' then 
+                            next_state <= tx;
+                            cmd_data   <= "10";
+                          end if;
+      when tx          => if end_bit='1' then                            
+                            if ctr_lrck >= mod_lrck-1 then 
+                              if go ='0' then 
+                                next_state <= wait_for_go;
+                              else
+                                cmd_data   <= "10";
+                              end if;
+                            else 
+                              cmd_data   <= "11";  
+                            end if;
+                          end if;
+                          end_dac    <= '0';                          
+    end case;
+  end process;
+end architecture;
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/dds_sinus.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/dds_sinus.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d47f290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/dds_sinus.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+--         DDS : sinus
+-- creation     : A. Exertier, 06/2009
+-- modification : A. Exertier, 12/2011
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+--                GENERIC PARAMETER
+-- N_data         : output data number of bits
+-- M              : phase accumulator precision
+-- amplitude      : sinus amplitude 
+--                  should be < 2**N_data
+--                INPUTS
+-- clk            : clock
+-- resetn         : asynchronous reset (active low)
+-- incr_step      : incrementation step (N_adr_ROM bits)
+--                  => sinus frequency
+--                OUTPUT
+-- dds_out        : output data (N_data bits)
+entity dds_sinus is 
+  generic(
+    N_data     : positive := 16;
+    M          : positive := 12
+  );
+  port (    
+    resetn      : in  std_logic;
+    clk         : in  std_logic;
+    en          : in  std_logic;
+    incr_step   : in  std_logic_vector(M-1      downto 0);
+    dds_out     : out std_logic_vector(N_data-1 downto 0)
+    );
+end dds_sinus;
+architecture RTL of dds_sinus is
+  constant amplitude   : positive :=2**(N_data-1)-1;
+  constant N_adr_ROM   : positive := M-2;
+  constant middle      : unsigned (N_data-1 downto 0) := to_unsigned(2**(dds_out'length-1),dds_out'length); --(N_data-1=>'1', others => '0');
+  signal counter       : unsigned(N_adr_ROM+1 downto 0);  
+  signal address_sinus : std_logic_vector(N_adr_ROM-1 downto 0);
+  signal data_sinus    : std_logic_vector(N_data-2 downto 0);
+  signal dds_out_int   : std_logic_vector(dds_out'range);
+  begin
+--   counter & output register
+ process(resetn, clk) is
+ begin
+     if resetn = '0'        then 
+       counter               <= (others => '0');
+       dds_out               <= (others => '0');
+       dds_out(dds_out'high) <= '1';
+     elsif rising_edge(clk) then 
+       if en = '1' then 
+         counter  <= counter+unsigned(incr_step);
+         dds_out  <= dds_out_int;  
+       end if;   
+     end if;
+ end process;
+-- address & signed output
+address_sinus <= std_logic_vector(counter(address_sinus'range)) 
+                  when counter <2**(N_adr_ROM) or (counter >= 2**(N_adr_ROM+1) and counter <2**(N_adr_ROM)*3)
+          else std_logic_vector(2**(N_adr_ROM)-1 - counter(address_sinus'range)) ;
+dds_out_int <= std_logic_vector(middle - unsigned(data_sinus)) 
+	               when  (counter >=(2**(N_adr_ROM+1)) + unsigned(incr_step)) or (counter <unsigned(incr_step))
+	             else  std_logic_vector(middle + unsigned(data_sinus));
+--        sinus : fonction tabulee du quart de sinus
+tab_sinus: entity work.rom_sinus 
+  generic map (
+    N_data     => N_data,
+    N_adr_ROM  => N_adr_ROM,
+    amplitude  => amplitude
+  )  
+  port map(		   
+    address   => address_sinus,
+    clk       => clk, 
+    data      => data_sinus
+  );
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/i2c_master.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/i2c_master.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/i2c_master.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity i2C_master is  
+  generic (
+    system_frequency   : real := 50.0E6;   -- 50 MHz
+	  i2c_rate           : real := 20.0E3    -- 20 kHz	
+  );
+  port (
+    clk     : in    std_logic;
+	  resetn  : in    std_logic;
+  	 go      : in    std_logic;
+   	ready   : out   std_logic;
+	  data_in : in    std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- adress & command & data
