/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ /* ComputedStyleSubPanel.js */ var Montage = require("montage").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; /* EDITABLE - Methods - startEdit - stopEdit - value - - _suggest - _suggestNext - _suggestPrev - _clearSuggest - _accept - _revert - _setCaret */ exports.Editable = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate: { value: false }, _element : { value : null }, element : { get : function() { return this._element; }, set : function(el) { this._element = el; this._element.addEventListener('keydown', this, false); this._element.addEventListener('keyup', this, false); this._element.addEventListener('input', this, false); this._element.addEventListener('paste', this, false); if(this.startOnEvent) { this._element.addEventListener(this.startOnEvent, this, false); } } }, _readOnly : { value: false }, readOnly : { get : function() { return this._readOnly; }, set : function(makeReadOnly) { var action = makeReadOnly ? 'add' : 'remove'; this._element.classList[action](this.readOnlyClass); if(this.isEditable) { this.stop(); } this._readOnly = makeReadOnly; } }, _isEditable : { value : false }, isEditable : { get : function() { return this._isEditable; }, set: function(makeEditable) { if(this._readOnly && makeEditable) { return false; } this._isEditable = makeEditable; } }, _isDirty : { value: false }, isDirty : { get : function() { return this._isDirty; }, set : function(setDirty) { if(setDirty) { this._isDirty = true; this._sendEvent('dirty'); } else { this._isDirty = false; } } }, _value : { value: null }, value : { get : function() { return this._value; }, set : function(value) { if(value === this._value) { return; } var node = this._getFirstTextNode(); node.textContent = value; this._value = value; } }, _getFirstTextNode : { value : function(el) { ///// optional el argument specified container element var e = el || this._element, nodes = e.childNodes, node; if(nodes.length) { for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { if(nodes[i].nodeType === 3) { ///// found the first text node node = nodes[i]; break; } } } ///// Text node not found if(!node) { node = document.createTextNode(''); e.appendChild(node); } return node; } }, ///// Pre Edit Value ///// Value stored when editing starts ///// Useful for reverting to previous value _preEditValue : { value : null }, start : { value: function() { if(!this._readOnly) { this._isEditable = this._element.contentEditable = true; this._element.classList.add(this.editingClass); ///// Save the preEditValue this._preEditValue = this.value; // Initialize enteredValue with current value this.enteredValue = this.value; if(this.selectOnStart) { this.selectAll(); } if(this.stopOnBlur) { //console.log('adding mousedown event listener'); ///// Simulate blur on editable node by listening to the doc document.addEventListener('mousedown', this, false); } this._sendEvent('start'); } } }, stop : { value: function(eventData) { this._isEditable = this._element.contentEditable = false; this._element.classList.remove(this.editingClass); ///// if value is different than pre-edit val, call onchange method if(this._preEditValue !== this.value) { this._sendEvent('change'); } this._sendEvent('stop', eventData); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, false); } }, selectAll : { value : function() { var range = document.createRange(), sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); range.selectNodeContents(this._element); sel.addRange(range); } }, setCursor : { value : function(position) { var index = position, range, node, sel; ///// argument can be "end" or an index if(typeof position === 'string' && position === 'end') { index = this.value.length; } sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); //debugger; node = this._getFirstTextNode(); range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(node, index); range.setEnd(node, index); sel.addRange(range); } }, blur : { value : function(eventData) { if(this._hint) { this.accept(); } this.stop(eventData); this._sendEvent('blur'); } }, /* -------------------- User Event Handling -------------------- */ handleKeydown : { value : function(e) { var k = e.keyCode; } }, handleKeyup : { value : function(e) { // Record change in value this.enteredValue = this._element.firstChild.data; } }, ///// Text input has changed values handleInput : { value : function(e) { this.value = this._getFirstTextNode().textContent; if(!this.isDirty) { this.isDirty = true; } this._sendEvent('input'); } }, handleMousedown : { value : function(e) { //console.log('handle mouse down'); ///// Listen for simulated blur event if(this.stopOnBlur && e._event.target !== this._element) { this.blur({ "originalEventType": "mousedown", "originalEvent": e }); } } }, handlePaste : { value: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertHTML', null, e._event.clipboardData.getData("Text")); this.value = this._element.textContent; this._sendEvent('paste', e); } }, handleEvent : { value : function(e) { //console.log("event type : " + e._event.type); ///// If configured, start on specified event if(e._event.type === this.startOnEvent) { this.start(); } } }, _sendEvent : { value : function(type, data) { var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, data); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } }, /* -------------------- CONFIG -------------------- */ editingClass : { value : 'editable' }, readOnlyClass : { value : 'readOnly' }, selectOnStart : { value : true }, startOnEvent : { value : 'dblclick' }, stopOnBlur : { value : true }, keyActions : { value : { stop : [27,9,13], revert : [27], backsp : [8] }, distinct: true } });