/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Exporting as ColorWheel exports.GradientPicker = Montage.create(Component, { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hasTemplate: { value: true }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _updating: { value: false }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _value: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // value: { get: function() {return this._value;}, set: function(value) {this._value = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _mode: { value: 'linear' }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // mode: { get: function() {return this._mode;}, set: function(value) { // this.application.ninja.colorController.colorPopupManager.hideGradientChipPopup(); // this._mode = value; // this._dispatchEvent('change', false); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _trackData: { value: {width: 0, x: 0, y: 0} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // prepareForDraw: { value: function() { // } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // willDraw: { value: function() { //Getting component views from layout this._trackData.width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.trackChips).getPropertyCSSValue('width').cssText); //TODO: Fix events and remove this hack this.trackCover.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { if (!this._updating) { this.trackCover.style.display = 'none'; } }.bind(this), true); // this.radioLinear.addEventListener('change', function (e){ this.mode = 'linear'; }.bind(this), true); // this.radioRadial.addEventListener('change', function (e){ this.mode = 'radial'; }.bind(this), true); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // draw: { value: function() { //Checking for mode to assign radio value if (this.mode === 'linear') { this.radioLinear.checked = 'true'; } else if (this.mode === 'radial') { this.radioRadial.checked = 'true'; } //Checkign for value to initialize stops if (!this.value) { this.addDefaultStops(); } else { //Adding stops from preset value for (var i=0, stops = this.value; stops[i]; i++) { this.addStop({color: {mode: stops[i].mode, value: stops[i].value}, percent:stops[i].position}, true); } } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // didDraw: { value: function() { //Adding event listener for stops this.trackMain.addEventListener('click', this, false); //Getting position of track var point = webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(this.trackMain, new WebKitPoint(0, 0)); //Setting position of track to calculate movement this._trackData.x = point.x; this._trackData.y = point.y; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Default stops funtion (reset) addDefaultStops: { value: function() { this.addStop({color: {mode: 'rgb', value: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1, css: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'}}, percent: 0}, true); this.addStop({color: {mode: 'rgb', value: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, css: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'}}, percent: 100}, true); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // addStop: { value: function(data, silent) { if (this.application.ninja.colorController.colorPopupManager) { //Hiding any open popups (of gradient buttons) this.application.ninja.colorController.colorPopupManager.hideGradientChipPopup(); //Creating stop elements var stop = document.createElement('div'), holder = document.createElement('div'), tooltip = document.createElement('span'), button = document.createElement('button'); //Setting up elements stop.appendChild(tooltip); stop.appendChild(holder); holder.appendChild(button); //Adding events to the stops stop.addEventListener('mousedown', this, false); stop.addEventListener('mouseup', this, false); //Storing refereces to buttons and actual stop container button.stop = stop; tooltip.stop = stop; holder.stop = stop; stop.button = button; //Adding stop to container this.trackChips.appendChild(stop); //Checking for bounds to add stop if (data.percent >= 0 && data.percent <= 100) { this.positionStop(stop, data.percent); button.stopPosition = data.percent; } //Creating an instance of input chip this.application.ninja.colorController.addButton('chip', button); //Initialing button with color data button.color(data.color.mode, data.color.value); //Button popup data button.props = {side: 'top', align: 'center', nocolor: false, wheel: true, palette: false, gradient: false, image: false, offset: -84, gradientPopup: true, history: false}; //Listening for color events from button button.addEventListener('change', this, false); //Dispatching event depending on type of mode if (!silent) { this._dispatchEvent('change', false); } else { this._dispatchEvent('change', true); } // } else { //Handle Error } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // removeStop: { value: function(stop) { var i, buttons = this.trackChips.getElementsByTagName('button'); // if (buttons.length > 2) { //Removing stops