From 648ee61ae84216d0236e0dbc211addc13b2cfa3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kris Kowal
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 11:52:06 -0700
Subject: Expand tabs

 js/panels/Project/ProjectPanel.js                  |   14 +-
 .../projectpanelbase.reel/ProjectPanelBase.js      | 3502 ++++++++++----------
 .../projectpanelbase.reel/projectpanelbase.html    |  158 +-
 3 files changed, 1837 insertions(+), 1837 deletions(-)

(limited to 'js/panels/Project')

diff --git a/js/panels/Project/ProjectPanel.js b/js/panels/Project/ProjectPanel.js
index 5dcba3e7..1d6a8e5c 100755
--- a/js/panels/Project/ProjectPanel.js
+++ b/js/panels/Project/ProjectPanel.js
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
 </copyright> */
 var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage,
-	PanelBase = 		require("js/panels/PanelBase").PanelBase,
-	ProjectPanelBase =	require("js/panels/Project/ProjectPanelBase.reel").ProjectPanelBase;
+    PanelBase =         require("js/panels/PanelBase").PanelBase,
+    ProjectPanelBase =  require("js/panels/Project/ProjectPanelBase.reel").ProjectPanelBase;
 exports.ProjectPanel = Montage.create(PanelBase, {
-	id: {value: "projectPanel", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
+    id: {value: "projectPanel", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
     panelName: {value: "Project/Assets", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
     panelHeaderID: {value: "projectPanelHeader", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
     disclosureIconID: {value: "projectPanelDisclosureIcon", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ exports.ProjectPanel = Montage.create(PanelBase, {
     panelContentID: {value: "projectPanelContent", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true},
     init: {
-    	enumerable: true,
-    	value: function() {
-			//Creating panel container and panel
+        enumerable: true,
+        value: function() {
+            //Creating panel container and panel
             this.minHeight = 350;
             this.defaultHeight = 350;
             this.contentHeight = 395;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ exports.ProjectPanel = Montage.create(PanelBase, {
             this._projectPanelBase.element = ppContainer;
             //Adding container to the parent
             this.content = this._projectPanelBase;
-           	//Drawing panel
+            //Drawing panel
             this._projectPanelBase.needsDraw = true;
diff --git a/js/panels/Project/projectpanelbase.reel/ProjectPanelBase.js b/js/panels/Project/projectpanelbase.reel/ProjectPanelBase.js
index 51aebc31..759c5861 100755
--- a/js/panels/Project/projectpanelbase.reel/ProjectPanelBase.js
+++ b/js/panels/Project/projectpanelbase.reel/ProjectPanelBase.js
@@ -29,1868 +29,1868 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
 </copyright> */
 var TreeControl = require("js/components/tree.reel").Tree,
-	ResizerControl = require("js/panels/Resizer").Resizer,
-	nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils;
+    ResizerControl = require("js/panels/Resizer").Resizer,
+    nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils;
 exports.ProjectPanelBase = (require("montage/core/core").Montage).create(require("montage/ui/component").Component, {
-	hasTemplate: {
-		value: true
-	},
+    hasTemplate: {
+        value: true
+    },
     _hasFocus: {
-    	numerable: false,
-    	value: false
+        numerable: false,
+        value: false
     /* The current project that we have in memory */
-	_activeProject: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	activeProject: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._activeProject;
-		},
-		set: function(objNewProject) {
-			this._activeProject = objNewProject;
-		}
-	},
+    _activeProject: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    activeProject: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._activeProject;
+        },
+        set: function(objNewProject) {
+            this._activeProject = objNewProject;
+        }
+    },
     /* Is the panel initialized? Helps keep us from re-initializing things when a project switches */
     _isPanelInitialized: {
-    	value: false
+        value: false
     isPanelInitialized: {
-    	get: function() {
-    		return this._isPanelInitialized;
-    	},
-    	set: function(boolValue) {
-    		this._isPanelInitialized = boolValue;
-    	}
+        get: function() {
+            return this._isPanelInitialized;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._isPanelInitialized = boolValue;
+        }
     /* Project models: is there an active project, did the user just swap the project, etc. */
-	_swapProject: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	swapProject: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._swapProject;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._swapProject = boolValue;
-		}
-	},
-	_updateTree: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	updateTree: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._updateTree;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._updateTree = boolValue;
-		}
-	},
-	_updateAssets: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	_updateAssets : {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._updateAssets;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._updateAssets = boolValue;
-		}
-	},
-	_hasActiveProject: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	hasActiveProject: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._hasActiveProject;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			if (this.hasActiveProject !== boolValue) {
-				this._hasActiveProject = boolValue;
-				this.needsDraw = true;
-				this.swapProject = true;
-				this.loadPanelState();
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	setActiveProject: {
-		value: function(myVal) {
-			this.hasActiveProject = myVal;
-		}
-	},
-	/* Focus monitor: needed to modify keyboard navigation through panels. */
-	_hasFocus: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	hasFocus: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._hasFocus;
-		},
-		set: function(newVal) {
-			if (this._hasFocus !== newVal) {
-				this._hasFocus = newVal;
-			}
-		}
-	},
+    _swapProject: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    swapProject: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._swapProject;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._swapProject = boolValue;
+        }
+    },
+    _updateTree: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    updateTree: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._updateTree;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._updateTree = boolValue;
+        }
+    },
+    _updateAssets: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    _updateAssets : {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._updateAssets;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._updateAssets = boolValue;
+        }
+    },
+    _hasActiveProject: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    hasActiveProject: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._hasActiveProject;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            if (this.hasActiveProject !== boolValue) {
+                this._hasActiveProject = boolValue;
+                this.needsDraw = true;
+                this.swapProject = true;
+                this.loadPanelState();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    setActiveProject: {
+        value: function(myVal) {
+            this.hasActiveProject = myVal;
+        }
+    },
+    /* Focus monitor: needed to modify keyboard navigation through panels. */
+    _hasFocus: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    hasFocus: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._hasFocus;
+        },
+        set: function(newVal) {
+            if (this._hasFocus !== newVal) {
+                this._hasFocus = newVal;
+            }
+        }
+    },
     /* Active column models: Used to store the state of the columns as a resize is happening */
     _activeColumn: {
-    	enumerable: false,
-    	value: false
+        enumerable: false,
+        value: false
     activeColumn: {
-    	get: function() {
-    		return this._activeColumn;
-    	},
-    	set: function(intActiveColumn) {
-    		this._activeColumn = intActiveColumn;
-    	}
+        get: function() {
+            return this._activeColumn;
+        },
+        set: function(intActiveColumn) {
+            this._activeColumn = intActiveColumn;
+        }
     _activeColumnWidths: {
-    	enumerable: false,
-    	value: [0,0,0]
+        enumerable: false,
+        value: [0,0,0]
     activeColumnWidths: {
-    	get: function() {
-    		return this._activeColumnWidths;
-    	},
-    	set: function(activeColumnWidths) {
-    		for (var i = 0; i < activeColumnWidths.length; i++) {
-    			if (this._activeColumnWidths[i] !== activeColumnWidths[i]) {
-    				this._activeColumnWidths[i] = activeColumnWidths[i];
-    				this.activeColumn = i;
-    				this.needsDraw = true;
-    			}
-    		}
-    	}
+        get: function() {
+            return this._activeColumnWidths;
+        },
+        set: function(activeColumnWidths) {
+            for (var i = 0; i < activeColumnWidths.length; i++) {
+                if (this._activeColumnWidths[i] !== activeColumnWidths[i]) {
+                    this._activeColumnWidths[i] = activeColumnWidths[i];
+                    this.activeColumn = i;
+                    this.needsDraw = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
     /* resizeColumn: Method to resize a column */
     resizeColumn: {
-    	value: function(strSelectorBase) {
-    		// Resize column with index this.activeColumn in view specified by strSelectorBase.
