/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ // Slider, HotText and HotTextUnit will extend this class. var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var SliderBase = exports.SliderBase = Montage.create(Component, { _hasFocus: { enumerable: false, value: false }, _touchIdentifier: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _xStart: { enumerable: false, value: 0 }, _yStart: { enumerable: false, value: 0 }, _previousValue: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _isMouseDown: { enumerable: true, value: false }, // We need to calculate some metrics on the first draw after prepareForDraw because // styles values are not available during prepareForDraw _firstTime: { enumerable: false, value: true }, _enabled: { enumerable: true, value: true }, enabled: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._enabled; }, set: function(value) { if (value !== this._enabled) { this._enabled = value; if(this._enabled) { this.element.classList.remove("disabled"); this.element.addEventListener("blur", this); this.element.addEventListener("focus", this); this.element.addEventListener("touchstart", this, false); this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false); } else { this.element.classList.add("disabled"); this.element.removeEventListener("blur", this); this.element.removeEventListener("focus", this); this.element.removeEventListener("touchstart", this, false); this.element.removeEventListener("mousedown", this, false); } this.needsDraw = true; } } }, // Internal flags to determine what the change/changing events will contain _eventType: { enumerable: false, value: "change" }, _wasSetByCode: { enumerable: false, value: true }, _setEventFlags: { value: function (eventType, wasSetByCode) { this._eventType = eventType; this._wasSetByCode = wasSetByCode; } }, _value: { enumerable: false, value: 0 }, value: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._value; }, set: function(value) { if (isNaN(value)) { return; } if (value < this._minValue) { value = this._minValue; } else if (value > this._maxValue) { value = this._maxValue; } if (value !== this._value) { this._value = value; this.needsDraw = true; this._dispatchActionEvent(); } } }, _minValue: { enumerable: false, value: 0 }, minValue: { get: function() { return this._minValue; }, set: function(value) { if (value !== this._minValue) { this._minValue = value; this._firstTime = true; // Force layout recalculation. if (this._value < value) { this.value = value; } this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _maxValue: { enumerable: false, value: 100 }, maxValue: { get: function() { return this._maxValue; }, set: function(value) { if (value !== this._maxValue) { this._maxValue = value; this._firstTime = true; // Force layout recalculation. if (this._value > value) { this.value = value; } this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _valueCoef: { value: 1 }, _valueFromPageOffset: { value: function(offset, pageY, isShiftKeyPressed) { // Implement in subclass. } }, handleMousedown: { value: function (event) { // event.preventDefault(); // Commenting out -- other elements need to blur when we are moused down var clickPoint = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.element, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this._xStart = clickPoint.x; this._yStart = clickPoint.y; this._previousValue = this.value; this._isMouseDown = true; document.addEventListener("mousemove", this, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", this, false); } }, handleTouchstart: { value: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Not sure how to let other elements blur if we need to override mobile behavior var touch = event.targetTouches[0]; this._touchIdentifier = touch.identifier; var clickPoint = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.element, new WebKitPoint(touch.pageX,touch.pageY)); this._xStart = clickPoint.x; this._yStart = clickPoint.y; this._previousValue = this.value; this._isMouseDown = true; document.addEventListener("touchmove", this, false); document.addEventListener("touchend", this, false); } }, handleMousemove: { value: function (event) { event.target.style.cursor = "pointer"; this._setEventFlags("changing", false); this._valueFromPageOffset(event.pageX, event.pageY, event.shiftKey); } }, handleTouchmove: { value: function (event) { for(var i=0, iTouch; iTouch = event.changedTouches[i]; i++) { if (iTouch.identifier === this._touchIdentifier) { this._setEventFlags("changing", false); this._valueFromPageOffset(iTouch.pageX, iTouch.pageY, false); break; } } } }, handleMouseup: { value: function (event) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this._isMouseDown = false; event.target.style.cursor = "default"; this._setEventFlags("change", false); this._valueFromPageOffset(event.pageX, event.pageY, event.shiftKey); this._previousValue = null; } }, handleTouchend: { enumerable: false, value: function (event) { for(var i=0, iTouch; iTouch = event.changedTouches[i]; i++) { if (iTouch.identifier === this._touchIdentifier) { this._touchIdentifier = null; this._isMouseDown = false; document.removeEventListener("touchmove", this); document.removeEventListener("touchend", this); this._setEventFlags("change", false); this._valueFromPageOffset(iTouch.pageX, iTouch.pageY, false); this._previousValue = null; break; } } } }, _dispatchActionEvent: { value: function() { // console.log("dispatching event", this._element.id, this._eventType, this._wasSetByCode); var actionEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); actionEvent.initEvent(this._eventType, true, true); actionEvent.type = this._eventType; actionEvent.wasSetByCode = this._wasSetByCode; // reset event flags this._setEventFlags("change", true); this.dispatchEvent(actionEvent); } } });