+	  ack     : out   std_logic;
+	  -- i2c 
+	  i2c_scl : out   std_logic;              -- A6
+	  i2c_sda : inout std_logic               -- B6
+  );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of i2c_master is
+  constant mod_ctr_tempo : positive := integer(system_frequency/(2.0*i2c_rate));
+  constant mod_ctr_bit   : positive := 35;
+  type state is (wait_for_go, wait_for_i2clk, tx);
+  signal current_state : state; 
+  signal next_state    : state;  
+  signal sdo           : std_logic;  
+  signal ctr_tempo     : natural range 0 to mod_ctr_tempo-1;
+  signal end_tempo     : std_logic;
+  signal ctr_bit       : natural range 0 to mod_ctr_bit-1;
+  signal ack1          : std_logic;
+  signal ack2          : std_logic;
+  signal ack3          : std_logic;
+  signal reg_data      : std_logic_vector(data_in'range);
+  signal cmd_data      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal cmd_bit       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal cmd_ack1      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal cmd_ack2      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal cmd_ack3      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal sclk          : std_logic;  
+  signal i2c_clk       : std_logic;
+  signal ready_i       : std_logic;
+ i2c_sda   <= 'Z'     when sdo = '1' 
+              else '0';
+ i2c_scl   <= '1' when sclk='1' 
+              else  not i2c_clk when (ctr_bit>=4 and ctr_bit <= 30)
+              else '0';
+ ack       <= ack1 or ack2 or ack3;	
+ end_tempo <= '0' when ctr_tempo< mod_ctr_tempo-1 else '1';
+ process(resetn, clk) is
+ begin
+   if resetn = '0'        then 
+	  i2c_clk   <= '0';
+	  ctr_tempo <= 0;
+	  ctr_bit   <= 0;
+	  reg_data  <= (others => '0');
+	  --sclk      <= '1';
+	  ACK1      <= '0';
+	  ACK2      <= '0';
+	  ACK3      <= '0'; 
+	  ready     <= '1';
+	  current_state <= wait_for_go;
+  elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+    current_state <= next_state;
+    ready         <= ready_i;
+    -- temporisation et i2_clk
+    if current_state = wait_for_go then
+       ctr_tempo <= 0;
+       i2c_clk   <= '0';
+    elsif end_tempo='0' then 
+  	    ctr_tempo <= ctr_tempo +1;
+  	 else    
+  	    ctr_tempo <= 0;
+  		   i2c_clk   <= not i2c_clk;
+  	 end if;	 
+  	 -- reg_data
+  	 case cmd_data is
+	    when "10"   => reg_data <= data_in;	                  
+	    when "11"   => reg_data <= reg_data(22 downto 0)&'0';
+	    when others => null;  
+	  end case;
+    --  ctr_bit
+    case cmd_bit is
+      when "10"   => ctr_bit <= 0;	                  
+	    when "11"   =>  if ctr_bit<mod_ctr_bit-1 then ctr_bit       <= ctr_bit+1;
+                      else                          ctr_bit       <= 0;
+                      end if;
+	    when others => null;  
+    end case;
+   -- ack1
+    case cmd_ack1 is
+	    when "10"   => ack1 <= '0';	                  
+	    when "11"   => ack1 <= '1';
+	    when others => null;  
+	  end case;
+	 -- ack2
+    case cmd_ack2 is
+	    when "10"   => ack2 <= '0';	                  
+	    when "11"   => ack2 <= '1';
+	    when others => null;  
+	  end case;
+	  -- ack1
+    case cmd_ack3 is
+	    when "10"   => ack3 <= '0';	                  
+	    when "11"   => ack3 <= '1';
+	    when others => null;  
+	  end case;
+  end if;
+end process;	   
+-- FSM
+process(current_state, end_tempo, i2c_clk, go,reg_data(23), i2c_sda,ctr_bit) is
+  next_state <= current_state;
+  ready_i    <= '0';
+  cmd_ack1   <= "00";
+  cmd_ack2   <= "00";
+  cmd_ack3   <= "00";
+  cmd_bit    <= "00";
+  cmd_data   <= "00";
+  sdo        <= '1';
+  sclk       <= '0';
+  case current_state is
+    when wait_for_go    => if go = '1' then next_state <=wait_for_i2clk; 
+                           end if;
+                           ready_i <= '1';                           
+                           cmd_bit    <= "10";
+                           cmd_data   <= "10";
+                           sclk       <= '1';
+    when wait_for_i2clk => if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1' then  next_state <=tx;   
+                           end if;
+                           cmd_ack1   <= "10";
+                           cmd_ack2   <= "10";
+                           cmd_ack3   <= "10";
+                           sclk       <= '1';
+    when tx             => if ctr_bit< mod_ctr_bit-1 then
+                               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then                              
