<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>CodeMirror: sTeX mode</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../lib/codemirror.css"> <script src="../../lib/codemirror.js"></script> <script src="stex.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../test/mode_test.css"> <script src="../../test/mode_test.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../doc/docs.css"> </head> <body> <h1>Tests for the sTeX Mode</h1> <h2>Basics</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT = ModeTest; MT.test('foo', null, 'foo'); MT.test('foo bar', null, 'foo', null, ' bar'); </script> <h2>Tags</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.test('\\begin{document}\n\\end{document}', 'tag', '\\begin', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'document', 'bracket', '}', 'tag', '\\end', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'document', 'bracket', '}'); MT.test('\\begin{equation}\n E=mc^2\n\\end{equation}', 'tag', '\\begin', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'equation', 'bracket', '}', null, ' ', null, ' ', null, 'E', null, '=mc', null, '^2', 'tag', '\\end', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'equation', 'bracket', '}'); MT.test('\\begin{module}[]', 'tag', '\\begin', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'module', 'bracket', '}', 'bracket', '[', 'bracket', ']'); MT.test('\\begin{module}[id=bbt-size]', 'tag', '\\begin', 'bracket', '{', 'atom', 'module', 'bracket', '}', 'bracket', '[', null, 'id', null, '=bbt-size', 'bracket', ']'); MT.test('\\importmodule[b-b-t]{b-b-t}', 'tag', '\\importmodule', 'bracket', '[', 'string', 'b-b-t', 'bracket', ']', 'bracket', '{', 'builtin', 'b-b-t', 'bracket', '}'); MT.test('\\importmodule[\\KWARCslides{dmath/en/cardinality}]{card}', 'tag', '\\importmodule', 'bracket', '[', 'tag', '\\KWARCslides', 'bracket', '{', 'string', 'dmath', 'string', '/en', 'string', '/cardinality', 'bracket', '}', 'bracket', ']', 'bracket', '{', 'builtin', 'card', 'bracket', '}'); MT.test('\\PSforPDF[1]{#1}', // could treat #1 specially 'tag', '\\PSforPDF', 'bracket', '[', 'atom', '1', 'bracket', ']', 'bracket', '{', null, '#1', 'bracket', '}'); </script> <h2>Comments</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.test('% foo', 'comment', '%', 'comment', ' foo'); MT.test('\\item% bar', 'tag', '\\item', 'comment', '%', 'comment', ' bar'); MT.test(' % \\item', null, ' ', 'comment', '%', 'comment', ' \\item'); MT.test('%\nfoo', 'comment', '%', null, 'foo'); </script> <h2>Errors</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.test('\\begin}{', 'tag', '\\begin', 'error', '}', 'bracket', '{'); MT.test('\\item]{', 'tag', '\\item', 'error', ']', 'bracket', '{'); MT.test('% }', 'comment', '%', 'comment', ' }'); </script> <h2>Character Escapes</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.test('the \\# key', null, 'the', null, ' ', 'tag', '\\#', null, ' key'); MT.test('a \\$5 stetson', null, 'a', null, ' ', 'tag', '\\$', 'atom', 5, null, ' stetson'); MT.test('100\\% beef', 'atom', '100', 'tag', '\\%', null, ' beef'); MT.test('L \\& N', null, 'L', null, ' ', 'tag', '\\&', null, ' N'); MT.test('foo\\_bar', null, 'foo', 'tag', '\\_', null, 'bar'); MT.test('\\emph{\\{}', 'tag', '\\emph', 'bracket','{', 'tag', '\\{', 'bracket','}'); MT.test('\\emph{\\}}', 'tag', '\\emph', 'bracket','{', 'tag', '\\}', 'bracket','}'); MT.test('section \\S1', null, 'section', null, ' ', 'tag', '\\S', 'atom', '1'); MT.test('para \\P2', null, 'para', null, ' ', 'tag', '\\P', 'atom', '2'); </script> <h2>Spacing control</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.test('x\\,y', // thinspace null, 'x', 'tag', '\\,', null, 'y'); MT.test('x\\;y', // thickspace null, 'x', 'tag', '\\;', null, 'y'); MT.test('x\\!y', // negative thinspace null, 'x', 'tag', '\\!', null, 'y'); MT.test('J.\\ L.\\ is', // period not ending a sentence null, 'J', null, '.', null, '\\', null, ' L', null, '.', null, '\\', null, ' is'); // maybe could be better MT.test('X\\@. The', // period ending a sentence null, 'X', 'tag', '\\@', null, '.', null, ' The'); MT.test('{\\em If\\/} I', // italic correction 'bracket', '{', 'tag', '\\em', null, ' ', null, 'If', 'tag', '\\/', 'bracket', '}', null, ' ', null, 'I'); </script> <h2>New Commands</h2> Should be able to define a new command that happens to be a method on Array (e.g. <tt>pop</tt>): <script language="javascript"> MT.test('\\newcommand{\\pop}', 'tag', '\\newcommand', 'bracket', '{', 'tag', '\\pop', 'bracket', '}'); </script> <h2>Summary</h2> <script language="javascript"> MT.printSummary(); </script> </body> </html>