/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, TextDocument = require("js/document/text-document").TextDocument, NJUtils = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils, GLWorld = require("js/lib/drawing/world").World, MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exports.HTMLDocument = Montage.create(TextDocument, { _selectionExclude: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _htmlTemplateUrl: { value: "js/document/templates/montage-html/index.html", enumerable: false}, _iframe: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _server: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _templateDocument: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _selectionModel: { value: [], enumerable: false }, _undoModel: { value: { "queue" : [], "position" : 0 }, enumerable: false}, _document: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _documentRoot: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _liveNodeList: { value: null, enumarable: false }, _stageBG: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _window: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _styles: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _stylesheets: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _stageStyleSheetId : { value: 'nj-stage-stylesheet', enumerable: false }, _userDocument: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _htmlSource: {value: "<html></html>", enumerable: false}, _glData: {value: null, enumerable: false }, _userComponents: { value: {}, enumarable: false}, _elementCounter: { value: 1, enumerable: false }, _snapping : { value: true, enumerable: false }, _layoutMode: { value: "all", enumerable: false }, _draw3DGrid: { value: false, writable: true }, _swfObject: { value: false, enumerable: false }, _zoomFactor: { value: 100, enumerable: false }, cssLoadInterval: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _savedLeftScroll: {value:null}, _savedTopScroll: {value:null}, _codeViewDocument:{ writable: true, enumerable: true, value:null }, //drawUtils state _gridHorizontalSpacing: {value:0}, _gridVerticalSpacing: {value:0}, //end - drawUtils state _undoStack: { value: [] }, undoStack: { get: function() { return this._undoStack; }, set:function(value){ this._undoStack = value; } }, _redoStack: { value: [], enumerable: false }, redoStack: { get: function() { return this._redoStack; }, set:function(value){ this._redoStack = value; } }, // GETTERS / SETTERS codeViewDocument:{ get: function() { return this._codeViewDocument; }, set: function(value) { this._codeViewDocument = value} }, savedLeftScroll:{ get: function() { return this._savedLeftScroll; }, set: function(value) { this._savedLeftScroll = value} }, savedTopScroll:{ get: function() { return this._savedTopScroll; }, set: function(value) { this._savedTopScroll = value} }, gridHorizontalSpacing:{ get: function() { return this._gridHorizontalSpacing; }, set: function(value) { this._gridHorizontalSpacing = value} }, gridVerticalSpacing:{ get: function() { return this._gridVerticalSpacing; }, set: function(value) { this._gridVerticalSpacing = value} }, selectionExclude: { get: function() { return this._selectionExclude; }, set: function(value) { this._selectionExclude = value; } }, iframe: { get: function() { return this._iframe; }, set: function(value) { this._iframe = value; } }, server: { get: function() { return this._server; }, set: function(value) { this._server = value; } }, selectionModel: { get: function() { return this._selectionModel; }, set: function(value) { this._selectionModel = value; } }, undoModel: { get: function() { return this._undoModel; }, set: function(value) { this._undoModel.queue = value.queue; this._undoModel.position = value.position; } }, documentRoot: { get: function() { return this._documentRoot; }, set: function(value) { this._documentRoot = value; } }, stageBG: { get: function() { return this._stageBG; }, set: function(value) { this._stageBG = value; } }, elementCounter: { set: function(value) { this._elementCounter = value; }, get: function() { return this._elementCounter; } }, snapping: { get: function() { return this._snapping; }, set: function(value) { if(this._snapping !== value) { this._snapping = value; } } }, // TODO SEND THE EVENT --> Redraw the desired layout layoutMode: { get: function() { return this._layoutMode; }, set: function(mode) { this._layoutMode = mode; } }, draw3DGrid: { get: function() { return this._draw3DGrid; }, set: function(value) { if(this._draw3DGrid !