-    		var intAdjust = 0,
-    			intTotalWidth = 0,
-    			arrToChange = [],
-    			arrToChangeLength = 0,
-    			arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll(strSelectorBase + " .pp-header");
-    			arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length;
-    			containerList = document.querySelectorAll(strSelectorBase + " .pp-scroll-linked");
-    			containerListLength = containerList.length,
-    			intNewWidth = 0,
-    			strNewWidth = "",
-    			boolProjectView = true,
-    			arrStoredWidths = this.panelState.projectColumnWidths;
-    		if (strSelectorBase.indexOf("assets") > -1) {
-    			boolProjectView = false;
-    			arrStoredWidths = this.panelState.assetColumnWidths;
-    		}
+        value: function(strSelectorBase) {
+            // Resize column with index this.activeColumn in view specified by strSelectorBase.
+            var intAdjust = 0,
+                intTotalWidth = 0,
+                arrToChange = [],
+                arrToChangeLength = 0,
+                arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll(strSelectorBase + " .pp-header");
+                arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length;
+                containerList = document.querySelectorAll(strSelectorBase + " .pp-scroll-linked");
+                containerListLength = containerList.length,
+                intNewWidth = 0,
+                strNewWidth = "",
+                boolProjectView = true,
+                arrStoredWidths = this.panelState.projectColumnWidths;
+            if (strSelectorBase.indexOf("assets") > -1) {
+                boolProjectView = false;
+                arrStoredWidths = this.panelState.assetColumnWidths;
+            }
-    		if (this.activeColumn === 0) {
-    			strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-files";
-    			intAdjust = 17;
-    		} else if (this.activeColumn === 1) {
-    			strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-date";
-    			intAdjust = 6;
-    		} else if (this.activeColumn === 2) {
-    			strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-size";
-    			intAdjust = 6;
-    		} else if (this.activeColumn === 3) {
-    			strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-type";
-    			intAdjust = 10;
-    		} else {
-    			return;
-    		}
-    		if ((this.activeColumn === 3) && boolProjectView) {
-    			return;
-    		}
-    		// Adjust intAdjust: for the asset view it needs to be 0.
-    		if (strSelectorBase.indexOf("assets") >0) {
-    			intAdjust = 0;
-    		}
-    		// Get the total width of the headers and set the container to that width.
-    		for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
-    			intTotalWidth = intTotalWidth + parseInt(arrHeaders[i].offsetWidth);
-    		}
-    		if (intTotalWidth === 0) {
-    			for (i = 0; i < arrStoredWidths.length; i++) {
-    				intTotalWidth = intTotalWidth + arrStoredWidths[i];
-    			}
-    		}
+            if (this.activeColumn === 0) {
+                strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-files";
+                intAdjust = 17;
+            } else if (this.activeColumn === 1) {
+                strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-date";
+                intAdjust = 6;
+            } else if (this.activeColumn === 2) {
+                strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-size";
+                intAdjust = 6;
+            } else if (this.activeColumn === 3) {
+                strSelector = strSelectorBase + " .pp-col-type";
+                intAdjust = 10;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+            if ((this.activeColumn === 3) && boolProjectView) {
+                return;
+            }
+            // Adjust intAdjust: for the asset view it needs to be 0.
+            if (strSelectorBase.indexOf("assets") >0) {
+                intAdjust = 0;
+            }
+            // Get the total width of the headers and set the container to that width.
