/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, NJComponent = require("js/lib/nj-base").NJComponent; var ElementController = exports.ElementController = Montage.create(NJComponent, { addElement: { value: function(el, styles) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.appendChild(el); // Nested elements - // TODO make sure the CSS is correct before nesting elements // this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.appendChild(el); this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyles(el, styles); } }, removeElement: { value: function(el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, getProperty: { value: function(el, prop, fallbackOnComputed, isStageElement) { if(el.nodeType !== 3){ return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, prop, fallbackOnComputed, isStageElement); }else{ return null; } } }, setProperty: { value: function(el, p, value) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, p, value); } }, setProperties: { value: function(el, props, index) { for(var p in props) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, p, props[p][index]); } } }, setAttribute: { value: function(el, att, value) { if(att === "id") { if(value === "") { el.setAttribute(att, value); return; } // Then check if this is a valid id by the following spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#h-6.2 var regexID = /^([a-zA-Z])+([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\:\-])+/; if(!regexID.test(value)) { alert("Invalid ID"); return; } else if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument._document.getElementById(value) !== null) { alert("The following ID: " + value + " is already in Use"); } } el.setAttribute(att, value); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set color properties // borderSide : "top", "right", "bottom", or "left" getColor: { value: function(el, isFill, borderSide) { var colorObj, color, image; // Return cached value if one exists if(isFill) { if(el.elementModel.fill) { return el.elementModel.fill; } //TODO: Once logic for color and gradient is established, this needs to be revised color = this.getProperty(el, "background-color"); image = this.getProperty(el, "background-image"); } else { // Try getting border color from specific side first if(borderSide) { color = this.getProperty(el, "border-" + borderSide + "-color"); image = this.getProperty(el, "border-" + borderSide + "-image"); } // If no color was found, look up the shared border color if(!color && !image) { if(el.elementModel.stroke) { return el.elementModel.stroke; } color = this.getProperty(el, "border-color"); image = this.getProperty(el, "border-image"); } } if(color || image) { if (image && image !== 'none' && image.indexOf('-webkit') >= 0) { //Gradient colorObj = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(image); } else { //Solid colorObj = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(color); } } // Update cache if(isFill) { el.elementModel.fill = colorObj; } else if(!borderSide) { // TODO - Need to update border style and width also el.elementModel.stroke = colorObj; } else { // TODO - Should update specific border sides too } return colorObj; } }, setColor: { value: function(el, color, isFill) { var mode = color.mode; if(isFill) { if(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'nocolor': this.setProperty(el, "background-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", "none"); el.elementModel.fill = null; return; case 'gradient': this.setProperty(el, "background-image", color.color.css); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", "none"); break; default: this.setProperty(el, "background-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", color.color.css); } } el.elementModel.fill = color; } else { if(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'nocolor': this.setProperty(el, "border-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", "none"); el.elementModel.stroke = null; return; case 'gradient': this.setProperty(el, "border-image", color.color.css); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", "none"); if(color.borderInfo) { this.setProperty(el, "border-width", color.borderInfo.borderWidth + color.borderInfo.borderUnits); this.setProperty(el, "border-style", color.borderInfo.borderStyle); } break; default: this.setProperty(el, "border-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", color.color.css); if(color.borderInfo) { this.setProperty(el, "border-width", color.borderInfo.borderWidth + color.borderInfo.borderUnits); this.setProperty(el, "border-style", color.borderInfo.borderStyle); } } } el.elementModel.stroke = color; } } }, getStroke: { value: function(el) { // TODO - Need to figure out which border side user wants return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, "border"); } }, setStroke: { value: function(el, stroke) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "border-width", stroke.borderWidth + stroke.borderUnits); this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "border-style", stroke.borderStyle); this.setColor(el, stroke.color, false); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set 3D properties get3DProperty: { value: function(el, prop) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D) { return el.elementModel.props3D[prop]; } } }, getMatrix: { value: function(el) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D && el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d) { return el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d.slice(0); } else { var mat; if (el) { var xformStr = this.application.ninja.elementMediator.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); if (xformStr) mat = this.transformStringToMat( xformStr ); if (!mat) mat = Matrix.I(4); var zoom = this.application.ninja.elementMediator.getProperty(el, "zoom"); if (zoom) { zoom = Number(zoom); if (zoom != 1) { var zoomMat = Matrix.create( [ [ zoom, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, zoom, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, zoom, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 1] ] ); glmat4.multiply( zoomMat, mat, mat ); } } } el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d = mat; return mat; } } }, getPerspectiveDist: { value: function(el) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D && el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist) { return el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist; } else { var dist = 1400; var str = this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); if (str) { var index1 = str.indexOf( "perspective("); if (index1 >= 0) { index1 += 12; // do not include 'perspective(' var index2 = str.indexOf( ")", index1 ); if (index2 >= 0) { var substr = str.substr( index1, (index2-index1)); if (substr && (substr.length > 0)) dist = MathUtils.styleToNumber( substr ); } } } el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist = dist; return dist; } } }, // TODO - perspective distance needs to be passed in as "dist" and matrix3d needs to be passed in as "mat" set3DProperties: { value: function(el, props, index, update3DModel) { var dist = props[index]["dist"], mat = props[index]["mat"]; this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "-webkit-transform", "perspective(" + dist + ") " + "matrix3d(" + MathUtils.scientificToDecimal(mat, 5) + ")"); el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d = mat; el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist = dist; if(update3DModel) { this._update3DProperties(el, mat, dist); } } }, _update3DProperties: { value: function(elt, mat, dist) { var elt3DInfo = MathUtils.decomposeMatrix2(mat); if(elt3DInfo) { elt.elementModel.props3D.xAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[0] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.yAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[1] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.zAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[2] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.x3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[0]); elt.elementModel.props3D.y3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[1]); elt.elementModel.props3D.z3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[2]); } } }, transformStringToMat: { value: function( str ) { var rtnMat; var index1 = str.indexOf( "matrix3d("); if (index1 >= 0) { index1 += 9; // do not include 'matrix3d(' var index2 = str.indexOf( ")", index1 ); if (index2 >= 0) { var substr = str.substr( index1, (index2-index1)); if (substr && (substr.length > 0)) { var numArray = substr.split(','); var nNums = numArray.length; if (nNums == 16) { // gl-matrix wants row order rtnMat = numArray; for (var i=0; i<16; i++) rtnMat[i] = Number( rtnMat[i] ); } } } } return rtnMat; } } });