== value) { this._draw3DGrid = value; } } }, userComponents: { get: function() { return this._userComponents; } }, // _drawUserComponentsOnOpen:{ // value:function(){ // for(var i in this._userComponentSet){ // console.log(this._userComponentSet[i].control) // this._userComponentSet[i].control.needsDraw = true; // } // } // }, glData: { get: function() { // var elt = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("UserContent"); // if (elt) { var matLib = MaterialsModel.exportMaterials(); this._glData = [matLib]; this.collectGLData(elt, this._glData ); } else { this._glData = null } // return this._glData; }, set: function(value) { var elt = this.documentRoot; if (elt) { var nWorlds= value.length; for (var i=0; i<nWorlds; i++) { /* // Use this code to test the runtime version of WebGL var cdm = new CanvasDataManager(); cdm.loadGLData(elt, value, null ); */ // /* // get the data for the next canvas var importStr = value[i]; // determine if it is the new (JSON) or old style format var id = null; var jObj = null; var index = importStr.indexOf( ';' ); if ((importStr[0] === 'v') && (index < 24)) { // JSON format. pull off the importStr = importStr.substr( index+1 ); jObj = jObj = JSON.parse( importStr ); id = jObj.id; } else { // at this point the data could be either the materials library or // an old style world. We can determine which by converting the string // to an object via JSON.parse. That operation will fail if the string // is an old style world. var matLibStr = 'materialLibrary;'; index = importStr.indexOf( matLibStr ); if (index == 0) { importStr = importStr.substr( matLibStr.length ); var matLibObj = JSON.parse( importStr ); MaterialsModel.importMaterials( matLibObj ); } else { var startIndex = importStr.indexOf( "id: " ); if (startIndex >= 0) { var endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "\n", startIndex ); if (endIndex > 0) id = importStr.substring( startIndex+4, endIndex ); } } } if (id != null) { var canvas = this.findCanvasWithID( id, elt ); if (canvas) { if (!canvas.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeElementModel(canvas, "Canvas", "shape", true); } if (canvas.elementModel) { if (canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld) canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld.clearTree(); if (jObj) { var useWebGL = jObj.webGL; var world = new GLWorld( canvas, useWebGL ); world.importJSON( jObj ); } else { var index = importStr.indexOf( "webGL: " ); var useWebGL = (index >= 0); var world = new GLWorld( canvas, useWebGL ); world.import( importStr ); } this.buildShapeModel( canvas.elementModel, world ); } } } // */ } } } }, buildShapeModel: { value: function( elementModel, world ) { var shapeModel = elementModel.shapeModel; shapeModel.shapeCount = 1; // for now... shapeModel.useWebGl = world._useWebGL; shapeModel.GLWorld = world; var root = world.getGeomRoot(); if (root) { shapeModel.GLGeomObj = root; shapeModel.strokeSize = root._strokeWidth; shapeModel.stroke = root._strokeColor.slice(); shapeModel.strokeMaterial = root._strikeMaterial ? root._strokeMaterial.dup() : null; shapeModel.strokeStyle = "solid"; //shapeModel.strokeStyleIndex //shapeModel.border //shapeModel.background switch (root.geomType()) { case root.GEOM_TYPE_RECTANGLE: elementModel.selection = "Rectangle"; elementModel.pi = "RectanglePi"; shapeModel.fill = root._fillColor.slice(); shapeModel.fillMaterial = root._fillMaterial ? root._fillMaterial.dup() : null; shapeModel.tlRadius = root._tlRadius; shapeModel.trRadius = root._trRadius; shapeModel.blRadius = root._blRadius; shapeModel.brRadius = root._brRadius; break; case root.GEOM_TYPE_CIRCLE: elementModel.selection = "Oval"; elementModel.pi = "OvalPi"; shapeModel.fill = root._fillColor.slice(); shapeModel.fillMaterial = root._fillMaterial ? root._fillMaterial.dup() : null; shapeModel.innerRadius = root._innerRadius; break; case root.GEOM_TYPE_LINE: elementModel.selection = "Line"; elementModel.pi = "LinePi"; shapeModel.slope = root._slope; break; case root.GEOM_TYPE_BRUSH_STROKE: elementModel.selection = "BrushStroke"; elementModel.pi = "BrushStrokePi"; break; default: console.log( "geometry type not supported for file I/O, " + root.geomType()); break; } } } }, zoomFactor: { get: function() { return this._zoomFactor; }, set: function(value) { this._zoomFactor = value; } }, /** * Add a reference to a component instance to the userComponents hash using the * element UUID */ setComponentInstance: { value: function(instance, el) { this.userComponents[el.uuid] = instance; } }, /** * Returns the component instance obj from the element */ getComponentFromElement: { value: function(el) { if(el) { if(el.uuid) return this.userComponents[el.uuid]; } else { return null; } } }, /** * search the DOM tree to find a canvas with the given id */ findCanvasWithID: { value: function( id, elt ) { var cid = elt.getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); if (cid == id) return elt; if (elt.children) { var nKids = elt.children.length; for (var i=0; i<nKids; i++) { var child = elt.children[i]; var foundElt = this.findCanvasWithID( id, child ); if (foundElt) return foundElt; } } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialize: { value: function(file, uuid, iframe, callback) { this.application.ninja.documentController._hackRootFlag = false; // this._userDocument = file; // this.init(file.name, file.uri, file.extension, iframe, uuid, callback); // this.iframe = iframe; this.selectionExclude = ["HTML", "BODY", "Viewport", "UserContent", "stageBG"]; this.currentView = "design"; // this.iframe.src = this._htmlTemplateUrl; this.iframe.addEventListener("load", this, true); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// collectGLData: { value: function( elt, dataArray ) { if (elt.elementModel && elt.elementModel.shapeModel && elt.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld) { var data = elt.