/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils.js").NJUtils; exports.Tree = Montage.create(Component, { _treeDepth: { value: 1 }, treeDepth: { get: function() { return this._treeDepth; }, set: function(value) { this._treeDepth = value; } }, _depthHash: { value: "" }, depthHash: { get: function() { return this._depthHash; }, set: function(strValue) { this._depthHash = strValue; } }, _firstLevel: { value: true }, firstLevel: { get: function() { return this._firstLevel; }, set: function(value) { this._firstLevel = value; } }, _hasFocus: { enumerable: false, value: false }, _selectedNode: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _selectedNodes: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _dataProvider: { enumerable: false, value: null }, dataProvider: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._dataProvider; }, set: function(dp) { this._dataProvider = dp.documentElement; this.needsDraw = true; } }, _jsonData: { enumerable: false, value: null }, jsonData: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._jsonData; }, set: function(jsonObject) { this._jsonData = jsonObject; this.needsDraw = true; } }, _traverseJson: { value: function(jsonObject, parentElement, intCounter) { var newLi = document.createElement("li"), fileSpan = document.createElement("span"), spaceSpan = document.createElement("span"), nameSpan = document.createElement("span"), sizeSpan = document.createElement("span"), dateSpan = document.createElement("span"), clearSpan = document.createElement("span"), containerSpan = document.createElement("span"), textName = document.createTextNode(jsonObject.name), textSize = "", textDate = "", textSpace = document.createTextNode("\u00A0"), indent = this.treeDepth * 18, strIndent = indent + "px", extension = jsonObject.name.split(".").pop(), makeFriendlySize = function(intSize) { var strSize = false, intRoundedSize = Math.round(intSize/1000); strSize = intRoundedSize + " K"; return strSize; }, makeFriendlyDate = function(intSeconds) { // TODO: Localization. var myDate = new Date(intSeconds), strDate = ""; strDate = (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + myDate.getDate() + "/" + myDate.getFullYear() + " " + myDate.toLocaleTimeString(); return strDate; } // File or directory? if (jsonObject.type === "file") { // Build file item: // Create li, give it attributes and event listeners // and then append it to the DOM // Markup is a little complex in order to handle indention and columns. textSize = document.createTextNode(makeFriendlySize(jsonObject.size)); fileSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-files"); sizeSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-size"); sizeSpan.appendChild(textSize); spaceSpan.setAttribute("class", "span-space"); spaceSpan.appendChild(textSpace); spaceSpan.style.width = strIndent; clearSpan.setAttribute("class", "clear"); fileSpan.appendChild(spaceSpan); fileSpan.appendChild(textName); dateSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-date"); textDate = document.createTextNode(makeFriendlyDate(parseInt(jsonObject.modifiedDate))); dateSpan.appendChild(textDate); // Append elements in order containerSpan.appendChild(fileSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(dateSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(sizeSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(clearSpan); containerSpan.setAttribute("tabindex", 0); containerSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-span-all"); newLi.appendChild(containerSpan); // Loop through the JSON properties and set them as data attributes on the element for (var property in jsonObject) { var newAttribute = "data-" + property; newLi.setAttribute(newAttribute, jsonObject[property]); } // Set depth hash data newLi.setAttribute("data-depthhash", this.depthHash + "" + intCounter); // We also need to set the class of the element newLi.setAttribute("class", jsonObject.type); // Get the file extension newLi.classList.add(extension.toLowerCase()); // Add event listeners. Use the nifty identifier feature. newLi.identifier="jsontree"; newLi.addEventListener("click", this, false); newLi.addEventListener("keydown", this, false); // Add element to the DOM. parentElement.appendChild(newLi); } else { // If it's not a file, it's a directory, so build directory item: // Create li for directory entry, give it properties // If it has children, create a UL for it and recurse. // Markup is a little complex in order to handle indention and columns. fileSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-files"); if (this.firstLevel) { fileSpan.setAttribute("title", jsonObject.uri); fileSpan.classList.add("bold"); this.firstLevel = false; } sizeSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-size"); dateSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-col-date"); spaceSpan.setAttribute("class", "span-space"); spaceSpan.appendChild(textSpace); spaceSpan.style.width = strIndent; clearSpan.setAttribute("class", "clear"); fileSpan.appendChild(spaceSpan); fileSpan.appendChild(textName); containerSpan.appendChild(fileSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(dateSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(sizeSpan); containerSpan.appendChild(clearSpan); containerSpan.setAttribute("tabindex", 0); containerSpan.setAttribute("class", "pp-span-all"); newLi.appendChild(containerSpan); // Loop through the JSON properties and set them as data attributes on the element for (var property in jsonObject) { if (property !