+            for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
+                intTotalWidth = intTotalWidth + parseInt(arrHeaders[i].offsetWidth);
+            }
+            if (intTotalWidth === 0) {
+                for (i = 0; i < arrStoredWidths.length; i++) {
+                    intTotalWidth = intTotalWidth + arrStoredWidths[i];
+                }
+            }
-			for (i = 0; i < containerListLength; i++) {
-				containerList[i].style.minWidth = (intTotalWidth+12) + "px";
-			}
-			intNewWidth = arrHeaders[this.activeColumn].offsetWidth;
-			if (intNewWidth === 0) {
-				intNewWidth = arrStoredWidths[this.activeColumn];
-			}
-			strNewWidth = (intNewWidth - intAdjust) + "px";
-    		// Get the array of column elements to change, and change them
-    		arrToChange = document.querySelectorAll(strSelector);
-    		arrToChangeLength = arrToChange.length;
-    		for (i = 0; i < arrToChangeLength; i++) {
-    			arrToChange[i].style.width = strNewWidth;
-    		}
-    		// Once resize has been completed, we need to update the panelState object:
-    		if (!boolProjectView) {
-    			this.panelState.assetColumnWidths[this.activeColumn] = intNewWidth;
-    		} else {
-    			this.panelState.projectColumnWidths[this.activeColumn] = intNewWidth;
-    		}
-    	}
+            for (i = 0; i < containerListLength; i++) {
+                containerList[i].style.minWidth = (intTotalWidth+12) + "px";
+            }
+            intNewWidth = arrHeaders[this.activeColumn].offsetWidth;
+            if (intNewWidth === 0) {
+                intNewWidth = arrStoredWidths[this.activeColumn];
+            }
+            strNewWidth = (intNewWidth - intAdjust) + "px";
+            // Get the array of column elements to change, and change them
+            arrToChange = document.querySelectorAll(strSelector);
+            arrToChangeLength = arrToChange.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < arrToChangeLength; i++) {
+                arrToChange[i].style.width = strNewWidth;
+            }
+            // Once resize has been completed, we need to update the panelState object:
+            if (!boolProjectView) {
+                this.panelState.assetColumnWidths[this.activeColumn] = intNewWidth;
+            } else {
+                this.panelState.projectColumnWidths[this.activeColumn] = intNewWidth;
+            }
+        }
-	/* checkForResize: Check if the columns in the active view are being resized */
+    /* checkForResize: Check if the columns in the active view are being resized */
     checkForResize: {
-    	value: function() { 
-    		var arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-" + this.panelState.activeView + " .pp-header"),
-    			arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length,
-    			i=0,
-    			colWidth = 0,
-    			arrCols = this.panelState.projectColumnWidths;
-    		if (this.panelState.activeView === "assets") {
-    			arrCols = this.panelState.assetColumnWidths;
-    		}
-    		for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
-    			colWidth = parseInt(arrHeaders[i].offsetWidth);
-    			if (colWidth !== arrCols[i]) {
-    				this.activeColumn = i;
-    				i = arrHeadersLength;
-    				this.needsDraw = true;
-    			}
-    		}
-    	}
+        value: function() { 
+            var arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-" + this.panelState.activeView + " .pp-header"),
+                arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length,
+                i=0,
+                colWidth = 0,
+                arrCols = this.panelState.projectColumnWidths;
+            if (this.panelState.activeView === "assets") {
+                arrCols = this.panelState.assetColumnWidths;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
+                colWidth = parseInt(arrHeaders[i].offsetWidth);
+                if (colWidth !== arrCols[i]) {
+                    this.activeColumn = i;
+                    i = arrHeadersLength;
+                    this.needsDraw = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
     /* Shift key status: is the shift key pressed (used for keyboard navigation and multiselect) */
-	_isShiftKeyDown: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	isShiftKeyDown: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._isShiftKeyDown;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._isShiftKeyDown = boolValue;
-		}
-	},
+    _isShiftKeyDown: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    isShiftKeyDown: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._isShiftKeyDown;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._isShiftKeyDown = boolValue;
+        }
+    },
     /* Inline editor models: is the inline editor active, and a pointer to the current one */
-	_activeInlineEditor: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	activeInlineEditor: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._activeInlineEditor;
-		},
-		set: function(myVal) {
-			this._activeInlineEditor = myVal;
-		}
-	},
-	_isInlineEditorActive: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	isInlineEditorActive: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._isInlineEditorActive;
-		},
-		set: function(newVal) {
-			this._isInlineEditorActive = newVal;
-		}
-	},
+    _activeInlineEditor: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    activeInlineEditor: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._activeInlineEditor;
+        },
+        set: function(myVal) {
+            this._activeInlineEditor = myVal;
+        }
+    },
+    _isInlineEditorActive: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    isInlineEditorActive: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._isInlineEditorActive;
+        },
+        set: function(newVal) {
+            this._isInlineEditorActive = newVal;
+        }
+    },
     /* Active sort: If the user is actively sorting the columns in the asset view */
-	_isSortActive: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	isSortActive: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._isSortActive;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._isSortActive = boolValue;
-			if (boolValue) {
-				this.needsDraw = true;
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	/* Active filter: If the user is actively filtering the asset view */
-	_isFilterActive: {
-		value: false
-	},
-	isFilterActive: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._isFilterActive;
-		},
-		set: function(boolValue) {
-			this._isFilterActive = boolValue;
-		}
-	},
+    _isSortActive: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    isSortActive: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._isSortActive;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._isSortActive = boolValue;
+            if (boolValue) {
+                this.needsDraw = true;
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /* Active filter: If the user is actively filtering the asset view */
+    _isFilterActive: {
+        value: false
+    },
+    isFilterActive: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._isFilterActive;
+        },
+        set: function(boolValue) {
+            this._isFilterActive = boolValue;
+        }
+    },
-	/* filteredAssets: where the filtered assets live */
-	_filteredAssets: {
-		value: []
-	},
-	filteredAssets: {
-		get: function() {
-			return this._filteredAssets;
-		},
-		set: function(arrValues) {
-			this._filteredAssets = arrValues;
-		}
-	},
+    /* filteredAssets: where the filtered assets live */
+    _filteredAssets: {
+        value: []
+    },
+    filteredAssets: {
+        get: function() {
+            return this._filteredAssets;
+        },
+        set: function(arrValues) {
+            this._filteredAssets = arrValues;
+        }
+    },
-	/* filterAssets: Method for filtering the assets */
-	filterAssets: {
-		value: function(strFilter) {
-			var arrItems = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-				arrItemsLength = arrItems.length,
-				i = 0,
-				arrFilteredAssets = [];
-			for (i = 0; i < arrItemsLength; i++) {
-				var currText = arrItems[i].querySelector(".inline-editable").firstChild.nodeValue;
-				if (currText.indexOf(strFilter) > -1) {
-					arrFilteredAssets.push(i);
-				}
-			}
-			return arrFilteredAssets;
-		}
-	},
+    /* filterAssets: Method for filtering the assets */
+    filterAssets: {
+        value: function(strFilter) {
+            var arrItems = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrItemsLength = arrItems.length,
+                i = 0,
+                arrFilteredAssets = [];
+            for (i = 0; i < arrItemsLength; i++) {
+                var currText = arrItems[i].querySelector(".inline-editable").firstChild.nodeValue;
+                if (currText.indexOf(strFilter) > -1) {
+                    arrFilteredAssets.push(i);
+                }
+            }
+            return arrFilteredAssets;
+        }
+    },
-	/* Asset Controllers: get first/last/previous/next visible asset, highlighting a row, and clearing a highlight */
+    /* Asset Controllers: get first/last/previous/next visible asset, highlighting a row, and clearing a highlight */
     getFirstVisibleAsset: {
-    	value: function() {
-    		var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-    			arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
-    			i =0,
-    			cssProp = "";
-    		for (i = 0; i < arrAssetsLength; i++) {
-    			cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
-    			if (cssProp == "block") {
-    				return arrAssets[i];
-    			}
-    		}
-    	}
+        value: function() {
+            var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
+                i =0,
+                cssProp = "";
+            for (i = 0; i < arrAssetsLength; i++) {
+                cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
+                if (cssProp == "block") {
+                    return arrAssets[i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
     getLastVisibleAsset: {
-    	value: function() {
-    		var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-    			arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
-    			i = 0,
-    			cssProp = "";
-    		for (i = arrAssetsLength; i >0; i--) {
-    			if (arrAssets[i] != null) {
-    				cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
-    			}
-    			if (cssProp == "block") {
-    				return arrAssets[i];
-    			}
-    		}
-    	}
+        value: function() {
+            var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
+                i = 0,
+                cssProp = "";
+            for (i = arrAssetsLength; i >0; i--) {
+                if (arrAssets[i] != null) {
+                    cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
+                }
+                if (cssProp == "block") {
+                    return arrAssets[i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
     getNextVisibleAsset: {
-    	value: function(currAsset) {
-    		var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-    			arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
-    			i =0,
-    			cssProp = "",
-    			boolContinue = false;
-    		for (i = 0; i < arrAssetsLength; i++) {
-    			if (!boolContinue) {
-    				if (arrAssets[i].isSameNode(currAsset)) {
-    					boolContinue = true;
-    				}
-    			} else {
-	    			cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
-	    			if (cssProp == "block") {
-	    				return arrAssets[i];
-	    			}
-    			}
-    		}
-    		// If we've got this far, there isn't one, so return false.
