
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Action;
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Direction;
import ch.epfl.maze.util.Vector2D;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;

 * Graphic component of an animal that will be drawn by an {@link Animation}.
 * @author EPFL
public final class GraphicComponent {

    /* constants */
    public static final int MAXIMUM_FRAMES = 4;
    public static final int SQUARE_SIZE = Display.SQUARE_SIZE;

    /* drawing variables */
    private final Vector2D mPosition;
    private final BufferedImage mImage;
    private Action mAction;
    private boolean mRotate;

     * Constructs a graphic component with the image of the animal, the position
     * at which the component needs to be drawn, and the corresponding action
     * that it needs to perform.
     * @param image    Image of animal
     * @param position Position at which the image will be drawn
     * @param action   Action that the component needs to perform
    public GraphicComponent(BufferedImage image, Vector2D position, Action action) {
        // sanity checks
        if (image == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("BufferedImage cannot be null.");
        if (position == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position cannot be null.");
        if (action == null) {
            action = new Action(Direction.NONE, false);

        // default values
        mImage = image;
        mPosition = position;
        mRotate = true;
        mAction = action;

     * Notifies the component that it will die between two squares.
    public void willDieMoving() {
        mAction = new Action(mAction.getDirection(), mAction.isSuccessful(), true);

     * Asks the graphic component to paint itself on graphic environment, by
     * performing a ratio of its action.
     * @param ratio        Ratio of the action to be performed
     * @param g            Graphic environment
     * @param targetWindow Window on which the graphic is being drawn
    public void paint(float ratio, Graphics2D g, ImageObserver targetWindow) {
        if (mAction.getDirection() == Direction.NONE) {
            renderStuck(g, targetWindow);
        } else {
            if (ratio > 0.5) {
                if (!mAction.diesBetweenSquares() && !mAction.isSuccessful()) {
                    renderMove(1 - ratio, g, targetWindow, true);
                } else if (!mAction.diesBetweenSquares()) {
                    renderMove(ratio, g, targetWindow, false);
            } else {
                renderMove(ratio, g, targetWindow, false);

     * Draws the moving component on graphics environment and target window.
     * <p>
     * The function draws the animal at {@code (position + ratio*heading)}.
     * @param ratio        Ratio of action performed by animation
     * @param g            Graphic environment
     * @param targetWindow Frame display
     * @param buzz         Buzzes the animal, used when he has just hit a wall
    private void renderMove(float ratio, Graphics2D g, ImageObserver targetWindow, boolean buzz) {
        // transforms direction into vector
        Vector2D heading = mAction.getDirection().toVector().mul(SQUARE_SIZE);
        Vector2D normalized = heading.normalize();

        // loads the correct frame
        BufferedImage img = cropImage(ratio, mAction.getDirection());

        AffineTransform reset = new AffineTransform();

        // applies translation
        double newX = (mPosition.getX() + ratio * heading.getX());
        double newY = (mPosition.getY() + ratio * heading.getY());
        reset.translate(newX, newY);

        // applies rotation
        double rotation = 0;
        if (buzz) {
            rotation = -(Math.PI / 6.0) * Math.sin((60 * ratio) / Math.PI);
        if (mRotate) {
            rotation += Math.atan2(normalized.getY(), normalized.getX()) - Math.PI / 2;
        reset.rotate(rotation, SQUARE_SIZE / 2, SQUARE_SIZE / 2);

        // transforms and draws image
        g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWindow);

        // inverts transformations
        reset.rotate(-rotation, SQUARE_SIZE / 2, SQUARE_SIZE / 2);
        reset.translate(-newX, -newY);

     * Draws the still component on graphics environment and target window.
     * <p>
     * Draws a question mark if {@code mAction} is not successful
     * @param g            Graphic environment
     * @param targetWindow Frame display
    private void renderStuck(Graphics2D g, ImageObserver targetWindow) {
        // loads default frame of image with default direction
        BufferedImage img = cropImage(-1, Direction.NONE);

        AffineTransform reset = new AffineTransform();

        // applies translation
        double newX = mPosition.getX();
        double newY = mPosition.getY();
        reset.translate(newX, newY);

        // transforms and draws image
        g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, targetWindow);

        // draws interrogation mark
        if (!mAction.isSuccessful()) {
            ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("img/unknown.png");
            g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), SQUARE_SIZE - icon.getIconWidth() - 2, 2, targetWindow);

        // inverts translation
        reset.translate(-newX, -newY);

     * Transforms the image according to frame and movement.
     * @param ratio The ratio of the action to perform
     * @param dir   The direction towards which the component faces
     * @return The correct frame that faces towards the direction specified
    private BufferedImage cropImage(float ratio, Direction dir) {
        int width = mImage.getWidth();
        int height = mImage.getHeight();
        int frames = width / SQUARE_SIZE;
        int moves = height / SQUARE_SIZE;

        // sanity checks
        if (width % SQUARE_SIZE != 0 || height % SQUARE_SIZE != 0) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "Image size is not a multiple of " + SQUARE_SIZE + " pixels, but " + width + "x" + height);
        if (moves > Direction.values().length) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "Image height has more than " + Direction.values().length + " moves (" + height + ")");
        if (frames > MAXIMUM_FRAMES) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "Image width has more than " + MAXIMUM_FRAMES + " frames (" + frames + ")");

        // selects frame
        int frame = ((int) (ratio * 2 * frames)) % frames;
        if (frame >= frames) {
            frame = 0;
        } else if (ratio < 0 || ratio > 1) { // handles bad ratio
            frame = (int) (frames / 2);

        // selects move
        int move = dir.intValue();
        mRotate = false;
        if (move >= moves) {
            mRotate = true;
            move = 0;

        // selects subimage according to frame and move
        BufferedImage img = mImage.getSubimage(frame * SQUARE_SIZE, move * SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE);

        return img;