+                                cmd_bit    <= "11";  
+                               end if;                                
+                           elsif end_tempo='1'then                                 
+                                next_state <= wait_for_go;                                
+                          end if;      
+                          case ctr_bit is 
+                             when      0 => sdo  <= '1'; sclk <= '1';
+                          			-- start
+                          			when      1 => sdo  <= '0'; sclk <= '0';
+                          			when      2 => sdo  <= '0'; sclk <= '0';
+                          			-- slave address
+                          			when      3 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      4 => sdo  <= reg_data(23);
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      5 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      6 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      7 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      8 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when      9 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     10 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     11 => sdo  <= '1';         -- ack
+                          			-- command
+                          			when     12 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			               if i2c_sda='1' then cmd_ack1 <= "11" ;
+                          			               else                cmd_ack1 <= "10" ;
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     13 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     14 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     15 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     16 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     17 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     18 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     19 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     20 => sdo  <= '1';         -- ack
+                          			-- data
+                          			when     21 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			               if i2c_sda='1' then cmd_ack2 <= "11" ;
+                          			               else                cmd_ack2 <= "10" ;
+                        			                 end if;                                			
+                        			  when     22 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     23 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     24 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     25 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     26 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     27 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     28 => sdo  <= reg_data(23); 
+                          			               if i2c_clk='0' and end_tempo='1'then cmd_data   <= "11";
+                        			                 end if;
+                          			when     29 => sdo  <= '1';         -- ack
+                          			--stop
+                          			when     30 => sdo  <= '0'; 
+                          			               if i2c_sda='1' then cmd_ack3 <= "11" ;
+                        			                 else                cmd_ack3 <= "10" ;
+                        			                 end if; 
+                        			                 sclk <= '0';
+                          			when     31 => sdo  <= '0'; sclk <= '1';
+                      			    when others => sdo  <= '1'; sclk <= '1';    				 
+                          end case;                               
+  end case;
+end process;
+end architecture;
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/lcd.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186aa52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+library ieee;
+  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+  use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity lcd is 
+        generic (board_frequency : real := 50_000_000.0);   
+        port( 
+        clk           : in  std_logic;                      
+        resetn        : in  std_logic;   
+        -- User Interface                 
+        ready         : out std_logic; 
+        mode          : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+        char          : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+        address       : in  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