-    		return false;
-    	}
+        value: function(currAsset) {
+            var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
+                i =0,
+                cssProp = "",
+                boolContinue = false;
+            for (i = 0; i < arrAssetsLength; i++) {
+                if (!boolContinue) {
+                    if (arrAssets[i].isSameNode(currAsset)) {
+                        boolContinue = true;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
+                    if (cssProp == "block") {
+                        return arrAssets[i];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // If we've got this far, there isn't one, so return false.
+            return false;
+        }
     getPreviousVisibleAsset: {
-    	value: function(currAsset) {
-    		var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-    			arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
-    			i =0,
-    			cssProp = "",
-    			boolContinue = false;
-    		for (i = arrAssetsLength-1; i >-1 ; i--) {
-    			if (!boolContinue) {
-    				if (arrAssets[i].isSameNode(currAsset)) {
-    					boolContinue = true;
-    				}
-    			} else {
-	    			cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
-	    			if (cssProp == "block") {
-	    				return arrAssets[i];
-	    			}
-    			}
-    		}
-    		// If we've got this far, there isn't one, so return false.
-    		return false;
-    	}
+        value: function(currAsset) {
+            var arrAssets = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrAssetsLength = arrAssets.length,
+                i =0,
+                cssProp = "",
+                boolContinue = false;
+            for (i = arrAssetsLength-1; i >-1 ; i--) {
+                if (!boolContinue) {
+                    if (arrAssets[i].isSameNode(currAsset)) {
+                        boolContinue = true;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    cssProp = window.getComputedStyle(arrAssets[i],null).getPropertyValue("display"); 
+                    if (cssProp == "block") {
+                        return arrAssets[i];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // If we've got this far, there isn't one, so return false.
+            return false;
+        }
     hilightAssetRow: {
-    	value: function(ptrElement) {
-    		if (ptrElement.classList.contains("focused")) {
-    			return;
-    		}
-			var arrFiles = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-files div"),
-				arrFilesLength = arrFiles.length,
-				arrSizes = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-size div"),
-				arrSizesLength = arrSizes.length,
-				arrDates = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-date div"),
-				arrDatesLength = arrDates.length,
-				arrTypes = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-type div"),
-				arrTypesLength = arrTypes.length,
-				inlineEditor = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets input.inline-editor"),
-				mySpan = ptrElement.querySelector("span"),
-				currIndex,
-				i = 0;
-				ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(ptrElement, ".pp-asset-col");
+        value: function(ptrElement) {
+            if (ptrElement.classList.contains("focused")) {
+                return;
+            }
+            var arrFiles = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-files div"),
+                arrFilesLength = arrFiles.length,
+                arrSizes = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-size div"),
+                arrSizesLength = arrSizes.length,
+                arrDates = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-date div"),
+                arrDatesLength = arrDates.length,
+                arrTypes = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-type div"),
+                arrTypesLength = arrTypes.length,
+                inlineEditor = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets input.inline-editor"),
+                mySpan = ptrElement.querySelector("span"),
+                currIndex,
+                i = 0;
+                ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(ptrElement, ".pp-asset-col");
-			if ((inlineEditor !== null) && (ptrElement.classList.contains("nj-skinned"))) {
-				// An inline edit is currently happening
-				// (sometimes the click event listeners might get fired in that process) 
-				// So do nothing
-				return;
-			}
-			if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-files")) {
-				for (i = 0; i < arrFilesLength; i++) {
-					if(arrFiles[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
-						currIndex = i;
-						i = arrFilesLength;
-					}
-				}
-			} else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-size")) {
-				// A size element was passed in
-				for (i = 0; i < arrSizesLength; i++) {
-					if(arrSizes[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
-						currIndex = i;
-						i = arrSizesLength;
-					}
-				}
-			} else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-type")) {
-				// A type element was passed in
-				for (i = 0; i < arrTypesLength; i++) {
-					if(arrTypes[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
-						currIndex = i;
-						i = arrTypesLength;
-					}
-				}
-			} else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-date")) {
-				// A date element was passed in
-				for (i = 0; i < arrDatesLength; i++) {
-					if(arrDates[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
-						currIndex = i;
-						i = arrDatesLength;
-					}
-				}
-			}
+            if ((inlineEditor !== null) && (ptrElement.classList.contains("nj-skinned"))) {
+                // An inline edit is currently happening
+                // (sometimes the click event listeners might get fired in that process) 
+                // So do nothing
+                return;
+            }
+            if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-files")) {
+                for (i = 0; i < arrFilesLength; i++) {
+                    if(arrFiles[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
+                        currIndex = i;
+                        i = arrFilesLength;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-size")) {
+                // A size element was passed in
+                for (i = 0; i < arrSizesLength; i++) {
+                    if(arrSizes[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
+                        currIndex = i;
+                        i = arrSizesLength;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-type")) {
+                // A type element was passed in
+                for (i = 0; i < arrTypesLength; i++) {
+                    if(arrTypes[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
+                        currIndex = i;
+                        i = arrTypesLength;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (ptrParent.classList.contains("pp-col-date")) {
+                // A date element was passed in
+                for (i = 0; i < arrDatesLength; i++) {
+                    if(arrDates[i].isSameNode(ptrElement)) {
+                        currIndex = i;
+                        i = arrDatesLength;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-			this.clearAssetFocus();
-			arrDates[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
-			arrFiles[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
-			arrSizes[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
-			arrTypes[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
-			// Turn the file name in into an inline editable element
-			// To avoid getting caught in the current click event, we'll delay the
-			// component initialization for a few milliseconds.