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld.exportJSON(); //var data = elt.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld.export(); dataArray.push( data ); } if (elt.children) { var nKids = elt.children.length; for (var i=0; i<nKids; i++) { var child = elt.children[i]; this.collectGLData( child, dataArray ); } } } }, // OLD inExclusion: { value: function(element) { if(this._selectionExclude.indexOf(element.id) === -1) { if(this._selectionExclude.indexOf(element.nodeName) === -1) { return -1; } } else if (this._selectionExclude.indexOf(element.id) === -1) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }, /** * Return the specified inline attribute from the element. */ GetElementAttribute: { value: function(element, attribute) { var value; if(attribute === "src") { return element[attribute].replace(window.location.href, ''); } value = element[attribute]; if(value !== undefined) return value; // if(value || value === false) return [value, "inline"]; // 3. //value = this._document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element,null).getPropertyValue(attribute); //if(value) return value; return null; } }, GetElementStyle: { value: function(element, style) { // return this._queryStylesheets(element, style); } }, SetStyle: { value: function(type, selector, style, value) { try { for(var j=0; j<this._stylesheets.length;j++){ for(var i=0; i<this._stylesheets[j].cssRules.length;i++) { if(this._stylesheets[j].cssRules[i].selectorText === type + selector) { this._stylesheets[j].cssRules[i].style[style] = value; return true; } } } } catch(err) { console.log("Cannot change the style of selector: " + selector + " " + err); } } }, GetElementFromPoint: { value: function(x, y) { return this._window.getElement(x,y); } }, /* DOM Mutation Events: DOMActivate, DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, DOMAttrModified, DOMCharacterDataModified, DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, DOMNodeRemoved, DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument, DOMSubtreeModified, DOMContentLoaded */ /* //TODO: Remove and clean up event listener (DOMSubtreeModified) _hackCount: { value: 0 }, */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleEvent: { value: function(event){ //TODO: Clean up, using for prototyping save this._templateDocument = {}; this._templateDocument.html = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; this._templateDocument.head = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("userHead"); this._templateDocument.body = this.documentRoot = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("UserContent"); //TODO: Remove, also for prototyping this.application.ninja.documentController._hackRootFlag = true; // this.stageBG = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("stageBG"); this.stageBG.onclick = null; this._document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; this._window = this.iframe.contentWindow; // for (var k in this._document.styleSheets) { if (this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode && this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.setAttribute) { this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.setAttribute('data-ninja-template', 'true'); } } // if(!this.documentRoot.Ninja) this.documentRoot.Ninja = {}; //TODO: Clean up, using for prototyping this._templateDocument.head.innerHTML = (this._userDocument.content.head.replace(/\b(href|src)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/g, this.application.ninja.ioMediator.getNinjaPropUrlRedirect.bind(this.application.ninja.ioMediator))).replace(/url\(([^"]*)(.+?)\1\)/g, this.application.ninja.ioMediator.getNinjaPropUrlRedirect.bind(this.application.ninja.ioMediator)); this._templateDocument.body.innerHTML = (this._userDocument.content.body.replace(/\b(href|src)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/g, this.application.ninja.ioMediator.getNinjaPropUrlRedirect.bind(this.application.ninja.ioMediator))).replace(/url\(([^"]*)(.+?)\1\)/g, this.application.ninja.ioMediator.getNinjaPropUrlRedirect.bind(this.application.ninja.ioMediator)); var scripttags = this._templateDocument.html.getElementsByTagName('script'), webgldata; //TODO: Use querySelectorAll // for (var w in scripttags) { if (scripttags[w].getAttribute) { if (scripttags[w].getAttribute('data-ninja-webgl') !== null) { //TODO: Add logic to handle more than one data tag webgldata = JSON.parse((scripttags[w].innerHTML.replace("(", "")).replace(")", "")); } } } // if (webgldata) { for (var n=0; webgldata.data[n]; n++) { webgldata.data[n] = unescape(webgldata.data[n]); } this._templateDocument.webgl = webgldata.data; } //Temporarily checking for disabled special case var stags = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('style'), ltags = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('link'); // for (var m = 0; m < ltags.length; m++) { if (ltags[m].getAttribute('data-ninja-template') === null) { if (ltags[m].getAttribute('disabled')) { ltags[m].removeAttribute('disabled'); ltags[m].setAttribute('data-ninja-disabled', 'true'); } } } // for (var n = 0; n < stags.length; n++) { if (stags[n].getAttribute('data-ninja-template') === null) { if (stags[n].getAttribute('disabled')) { stags[n].removeAttribute('disabled'); stags[n].setAttribute('data-ninja-disabled', 'true'); } } } //Adding a handler for the main user document reel to finish loading this._document.body.addEventListener("userTemplateDidLoad", this.userTemplateDidLoad.bind(this), false); // Live node list of the current loaded document this._liveNodeList = this.documentRoot.getElementsByTagName('*'); // TODO Move this to the appropriate location var len = this._liveNodeList.