From ab2f076c5bf546f8aca9910b2b61a1b5a67361bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pacien
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 18:39:47 +0100
Subject: compiler: distinguish item and resource paths
GitHub: closes #13
compiler/src/Compiler.hs | 5 ++-
compiler/src/Files.hs | 2 +-
compiler/src/Processors.hs | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
compiler/src/Resource.hs | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
4 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
(limited to 'compiler')
diff --git a/compiler/src/Compiler.hs b/compiler/src/Compiler.hs
index b9f52e5..d0ec003 100644
--- a/compiler/src/Compiler.hs
+++ b/compiler/src/Compiler.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Files
, ensureParentDir
, isOutdated )
import Processors
- ( dirFileProcessor, itemFileProcessor, thumbnailFileProcessor
+ ( itemFileProcessor, thumbnailFileProcessor
, skipCached, withCached )
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ compileGallery inputDirPath outputDirPath rebuildAll =
let itemProc = itemProcessor (pictureMaxResolution config) cache
let thumbnailProc = thumbnailProcessor (thumbnailMaxResolution config) cache
- let galleryBuilder = buildGalleryTree dirProcessor itemProc thumbnailProc (implicitDirectoryTag config)
+ let galleryBuilder = buildGalleryTree itemProc thumbnailProc (implicitDirectoryTag config)
resources <- galleryBuilder (galleryName config) inputTree
galleryCleanupResourceDir resources outputDirPath
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ compileGallery inputDirPath outputDirPath rebuildAll =
outputIndex = outputDirPath > indexFile
outputViewerConf = outputDirPath > viewerConfFile
- dirProcessor = dirFileProcessor inputDirPath outputDirPath itemsDir
itemProcessor maxRes cache =
itemFileProcessor maxRes cache inputDirPath outputDirPath itemsDir
thumbnailProcessor thumbRes cache =
diff --git a/compiler/src/Files.hs b/compiler/src/Files.hs
index 51e97e6..41fc5a8 100644
--- a/compiler/src/Files.hs
+++ b/compiler/src/Files.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-- along with this program. If not, see .
module Files
- ( FileName, LocalPath, WebPath, Path
+ ( FileName, LocalPath, WebPath, Path(..)
, (>), (), (/>), (<.>)
, fileName, subPaths, pathLength
, localPath, webPath
diff --git a/compiler/src/Processors.hs b/compiler/src/Processors.hs
index e10dc21..159a425 100644
--- a/compiler/src/Processors.hs
+++ b/compiler/src/Processors.hs
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@
module Processors
( Resolution(..)
- , DirFileProcessor, dirFileProcessor
, ItemFileProcessor, itemFileProcessor
, ThumbnailFileProcessor, thumbnailFileProcessor
, skipCached, withCached
) where
-import Control.Exception (Exception, PatternMatchFail(..), throw, throwIO)
+import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.Char (toLower)
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Extra -- TODO: compare DCT and bilinear (and Lanczos, but it's not implemented)
import Resource
- ( DirProcessor, ItemProcessor, ThumbnailProcessor
+ ( ItemProcessor, ThumbnailProcessor
, GalleryItemProps(..), Resolution(..) )
import Files
@@ -47,22 +46,27 @@ import Files
data ProcessingException = ProcessingException FilePath String deriving Show
instance Exception ProcessingException
-data Format =
- Bmp | Jpg | Png | Tiff | Hdr -- static images
- | Gif -- TODO: might be animated
- | Unknown
+data PictureFileFormat = Bmp | Jpg | Png | Tiff | Hdr | Gif
+-- TODO: handle video, music, text...