-			var that = this;
-			setTimeout(function() {
-	            that.activeInlineEditor = InlineEditor.create();
-	            that.activeInlineEditor.element = arrFiles[currIndex];
-	            that.activeInlineEditor.onChange = function() {
-					that.updateTree = true;
-					that.isSortActive = true;
-					that.needsDraw = true;
-	            }
-	            that.activeInlineEditor.init();
-	            that.isInlineEditorActive = true;
-				// Bind the editor to the property in the data structure, so that when the change happens
-				// it will propagate.
-				Object.defineBinding(that.activeInlineEditor, "value", {
-					boundObject: that.activeProject,
-					boundObjectPropertyPath: mySpan.dataset.bindpath + ".name"
-				})
-			}, 200);
-    	}
+            this.clearAssetFocus();
+            arrDates[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
+            arrFiles[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
+            arrSizes[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
+            arrTypes[currIndex].classList.add("focused");
+            // Turn the file name in into an inline editable element
+            // To avoid getting caught in the current click event, we'll delay the
+            // component initialization for a few milliseconds.
+            var that = this;
+            setTimeout(function() {
+                that.activeInlineEditor = InlineEditor.create();
+                that.activeInlineEditor.element = arrFiles[currIndex];
+                that.activeInlineEditor.onChange = function() {
+                    that.updateTree = true;
+                    that.isSortActive = true;
+                    that.needsDraw = true;
+                }
+                that.activeInlineEditor.init();
+                that.isInlineEditorActive = true;
+                // Bind the editor to the property in the data structure, so that when the change happens
+                // it will propagate.
+                Object.defineBinding(that.activeInlineEditor, "value", {
+                    boundObject: that.activeProject,
+                    boundObjectPropertyPath: mySpan.dataset.bindpath + ".name"
+                })
+            }, 200);
+        }
     clearAssetFocus: {
-    	value: function() {
-    		var arrCurrFocused = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .focused"),
-				arrCurrFocusedLength = arrCurrFocused.length,
-				inlineEditor = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets input.inline-editor"),
-				i = 0;
-			if (inlineEditor !== null ) {
-				// an edit is happening, so we don't actually want to do anything.
-				//return;
-			}
-			for (i = 0; i < arrCurrFocusedLength; i++) {
-				arrCurrFocused[i].classList.remove("focused");
-				if (this.isInlineEditorActive !== false) {
-					// TODO: A more bulletproof method for deleting this binding. This fails frequently and seemingly arbitrarily.
-            		//Object.deleteBinding(this.activeInlineEditor, "value");
-            		this.activeInlineEditor.destroy();
-            		this.isInlineEditorActive = false;
-				}
-			}
-    	}
+        value: function() {
+            var arrCurrFocused = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .focused"),
+                arrCurrFocusedLength = arrCurrFocused.length,
+                inlineEditor = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets input.inline-editor"),
+                i = 0;
+            if (inlineEditor !== null ) {
+                // an edit is happening, so we don't actually want to do anything.
+                //return;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < arrCurrFocusedLength; i++) {
+                arrCurrFocused[i].classList.remove("focused");
+                if (this.isInlineEditorActive !== false) {
+                    // TODO: A more bulletproof method for deleting this binding. This fails frequently and seemingly arbitrarily.
+                    //Object.deleteBinding(this.activeInlineEditor, "value");
+                    this.activeInlineEditor.destroy();
+                    this.isInlineEditorActive = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-	/* Begin: Draw Cycle */
-	/* First time draw: True if this is the first time the component has been drawn */
+    /* Begin: Draw Cycle */
+    /* First time draw: True if this is the first time the component has been drawn */
     _firstTimeDraw: {
-    	value: true
+        value: true
     firstTimeDraw: {
-    	get: function() {
-    		return this._firstTimeDraw;
-    	},
-    	set: function(value) {
-    		this._firstTimeDraw = value;
-    	}
+        get: function() {
+            return this._firstTimeDraw;
+        },
+        set: function(value) {
+            this._firstTimeDraw = value;
+        }
     willDraw: {
-    	enumerable: false,
-    	value: function() {
+        enumerable: false,
+        value: function() {
-    		//this.log(newErr, "Test message " + newErr)
-    		//this.log("willDraw: hasActiveProject: " + this.hasActiveProject + "\nthis.swapProject: " + this.swapProject + "\nthis.firstTimeDraw: " + this.firstTimeDraw);
-			var projectTree, 
-				testDirectory, 
-				treeContainer,
-				scroller = document.getElementById("pp-col-files"),
-				panelContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container"), 
-				arrButtons = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-col-buttons .pp-button"), 
-				listContainer = document.querySelector("#pp-container-list .pp-scroll-linked"),
-	            assetContainer = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets .pp-scroll-linked"),
-				arrButtonsLength = arrButtons.length,
-            	arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-header"),
-            	arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length,
-            	arrAllHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-col-files .pp-header"),
-            	arrAllHeadersLength = arrAllHeaders.length,
-            	tempResizer,
-            	arrSortArrows = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-sort-arrow"),
-            	arrSortArrowsLength = arrSortArrows.length,
-            	arrLinkedScrollers = document.querySelectorAll(".pp-scroll-main"),
-            	arrLinkedScrollersLength = arrLinkedScrollers.length,
-				i = 0,
-				that = this;
-			/*
-			if (this.firstTimeDraw) {
-				this.hasActiveProject="large";
-			}
-			*/
+            //this.log(newErr, "Test message " + newErr)
+            //this.log("willDraw: hasActiveProject: " + this.hasActiveProject + "\nthis.swapProject: " + this.swapProject + "\nthis.firstTimeDraw: " + this.firstTimeDraw);
+            var projectTree, 
+                testDirectory, 
+                treeContainer,
+                scroller = document.getElementById("pp-col-files"),
+                panelContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container"), 
+                arrButtons = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-col-buttons .pp-button"), 
+                listContainer = document.querySelector("#pp-container-list .pp-scroll-linked"),
+                assetContainer = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets .pp-scroll-linked"),
+                arrButtonsLength = arrButtons.length,
+                arrHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-header"),
+                arrHeadersLength = arrHeaders.length,
+                arrAllHeaders = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-col-files .pp-header"),
+                arrAllHeadersLength = arrAllHeaders.length,
+                tempResizer,
+                arrSortArrows = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-assets .pp-sort-arrow"),
+                arrSortArrowsLength = arrSortArrows.length,
+                arrLinkedScrollers = document.querySelectorAll(".pp-scroll-main"),
+                arrLinkedScrollersLength = arrLinkedScrollers.length,
+                i = 0,
+                that = this;
+            /*
+            if (this.firstTimeDraw) {
+                this.hasActiveProject="large";
+            }
+            */
-    		if (!this.hasActiveProject) {
-				var myContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container");
-	    		myContainer.classList.add("pp-disabled");
-	    		document.getElementById("pp-search-files").disabled=true;
-    			return;
-    		} else {
-    			var myContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container");
-    			myContainer.classList.remove("pp-disabled");
-	    		document.getElementById("pp-search-files").disabled=false;
-    		}
+            if (!this.hasActiveProject) {
+                var myContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container");
+                myContainer.classList.add("pp-disabled");
+                document.getElementById("pp-search-files").disabled=true;
+                return;
+            } else {
+                var myContainer = document.getElementById("pp-container");
+                myContainer.classList.remove("pp-disabled");
+                document.getElementById("pp-search-files").disabled=false;
+            }
-    		if (this.firstTimeDraw) {
+            if (this.firstTimeDraw) {
-	    		// Make headers resizable.
