
import ch.epfl.maze.physical.Animal;
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Action;
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Direction;
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Vector2D;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * Handles the animation of a {@code Simulation} by extrapolating the positions
 * of animals.
 * @author EPFL
 * @author Pacien TRAN-GIRARD
public final class Animation {

     * Default number of waiting frames to display when animation is aborting.
    public static final int DEFAULT_WAITING_FRAMES = 2;

     * Maps animals identity to graphical components that will be  animated.
    private Map<Integer, GraphicComponent> mGraphMap;

     * Buffer of images of animals. Key format: "superclass.class"
    private Map<String, BufferedImage> mImages;

     * Drawing ratio variable.
    private float mRatio;

     * Control variable.
    private boolean mDone;

     * Current number of waiting frames, to prevent screen from flashing.
    private int mWaitingFrames;

     * Constructs an animation handler that will animate animals on a graphic
     * environment by extrapolating their position.
     * @param animals The {@code List} of animals that will be shown on the first
     *                frame
    public Animation(List<Animal> animals) {
        mGraphMap = new TreeMap<Integer, GraphicComponent>();
        mImages = new HashMap<String, BufferedImage>();

        // sanity check
        if (animals != null) {
            // puts default action to draw animals and loads corresponding image
            Action none = new Action(Direction.NONE);
            for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) {
                Animal animal = animals.get(i);
                BufferedImage img = loadImage(animal);
                Vector2D position = animal.getPosition().mul(Display.SQUARE_SIZE);

                mGraphMap.put(i, new GraphicComponent(img, position, none));

        // default values
        mDone = true;
        mWaitingFrames = 0;

     * Asks the animation to update an animal on the screen with a corresponding
     * action. The animal is identified by a number, so it can be overwritten in
     * case of a future update.
     * @param animal Animal to update with action
     * @param id     Unique identifier for animal
     * @param action Action that animal needs to perform
    public void update(Animal animal, int id, Action action) {
        // sanity checks
        if (action == null) {
            action = new Action(Direction.NONE, false);
        if (animal != null) {
            // retrieves BufferedImage
            String folder = animal.getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName();
            String file = animal.getClass().getSimpleName();
            BufferedImage img = mImages.get(folder + "." + file);
            if (img == null) {
                img = loadImage(animal);

            // transforms position
            Vector2D position = animal.getPosition().mul(Display.SQUARE_SIZE);

            mGraphMap.put(id, new GraphicComponent(img, position, action));

     * Asks the animation to make the animal corresponding to the identifier die
     * between two squares. This will be done by animating only half of its
     * action.
     * @param id Identifier of animal to kill
    public void updateDying(int id) {
        GraphicComponent graphComp = mGraphMap.get(id);
        if (graphComp != null) {

     * Notifies the animation that updates were done, and that it can start
     * animating from now.
    public void doneUpdating() {
        mDone = false;

     * Paints the dt-step of the animation.
     * @param dt           The elapsed time between two frames
     * @param g            The graphics environment on which the graphic components will
     *                     be painted (assumed non-null)
     * @param targetWindow The window on which the graphic components will be painted
     *                     (assumed non-null)
    public void paint(float dt, Graphics2D g, ImageObserver targetWindow) {
        mRatio += dt;
        if (mRatio > 1) {
            mRatio = 1;

        // paints every graphic component stored so far
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, GraphicComponent> entry : mGraphMap.entrySet()) {
            GraphicComponent comp = entry.getValue();
            comp.paint(mRatio, g, targetWindow);

        // decides whether the animation is done
        if (mDone || mRatio == 1 || mWaitingFrames == 1) {
            mWaitingFrames = 0;
            mDone = true;
            mRatio = 0;

        // prevents screen from flashing when aborting
        if (mWaitingFrames > 0) {

     * Determines whether the animation has finished.
     * @return <b>true</b> if the animation is done, <b>false</b> otherwise
    public boolean isDone() {
        return mDone;

     * Resets the animation with a new {@code List} of animals. If it is set to
     * {@code null}, it just informs that it needs to abort its current job. A
     * number of frames will still be painted to prevent the screen from
     * flashing.
    public void reset(List<Animal> animals) {
        if (animals != null) {
            // puts default action to draw animals
            Action none = new Action(Direction.NONE);
            for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) {
                Animal animal = animals.get(i);

                // loads corresponding image only if not already existing
                String folder = animal.getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName();
                String file = animal.getClass().getSimpleName();
                BufferedImage img = mImages.get(folder + "." + file);
                if (img == null) {
                    img = loadImage(animal);

                // transforms position
                Vector2D position = animal.getPosition().mul(Display.SQUARE_SIZE);

                mGraphMap.put(i, new GraphicComponent(img, position, none));
        mWaitingFrames = DEFAULT_WAITING_FRAMES;

     * Buffers and returns the image of an animal. It does not load its image if
     * it's already been loaded.
     * @param animal Animal whose image needs to be loaded or returned
     * @return The buffered image of the animal
    private BufferedImage loadImage(Animal animal) {
        // path = "img/superclass/class.png"
        String superClassName = animal.getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName();
        String[] superClassComponents = Animation.splitCamelCase(superClassName);
        String folder = superClassComponents[superClassComponents.length - 1];
        String file = animal.getClass().getSimpleName();
        String path = "img/" + folder + File.separator + file + ".png";

        // adds image to buffer if not already there
        BufferedImage img = mImages.get(folder + "." + file);
        if (img == null) {
            try {
                img = File(path));
                mImages.put(folder + "." + file, img);
            } catch (IOException e) {

        return img;

     * Splits a camel case string
     * @param s A string
     * @return An array of words
    private static String[] splitCamelCase(String s) {
        return s.replaceAll(
                " "
        ).split(" ");
