name: ldgallery-compiler version: 2.1 homepage: github: "pacien/ldgallery" license: AGPL-3 author: "Pacien TRAN-GIRARD, Guillaume FOUET" copyright: "2019-2022 Pacien TRAN-GIRARD, Guillaume FOUET" extra-source-files: - # Metadata used when publishing your package synopsis: A static generator which turns a collection of tagged pictures into a searchable web gallery category: Web description: Please see the project's website at <> dependencies: - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - containers - data-ordlist - filepath - directory - text - aeson - yaml - cmdargs - parallel-io - Glob - safe - time - process - with-utf8 default-extensions: - DuplicateRecordFields - DeriveGeneric - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveAnyClass - FlexibleContexts - NamedFieldPuns - OverloadedStrings ghc-options: - -Werror - -Wall - -Wcompat - -Widentities - -Wincomplete-uni-patterns - -Wredundant-constraints data-dir: data data-files: ["**/*"] library: source-dirs: src flags: portable: description: > Make the output binary portable. It will look in its own runtime location for its assets instead of absolute installation paths. manual: true default: false executables: ldgallery: main: Main.hs source-dirs: app ghc-options: - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - ldgallery-compiler when: - condition: flag(portable) cpp-options: -DFLAG_PORTABLE tests: ldgallery-compiler-test: main: Spec.hs source-dirs: test ghc-options: - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - ldgallery-compiler