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrAllHeadersLength; i++) {
-	            	tempResizer = ResizerControl.create();
-	            	tempResizer.element = arrAllHeaders[i].querySelector(".pp-resize-grip");
-	            	tempResizer.panel = arrAllHeaders[i];
-	            	tempResizer.isPanel = false;
-	            	tempResizer.isInversed = false;
-	            	this.eventManager.addEventListener("panelResizing", function() {
-	            		that.checkForResize();
-	            	});
-	            	this.eventManager.addEventListener("panelResizedEnd", function() {
-	            			that.checkForResize();
-	            			that.savePanelState();
+                // Make headers resizable.
+                for (i = 0; i < arrAllHeadersLength; i++) {
+                    tempResizer = ResizerControl.create();
+                    tempResizer.element = arrAllHeaders[i].querySelector(".pp-resize-grip");
+                    tempResizer.panel = arrAllHeaders[i];
+                    tempResizer.isPanel = false;
+                    tempResizer.isInversed = false;
+                    this.eventManager.addEventListener("panelResizing", function() {
+                        that.checkForResize();
+                    });
+                    this.eventManager.addEventListener("panelResizedEnd", function() {
+                            that.checkForResize();
+                            that.savePanelState();
-	            	})
-	            	/*
-	            	tempResizer.onResize = function() {
-	            		that.checkForResize();
-	            	}
-	            	tempResizer.onResizeEnd = function() {
-	            		setTimeout(function() {
-	            			that.checkForResize();
-	            			that.savePanelState();
-	            		}, 100)
-	            	}
-	            	*/
-	            	tempResizer.needsDraw = true;
-	            }
-	            // Add event handlers to buttons
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrButtonsLength; i++) {
-	            	arrButtons[i].identifier="assetButton";
-	            	arrButtons[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
-	            	arrButtons[i].addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
-	            	arrButtons[i].addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
-	            }
-	            // Add the click event listeners to the Asset View headers so they can be sorted
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
-	            	arrHeaders[i].identifier="assetHeader";
-	            	arrHeaders[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
-	            }
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrSortArrowsLength; i++) {
-	            	arrSortArrows[i].identifier="assetHeader";
-	            	arrSortArrows[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
-	            }
-	            // Add the event listener to the filter input so that when the user starts typing
-	            // we will start filtering the list
-	            var mySearch = document.getElementById("pp-search-files"),
-	            	mySearchContainer = document.getElementById("pp-search");
-	            mySearch.identifier = "filter";
-	            mySearch.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
-	            mySearchContainer.identifier = "searchContainer";
-	            mySearchContainer.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
-	            mySearchContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
-	            mySearchContainer.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
-	            // FYI when a search field is cleared using the built-in clearing method it fires a search event?
-	            mySearch.addEventListener("search", this, false);
-	            // Add keyboard event listeners for the asset container
-	            assetContainer.identifier = "assetContainer";
-	            assetContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
-	            assetContainer.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
-	            assetContainer.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
-	            // Add scroller 
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrLinkedScrollersLength; i++) {
-	            	arrLinkedScrollers[i].identifier = "linkedScroller";
-	            	arrLinkedScrollers[i].addEventListener("scroll", this, false);
-	            }
-	            // Add treeClickEvent handler 
-	            document.addEventListener("treeClickEvent", function() {
-	            	var arrDirs = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-project"),
-	            		arrDirsLength = arrDirs.length,
-	            		i = 0,
-		            	arrUris = [];
-	            	for (i = 0; i < arrDirsLength; i++) {
-	            		arrUris.push(arrDirs[i].dataset.uri);
-	            	}
-	            	that.panelState.openFolders = arrUris;
-	            	that.savePanelState();
-	            });
-    		}
+                    })
+                    /*
+                    tempResizer.onResize = function() {
+                        that.checkForResize();
+                    }
+                    tempResizer.onResizeEnd = function() {
+                        setTimeout(function() {
+                            that.checkForResize();
+                            that.savePanelState();
+                        }, 100)
+                    }
+                    */
+                    tempResizer.needsDraw = true;
+                }
+                // Add event handlers to buttons
+                for (i = 0; i < arrButtonsLength; i++) {
+                    arrButtons[i].identifier="assetButton";
+                    arrButtons[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
+                    arrButtons[i].addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
+                    arrButtons[i].addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
+                }
+                // Add the click event listeners to the Asset View headers so they can be sorted
+                for (i = 0; i < arrHeadersLength; i++) {
+                    arrHeaders[i].identifier="assetHeader";
+                    arrHeaders[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
+                }
+                for (i = 0; i < arrSortArrowsLength; i++) {
+                    arrSortArrows[i].identifier="assetHeader";
+                    arrSortArrows[i].addEventListener("click", this, false);
+                }
+                // Add the event listener to the filter input so that when the user starts typing
+                // we will start filtering the list
+                var mySearch = document.getElementById("pp-search-files"),
+                    mySearchContainer = document.getElementById("pp-search");
+                mySearch.identifier = "filter";
+                mySearch.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
+                mySearchContainer.identifier = "searchContainer";
+                mySearchContainer.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
+                mySearchContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
+                mySearchContainer.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
+                // FYI when a search field is cleared using the built-in clearing method it fires a search event?
