/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; exports.CodeEditorWrapper = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate: { value: false }, _currentDocument: { value : null }, currentDocument : { get : function() { return this._currentDocument; }, set : function(value) { if (value === this._currentDocument) { return; } this._currentDocument = value; if(!value) { } else if(this._currentDocument.currentView === "code") { this.autocomplete = this.codeCompletionSupport[this._currentDocument.model.file.extension]; this._currentDocument.model.views.code.editor.focus(); this.applySettings(); } } }, _codeEditor : { value:null }, codeEditor:{ get: function(){return this._codeEditor;}, set: function(value){this._codeEditor = value;} }, codeCompletionSupport : { value: {"js": true} }, autocomplete: { value: false }, _editorTheme: { value:"default" }, editorTheme:{ get: function(){ return this._editorTheme; }, set: function(value){ this._editorTheme = value; } }, _zoomFactor: { value:100 }, zoomFactor:{ get: function() { return this._zoomFactor; }, set: function(value) { if(value !== this._zoomFactor){ this._zoomFactor = value; this.handleZoom(value); } } }, deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function() { //TODO:add logic to check some configuration file to load the right code editor this.codeEditor = CodeMirror; } }, /** * Public method * Creates an editor instance */ createEditor : { value:function(codeDocumentView, type, documentType, textDocument){ var self = this, editorOptions = null; if(!this.application.ninja.editorViewOptions.codeEditorWrapper){ this.application.ninja.editorViewOptions.codeEditorWrapper = this; } editorOptions = { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets:true, mode: type, onChange: function(){ var historySize = codeDocumentView.editor.historySize(); if(historySize.undo>0){ textDocument.model.needsSave = true; }else if(historySize.undo===0 && historySize.redo>0){ textDocument.model.needsSave = false; } }, onCursorActivity: function() { codeDocumentView.editor.matchHighlight("CodeMirror-matchhighlight"); codeDocumentView.editor.setLineClass(codeDocumentView.editor.hline, null, null); codeDocumentView.editor.hline = codeDocumentView.editor.setLineClass(codeDocumentView.editor.getCursor().line, null, "activeline"); } }; //configure auto code completion if it is supported for that document type this.autocomplete = this.codeCompletionSupport[documentType]; if(this.autocomplete) { editorOptions.onKeyEvent = function(cm, keyEvent){ self._codeCompletionKeyEventHandler.call(self, cm, keyEvent, documentType) }; } return self.codeEditor.fromTextArea(codeDocumentView.textArea, editorOptions); } }, /** * Private method * key event handler for showing code completion dropdown */ _codeCompletionKeyEventHandler:{ enumerable:false, value: function(cm, keyEvent, documentType) { //comment shortkeys if((keyEvent.metaKey || keyEvent.ctrlKey) && !keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 191){//ctrl+/ this.commentSelection(true); return; } //uncomment shortkeys if((keyEvent.metaKey || keyEvent.ctrlKey) && keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 191){//ctrl+shift+/ this.commentSelection(false); return; } //===manually triggered code completion if((this.currentDocument.model.views.code.editor.automaticCodeHint === false)){ if(keyEvent.ctrlKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 32){//Ctrl+Space this.codeEditor.simpleHint(cm, this.codeEditor.javascriptHint); } } //===automatic auto complete [performance is slower] else if(this._showAutoComplete(documentType, keyEvent)){ this.codeEditor.simpleHint(cm, this.codeEditor.javascriptHint); } } }, /** * Private method * checks for valid keyset to show code completion dropdown */ _showAutoComplete : { enumerable:false, value:function(documentType, keyEvent){ var status=false; if((keyEvent.metaKey || keyEvent.ctrlKey) && (keyEvent.keyCode === 83)){//ctrl+s return false; } switch(documentType){ case "js": if((keyEvent.type === "keyup")//need seperate keycode set per mode && ((keyEvent.keyCode > 47 && keyEvent.keyCode < 57)//numbers || (keyEvent.keyCode > 64 && keyEvent.keyCode <91)//letters || (keyEvent.keyCode === 190)//period || (keyEvent.keyCode === 189)//underscore, dash ) && !(keyEvent.ctrlKey //ctrl || keyEvent.metaKey//cmd || (keyEvent.keyCode === 219)//open bracket [ || (keyEvent.keyCode === 221)//close bracket ] || (keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 219)//open bracket { || (keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 221)//close bracket } || (keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 57)//open bracket ( || (keyEvent.shiftKey && keyEvent.keyCode === 48)//close bracket ) ) ){ status = true; break; } default : status = false; } return status; } }, getSelectedRange:{ value:function(editor){ return { from: editor.getCursor(true), to: editor.getCursor(false) }; } }, commentSelection:{ value: function(isComment){ var range = this.getSelectedRange(this.currentDocument.model.views.code.editor); this.currentDocument.model.views.code.editor.commentRange(isComment, range.from, range.to); } }, handleThemeSelection:{ value: function(){ this.currentDocument.model.views.code.editor.setOption("theme", this.editorTheme); this.currentDocument.model.views.code.applyTheme("cm-s-"+this.editorTheme); } }, handleZoom:{ value:function(value){ var originalFont=13,originalLineHeight=16; this._zoomFactor = value; this.currentDocument.model.views.code.textViewContainer.style.fontSize = ""+((value/100)*originalFont)+"px"; this.currentDocument.model.views.code.textViewContainer.style.cursor = "text"; this.currentDocument.model.views.code.textViewContainer.querySelector(".CodeMirror").style.lineHeight = ""+((value/100)*originalLineHeight)+"px"; this.currentDocument.model.views.code.editor.refresh();//refresh editor display for xoom } }, applySettings:{ value:function(){ //set theme this.handleThemeSelection(); //set zoom this.handleZoom(this._zoomFactor); } } });