+        write_char    : in  std_logic;
+        write_address : in  std_logic;
+        D             : in  std_logic;
+        C             : in  std_logic;
+        B             : in  std_logic;
+        -- lcd signals
+        lcd_data      : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 
+        lcd_on        : out std_logic;
+        lcd_blon      : out std_logic;
+        lcd_rs        : out std_logic;               
+        lcd_rw        : out std_logic;               
+        lcd_en        : out std_logic                 
+        );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of lcd is 
+    signal en_user      : std_logic;  
+    signal lcd_data_int : std_logic_vector(lcd_data'range);
+    signal lcd_rs_int   : std_logic;  
+    signal lcd_en_int   : std_logic;
+-- lcd
+lcd_on   <= '1';
+lcd_blon <= '1';
+  ctrl :   entity work.lcd_Controller
+    port map( 
+        Clk           => clk,
+        resetn        => resetn,
+        en_250kHz     => en_user,
+        char          => char,
+        D             => D,
+        C             => C,
+        B             => B,
+        write_char    => write_char,
+        mode          => mode,
+        address       => address,
+        write_address => write_address,
+        ready         => ready,
+        lcd_data      => lcd_data_int,
+        lcd_RS        => lcd_rs_int,
+        lcd_RW        => lcd_rw,
+        lcd_EN        => lcd_en_int
+        );
+ck : entity work.clock_divider
+  generic map (board_frequency => 50_000_000.0,
+               user_frequency  => 250_000.0 )
+  port map ( 
+       clk => clk,
+       resetn => resetn,
+       en_user => en_user
+  );     
+       process(resetn,clk) is          
+       begin
+            if resetn = '0' then               
+              lcd_data <= (others => '0');
+              lcd_rs   <= '0';
+              lcd_en   <= '0';                     
+            elsif rising_edge (clk) then                
+              lcd_data <= lcd_data_int;
+              lcd_rs   <= lcd_rs_int;
+              lcd_en   <= lcd_en_int;
+            end if;            
+       end process;  
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_controller.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_controller.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0818db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_controller.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+--             LCD 2 lines controller                  
+--               8 bits interface                       --
+-- Creation : A. Exertier, mars 2008
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+--                    INPUTS
+-- clk        : system clock
+-- resetn     : aynchronous active low reset
+-- en_250kHz  : enable at 250 kHz (lasts 1 clock cycle)
+-- char       : input ASCII character
+-- write_char : write character command
+-- ready      : set to 1 when device is ready for a writing
+--                    OUTPUTS
+-- LCD_DATA  : ASCII data to LCD
+-- LCD_RS    : RS to LCD
+-- LCD_RW    : Read/write to LCD
+-- LCD_EN    : Enable to LCD
+Entity LCD_controller is
+     port( 
+        clk           : in std_logic;
+        resetn        : in std_logic;
+        en_250kHz     : in std_logic;                     
+        mode          : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+        char          : in  std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);  
+        address       : in  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
+        write_char    : in  std_logic;   
+        write_address : in  std_logic;
+        ready         : out std_logic;  
+        D             : in  std_logic;
+        C             : in  std_logic;
+        B             : in  std_logic;
+        -- LCD signals
+        LCD_data      : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+        LCD_RS        : out   std_logic;
+        LCD_RW        : out   std_logic;
+        LCD_EN        : out   std_logic 
+        );
+end LCD_Controller;
+Architecture RTL of LCD_Controller is
+  type State_type is (Boot, FunctionSet, DisplayControl, EntryModeSet, Clear,
+                      Address_set, Waiting, Verify, Putchar, Homecursor,
+                      WriteAddress, WriteData);
+  signal present : State_type;
+  signal future  : State_type;
+-- Timing Constants :
+  constant T_30ms       : integer := 30_000/4; -- 7500;  -- 30 ms