+                mySearch.addEventListener("search", this, false);
+                // Add keyboard event listeners for the asset container
+                assetContainer.identifier = "assetContainer";
+                assetContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this, false);
+                assetContainer.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false);
+                assetContainer.addEventListener("keyup", this, false);
+                // Add scroller 
+                for (i = 0; i < arrLinkedScrollersLength; i++) {
+                    arrLinkedScrollers[i].identifier = "linkedScroller";
+                    arrLinkedScrollers[i].addEventListener("scroll", this, false);
+                }
+                // Add treeClickEvent handler 
+                document.addEventListener("treeClickEvent", function() {
+                    var arrDirs = document.querySelectorAll("#pp-view-project"),
+                        arrDirsLength = arrDirs.length,
+                        i = 0,
+                        arrUris = [];
+                    for (i = 0; i < arrDirsLength; i++) {
+                        arrUris.push(arrDirs[i].dataset.uri);
+                    }
+                    that.panelState.openFolders = arrUris;
+                    that.savePanelState();
+                });
+            }
-    		if (this.swapProject) {
-	    		var arrCurrIcons = document.querySelectorAll(""),
-					arrCurrIconsLength = arrCurrIcons.length,
-					i = 0;
+            if (this.swapProject) {
+                var arrCurrIcons = document.querySelectorAll(""),
+                    arrCurrIconsLength = arrCurrIcons.length,
+                    i = 0;
-	    		// TODO: real project fetching.
-				if (this.hasActiveProject === "large") {
-					testDirectory = this.getDirectoryData(false);
-				} else {
-					testDirectory = this.getDirectoryData(true);
-				}
+                // TODO: real project fetching.
+                if (this.hasActiveProject === "large") {
+                    testDirectory = this.getDirectoryData(false);
+                } else {
+                    testDirectory = this.getDirectoryData(true);
+                }
-	            // Clear the buttons.
-	            for (i = 0; i < arrCurrIconsLength; i++) {
-	            	arrCurrIcons[i].classList.toggle("active");
-	            }
-	            document.getElementById("pp-container-assets").removeAttribute("class");
-				// Set default view
-				if (this.panelState.activeView === "project") {
-					document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets").style.display = "none";
-					document.querySelector("#pp-view-project").style.display = "block"
-				} else {
-					document.querySelector("#pp-view-project").style.display = "none"
-					document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets").style.display = "block";
-				}
+                // Clear the buttons.
+                for (i = 0; i < arrCurrIconsLength; i++) {
+                    arrCurrIcons[i].classList.toggle("active");
+                }
+                document.getElementById("pp-container-assets").removeAttribute("class");
+                // Set default view
+                if (this.panelState.activeView === "project") {
+                    document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets").style.display = "none";
+                    document.querySelector("#pp-view-project").style.display = "block"
+                } else {
+                    document.querySelector("#pp-view-project").style.display = "none"
+                    document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets").style.display = "block";
+                }
-	            // Now build the asset view.  First, get the flattened directory array
-	            this.getFlatDirectory();
-	            // Set for active sort so that the view gets drawn
-	            this.isSortActive = true;
-	            // Set the tree update flag
-	            this.updateTree = true;
-    		}
-    		if (this.updateTree) {
-    			var myTree = document.getElementById("pp-container-tree");
-				// TODO: Make this better.
-	    		if (myTree !== null) {
-	    			var myGetme = document.getElementById("getme");
-	    			myGetme.removeChild(myTree);
-	    		}
-				// Insert the base element for the tree.
-	            treeContainer = document.createElement("ul");
-	            treeContainer.setAttribute("id", "tree");
-	            listContainer.appendChild(treeContainer);
-	            // Create the tree using the TreeControl
-	            projectTree = TreeControl.create();
-	            projectTree.element = treeContainer;
-	            projectTree.jsonData = this.activeProject;
-	            projectTree.needsDraw = true;
-    		}
-		}
+                // Now build the asset view.  First, get the flattened directory array
+                this.getFlatDirectory();
+                // Set for active sort so that the view gets drawn
+                this.isSortActive = true;
+                // Set the tree update flag
+                this.updateTree = true;
+            }
+            if (this.updateTree) {
+                var myTree = document.getElementById("pp-container-tree");
+                // TODO: Make this better.
+                if (myTree !== null) {
+                    var myGetme = document.getElementById("getme");
+                    myGetme.removeChild(myTree);
+                }
+                // Insert the base element for the tree.
+                treeContainer = document.createElement("ul");
+                treeContainer.setAttribute("id", "tree");
+                listContainer.appendChild(treeContainer);
+                // Create the tree using the TreeControl
+                projectTree = TreeControl.create();
+                projectTree.element = treeContainer;
+                projectTree.jsonData = this.activeProject;
+                projectTree.needsDraw = true;
+            }
+        }
     draw: {
-    	enumerable: false,
-    	value: function() {
-    		//this.log("draw: hasActiveProject: " + this.hasActiveProject + "\nthis.swapProject: " + this.swapProject + "\nthis.firstTimeDraw: " + this.firstTimeDraw);
-			var arrToChange,
-				arrToChangeLength,
-				arrHeaders,
-				arrHeadersLength,
-				containerList,
-				containerListLength,
-				strSelector,
-				intAdjust = 17,
-				intTotalWidth = 0,
-	            errorMessage = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets h3"),
-	            myAssetCol = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files"),
-            	filter = document.getElementById("pp-search-files"),
-            	filterValue = filter.value,
-				i = 0,
-				j=0,
-				that = this;
-			// Okay, so...what do we need to change?
-			// Do we maybe need to resize the columns in a view? 
-			if (!this.firstTimeDraw) {
-				if (this.activeColumn !== false) {
-					this.resizeColumn("#pp-view-" + this.panelState.activeView);
-					this.activeColumn = false;
-				}
-			}
-			// Is there a sort event active?
-			if (this.isSortActive) {
-				// A sort is active, so we need to rebuild the asset view.