+data Format = PictureFormat PictureFileFormat | Unknown
formatFromPath :: Path -> Format
-formatFromPath = maybe Unknown fromExt . fmap (map toLower) . fmap takeExtension . fileName
+formatFromPath =
+ maybe Unknown fromExt
+ . fmap (map toLower)
+ . fmap takeExtension
+ . fileName
fromExt :: String -> Format
- fromExt ".bmp" = Bmp
- fromExt ".jpg" = Jpg
- fromExt ".jpeg" = Jpg
- fromExt ".png" = Png
- fromExt ".tiff" = Tiff
- fromExt ".hdr" = Hdr
- fromExt ".gif" = Gif
+ fromExt ".bmp" = PictureFormat Bmp
+ fromExt ".jpg" = PictureFormat Jpg
+ fromExt ".jpeg" = PictureFormat Jpg
+ fromExt ".png" = PictureFormat Png
+ fromExt ".tiff" = PictureFormat Tiff
+ fromExt ".hdr" = PictureFormat Hdr
+ fromExt ".gif" = PictureFormat Gif
fromExt _ = Unknown
@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ copyFileProcessor inputPath outputPath =
(putStrLn $ "Copying:\t" ++ outputPath)
>> ensureParentDir (flip System.Directory.copyFile) outputPath inputPath
-resizeStaticImageUpTo :: Format -> Resolution -> FileProcessor
+resizeStaticImageUpTo :: PictureFileFormat -> Resolution -> FileProcessor
resizeStaticImageUpTo Bmp = resizeStaticGeneric readBitmap saveBmpImage
-- TODO: parameterise export quality for jpg
resizeStaticImageUpTo Jpg = resizeStaticGeneric readJpeg (saveJpgImage 80)
@@ -89,7 +93,6 @@ resizeStaticImageUpTo Gif = resizeStaticGeneric readGif saveGifImage'
saveGifImage' outputPath image =
saveGifImage outputPath image
& either (throwIO . ProcessingException outputPath) id
-resizeStaticImageUpTo _ = throw $ PatternMatchFail "Unhandled format"
type StaticImageReader = FilePath -> IO (Either String DynamicImage)
@@ -143,16 +146,6 @@ withCached processor inputPath outputPath =
skip = putStrLn $ "Skipping:\t" ++ outputPath
-type DirFileProcessor =
- FileName -- ^ Input base path
- -> FileName -- ^ Output base path
- -> FileName -- ^ Output class (subdir)
- -> DirProcessor
-dirFileProcessor :: DirFileProcessor
-dirFileProcessor _ _ = (.) return . (/>)
type ItemFileProcessor =
FileName -- ^ Input base path
-> FileName -- ^ Output base path
@@ -162,22 +155,22 @@ type ItemFileProcessor =
itemFileProcessor :: Maybe Resolution -> Cache -> ItemFileProcessor
itemFileProcessor maxResolution cached inputBase outputBase resClass inputRes =
cached processor inPath outPath
- >> return (relOutPath, props)
+ >> return (props relOutPath)
relOutPath = resClass /> inputRes
inPath = localPath $ inputBase /> inputRes
outPath = localPath $ outputBase /> relOutPath
- (processor, props) = formatProcessor maxResolution $ formatFromPath inputRes
+ (processor, props) = processorFor maxResolution $ formatFromPath inputRes
- formatProcessor :: Maybe Resolution -> Format -> (FileProcessor, GalleryItemProps)
- formatProcessor Nothing _ = (copyFileProcessor, Other)
- formatProcessor (Just maxRes) Bmp = (resizeStaticImageUpTo Bmp maxRes, Picture)
- formatProcessor (Just maxRes) Jpg = (resizeStaticImageUpTo Jpg maxRes, Picture)
- formatProcessor (Just maxRes) Png = (resizeStaticImageUpTo Png maxRes, Picture)
- formatProcessor (Just maxRes) Tiff = (resizeStaticImageUpTo Tiff maxRes, Picture)
- formatProcessor (Just maxRes) Hdr = (resizeStaticImageUpTo Hdr maxRes, Picture)
- formatProcessor _ Gif = (copyFileProcessor, Other) -- TODO: handle animated gif resizing
- formatProcessor _ Unknown = (copyFileProcessor, Other) -- TODO: handle video reencoding and others?