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(this._liveNodeList[i]); } /* this.iframe.contentWindow.document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function (e) { */ //TODO: Remove events upon loading once //TODO: When re-written, the best way to initialize the document is to listen for the DOM tree being modified setTimeout(function () { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(this._document.styleSheets.length > 1) { //Checking all styleSheets in document for (var i in this._document.styleSheets) { //If rules are null, assuming cross-origin issue if(this._document.styleSheets[i].rules === null) { //TODO: Revisit URLs and URI creation logic, very hack right now var fileUri, cssUrl, cssData, query, prefixUrl, fileCouldDirUrl, docRootUrl; // docRootUrl = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl+escape((this.application.ninja.documentController.documentHackReference.root.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root)[1]).replace(/\/\//gi, '/')); //TODO: Parse out relative URLs and map them to absolute if (this._document.styleSheets[i].href.indexOf(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl) !== -1) { // cssUrl = this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl)[1]; fileUri = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root+cssUrl; //TODO: Add error handling for reading file cssData = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.readFile({uri: fileUri}); // var tag = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.createElement('style'); tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-uri', fileUri); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-file-url', cssUrl); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-file-read-only', JSON.parse(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.isFileWritable({uri: fileUri}).content).readOnly); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-file-name', cssUrl.split('/')[cssUrl.split('/').length-1]); //Copying attributes to maintain same properties as the <link> for (var n in this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes) { if (this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value && this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name !== 'disabled' && this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name !== 'disabled') { if (this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value.indexOf(docRootUrl) !== -1) { tag.setAttribute(this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name, this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value.split(docRootUrl)[1]); } else { tag.setAttribute(this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name, this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value); } } } // fileCouldDirUrl = this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split(this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split('/')[this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split('/').length-1])[0]; //TODO: Make public version of this.application.ninja.ioMediator.getNinjaPropUrlRedirect with dynamic ROOT tag.innerHTML = cssData.content.replace(/url\(()(.+?)\1\)/g, detectUrl); function detectUrl (prop) { return prop.replace(/[^()\\""\\'']+/g, prefixUrl);; } function prefixUrl (url) { if (url !== 'url') { if (!url.match(/(\b(?:(?:https?|ftp|file|[A-Za-z]+):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$]))/gi)) { url = fileCouldDirUrl+url; } } return url; } //Looping through DOM to insert style tag at location of link element query = this._templateDocument.html.querySelectorAll(['link']); for (var j in query) { if (query[j].href === this._document.styleSheets[i].href) { //Disabling style sheet to reload via inserting in style tag query[j].setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); //Inserting tag this._templateDocument.head.insertBefore(tag, query[j]); } } } else { console.log('ERROR: Cross-Domain-Stylesheet detected, unable to load in Ninja'); //None local stylesheet, probably on a CDN (locked) var tag = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.createElement('style'); tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-external-url', this._document.styleSheets[i].href); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-file-read-only', "true"); tag.setAttribute('data-ninja-file-name', this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split('/')[this._document.styleSheets[i].href.split('/').length-1]); //Copying attributes to maintain same properties as the <link> for (var n in this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes) { if (this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value && this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name !