== "children") { var newAttribute = "data-" + property; newLi.setAttribute(newAttribute, jsonObject[property]); } } // Set element classes newLi.setAttribute("class", jsonObject.type); if (this.treeDepth < 3) { newLi.classList.add("level1"); } // Set depth hash data newLi.setAttribute("data-depthhash", this.depthHash + "" + intCounter); // Add event listeners. Use nifty identifier feature. newLi.identifier="jsontree"; newLi.addEventListener("click", this, false); newLi.addEventListener("keydown", this, false); // Append element to the DOM. parentElement.appendChild(newLi); // Does the directory have children? if (jsonObject.children != null) { // Yes it does. Create a new UL and recurse. var newUl = document.createElement("ul"), jsonObjectLength = jsonObject.children.length, oldDepthHash = this.depthHash; // Only show the first two levels of the list open, otherwise show them as closed. if (this.treeDepth < 3) { newLi.classList.add("open"); } else { newLi.classList.add("closed"); } // Extend depthHash: this.depthHash = this.depthHash + "" + intCounter + ","; newLi.appendChild(newUl); for (var i = 0; i < jsonObjectLength; i++) { this.treeDepth = this.treeDepth + 1; this._traverseJson(jsonObject.children[i], newUl, i); this.treeDepth = this.treeDepth -1; } // we're done recursing, so restore depthHash to what it was before we recursed: this.depthHash = oldDepthHash; } } } }, handleJsontreeClick: { value: function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var target = event.currentTarget, myType = target.dataset.type, treeClickEvent; // What type of item did we just click on? if (myType === "directory") { // We just clicked on a directory. Toggle it! target.classList.toggle("open"); target.classList.toggle("closed"); // Dispatch an event that can be used by the Project Panel treeClickEvent = document.createEvent("UIEvents"); treeClickEvent.initEvent("treeClickEvent", false, false); document.dispatchEvent(treeClickEvent); } } }, handleJsontreeKeydown: { value: function(event) { var target = event.currentTarget, myType = target.dataset.type, nextSpan = false, mySeebl = false, treeClickEvent = document.createEvent("UIEvents"), getNextSibling = function(el) { // Get the next sibling of a file element. // Returns the sibling if it exists, or false if there is none. // first of all, if we're at the top of the tree we're already done. var myParentUl = nj.queryParentSelector(el, "ul"); if (myParentUl.getAttribute("id") === "pp-container-tree") { return false; } var myPar = nj.queryParentSelector(el, "li"), mySeebl = myPar.nextSibling; if (mySeebl === null) { mySeebl = getNextSibling(myPar); } if (mySeebl === false) { return false; } return mySeebl; }, drillDown = function (ptrLi) { // Drill down into a subtree var returnSibling = false; if ((ptrLi.classList.contains("directory")) && (ptrLi.classList.contains("open"))) { returnSibling = drillDown(ptrLi.querySelector("li:last-child")); } else { returnSibling = ptrLi; } return returnSibling; }, goUp = function (ptrLi, isRecursing) { // Get the previous item in a tree. var testSibling = ptrLi.previousSibling, newSibling = "", returnSibling = false; if (isRecursing) { testSibling = ptrLi; } if ((testSibling !== null) && (testSibling.querySelector)) { // exists. If it's a open directory, we need to drill down into it. if ((testSibling.classList.contains("directory"))&&(testSibling.classList.contains("open")) &&(!isRecursing)) { returnSibling = drillDown(testSibling); } else { // We can just use it; returnSibling = testSibling; } } else { // It doesn't exist, so we need to go up a level. newSibling = nj.queryParentSelector(ptrLi, "li"); returnSibling = goUp(newSibling, true); } return returnSibling; }; // Stop propagation. event.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (event.keyCode === 40) { // Down arrow pressed. // Prevent scroll. event.preventDefault(); if (myType === "directory") { // The keypress happened on a directory. // Is it open or closed? if (target.classList.contains("open")) { // Go into the subdirectory var myPar = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, "li"); nextLi = myPar.querySelector("ul li"); nextSpan = nextLi.querySelector("span"); // But the subdirectory might be empty...if so, get // the next element if (nextSpan === null) { nextSpan = target.nextSibling.querySelector(".pp-span-all"); } } else if (target.classList.contains("closed")) { var myParentUl = nj.queryParentSelector(target, "ul"); if (myParentUl.getAttribute("id") !