+ processorFor :: Maybe Resolution -> Format -> (FileProcessor, Path -> GalleryItemProps)
+ processorFor Nothing _ =
+ (copyFileProcessor, Other)
+ processorFor _ (PictureFormat Gif) =
+ (copyFileProcessor, Picture) -- TODO: handle animated gif resizing
+ processorFor (Just maxRes) (PictureFormat picFormat) =
+ (resizeStaticImageUpTo picFormat maxRes, Picture)
+ processorFor _ Unknown =
+ (copyFileProcessor, Other) -- TODO: handle video reencoding and others?
type ThumbnailFileProcessor =
@@ -188,7 +181,7 @@ type ThumbnailFileProcessor =
thumbnailFileProcessor :: Resolution -> Cache -> ThumbnailFileProcessor
thumbnailFileProcessor maxRes cached inputBase outputBase resClass inputRes =
- cached <$> processor (formatFromPath inputRes)
+ cached <$> processorFor (formatFromPath inputRes)
& process
relOutPath = resClass /> inputRes
@@ -201,11 +194,8 @@ thumbnailFileProcessor maxRes cached inputBase outputBase resClass inputRes =
proc inPath outPath
>> return (Just relOutPath)
- processor :: Format -> Maybe FileProcessor
- processor Bmp = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Bmp maxRes
- processor Jpg = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Jpg maxRes
- processor Png = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Png maxRes
- processor Tiff = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Tiff maxRes
- processor Hdr = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Hdr maxRes
- processor Gif = Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo Gif maxRes -- static thumbnail from first frame
- processor _ = Nothing
+ processorFor :: Format -> Maybe FileProcessor
+ processorFor (PictureFormat picFormat) =
+ Just $ resizeStaticImageUpTo picFormat maxRes
+ processorFor _ =
+ Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/src/Resource.hs b/compiler/src/Resource.hs
index 19bd32c..2019418 100644
--- a/compiler/src/Resource.hs
+++ b/compiler/src/Resource.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-- along with this program. If not, see .
module Resource
- ( DirProcessor, ItemProcessor, ThumbnailProcessor
+ ( ItemProcessor, ThumbnailProcessor
, GalleryItem(..), GalleryItemProps(..), Resolution(..)
, buildGalleryTree, galleryCleanupResourceDir
) where
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global (parallel)
import Data.List ((\\), sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Char (toLower)
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, maybeToList)
+import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@@ -63,8 +64,8 @@ instance ToJSON Resolution where
data GalleryItemProps =
Directory { items :: [GalleryItem] }
- | Picture
- | Other
+ | Picture { resource :: Path }
+ | Other { resource :: Path }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON GalleryItemProps where
@@ -87,53 +88,60 @@ instance ToJSON GalleryItem where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding encodingOptions
-type DirProcessor = Path -> IO Path
-type ItemProcessor = Path -> IO (Path, GalleryItemProps)
+type ItemProcessor = Path -> IO GalleryItemProps
type ThumbnailProcessor = Path -> IO (Maybe Path)
buildGalleryTree ::
- DirProcessor -> ItemProcessor -> ThumbnailProcessor
+ ItemProcessor -> ThumbnailProcessor
-> Bool -> String -> InputTree -> IO GalleryItem
-buildGalleryTree processDir processItem processThumbnail addDirTag galleryName inputTree =
- mkGalleryItem Nothing inputTree >>= return . named galleryName
+buildGalleryTree processItem processThumbnail addDirTag galleryName inputTree =
+ mkGalleryItem (Path []) inputTree >>= return . named galleryName
named :: String -> GalleryItem -> GalleryItem
named name item = item { title = name }
- mkGalleryItem :: Maybe String -> InputTree -> IO GalleryItem
- mkGalleryItem parent InputFile{path, sidecar} =
+ mkGalleryItem :: Path -> InputTree -> IO GalleryItem
+ mkGalleryItem parents InputFile{path, sidecar} =
- (processedItemPath, properties) <- processItem path
+ properties <- processItem path
processedThumbnail <- processThumbnail path
return GalleryItem
- { title = optMeta title $ fromMaybe "" $ fileName path
+ { title = itemTitle
, date = optMeta date "" -- TODO: check and normalise dates
, description = optMeta description ""
- , tags = (optMeta tags []) ++ implicitParentTag parent
- , path = processedItemPath
+ , tags = (optMeta tags []) ++ implicitParentTag parents
+ , path = parents itemTitle
, thumbnail = processedThumbnail
, properties = properties } -- TODO
+ itemTitle :: String
+ itemTitle = optMeta title $ fromMaybe "" $ fileName path
optMeta :: (Sidecar -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
optMeta get fallback = fromMaybe fallback $ get sidecar
- mkGalleryItem parent InputDir{path, dirThumbnailPath, items} =
+ mkGalleryItem parents InputDir{path, dirThumbnailPath, items} =
- processedDir <- processDir path
processedThumbnail <- maybeThumbnail dirThumbnailPath
- processedItems <- parallel $ map (mkGalleryItem $ fileName path) items
+ processedItems <- parallel $ map (mkGalleryItem itemPath) items
return GalleryItem
- { title = fromMaybe "" $ fileName path
+ { title = itemTitle
-- TODO: consider using the most recent item's date? what if empty?