+  constant T_2ms        : integer := 2_000/4;  --500;   -- 2 ms
+  constant T_40us       : integer := 12;    -- > 39 us after E down
+  constant En_delay     : integer := 1;  -- 8 us 
+  constant LastPosition : integer := 16;
+-- CLEAR DisplayControl
+  constant CLR   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001";
+  constant RET_HOME : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000010"; -- 0000001x
+  -- DDRAM address to 0 (beginning of first line)
+  constant ENTRY_MODE   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000110";  -- 0000 01 I/D S
+  -- I/D : 1 => Increment, 0 => Decrement
+  -- S   : 1 => DisplayControl shift
+  constant FUNC_SET   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00111100";  -- 001 DL N F xx
+  -- DL : 1 => 8 bits,    0 => 4 bits
+  -- N  : 1 => 2 lines,   0 => 1 line
+  -- F  : 1 => 5x10 dots, 0 => 5x8 dots
+-- DisplayControl ON/OFF CONTROL
+  constant DON   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00001110"; -- 0000 1 D C B
+  -- D : 1 => Display on
+  -- C : 1 => Cursor on
+  -- B : 1 => Cursor blink on  
+  constant RET_LINE2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "11000000"; 
+  -- set DDRAM  address to 32 (beginning of second line)  
+  constant RET_LINE1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "10000000";
+  -- set DDRAM  address to 0 (beginning of first line)
+ signal Position : natural range 0 to 2*LastPosition;
+  signal Count    : natural range 0 to T_30ms;
+  signal inc_C    : std_logic;
+  signal cmd_P    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  --signal reset_P  : std_logic;
+  signal test_EN  : std_logic;
+  signal test_T_40us      : std_logic;
+  begin
+  LCD_RW <= '0';                       
+process (Clk, resetn)
+     begin
+     if resetn = '0' then 
+     	present  <= Boot;
+    	position <= 0;
+    	count    <= 0;
+     elsif rising_edge(clk) then
+     	if en_250kHz = '1' then 
+     		present <= future;
+     		if inc_C = '1' then count <= count+1;
+     		else count <= 0;
+     		end if;
+      		case cmd_P is
+       			when "00"     => position <= 0;
+				when "01"     => if position >= 31 then position <= 0;
+                         		 else                   position <= position+1;
+                         		 end if;
+        		when "10"     => if    address(6 downto 4) = "000" then position <= to_integer(unsigned(address(3 downto 0)));
+                         		 elsif address(6 downto 4) = "100" then position <= to_integer(unsigned(address(3 downto 0)))+16;
+                         		 else                                   position <= 0;
+                         		 end if;
+        		when others   => null;
+      		end case;      
+        end if;
+      end if;  
+  end process;
+test_EN          <= '1' when Count = En_delay else '0';
+test_T_40us      <= '1' when count >= T_40us  else '0';
+ process(present, Write_char, mode, write_address, count, Position,char,
+        address,test_EN, test_T_40us     , D, C, b) is
+ begin
+ 	future   <=  present;
+ 	inc_C    <= '1';
+ 	cmd_P    <= "11";
+ 	ready    <= '0';
+ 	LCD_RS   <= '0';
+ 	LCD_EN   <= '0';
+ 	LCD_data <= X"00";
+ 	case present is
+		when Boot 			=>  -- Wait for 30 ms               
+			if Count = T_30ms then 
+ 				future <= FunctionSet;
+ 				inc_C <= '0';
+ 			end if;
+            cmd_P <= "00";
+		when FunctionSet 	=> 	--  Function Set
+			LCD_data  <= FUNC_SET;            
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= EntryModeSet;
+				inc_C <= '0';
+			end if;
+			cmd_P <= "00";
+		when EntryModeSet 	=> --  Entry Mode Set
+			LCD_data  <= ENTRY_MODE;
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= DisplayControl;
+				inc_C <= '0';
+			end if;
+			cmd_P <= "00";
+		when DisplayControl =>
+			-- Display ON/OFF control
+			LCD_data  <= DON(7 downto 3)&D&C&B;
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= Clear;
+				inc_C <= '0';
+			end if;
+			cmd_P <= "00";
+		when Clear =>
+			-- Clear Display
+			LCD_data <= CLR;
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if Count >= T_2ms then
+				inc_C <= '0';
+				future <= Address_set;
+			end if;						
+			cmd_P <= "00";
+		when Address_set =>         
+			-- DDRAM address set
+			LCD_data  <= RET_LINE1;
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= Waiting;
+				inc_C <= '0';				
+			end if;			
+			cmd_P <= "00";
+		when Waiting =>               
+			-- Waits for input
+			if mode (1) = '1' then 
+				if write_address = '1' then future <= WriteAddress;
