/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

var Montage = 	        	require("montage/core/core").Montage,
	Component =         	require("montage/ui/component").Component,
    HtmlDocumentModel = 	require("js/document/models/html").HtmlDocumentModel,
    DesignDocumentView = 	require("js/document/views/design").DesignDocumentView;
exports.HtmlDocument = Montage.create(Component, {
	hasTemplate: {
        value: false
    model: {
        value: null
    loaded: {
        value: {callback: null, context: null}
    _observer: {
        value: null
    exclusionList: {
        value: ["HTML", "BODY", "NINJA-CONTENT"]
    inExclusion: {
        value: function(element) {
            if(this.exclusionList.indexOf(element.nodeName) === -1) {
                return -1;
            return 1;
    init: {
        value:function(file, context, callback, view, template) {
        	//Storing callback data for loaded dispatch
        	this.loaded.callback = callback;
        	this.loaded.context = context;
            //Creating instance of HTML Document Model
            this.model = Montage.create(HtmlDocumentModel,{
            	file: {value: file},
            	fileTemplate: {value: template},
            	parentContainer: {value: document.getElementById("iframeContainer")}, //Saving reference to parent container of all views (should be changed to buckets approach
            	views: {value: {'design': DesignDocumentView.create(), 'code': null}} //TODO: Add code view logic
            //Calling the any init routines in the model
            //Initiliazing views and hiding
           	if (this.model.views.design.initialize(this.model.parentContainer)) {
           		//Hiding iFrame, just initiliazing
           		//Setting the iFrame property for reference in helper class
           		this.model.webGlHelper.iframe = this.model.views.design.iframe;
           	} else {
           		//ERROR: Design View not initialized
            if (view === 'design') {
            	//TODO: Remove reference and use as part of model
            	this.currentView = 'design';
            	//Setting current view object to design
            	this.model.currentView = this.model.views.design;
            	//Showing design iFrame
            	this.model.views.design.iframe.style.opacity = 0;
            	this.model.views.design.content = this.model.file.content;
            	//TODO: Improve reference (probably through binding values)
            	this.model.views.design._webGlHelper = this.model.webGlHelper;
            	//Rendering design view, using observers to know when template is ready
            	this.model.views.design.render(function () {
            		//Adding observer to know when template is ready
            		this._observer = new WebKitMutationObserver(this.handleTemplateReady.bind(this));
        			this._observer.observe(this.model.views.design.document.head, {childList: true});
            	}.bind(this), template, {viewCallback: this.handleViewReady, context: this});
            } else {
            	//TODO: Identify default view (probably code)
    handleTemplateReady: {
    	value: function (e) {
    		//Removing observer, only needed on initial load
    		this._observer = null;
    handleViewReady: {
        value: function() {
            //Making callback after view is loaded
            this.loaded.callback.call(this.loaded.context, this);
	closeDocument: {
		value: function (context, callback) {
			//Closing document and getting outcome
			var closed = this.model.close(null);
			//Making callback if specified
			if (callback) callback.call(context, this);
    serializeDocument: {
    	value: function () {
            // Serialize the current scroll position
            //TODO: Move these properties to the design view class
            this.model.scrollLeft = this.application.ninja.stage._scrollLeft;
            this.model.scrollTop = this.application.ninja.stage._scrollTop;
            this.model.userContentLeft = this.application.ninja.stage._userContentLeft;
            this.model.userContentTop = this.application.ninja.stage._userContentTop;

            // Serialize the selection, the container and grid
            //TODO: Move this property to the design view class
            this.model.selection = this.application.ninja.selectedElements.slice(0);

            // Pause the videos
            //TODO: Move these to be handled on the show/hide methods in the view
    deserializeDocument: {
    	value: function () {
            // Deserialize the current scroll position
             //TODO: Move these properties to the design view class
            this.application.ninja.stage._scrollLeft = this.model.scrollLeft;
            this.application.ninja.stage._scrollTop = this.model.scrollTop;
            this.application.ninja.stage._userContentLeft = this.model.userContentLeft;
            this.application.ninja.stage._userContentTop = this.model.userContentTop;

            // Serialize the undo
            // TODO: Save the montage undo queue