/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class DrawUtils // Overlay drawing utility functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils; var Rectangle = require("js/helper-classes/3D/rectangle").Rectangle; var StageLine = require("js/helper-classes/3D/StageLine").StageLine; var DrawUtils = exports.DrawUtils = Montage.create(Component, { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// viewUtils: { value: null, writable: true }, snapManager: { value: null }, ElementPlanes : { value: null, writable: true }, // the drawing surface (a canvas) _drawingSurfaceElt : { value: null, writable: true }, _drawingContext : { value: null, writable: true }, // color to draw the lines _lineColor : { value: "black", writable: true}, // define a stack for quickly setting graphics states and restoring them _stateArray : { value: [], writable: true }, // save references to the grid lines for quick redraw _gridLineArray : {value: [], writable: true }, // state for moveTo, lineTo _curPt : { value: null, writable: true }, _curVis : { value: null, writable: true }, // the element that defines the coordinate system for the displayed lines _sourceSpaceElt : { value: null, writable: true }, // maintain a list of objects to hide against _eltArray : {value: [], writable: true }, // maintain a list of the planes to test against _planesArray : {value: [], writable: true }, // the working plane. // a grid may be drawn aligned with this working plane _workingPlane : { value: null, writable: true }, // save some parameters about the grid. // these parameters are set when the grid is drawn _gridHorizontalSpacing : {value: 50, writable: true }, _gridVerticalSpacing : {value: 50, writable: true }, _gridHorizontalLineCount : {value:10, writable: true }, _gridVerticalLineCount : {value:0, writable: true }, _gridOrigin : {value: null, writable: true }, drawXY : {value: false, writable: true }, drawXZ : {value: false, writable: true }, drawYZ : {value: false, writable: true }, drawElementN : {value: false, writable: true }, _selectionCtr : {value: null, writable: true }, // Properties that require element planes to be updated _updatePlaneProps : {value: ["matrix", "left", "top", "width", "height"], writable: false }, _recalculateScrollOffsets : { value: false }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setDrawingSurfaceElement : { value: function( s ) { this._drawingSurfaceElt = s; if (s) this._drawingContext = s.getContext("2d"); }}, getDrawingSurfaceElement : { value: function() { return this._drawingSurfaceElt; }}, getDrawingContext : { value: function() { return this._drawingContext; }}, setSourceSpaceElement : { value: function(ss) { this._sourceSpaceElt = ss; }}, getSourceSpaceElement : { value: function() { return this._sourceSpaceElt; }}, getWorkingPlane : { value: function() { return this._workingPlane; }}, setWorkingPlane : { value: function (wp) { this._workingPlane = wp; }}, getGridHorizontalSpacing : { value: function() { return this._gridHorizontalSpacing; }}, getGridVerticalSpacing : { value: function() { return this._gridVerticalSpacing; }}, getGridHorizontalLineCount : { value: function() { return this._gridHorizontalLineCount; }}, getGridVerticalLineCount : { value: function() { return this._gridVerticalLineCount; }}, getGridOrigin : { value: function() { return this._gridOrigin.slice(0); }}, isDrawingGrid : { value: function() { return this.drawXY || this.drawYZ || this.drawXZ; }}, isDrawingElementNormal : { value: function() { return this.drawElementN }}, getLineColor : { value: function() { return this._lineColor; }}, setLineColor : { value: function( color ) { this._lineColor = color; }}, getLineWidth : { value: function() { return this._drawingContext.lineWidth; }}, setLineWidth : { value: function( w ) { this._drawingContext.lineWidth = w; }}, initialize: { value: function() { this._gridOrigin = [0,0]; // 2D plane space point this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementAdded", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementsRemoved", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementChange", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementChanging", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementReplaced", this, false); } }, initializeFromDocument:{ value:function(adjustScrollOffsets, useStageValues){ var