/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, ColorModel = require("js/models/color-model").ColorModel, ColorPanelBase = require("js/panels/Color/colorpanelbase.reel").ColorPanelBase, ElementsMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator, ColorPopupManager = require("js/panels/Color/colorpopup-manager").ColorPopupManager, ColorButtonManager = require("js/panels/Color/colorbutton-manager").ColorButtonManager; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Exporting as ColorController exports.ColorController = Montage.create(Component, { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hasTemplate: { value: false }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function () { //Setting up colorManager in other classes this.colorPanelBase.colorManager = this.colorModel; this.colorPopupManager.colorManager = this.colorModel; this.colorButtonManager.colorManager = this.colorModel; //Listening for color changes this.colorModel.addEventListener('change', this, false); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorModel: { value: ColorModel }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorPanelBase: { value: ColorPanelBase }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorPopupManager: { value: ColorPopupManager }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorButtonManager: { value: ColorPopupManager }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorView: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // colorToolbar: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _popupTab: { value: 'wheel' }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // popupTab: { get: function() {return this._popupTab;}, set: function(value) {this._popupTab = value.toLowerCase();} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // addButton: { value: function (type, button) { if (this.colorView) { this.colorView.addButton(type, button); return true; } else if (this.ColorPanelBase) { this.ColorPanelBase.addButton(type, button); return true; } else { return false; } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // removeButton: { value: function (type, button) { if (this.colorView) { this.colorView.removeButton(type, button); return true; } else if (this.ColorPanelBase) { this.ColorPanelBase.removeButton(type, button); return true; } else { return false; } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _fill: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fill: { get: function() {return this._fill;}, set: function(value) {this._fill = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _stroke: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // stroke: { get: function() {return this._stroke;}, set: function(value) {this._stroke = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // getBackground: { value: function (element) { //TODO: Return object with all background properties console.log(ElementsMediator.getProperty(element, 'background-color')); console.log(ElementsMediator.getProperty(element, 'background-image')); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // getBorder: { value: function (element) { } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // setColor: { value: function (mode, color, isFill, selection) { var elements; //The selection is optional, if none, it asks for the currently selected elements if (selection) { elements = selection; } else { elements = this.application.ninja.selectedElements; } if (elements && elements.length) { var colorInfo = { mode:mode, color:color }; ElementsMediator.setColor(elements, colorInfo, isFill, "Change", "color-controller"); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleChange: { value: function (e) { // var color, input = e._event.input, panelMode, mode = e._event.mode; if (this.colorView) { panelMode = this.colorView.panelMode; } // if (mode === 'nocolor') { color = {value: null, css: 'none'}; } else if (panelMode === 'rgb' && e._event.rgba && mode !== 'gradient') { color = e._event.rgba; color.webGlColor = e._event.webGlColor; } else if (panelMode === 'hsl' && e._event.hsla && mode !== 'gradient') { color = e._event.hsla; color.webGlColor = e._event.webGlColor; } else if (mode !