-	            var aFileCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-files"),
-	            	aSizeCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-size"),
-	            	aDateCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-date"),
-	            	aTypeCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-type"),
-	            	sortCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-sort"),
-	            	sortDirection = sortCol.dataset.direction,
-	            	sortTarget = "",
-					myColNumber = parseInt(sortCol.dataset.column),
-	            	myFiles = this.arrFiles,
-	            	myFilesLength = myFiles.length,
-	            	i = 0,
-					newFile,
-            		newFileContent,
-            		newSize,
-            		newSizeContent,
-            		newDate,
-            		newDateContent,
-            		newType,
-            		newTypeDiv,
-            		newTypeDivContent,
-            		newClass = "pp-type-other", 
-            		typeScript = "css,scss,sass,htm,html,xhtm,xhtml,js,jscript,php",
-            		typeVideo = "mpeg,avi,qt,wmv",
-            		typeAudio = "mp3,mp4,wav",
-            		typeImage = "jpeg,jpg,png,gif,ps",
-            		typeFlash = "fla,swf",
-					sortHandler = function(thisObject, thatObject) {
-						var returnMultiplier = 1,
-							thisThing, thatThing;
-						// Ascending or Descending sort?
-						if (sortDirection === "descending") {
-							returnMultiplier = -1;
-						}
-						// Targets of size and modifiedDate need to be compared as integers,
-						// otherwise we're doing string compares.
-						if ((sortTarget === "size") || (sortTarget === "modifiedDate")) {
-							thisThing = parseInt(thisObject[sortTarget]);
-							thatThing = parseInt(thatObject[sortTarget]);
-						} else if (sortTarget === "type"){
-							thisThing =".").pop();
-							thatThing =".").pop();
-						} else {
-							thisThing = thisObject[sortTarget];
-							thatThing = thatObject[sortTarget];
-						}
-						// Run the comparison.
-	            		if (thisThing > thatThing) {
-	            			return (1 * returnMultiplier);
-	            		} else if (thisThing < thatThing) {
-	            			return (-1 * returnMultiplier);
-	            		} else {
-	            			return 0;
-	            		}
-					},
-					makeFriendlySize = function(intSize) {
-						var strSize = false,
-							intRoundedSize = Math.round(intSize/1000);
-						strSize = intRoundedSize + " K";
-						return strSize;
-					},
-					makeFriendlyDate = function(intSeconds) {
-						// TODO: Localization.
-						var myDate = new Date(intSeconds),
-							strDate = "";
-						strDate = (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" 
-								  + myDate.getDate() + "/" 
-								  + myDate.getFullYear() + " "
-								  + myDate.toLocaleTimeString();
-						return strDate;
-					};
-				// Set the sort target
-				if (myColNumber === 0) {
-					sortTarget = "name";
-				} else if (myColNumber === 1) {
-					sortTarget = "modifiedDate";
-				} else if (myColNumber === 2) {
-					sortTarget = "size";
-				} else if (myColNumber === 3) {
-					sortTarget = "type";
-				} else {
-					return;
-				}
+        enumerable: false,
+        value: function() {
+            //this.log("draw: hasActiveProject: " + this.hasActiveProject + "\nthis.swapProject: " + this.swapProject + "\nthis.firstTimeDraw: " + this.firstTimeDraw);
+            var arrToChange,
+                arrToChangeLength,
+                arrHeaders,
+                arrHeadersLength,
+                containerList,
+                containerListLength,
+                strSelector,
+                intAdjust = 17,
+                intTotalWidth = 0,
+                errorMessage = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets h3"),
+                myAssetCol = document.querySelector("#pp-container-assets .pp-col-files"),
+                filter = document.getElementById("pp-search-files"),
+                filterValue = filter.value,
+                i = 0,
+                j=0,
+                that = this;
+            // Okay, so...what do we need to change?
+            // Do we maybe need to resize the columns in a view? 
+            if (!this.firstTimeDraw) {
+                if (this.activeColumn !== false) {
+                    this.resizeColumn("#pp-view-" + this.panelState.activeView);
+                    this.activeColumn = false;
+                }
+            }
+            // Is there a sort event active?
+            if (this.isSortActive) {
+                // A sort is active, so we need to rebuild the asset view.
+                var aFileCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-files"),
+                    aSizeCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-size"),
+                    aDateCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-date"),
+                    aTypeCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-col-type"),
+                    sortCol = document.querySelector("#pp-view-assets .pp-sort"),
+                    sortDirection = sortCol.dataset.direction,
+                    sortTarget = "",
+                    myColNumber = parseInt(sortCol.dataset.column),
+                    myFiles = this.arrFiles,
+                    myFilesLength = myFiles.length,
+                    i = 0,
+                    newFile,
+                    newFileContent,
+                    newSize,
+                    newSizeContent,
+                    newDate,
+                    newDateContent,
+                    newType,
+                    newTypeDiv,
+                    newTypeDivContent,
+                    newClass = "pp-type-other", 
+                    typeScript = "css,scss,sass,htm,html,xhtm,xhtml,js,jscript,php",
+                    typeVideo = "mpeg,avi,qt,wmv",
+                    typeAudio = "mp3,mp4,wav",
+                    typeImage = "jpeg,jpg,png,gif,ps",
+                    typeFlash = "fla,swf",
+                    sortHandler = function(thisObject, thatObject) {
+                        var returnMultiplier = 1,
+                            thisThing, thatThing;
+                        // Ascending or Descending sort?
+                        if (sortDirection === "descending") {
+                            returnMultiplier = -1;
+                        }
+                        // Targets of size and modifiedDate need to be compared as integers,
+                        // otherwise we're doing string compares.
+                        if ((sortTarget === "size") || (sortTarget === "modifiedDate")) {
+                            thisThing = parseInt(thisObject[sortTarget]);
+                            thatThing = parseInt(thatObject[sortTarget]);
+                        } else if (sortTarget === "type"){
+                            thisThing =".").pop();
+                            thatThing =".").pop();
+                        } else {
+                            thisThing = thisObject[sortTarget];
+                            thatThing = thatObject[sortTarget];
+                        }
+                        // Run the comparison.
+                        if (thisThing > thatThing) {
+                            return (1 * returnMultiplier);
+                        } else if (thisThing < thatThing) {
+                            return (-1 * returnMultiplier);
+                        } else {
+                            return 0;
+                        }
+                    },
+                    makeFriendlySize = function(intSize) {
+                        var strSize = false,
+                            intRoundedSize = Math.round(intSize/1000);
+                        strSize = intRoundedSize + " K";
+                        return strSize;
+                    },
+                    makeFriendlyDate = function(intSeconds) {
+                        // TODO: Localization.
+                        var myDate = new Date(intSeconds),
+                            strDate = "";
+                        strDate = (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" 
+                                  + myDate.getDate() + "/" 
+                                  + myDate.getFullYear() + " "