== "pp-container-list") { // Closed directory, so get the next sibling element. nextSpan = target.nextSibling.querySelector(".pp-span-all"); } } } else { // The keypress happened on a file, so we need to get the next // element and focus it. mySeebl = getNextSibling(event.target); if (mySeebl) { nextSpan = mySeebl.querySelector(".pp-span-all"); } } // If the next element isn't null or false, focus it if ((nextSpan !== null) && (nextSpan !== false)) { nextSpan.focus(); } } if (event.keyCode === 38) { // Up arrow pressed. // Prevent scroll. event.preventDefault(); var myLi = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, "li"), myUl = nj.queryParentSelector(myLi, "ul"), nextSibling = ""; // If we're not already at the top of the tree, we need to // goUp. if (myUl.getAttribute("id") !== "pp-container-tree") { nextSibling = goUp(myLi, false); nextSpan = nextSibling.querySelector(".pp-span-all"); // If the next element isn't null or false, focus it if ((nextSpan !== null) && (nextSpan !== false)) { nextSpan.focus(); } } } if (event.keyCode === 37) { // Left arrow pressed. // Prevent scroll. event.preventDefault(); var projectPanel = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, "#projectPanel"), firstButton = projectPanel.querySelector(".button-project"); firstButton.focus(); } if (event.keyCode === 13) { // return pressed. if (myType === "directory") { target.classList.toggle("open"); target.classList.toggle("closed"); } // Dispatch an event that can be used by the Project Panel treeClickEvent.initEvent("treeClickEvent", false, false); document.dispatchEvent(treeClickEvent); } if (event.keyCode === 39) { // Right arrow key pressed event.preventDefault(); } } }, // TODO This should be more flexible - it should accept strings and objects as well. // Adds a node to root tree node addTreeNode: { value: function(treeNode) { if(this.dataProvider) { // TODO This should set the dataProvider instead so we draw on the next frame. this._element.appendChild(treeNode); this.needsDraw = true; } else { // TODO create a new dataProvider } } }, // arg1 = new tree node's id // arg2 = label // should also allow users to specify an object that is the "data" for that tree addTreeNode2: { value: function(treeID, treeLabel) { var curNode = document.createElement("li"); curNode.id = treeID; curNode.addEventListener("click", this, false); var leafIcon = document.createElement("img"); leafIcon.src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeItem.png"; leafIcon.width = 16; leafIcon.height = 16; leafIcon.addEventListener("click", this, false); var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.textContent = treeLabel; textNode.insertBefore(leafIcon, textNode.firstChild); curNode.appendChild(textNode); this.addTreeNode(curNode); } }, // add a new tree node to an existing parent tree node addTreeNode3: { value: function(treeNode, parentNode) { if(parentNode) { // TODO This should set the dataProvider instead so we draw on the next frame. // TODO If parentNode is an LI element, we need to convert it to an UL element parentNode.appendChild(treeNode); this.needsDraw = true; } else { } } }, // TODO This should be more flexible - it should accept strings and objects as well. removeTreeNode: { value: function(treeNode) { var nodeToDelete = document.getElementById(treeNode.id); if(nodeToDelete) { this._element.removeChild(nodeToDelete); this.needsDraw = true; } } }, draw: { value: function() { } }, _createFolderNode: { value: function(folderID, folderLabel, isFolder, isExpanded) { var parNode = document.createElement("li"); parNode.id = folderID; parNode.setAttribute("isFolder", isFolder); parNode.setAttribute("isExpanded", isExpanded); parNode.addEventListener("click", this, false); var folderIcon = document.createElement("img"); folderIcon.src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeFolderOpen.png"; folderIcon.width = 16; folderIcon.height = 16; var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.textContent = folderLabel; var disclosureIcon = document.createElement("img"); disclosureIcon.src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeDisclosure.png"; disclosureIcon.width = 16; disclosureIcon.height = 16; disclosureIcon.addEventListener("click", this, false); textNode.insertBefore(folderIcon, textNode.firstChild); textNode.insertBefore(disclosureIcon, textNode.firstChild); parNode.appendChild(textNode); var curNode = document.createElement("ul"); curNode.id = folderID + "folderItems"; parNode.appendChild(curNode); return parNode; } }, _setNodeStyle: { value: function(dp, par) { var dpLen = dp.length; for(var i=0; i < dpLen; i++) { var treeNode = dp[i]; if(treeNode.nodeType !