+				elsif write_char = '1' then future <= WriteData;
+				end if;
+			elsif write_char = '1' then              
+				if  char = x"0C" then future <= Clear; 
+            	else                  future <= Putchar;
+				end if;
+			end if;
+			ready     <= '1';
+			inc_C     <= '0';
+		when WriteAddress =>
+			-- Set CGRAM/DDRAM Address
+			if mode(0) = '0' then LCD_data <= '1'&address;
+			else                  LCD_data <= "01"&address(5 downto 0);
+			end if;
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= Waiting;
+				inc_C <= '0';             
+			end if;
+			cmd_P <= "10";
+		when WriteData =>  
+			-- Write data to CGRAM or DDRAM
+			LCD_RS    <= '1';
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			LCD_DATA  <= char;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				future <= Waiting;
+				inc_C <= '0';
+				cmd_P <= "01";									 
+			end if;
+		when Verify =>
+			if char = x"0C" then  -- FormFeed => Clear Screen
+				 future <= Clear;
+			else future     <= Putchar;
+			end if;
+			inc_C      <= '0';
+			LCD_data   <= char;
+		when Putchar =>
+			-- Display character on the LCD
+			LCD_RS <= '1';
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+				if Position = 15 or Position = 31 then 
+					 future <= HomeCursor;
+				else future <= Waiting;
+					 cmd_P     <= "01";
+				end if;
+				inc_C     <= '0';
+			end if;
+			LCD_data   <= char;
+		when HomeCursor =>
+			LCD_EN    <= test_EN;
+			if Position = 31 then LCD_data <= RET_LINE1; --RET_HOME;
+			else                  LCD_data <= RET_LINE2;
+			end if;
+			if test_T_40us      = '1' then
+					--if Count >= T_2ms     then
+				if Position = 31 then cmd_P <= "00";
+				else                  cmd_P <= "01";
+				end if;
+				future  <= Waiting;
+				inc_C   <= '0';            
+			end if;
+		end case;
+ end process;
+end RTL;
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_message.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_message.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7784055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/lcd_message.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+library ieee;
+  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+  use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity lcd_message is 
+        port( 
+        clk          : in std_logic;                      
+        resetn       : in  std_logic;      -- KEY0   
+        -- LCD signals
+        LCD_DATA   : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 
+        LCD_ON     : out std_logic;
+        LCD_BLON   : out std_logic;
+        LCD_RS     : out std_logic;               
+        LCD_RW     : out std_logic;               
+        LCD_EN     : out std_logic                 
+        );
+end entity;
+architecture RTL of lcd_message is
+   constant board_frequency : real := 50_000_000.0;
+	constant mode          : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
+	constant address       : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0):= "0000000";
+	constant char          : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= X"00";
+   constant write_char    : std_logic:='1';
+   constant write_address : std_logic:='1';
+   constant   go           : std_logic:='0';      
+	type state is (boot, message1,message2, waiting,write1,write2, reset1, reset2);
+	signal present    : state;
+	signal future     : state;    
+    signal lcd_write_char    : std_logic;
+    signal lcd_write_address : std_logic;
+    signal Din        : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
+    signal lcd_char   : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
+    signal lcd_ready  : std_logic;
+    signal cpt        : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+    signal inc_cpt    : std_logic;
+    signal lcd_mode   : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    signal lcd_address : std_logic_vector(address'range);
+-- LCD
+  dut :   entity work.LCD
+    generic map (board_frequency => board_frequency)
+    port map( 
+        Clk         => clk,
+        resetn      => resetn,
+        D             => '1',
+        C             => '0',
+        B             => '0',
+        char          => lcd_char,
+        write_char    => lcd_write_char,
+        mode          => lcd_mode,
+        address       => lcd_address,
+        write_address => lcd_write_address,
+        ready         => lcd_ready,
+        LCD_ON        => LCD_ON,