i, documentRootChildren = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.getLiveNodeList(true), stage = this.application.ninja.stage, len = documentRootChildren.length; //initialize with current document this._eltArray = []; this._planesArray = []; this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(stage.gridCanvas); this.setSourceSpaceElement( this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot); this.setWorkingPlane( [0,0,1,0] ); //Loop through all the top-level children of the current document and call drawUtils.addElement on them if(len > 0) { var initL = 0, initT = 0, minLeft = 0, minTop = 0, docLeft = stage.documentOffsetLeft, docTop = stage.documentOffsetTop, l, t, plane, elt; if(useStageValues) { initL = stage.userPaddingLeft; initT = stage.userPaddingTop; minLeft = stage.templateLeft; minTop = stage.templateTop; this._recalculateScrollOffsets = false; } for(i=0; i<len; i++) { elt = documentRootChildren[i]; plane = this.addElement(elt); if(adjustScrollOffsets) { l = plane._rect.m_left - docLeft; t = plane._rect.m_top - docTop; if(l < minLeft) { minLeft = l; stage.minLeftElement = elt; } if(t < minTop) { minTop = t; stage.minTopElement = elt; } } } if(minLeft !== initL) { stage.userPaddingLeft = (minLeft < 0) ? minLeft : 0; } if(minTop !== initT) { stage.userPaddingTop = (minTop < 0) ? minTop : 0; } } } }, handleElementAdded: { value: function(event) { var elements = event.detail; if(Array.isArray(elements)) { elements.forEach(function(element) { this.addElement(element); }, this); } else { this.addElement(elements); } this.drawWorkingPlane(); } }, handleElementsRemoved: { value: function(event) { var elements = event.detail; if(Array.isArray(elements)) { elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements, 0); elements.forEach(function(element) { this.removeElement(element); }, this); } else { this.removeElement(elements); } this.drawWorkingPlane(); } }, handleElementReplaced: { value: function(event) { var oldElement = event.detail.data.oldChild; var newElement = event.detail.data.newChild; // check if we already know about this object var n = this._eltArray.length, plane; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { if (oldElement === this._eltArray[i]) { this._eltArray[i] = newElement; plane = this._planesArray[i]; break; } } if(!plane) { this._eltArray.push( newElement ); plane = Object.create(this.ElementPlanes, {}); this._planesArray.push( plane ); } plane.setElement( newElement ); plane.init(); newElement.elementModel.props3D.elementPlane = plane; } }, _shouldUpdatePlanes: { value: function(props) { if(!props) { return false; } else if (typeof props === "string") { return (this._updatePlaneProps.indexOf(props) !== -1); } for (var p in props) { if(this._updatePlaneProps.indexOf(p) !== -1) { return true; } } return false; } }, // TODO - Check why handleElementChange is being fired before handleAddElement handleElementChange: { value: function(event) { this._elementChangeHelper(event, false); } }, handleElementChanging: { value: function(event) { this._elementChangeHelper(event, true); } }, _elementChangeHelper: { value: function(event, isChanging) { if(!event.detail || !event.detail.data) { return; } var els = event.detail.data.els; if(els && this._shouldUpdatePlanes(event.detail.data.prop)) { var len = els.length, stage = this.application.ninja.stage, minLeft = stage.userPaddingLeft, minTop = stage.userPaddingTop, docLeft = stage.userContentLeft, docTop = stage.userContentTop, l, t, plane, changed = false, elt, adjustStagePadding = !isChanging || (event.detail.data.prop !== "matrix"); for(var i=0; i < len; i++) { elt = els[i]; plane = elt.elementModel.props3D.elementPlane; if(plane) { plane.init(); if(adjustStagePadding) { l = plane._rect.m_left - docLeft; t = plane._rect.m_top - docTop; if(l < minLeft) { minLeft = l; stage.minLeftElement = elt; } else if((elt === stage.minLeftElement) && (l > minLeft)) { this._recalculateScrollOffsets = true; } if(t < minTop) { minTop = t; stage.minTopElement = elt; } else if((elt === stage.minTopElement) && (t > minTop)) { this._recalculateScrollOffsets = true; } } } } if(adjustStagePadding) { if(this._recalculateScrollOffsets && !isChanging) { this.initializeFromDocument(true, true); changed = true; } else { if(minLeft !== stage.userPaddingLeft) { stage.userPaddingLeft = minLeft; changed = true; } if(minTop !