, date = ""
-- TODO: consider allowing metadata sidecars for directories too
, description = ""
- , tags = (aggregateChildTags processedItems) ++ implicitParentTag parent
- , path = processedDir
+ , tags = (aggregateChildTags processedItems) ++ implicitParentTag parents
+ , path = itemPath
, thumbnail = processedThumbnail
, properties = Directory processedItems }
+ itemTitle :: String
+ itemTitle = fromMaybe "" $ fileName path
+ itemPath :: Path
+ itemPath = parents itemTitle
maybeThumbnail :: Maybe Path -> IO (Maybe Path)
maybeThumbnail Nothing = return Nothing
maybeThumbnail (Just thumbnailPath) = processThumbnail thumbnailPath
@@ -144,9 +152,10 @@ buildGalleryTree processDir processItem processThumbnail addDirTag galleryName i
unique :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
unique = Set.toList . Set.fromList
- implicitParentTag :: Maybe String -> [Tag]
- implicitParentTag Nothing = []
- implicitParentTag (Just parent) = if addDirTag then [parent] else []
+ implicitParentTag :: Path -> [Tag]
+ implicitParentTag parents
+ | addDirTag = maybeToList $ fileName parents
+ | otherwise = []
flattenGalleryTree :: GalleryItem -> [GalleryItem]
@@ -157,16 +166,25 @@ flattenGalleryTree simple = [simple]
galleryOutputDiff :: GalleryItem -> FSNode -> [Path]
galleryOutputDiff resources ref =
- (fsPaths ref) \\ (resPaths $ flattenGalleryTree resources)
+ (filesystemPaths ref) \\ (compiledPaths $ flattenGalleryTree resources)
- resPaths :: [GalleryItem] -> [Path]
- resPaths resList = map (path::(GalleryItem->Path)) resList ++ thumbnailPaths resList
+ filesystemPaths :: FSNode -> [Path]
+ filesystemPaths = map Files.path . tail . flattenDir
- thumbnailPaths :: [GalleryItem] -> [Path]
- thumbnailPaths = (concatMap subPaths) . (mapMaybe thumbnail)
+ compiledPaths :: [GalleryItem] -> [Path]
+ compiledPaths items =
+ resourcePaths items ++ thumbnailPaths items
+ & concatMap subPaths
- fsPaths :: FSNode -> [Path]
- fsPaths = map Files.path . tail . flattenDir
+ resourcePaths :: [GalleryItem] -> [Path]
+ resourcePaths = mapMaybe (resourcePath . properties)
+ resourcePath :: GalleryItemProps -> Maybe Path
+ resourcePath Directory{} = Nothing
+ resourcePath resourceProps = Just $ resource resourceProps
+ thumbnailPaths :: [GalleryItem] -> [Path]
+ thumbnailPaths = mapMaybe thumbnail
galleryCleanupResourceDir :: GalleryItem -> FileName -> IO ()
cgit v1.2.3