+        LCD_BLON      => LCD_BLON,
+        LCD_data      => LCD_DATA,
+        Lcd_RS        => LCD_RS,
+        Lcd_RW        => LCD_RW,
+        Lcd_EN        => LCD_EN
+        );
+  rom : entity work.message
+  port map (
+   adr => cpt,
+   do => din
+  );
+       process(resetn,clk) is          
+       begin
+            if resetn = '0' then               
+              present <= boot;   
+              cpt     <= (others => '0');         
+            elsif rising_edge (clk) then                
+              present <= future;
+              if inc_cpt = '1' then cpt <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(cpt)+1);
+              end if;
+            end if;            
+       end process;
+  process(present, lcd_ready, cpt,Din ) is
+  begin
+    future     <= present;
+    inc_cpt    <= '0'; 
+    lcd_write_char    <= '0';
+    lcd_write_address <= '0';
+    lcd_char          <= char;
+    lcd_mode          <= mode;
+    lcd_address       <= address;
+    case present is 
+      when boot   => if lcd_ready = '1' then future <= reset1; 
+                     end if;
+                     lcd_mode <= "00";
+      when waiting    => future <= waiting;                     
+     when reset1  => lcd_write_char    <= '1';
+                     lcd_write_address <= '0';
+                     lcd_char          <= X"0C";  
+                     lcd_address       <= "0000000";   
+                     lcd_mode          <= "00";           
+                     if lcd_ready = '0' then future <= reset2;     
+                     end if;  
+     when reset2  => if lcd_ready = '1' then future <= message1;     
+                     end if;       
+     when message1 => if lcd_ready = '0' then future <= message2; 
+                     end if;
+                     lcd_write_char <= '1';
+                     lcd_mode       <= "00";
+                     lcd_char       <= Din;
+     when message2 => if lcd_ready = '1' then 
+                        if unsigned (cpt) <31 then future <= message1; 
+                        else future <= waiting;
+                        end if;
+                        inc_cpt <= '1';
+                     end if;
+                     lcd_mode <= "00";
+                     lcd_char <= Din;
+     when write1  =>  lcd_write_char    <= not write_char;
+                      lcd_write_address <= not write_address;
+                      lcd_char          <= char;                      
+                     if lcd_ready = '0' then future <= write2;   
+                     end if;  
+     when write2  => if  write_char= '1' and write_address = '1' and lcd_ready= '1' then
+                      future <= waiting ;
+                     end if; 
+    end case;
+  end process; 
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/message.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/message.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09988e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/message.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Message 32 characteres ASCII
+-- ESIEE, JPO 2008
+-- Bienvenue
+-- Creation     : A. Exertier, mars 2008
+-- Modification : A. Exertier, avril 2013
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity message is
+port (
+	adr : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+	do : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
+	);
+end entity;
+architecture RTL of message is
+  type contenu is array (0 to 31) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+  constant mes : contenu := (
+  -- 1ere ligne (de 15 caracteres)
+  -- Mettre le code ASCII (en hexadecimal) de chaque caractère
+  -- exemple T => 54 (en hexadecimal)
+  -- 0=> X"54", indique que le 1er caractere (n°0) est un T
+  -- Modifier les valeurs ASCII ci-dessous
+	0  => X"54",  -- T
+	1  => X"68",  -- h
+	2  => X"65",  -- e
+	3  => X"20",  -- 
+	4  => X"44",  -- D
+	5  => X"72",  -- r
+	6  => X"65",  -- e
+	7  => X"61",  -- a
+	8  => X"6D",  -- m
+	9  => X"20",  --  
+	10 => X"54",  -- T
+	11 => X"65",  -- e
+	12 => X"61",  -- a
+	13 => X"6D",  -- m
+	14 => X"20",  --  
+	15 => X"3A",  -- :
+  -- 2eme ligne (de 15 caracteres)
+	16 => X"43",  -- C
+	17 => X"6F",  -- o
+	18 => X"72",  -- r
+	19 => X"69",  -- i
+	20 => X"6E",  -- n
+	21 => X"6E",  -- n
+	22 => X"65",  -- e
+	23 => X"20",  --  
+	24 => X"65",  -- e
+	25 => X"74",  -- t
+	26 => X"20",  --  
+	27 => X"41",  -- A
+	28 => X"6E",  -- n
+	29 => X"6E",  -- n 
+	30 => X"65",  -- e 
+	31 => X"21"   -- !