this.trackChips.removeChild(stop); //Stopping events related to this current stop this.removeStopMoving(); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // removeStopMoving: { value: function() { this._updating = false; this.trackCover.style.display = 'none'; this._dispatchEvent('change', false); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, false); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, false); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // positionStop: { value: function(stop, percent) { try { if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } else if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } // var adj = (parseInt(getComputedStyle(stop).getPropertyCSSValue('width').cssText)*percent/100)/this._trackData.width; stop.style.left = Math.round(percent-Math.round(adj*100))+'%'; stop.button.stopPosition = percent; } catch (e) { //TEMP } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Add color detection canvas to get actual color handleClick: { value: function(e) { //Logic to get color from canvas data would go here var data = {}; data.mode = 'rgb'; data.value = {r: 100, g: 100, b: 100, a: 1, css: 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'}; // this.addStop({color: data, percent: Math.round(100*(e._event.offsetX/e._event.target.offsetWidth))}); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleMouseup: { value: function(e) { this.removeStopMoving(); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleMousedown: { value: function(e) { // var i, buttons = this.trackChips.getElementsByTagName('button'); this.currentStop = e._event.target.stop; //Looping through other stops to swap depths for (i=0; buttons[i]; i++) { buttons[i].stop.style.zIndex = 1; } //Setting the depth of the current button to the highest this.currentStop.style.zIndex = buttons.length+1; //Adding events for actions while moving document.addEventListener('mousemove', this, false); document.addEventListener('mouseup', this, false); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleMousemove: { value: function(e) { // this._updating = true; // this.application.ninja.colorController.colorPopupManager.hideGradientChipPopup(); // if (e._event.y > this._trackData.y+70 || e._event.y < this._trackData.y) { this.removeStop(this.currentStop); } // if (this.currentStop.button.stopPosition !== Math.round((e._event.x-this._trackData.x)/this._trackData.width*100)) { this.trackCover.style.display = 'block'; } // this.positionStop(this.currentStop, Math.round((e._event.x-this._trackData.x)/this._trackData.width*100)); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleChange: { value: function(e) { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorView.colorManager.input = this.application.ninja.colorController.colorView.previousInput; this._dispatchEvent('change', false); this.application.ninja.colorController.colorView.colorManager.input = 'chip'; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Dispatching custom event _dispatchEvent: { value: function(type, userInitiated) { // var actionEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"), buttons = this.trackChips.getElementsByTagName('button'), stops = [], css, previewCss = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top'; //Preventing an events of less than 2 stops since there'll be a reset if (buttons.length < 2) { return; } //Initializing CSS string if (this.mode === 'radial') { css = '-webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover'; } else { css = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top'; } //Creating stops array for (var i=0; i < buttons.length; i++) { stops.push({value: buttons[i].colorValue, mode: buttons[i].colorMode, position: buttons[i].stopPosition}); } //Sorting array (must be sorted for radial gradients, at least in Chrome stops.sort(function(a,b){return a.position - b.position}); //Looping through stops in gradient to create CSS (actual and preview) for (var i=0; i < stops.length; i++) { //Addint to CSS String if (this.mode === 'radial' && stops[i].value) { css += ', '+stops[i].value.css+' '+stops[i].position+'% '; //The CSS string for the preview bar is always linear previewCss += ', color-stop('+stops[i].position+'%,'+stops[i].value.css+')'; } else if (stops[i].value){ css += ', color-stop('+stops[i].position+'%,'+stops[i].value.css+')'; //The CSS string for the preview bar is always linear previewCss += ', color-stop('+stops[i].position+'%,'+stops[i].value.css+')'; } else { // } } //Closing the CSS strings css += ')'; previewCss += ')'; //console.log(previewCss); //Setting the preview track background this.trackMain.style.background = previewCss; //Storing the stops this.value = stops; //Initializing and storing data for event actionEvent.initEvent(type, true, true); actionEvent.type = type; actionEvent.wasSetByCode = userInitiated; actionEvent.gradient = {stops: this.value, mode: this.mode, gradientMode: this.mode, css: css}; this.dispatchEvent(actionEvent); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// });