== 'disabled' && this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name !== 'disabled') { if (this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value.indexOf(docRootUrl) !== -1) { tag.setAttribute(this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name, this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value.split(docRootUrl)[1]); } else { tag.setAttribute(this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].name, this._document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode.attributes[n].value); } } } /* //TODO: Figure out cross-domain XHR issue, might need cloud to handle var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", this._document.styleSheets[i].href, true); xhr.send(); // if (xhr.readyState === 4) { console.log(xhr); } //tag.innerHTML = xhr.responseText //xhr.response; */ //Temp rule so it's registered in the array tag.innerHTML = 'noRULEjustHACK{background: #000}'; //Disabling external style sheets query = this._templateDocument.html.querySelectorAll(['link']); for (var k in query) { if (query[k].href === this._document.styleSheets[i].href) { //TODO: Removed the temp insertion of the stylesheet //because it wasn't the proper way to do it //need to be handled via XHR with proxy in Cloud Sim //Disabling style sheet to reload via inserting in style tag //var tempCSS = query[k].cloneNode(true); //tempCSS.setAttribute('data-ninja-template', 'true'); query[k].setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); //this.iframe.contentWindow.document.head.appendChild(tempCSS); //Inserting tag this._templateDocument.head.insertBefore(tag, query[k]); } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Check if this is needed this._stylesheets = this._document.styleSheets; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO Finish this implementation once we start caching Core Elements // Assign a model to the UserContent and add the ViewPort reference to it. NJUtils.makeElementModel(this.documentRoot, "Stage", "stage"); //this.documentRoot.elementModel.viewPort = this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("Viewport"); NJUtils.makeElementModel(this.stageBG, "Stage", "stage"); NJUtils.makeElementModel(this.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("Viewport"), "Stage", "stage"); for(i = 0; i < this._stylesheets.length; i++) { if(this._stylesheets[i].ownerNode.id === this._stageStyleSheetId) { this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule = this._stylesheets[i]; break; } } //Temporary create properties for each rule we need to save the index of the rule var len = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules.length; for(var j = 0; j < len; j++) { //console.log(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText); if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === "*") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.transitionStopRule = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } else if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === "body") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.body = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } else if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === "#Viewport") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.viewPort = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } else if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === ".stageDimension") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.stageDimension = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } else if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === ".stageView") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.stageView = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } else if(this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j].selectorText === "#stageBG") { this.documentRoot.elementModel.stageBackground = this.documentRoot.elementModel.defaultRule.cssRules[j]; } } this.callback(this); //Setting webGL data if (this._templateDocument.webgl) { this.glData = this._templateDocument.webgl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }.bind(this), 1000); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handler for user content main reel. Gets called once the main reel of the template // gets deserialized. // Setting up the currentSelectedContainer to the document body. userTemplateDidLoad: { value: function(){ this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer = this.documentRoot; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _setSWFObjectScript: { value: function() { if(!this._swfObject) { /* var swfObj = document.createElement("script"); swfObj.type = "text/javascript"; swfObj.src = "../../user-document-templates/external-libs/swf-object/swfobject.js"; swfObj.id = "swfObject"; var head= this._document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(swfObj); this._swfObject = true; */ } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // livePreview: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add logic to handle save before preview this.application.ninja.documentController.handleExecuteSaveAll(null); //Temp check for webGL Hack if (this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.glData.length && this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.glData.length > 1) {//TODO: Should be 0, temp hack fix setTimeout(function () {window.open(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl+this.application.ninja.documentController._activeDocument.uri.