+  -- ne plus rien modifier en dessous de cette ligne
+	);
+  do <= mes(to_integer(unsigned(adr)));
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/rom_sinus.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/rom_sinus.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3ce2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/rom_sinus.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+-- creation     : A. Exertier, 06/2009
+-- modification : A. Exertier, 12/2011
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use ieee.math_real.all;
+--                GENERIC PARAMETER
+-- N_data         : output data number of bits
+-- N_adr_ROM      : address number of bits
+-- amplitude      : sinus amplitude 
+--                  should be < 2**N_data
+--                INPUTS
+-- clk            : clock
+-- address        : ROM address
+--                OUTPUT
+-- data           : output data
+entity rom_sinus is 
+  generic ( 
+  N_data    : natural := 14;
+  N_adr_ROM : natural := 8;
+  amplitude : natural := 1024
+  );
+  port (
+  clk     : in  std_logic;
+  address : in  std_logic_vector(N_adr_ROM-1 downto 0);
+  data    : out std_logic_vector(N_data-2 downto 0));	
+end entity rom_sinus; 	    
+architecture RTL of rom_sinus is
+  subtype DAC_data_type   is std_logic_vector (N_data-2 downto 0);
+  type memory_type is array (0 to 2**N_adr_ROM-1) of DAC_data_type;
+ function sinus_tabule  return memory_type is
+  variable temp : memory_type;
+  variable sinus_real : real;
+ begin
+  for i in 0 to 2**N_adr_ROM-1 loop
+      sinus_real := real(amplitude)*(sin(math_pi_over_2 * real(i)/real(2**N_adr_ROM)));
+      if integer(sinus_real)= 2**(N_data-1) then
+        temp(i) := (others => '1');
+      else
+      temp(i) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(sinus_real), N_data-1));
+      end if;
+  end loop; 
+  return temp;
+ end sinus_tabule;     
+  constant memory_values : memory_type := sinus_tabule;
+    process(clk) is
+     begin 
+       if rising_edge(clk) then data<= memory_values(to_integer(unsigned(address)));           
+       end if;
+   end process;
+end RTL;
diff --git a/FPGA/vhdl/seven_segment_decoder.vhd b/FPGA/vhdl/seven_segment_decoder.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8852319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FPGA/vhdl/seven_segment_decoder.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+-- decodeur 7 segments
+-- Creation     : A. Exertier, novembre 2004
+-- Modification : A. Exertier, decembre 2011
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+--            Parametre generique
+-- active_low : true  => segment allume par 0
+--              false => segment allume par 1
+--           Entrees/sorties
+-- hexa 	    : entree code hexadacimal (4 bits)
+-- abcdefg   : sortie 7 segments
+--		a : segment horizontal superieur
+--      a est le MSB de abcdefg
+--		b : segment vertical superieur droit
+--		c : segment vertical inferieur droit
+--		d : segment horizontal inferieur
+--		e : segment vertical indefieur gauche
+--		f : segment vertical superieur gauche
+--		g : segment horizontal milieu
+entity seven_segment_decoder  is
+  generic (active_low : boolean := true);
+  port (hexa    : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+        hex     : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
+end ;
+architecture RTL of  seven_segment_decoder is
+  signal segments : std_logic_vector(hex'range);
+  signal abcdefg  : std_logic_vector(hex'range);
+ abcdefg <= segments when active_low else  not segments;
+ process(abcdefg) is
+ begin
+   for i in hex'range loop
+	   hex(i) <= abcdefg(hex'length-1-i);
+	end loop;
+ end process;
+ process(hexa)
+ begin
+  case hexa is
+    when "0000" => segments <= "0000001";  -- 0
+    when "0001" => segments <= "1001111";  -- 1
+    when "0010" => segments <= "0010010";  -- 2
+    when "0011" => segments <= "0000110";  -- 3
+    when "0100" => segments <= "1001100";  -- 4
+    when "0101" => segments <= "0100100";  -- 5
+    when "0110" => segments <= "0100000";  -- 6
+    when "0111" => segments <= "0001111";  -- 7
+    when "1000" => segments <= "0000000";  -- 8
+    when "1001" => segments <= "0000100";  -- 9
+    when "1010" => segments <= "0001000";  -- A
+    when "1011" => segments <= "1100000";  -- B
+    when "1100" => segments <= "0110001";  -- C
+    when "1101" => segments <= "1000010";  -- D
+    when "1110" => segments <= "0110000";  -- E
+    when "1111" => segments <= "0111000";  -- F
+    when others => segments <= "1111111";
+  end case;
+ end process;
+end ;
cgit v1.2.3