--- pagetitle: User manual - ldgallery title: LDGALLERY(1) ldgallery user manual author: Pacien TRAN-GIRARD, Guillaume FOUET date: 2020-01-05 (v0.1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) --- # NAME ldgallery - a static web gallery generator with tags # DESCRIPTION ldgallery is a static gallery generator which turns a collection of tagged pictures into a searchable web gallery. The ldgallery compiler program processes pictures and aggregates metadata from plain text sidecar files to generate an indexed version of the gallery. It can optionally output a static web viewer along, which allows the content to be presented and searched through from a JavaScript-enabled web browser. This client-side web application does not require any special software on the server's side. # COMMAND ldgallery [\--input-dir=_./_] [\--output-dir=_./out_] [\--with-viewer] Available options are: -i, \--input-dir=_DIR_ : Gallery source directory. Defaults to the current directory. -o, \--output-dir=_DIR_ : Generated gallery output path. Defaults to ./out. -r, \--rebuild-all : Invalidate cache and recompile everything. -w, \--with-viewer : Include the static web viewer in the output. -h, \--help : Display help message. \--version : Print version information. \--numeric-version : Print just the version number. # INPUT GALLERY STRUCTURE A gallery source directory contains the gallery items and their sidecar metadata files, optionally grouped inside sub-directories. Directory thumbnails can be set by placing a picture file named "thumbnail", with any image file extension, inside of it. An example input gallery directory structure could be as follows: ``` ./example-gallery ├── DSC0001.jpg --------- a picture ├── DSC0001.jpg.yaml ---- its associated sidecar metadata file ├── Some directory ------ a directory grouping gallery items │ ├── thumbnail.jpg --- a thumbnail for its parent directory │ ├── DSC0002.jpg │ ├── DSC0002.jpg.yaml │ ├── DSC0003.jpg │ └── DSC0003.jpg.yaml └── gallery.yaml -------- gallery settings file ``` # ITEM METADATA SIDECAR Item metadata are read from sidecar files of the same name, with the ".yaml" extension appended. When a sidecar file is absent or a particular key omitted, values are set as empty or to their fallback value specified below. Metadata contained within item files themselves (e.g. Exif fields for pictures) are ignored. title : Title of the item. Defaults to the name of the file. datetime : ISO 8601 zoned date and time. Defaults to the last modification time of the file. description : Description for the item. tags : List of tags for the item. Tag groups can be defined using prefixes separated by "." (dot). # GALLERY CONFIGURATION The gallery settings reside in a file named "gallery.yaml" located at the root of the gallery's source directory. compiler.galleryName : Name of the gallery. Defaults to "Gallery". compiler.includedDirectories[] : Glob patterns of directory names to include in the gallery. Defaults to ["*"] (matches all directory names). compiler.excludedDirectories[] : Glob patterns of directory names to exclude from the gallery. Defaults to [] (none). compiler.includedFiles[] : Glob patterns of file names to include in the gallery. Defaults to ["*"] (matches all file names). compiler.excludedFiles[] : Glob patterns of file names to exclude from the gallery. Defaults to [] (none). compiler.tagsFromDirectories : How far to look at parent directories to add implicit tags. Defaults to 0. compiler.thumbnailMaxResolution.width : Maximum width in pixels of the item thumbnails, 400 by default. compiler.thumbnailMaxResolution.height : Maximum height in pixels of the item thumbnails, 400 by default. compiler.pictureMaxResolution.width : Maximum width in pixels of the picture items, unlimited by default. compiler.pictureMaxResolution.height : Maximum height in pixels of the picture items, unlimited by default. compiler.jpegExportQuality : JPEG export quality percentage as an integer, 80 by default. viewer.defaultSearchMode [TODO] : Default search view mode ("highlight" or "filter"). Defaults to "filter". viewer.defaultSearchQuery [TODO] : Default search query string. viewer.defaultSortOrder [TODO] : Default sort order ("alphanumeric", "reverse-alphanumeric", "date", "reverse-date"). Defaults to "date". viewer.tagGroups[].tag [TODO] : Tag prefix defining the tag group. viewer.tagGroups[].order [TODO] : Order in which to display tag groups. viewer.tagGroups[].colour [TODO] : Colour associated to the tag group. viewer.hiddenTags [TODO] : List of tags to hide by default. Items bearing one of those tags will not be displayed until they are being explicitly searched for. # SEE ALSO The ldgallery source code is available on <https://ldgallery.pacien.org>. Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Pacien TRAN-GIRARD and Guillaume FOUET. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>.