== 'gradient'){ color = {value: e._event.hex, css: '#'+e._event.hex}; } else if (mode === 'gradient'){ color = e._event.value.value; } color.mode = panelMode; color.wasSetByCode = true; color.type = "change"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if (input === 'fill') { // this.fill = color; // if(e._event.wasSetByCode) return; // this.setColor(mode, color, true); } else if (input === 'stroke') { // this.stroke = color; // if(e._event.wasSetByCode) return; this.setColor(mode, color, false); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Converts CSS to a color object to be used by the color model getColorObjFromCss: { value: function (css) { // var color, arr, i, j, temp, c, gradient; //console.log(css.indexOf('-webkit'), css); if (css && css.indexOf('-webkit') >= 0) { // gradient = {mode: null, stops: null}; //Checking for gradient type if (css.indexOf('-webkit-radial-gradient') >= 0) { //Radial gradient gradient.stops = []; gradient.mode = 'radial'; gradient.gradientMode = 'radial'; gradient.css = css; // arr = css.split('%,'); // for (j=1; arr[j]; j++) { //TODO: Add HSL support if (arr[j].indexOf('rgb') >= 0 && arr[j].indexOf('rgba') < 0) { temp = arr[j].split('rgb'); temp = temp[1].replace(/\(/i, ""); temp = temp.split(')'); c = this.parseCssToColor('rgb('+temp[0]+')'); gradient.stops.push({css: c.css, value: c.value, mode: c.mode, position: parseInt(temp[1].replace(/\%/i, ""))}); } else if (css.indexOf('rgba') >= 0) { temp = arr[j].split('rgba'); temp = temp[1].replace(/\(/i, ""); temp = temp.split(')'); c = this.parseCssToColor('rgba('+temp[0]+')'); gradient.stops.push({css: c.css, value: c.value, mode: c.mode, position: parseInt(temp[1].replace(/\%/i, ""))}); } } } else if (css.indexOf('-webkit-gradient') >= 0) { //Linear gradient gradient.stops = []; gradient.mode = 'linear'; gradient.gradientMode = 'linear'; gradient.css = css; // arr = css.split('from('); arr = arr[1].split('),'); // for (i=0; arr[i]; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/ color-stop\(/i, ""); // if (arr[i].indexOf('to(') >= 0) { arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/ to\(/i, ""); arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/\)\)/i, ""); } // if (i === 0) { arr[i] = {css: arr[i], percent: 0}; } else if (i === arr.length-1) { arr[i] = {css: arr[i], percent: 100}; } else { // if (arr[i].indexOf('rgb') >= 0 && arr[i].indexOf('rgba') < 0) { temp = arr[i].split(', rgb'); arr[i] = {css: 'rgb'+temp[1], percent: Math.round(parseFloat(temp[0])*100)}; } else if (arr[i].indexOf('rgba') >= 0) { temp = arr[i].split(', rgba'); arr[i] = {css: 'rgba'+temp[1], percent: Math.round(parseFloat(temp[0])*100)}; } } // c = this.parseCssToColor(arr[i].css); gradient.stops.push({css: c.css, value: c.value, mode: c.mode, position: arr[i].percent}); } } //Creating gradient object color = {mode: 'gradient', value: {stops: gradient.stops, mode: gradient.mode, gradientMode: gradient.gradientMode, css: css}}; } else if (css){ //Simple solid color color = this.parseCssToColor(css); } // TODO - Hack for inconsistent color object -- some workflows set color.color and some color.value if(color) { if(color.value && !color.color) { color.color = color.value; } else if(color.color && !color.value) { color.value = color.color; } } //Returning color object (or null if none) return color; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Parses simple solid CSS string into color object parseCssToColor: { value: function (css) { var color, r, p; //Parsing string and converting into color object if (css.indexOf('#') >= 0) { color = {mode: 'hex', css: css, value: css.split('#')[1]}; } else if (css.indexOf('rgb') >= 0 && css.indexOf('rgba') < 0) { r = /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/; p = css.match(r); color = {mode: 'rgb', css: css, value: {css: css, r: parseInt(p[1]), g: parseInt(p[2]), b: parseInt(p[3]), a: 1}}; } else if (css.indexOf('rgba') >= 0) { r = /^rgba\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\)$/; p = css.match(r); color = {mode: 'rgb', css: css, value: {css: css, r: parseInt(p[1]), g: parseInt(p[2]), b: parseInt(p[3]), a: parseFloat(p[4])}}; } else if (css.indexOf('hsl') >= 0 && css.indexOf('hsla') < 0) { r = /^hsl\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/; p = css.match(r); color = {mode: 'hsl', css: css, value: {css: css, h: parseInt(p[1]), s: parseInt(p[2]), l: parseInt(p[3]), a: 1}}; } if (css.indexOf('hsla') >= 0) { r = /^hsla\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\)$/; p = css.match(r); color = {mode: 'hsl', css: css, value: {css: css, h: parseInt(p[1]), s: parseInt(p[2]), l: parseInt(p[3]), a: parseFloat(p[4])}}; } //Must be a valid CSS or null will be returned return color; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// });