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root)[1]);}.bind(this), 3500); } else { window.open(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl+this.application.ninja.documentController._activeDocument.uri.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root)[1]); } //chrome.tabs.create({url: this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl+this.application.ninja.documentController._activeDocument.uri.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root)[1]}); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // save: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add code view logic and also styles for HTML if (this.currentView === 'design') { var styles = []; for (var k in this._document.styleSheets) { if (this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode && this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.getAttribute) { if (this._document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.getAttribute('ninjatemplate') === null) { styles.push(this._document.styleSheets[k]); } } } //return {mode: 'html', document: this._userDocument, mjs: this._userComponents, webgl: this.glData, styles: styles, head: this._templateDocument.head.innerHTML, body: this._templateDocument.body.innerHTML}; return {mode: 'html', document: this._userDocument, webgl: this.glData, styles: styles, head: this._templateDocument.head.innerHTML, body: this._templateDocument.body.innerHTML}; } else if (this.currentView === "code"){ //TODO: Would this get call when we are in code of HTML? 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} else { //Error } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// saveAppState:{ enumerable: false, value: function () { this.savedLeftScroll = this.application.ninja.stage._iframeContainer.scrollLeft; this.savedTopScroll = this.application.ninja.stage._iframeContainer.scrollTop; this.gridHorizontalSpacing = this.application.ninja.stage.drawUtils.gridHorizontalSpacing; this.gridVerticalSpacing = this.application.ninja.stage.drawUtils.gridVerticalSpacing; if(typeof this.application.ninja.selectedElements !== 'undefined'){ this.selectionModel = this.application.ninja.selectedElements.slice(0); } this.draw3DGrid = this.application.ninja.appModel.show3dGrid; //persist a clone of history per document this.undoStack = this.application.ninja.undocontroller.undoQueue.slice(0); this.redoStack = this.application.ninja.undocontroller.redoQueue.slice(0); this.application.ninja.undocontroller.clearHistory();//clear history to give the next document a fresh start //pause videos on switching or closing the document, so that the browser does not keep downloading the media data this.pauseVideos(); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// restoreAppState:{ enumerable: false, value: function () { this.application.ninja.stage.drawUtils.gridHorizontalSpacing = this.gridHorizontalSpacing; this.application.ninja.stage.drawUtils.gridVerticalSpacing = this.gridVerticalSpacing; if((this.savedLeftScroll !== null) && (this.savedTopScroll !== null)){ this.application.ninja.stage._iframeContainer.scrollLeft = this.savedLeftScroll; this.application.ninja.stage._iframeContainer.scrollTop = this.savedTopScroll; this.application.ninja.stage.handleScroll(); } this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer = this.documentRoot; if(this.selectionModel){ this.application.ninja.selectedElements = this.selectionModel.slice(0); } this.application.ninja.appModel.show3dGrid = this.draw3DGrid; this.application.ninja.undocontroller.undoQueue = this.undoStack.slice(0); this.application.ninja.undocontroller.redoQueue = this.redoStack.slice(0); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *pause videos on switching or closing the document, so that the browser does not keep downloading the media data */ pauseVideos:{ value:function(){ var videosArr = this.documentRoot.getElementsByTagName("video"), i=0; for(i=0;i<videosArr.length;i++){ if(!videosArr[i].paused){ videosArr[i].pause(); } } } }, /** * remove the video src on closing the document, so that the browser does not keep downloading the media data, if the tag does not get garbage collected *removeSrc : boolean to remove the src if the video... set only in the close document flow */ stopVideos:{ value:function(){ var videosArr = this.documentRoot.getElementsByTagName("video"), i=0; for(i=0;i<videosArr.length;i++){ videosArr[i].src = ""; } } }, pauseAndStopVideos:{ value:function(){ var videosArr = this.documentRoot.getElementsByTagName("video"), i=0; for(i=0;i<videosArr.length;i++){ if(!videosArr[i].paused){ videosArr[i].pause(); } videosArr[i].src = ""; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// });