== 1) { continue; } var newNode; if(treeNode.childNodes.length === 0) { if(treeNode.nodeName === "folder") { newNode = this._createFolderNode(treeNode.getAttribute("id"), treeNode.getAttribute("label"), "true", "true"); par.appendChild(newNode); } else if(treeNode.nodeName === "leaf") { var leafIcon = document.createElement("img"); leafIcon.src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeItem.png"; leafIcon.width = 16; leafIcon.height = 16; leafIcon.addEventListener("click", this, false); newNode = document.createElement("li"); newNode.id = treeNode.getAttribute("id"); newNode.addEventListener("click", this, false); newNode.draggable = true; // test code for component panel needed by our DragDropManager newNode.ondragstart = function(event){ event.dataTransfer.setData ("text/plain", event.currentTarget.id + "-Component"); }; var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.textContent = treeNode.getAttribute("label"); textNode.insertBefore(leafIcon, textNode.firstChild); newNode.appendChild(textNode); par.appendChild(newNode); } else { console.log("Did not handle tree node " + treeNode.nodeName); } } else { newNode = this._createFolderNode(treeNode.getAttribute("id"), treeNode.getAttribute("label"), "true", "true"); par.appendChild(newNode); this._setNodeStyle(treeNode.childNodes, newNode.lastChild); } } } }, prepareForDraw: { value: function() { if(this.dataProvider) { this._setNodeStyle(this.dataProvider.childNodes, this._element); } else if (this.jsonData) { this._traverseJson(this.jsonData, this._element, 0); } } }, handleClick: { value: function(event) { // this._acknowledgeIntent(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var target = event.currentTarget; switch(target.nodeName) { case "LI": { console.log("clicked " + target.id); target.classList.add("selected"); if( this._selectedNode && (this._selectedNode !== target) ) { this._selectedNode.classList.remove("selected"); } this._selectedNode = target; var actionEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); actionEvent.initEvent("change", true, true); actionEvent.type = "change"; actionEvent.treeNode = target; actionEvent.mouseEvent = event; this.dispatchEvent(actionEvent); break; } case "IMG": { var _parent = target.parentElement.parentElement; if(_parent.getAttribute("isFolder")) { // toggle the items in the UL node if(_parent.getAttribute("isExpanded") === "true") { _parent.setAttribute("isExpanded", "false"); _parent.classList.remove("expanded"); _parent.children[0].children[0].style.webkitTransform = "rotate(-90deg)"; _parent.children[0].children[1].src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeFolderClosed.png"; this.toggleFolderState(_parent.children[1], false); } else { _parent.setAttribute("isExpanded", "true"); _parent.classList.add("expanded"); _parent.children[0].children[0].style.webkitTransform = "rotate(0deg)"; _parent.children[0].children[1].src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeFolderOpen.png"; this.toggleFolderState(_parent.children[1], true); } } break; } } // TODO - This is just for testing if(target.id === "addItem") { var curNode = document.createElement("li"); var uniqueID = Math.floor(Math.random()*9999); curNode.id = "newItem_" + uniqueID; curNode.addEventListener("click", this, false); var leafIcon = document.createElement("img"); leafIcon.src = "Tree.reel/treeItem.png"; leafIcon.width = 16; leafIcon.height = 16; leafIcon.addEventListener("click", this, false); var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.textContent = "New Item " + uniqueID; textNode.insertBefore(leafIcon, textNode.firstChild); curNode.appendChild(textNode); this.addTreeNode(curNode); } else if(target.id === "addItem2") { this.addTreeNode2("TestItem2", "This is a test item"); } else if(target.id === "addItem3") { var curNode = document.createElement("li"); var uniqueID = Math.floor(Math.random()*9999); curNode.id = "newItem_" + uniqueID; curNode.addEventListener("click", this, false); var leafIcon = document.createElement("img"); leafIcon.src = "js/components/tree.reel/treeItem.png"; leafIcon.width = 16; leafIcon.height = 16; leafIcon.addEventListener("click", this, false); var textNode = document.createElement("text"); textNode.textContent = "New Sub Item " + uniqueID; textNode.insertBefore(leafIcon, textNode.firstChild); curNode.appendChild(textNode); this.addTreeNode3(curNode, this._element.children[0].children[1]); } else if(target.id === "removeItem") { // Get last node var curNode = this._element.children[this._element.children.length-1]; curNode.removeEventListener("click", this, false); this.removeTreeNode(curNode); } } }, toggleFolderState : { value : function(folderNode, expand) { var i = 0; var len = folderNode.children.length; if(!expand) { for(i=0; i<len; i++) { folderNode.children[i].style.display = "none"; } } else { for(i=0; i<len; i++) { if(folderNode.children[i].nodeName === "LI") { folderNode.children[i].style.display = "list-item"; } else { // special case folders folderNode.children[i].style.display = "block"; } } } } }, init: { value: function() { this.needsDraw = true; this.prepareForDraw(); } } });