== stage.userPaddingTop) { stage.userPaddingTop = minTop; changed = true; } } } if(!changed) { this.drawWorkingPlane(); this.draw3DCompass(); } // TODO - Remove this once all stage drawing is consolidated into a single draw cycle if(!isChanging && this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.captureSelectionDrawn) { this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.captureSelectionDrawn(null); } } } }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// addElement: { value: function( elt ) { // check if we already know about this object var n = this._eltArray.length; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { if (elt == this._eltArray[i]) { return; } } this._eltArray.push( elt ); // create the planes for this element var plane = Object.create(this.ElementPlanes, {}); plane.setElement( elt ); plane.init(); this._planesArray.push( plane ); elt.elementModel.props3D.elementPlane = plane; return plane; } }, removeElement: { value: function(element) { // check if object exists var _elements = this._eltArray.length; for (var i=0; i < _elements; i++) { if (element === this._eltArray[i]) { // First remove the planes for this element this._planesArray.splice(i, 1); // Then remove the element this._eltArray.splice(i, 1); // TODO - May need to delete props3D and elementPlane as well return; } } } }, clear : { value: function() { if (this._drawingContext) this._drawingContext.clearRect( 0, 0, this._drawingSurfaceElt.width, this._drawingSurfaceElt.height ); } }, updatePlanes : { value: function() { var n = this._planesArray.length; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { var plane = this._planesArray[i]; plane.init(); } } }, getVisibilityAtPoint: { value: function( targetPt ) { // duplicate the point and make sure it has the correct dimension (2) var pt = targetPt.slice(0); while (pt.length > 3) pt.pop(); var z = pt[2]; var n = this._planesArray.length; var vis = 0; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { var plane = this._planesArray[i]; // ignore if the point is in front of the polygon if (z > plane.getZMax()) continue; // test for containment in the polygon bounds var contain = MathUtils.boundaryContainsPoint( plane.getBoundaryPoints(), pt, plane.isBackFacing() ); if (contain == MathUtils.OUTSIDE) continue; if (contain == MathUtils.ON) continue; // shoot a ray from the point in the +Z direction to get the z value of the plane var vec = [0,0,1]; var planeEq = plane.getPlaneEq(); var ptOnPlane = MathUtils.vecIntersectPlane( pt, vec, planeEq ); if (ptOnPlane) { // in keeping with the convention that a point "on" a face is outside the element, // check that case. //if (MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[2], ptOnPlane[2]) == 0) continue; // if the point is behind the plane, increase the visibility if (MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[2],ptOnPlane[2]) <= 0) vis++; } } return vis; } }, moveTo : { value: function( pt ) { if (this._sourceSpaceElt) pt = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal( pt, this._sourceSpaceElt ); this._curPt = pt.slice(0); this._curVis = this.getVisibilityAtPoint( pt ); } }, lineTo : { value: function( pt ) { if (this._sourceSpaceElt) pt = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal( pt, this._sourceSpaceElt ); var line = Object.create(StageLine, {}); line.setPoints( this._curPt, pt ); line.setVisibility( this._curVis ); // find all the plane intersections this.getLineIntersections( line ); // draw the line this._curVis = this.drawIntersectedLine( line, this._drawingContext ); this._curPt = pt.slice(0); } }, drawLine : { value: function( pt0, pt1 ) { if (this._drawingContext) { // transform the points from local object space to world space if (this._sourceSpaceElt) { pt0 = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal( pt0, this._sourceSpaceElt ); pt1 = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal( pt1, this._sourceSpaceElt ); } // create the line structure var line = Object.create(StageLine, {}); line.setPoints( pt0, pt1 ); // find all the plane intersections this.getLineIntersections( line ); // get the starting visibility var vis = this.getVisibilityAtPoint( pt0 ); line.setVisibility( vis ); // draw the line this._curVis = this.drawIntersectedLine( line, this._drawingContext ); } } }, drawIntersectedLine : { value: function( line ) { this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = this._lineColor; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); // get the 2 enpoints of the line var pt0 = line.getPoint0(), pt1 = line.getPoint1(); // find the visibility at the start point var vis = line.getVisibility(); if (vis == 0) { this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = this._lineColor; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.moveTo( pt0[0], pt0[1] ); } // go through each intersection var n = line.getIntersectionCount(); var t = 0.0; var iRec = line.getIntersectionList(); for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { var tNext = iRec.getT(); var dv = iRec.getDeltaVis(); var tPt = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( pt0, pt1, tNext ); if (vis == 0) { this._drawingContext.lineTo( tPt[0], tPt[1] ); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); } else { this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.moveTo( tPt[0], tPt[1] ); } vis += dv; iRec = iRec.getNext(); } // handle the end of the line if (vis == 0) { this._drawingContext.lineTo( pt1[0], pt1[1] ); // draw the line this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); } return vis; } }, getLineIntersections: { value: function( line ) { // clip the line against all polygons in the scene var n = this._planesArray.length; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { var plane = this._planesArray[i]; line.intersectWithPlane( plane ); } } }, getPlaneToWorldMatrix: { value: function (normal, ptOnPlane) { // 3 coordinate axes for the plane var zAxis = normal.slice(0); MathUtils.makeDimension3(zAxis); zAxis = vecUtils.vecNormalize(3, zAxis); // special case the coordinate axes followed by general case var tmp; var xAxis, yAxis; if (MathUtils.fpCmp(Math.abs(zAxis[0]), 1.0) == 0) { yAxis = [0, 1, 0]; xAxis = vecUtils.vecCross(3, yAxis, zAxis); } else if (MathUtils.fpCmp(Math.abs(zAxis[1]), 1.0) == 0) { yAxis = [0, 0, 1]; //xAxis = yAxis.cross(zAxis); xAxis = vecUtils.vecCross(3, yAxis, zAxis ); } else if (MathUtils.fpCmp(Math.abs(zAxis[2]), 1.0) == 0) { yAxis = [0, 1, 0]; //xAxis = yAxis.cross(zAxis); xAxis = vecUtils.vecCross(3, yAxis, zAxis ); } else { if (Math.abs(zAxis[0]) < Math.abs(zAxis[1])) { if (Math.abs(zAxis[0]) < Math.abs(zAxis[2])) tmp = [1, 0, 0]; else tmp = [0, 0, 1]; } else { if (Math.abs(zAxis[1]) < Math.abs(zAxis[2])) tmp = [0, 1, 0]; else tmp = [0, 0, 1]; } //xAxis = tmp.cross(zAxis); xAxis = vecUtils.vecCross(3, tmp, zAxis); //yAxis = zAxis.cross(xAxis); yAxis = vecUtils.vecCross(3, zAxis, xAxis); } // create the matrix var mat = Matrix.create( [ [xAxis[0], yAxis[0], zAxis[0], ptOnPlane[0]], [xAxis[1], yAxis[1], zAxis[1], ptOnPlane[1]], [xAxis[2], yAxis[2], zAxis[2], ptOnPlane[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1] ] ); return mat; } }, clearDefaultGridOffset : { value: function() { this.setDefaultGridOffset( [0,0,0] ); } }, drawWorkingPlane: { value: function () { this.application.ninja.stage.clearGridCanvas(); this.drawStageOutline(); if (!this.isDrawingGrid()) return; var saveContext = this.getDrawingSurfaceElement(); this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(this.application.ninja.stage.gridCanvas); // 3 coordinate axes for the plane var zAxis = [this._workingPlane[0], this._workingPlane[1], this._workingPlane[2]]; // get a point that lies on the plane var ptOnPlane = MathUtils.getPointOnPlane(this._workingPlane); // define the grid parameters var width = this.snapManager.getStageWidth(), height = this.snapManager.getStageHeight(), nLines = 10; // get a matrix from working plane space to the world var mat = this.getPlaneToWorldMatrix(zAxis, ptOnPlane); var tMat = Matrix.Translation( [0.5*width, 0.5*height, 0] ); //mat = tMat.multiply(mat); glmat4.multiply( tMat, mat, mat); // the positioning of the grid may depend on the view direction. var stage = this.snapManager.getStage(); var viewMat = this.viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement(stage); var viewDir = [viewMat[8], viewMat[9], viewMat[10]]; var dx, dy, delta, pt0, pt1; dx = this._gridVerticalSpacing; dy = this._gridHorizontalSpacing; nLines = Math.floor(width / dx) + 1; if (MathUtils.fpCmp(dx*nLines,width) == 0) nLines--; var saveColor = this._lineColor; var saveLineWidth = this._drawingContext.lineWidth; // reset the line cache this._gridLineArray = new Array(); if (this.drawXY) this._lineColor = "red"; if (this.drawYZ) this._lineColor = "green"; if (this.drawXZ) this._lineColor = "blue"; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = 0.25; // get the two endpoints of the first line with constant X pt0 = [-width / 2.0, height / 2.0, 0]; pt1 = [-width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, 0]; delta = [dx, 0, 0]; this._gridVerticalLineCount = nLines; this._gridOrigin = pt1.slice(0); // draw the lines with constant X this.drawGridLines(pt0, pt1, delta, mat, nLines); // get the two endpoints of the first line with constant Y pt0 = [-width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, 0]; pt1 = [width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, 0]; delta = [0, dy, 0]; nLines = Math.floor(height / dy) + 1; if (MathUtils.fpCmp(dy*nLines,height) == 0) nLines--; this._gridHorizontalLineCount = nLines; // draw the lines with constant Y this.drawGridLines(pt0, pt1, delta, mat, nLines); this._lineColor = saveColor; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = saveLineWidth; // draw the lines this.redrawGridLines(); this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(saveContext); } }, drawGridLines : { value: function (pt0, pt1, delta, mat, nLines) { // get the drawing context if (this._drawingContext) { var p0 = pt0.slice(0), p1 = pt1.slice(0); // duplicate so we don't change the input. p0[3] = 1; p1[3] = 1; var d = delta.slice(0); d[3] = 1; //var lineArray = new Array; var offset = this.viewUtils.getElementOffset(this._sourceSpaceElt); offset[2] = 0; this.viewUtils.setViewportObj(this._sourceSpaceElt); var sourceSpaceMat = this.viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( this._sourceSpaceElt ); for (var i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { // transform the points from working plane space to world space var t0 = glmat4.multiplyVec3( mat, p0, [] ), t1 = glmat4.multiplyVec3( mat, p1, [] ); // transform from world space to global screen space if (this._sourceSpaceElt) { t0 = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2(t0, sourceSpaceMat); t1 = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2(t1, sourceSpaceMat); } // create a line from the endpoints var line = Object.create(StageLine, {}); line.setPoints(t0, t1); this._gridLineArray.push(line); // find all the intersections this.getLineIntersections(line); // get the visibility at the start point var vis = this.getVisibilityAtPoint(line.getPoint0()); line.setVisibility(vis); // increment the points to the next position p0 = vecUtils.vecAdd(4, p0, d); p0[3] = 1.0; p1 = vecUtils.vecAdd(4, p1, d); p1[3] = 1.0; } } } }, refreshDisplay : { value: function() { this.redrawGridLines(); this.snapManager.drawLastHit(); } }, pushState : { value: function() { var obj = new Object(); obj._lineColor = this._lineColor; obj._lineWidth = this._drawingContext.lineWidth; this._stateArray.push( obj ); } }, popState : { value: function() { if (this._stateArray.length <= 0) { throw new Error( "state stack underflow" ); return; } var obj = this._stateArray.pop(); this._lineColor = obj._lineColor; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = obj._lineWidth; this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = obj._lineColor; } }, redrawGridLines : { value: function() { if (!this.isDrawingGrid()) return; this.pushState(); if (this.drawXY) this._lineColor = "red"; if (this.drawYZ) this._lineColor = "green"; if (this.drawXZ) this._lineColor = "blue"; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = 0.25; // draw the lines var line, nLines = this._gridLineArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { line = this._gridLineArray[i]; this.drawIntersectedLine(line, this._drawingContext); } this.popState(); } }, drawSelectionBounds : { value: function( eltArray ) { this._selectionCtr = null; var len = eltArray.length, i, j, bounds, bounds3D, pt, tmpPt, ssMat, elt; if (len === 0) return; var context = this._drawingContext; if (!context) return; // TODO - Get values from app settings context.strokeStyle = "#46a1ff"; context.lineWidth = 2; // handle the single element case // TODO - Currently, the stage draws its own selection bounds for single selection case if (len === 1) { // single selection case //console.log( "single selection" ); elt = eltArray[0]; this.viewUtils.pushViewportObj( elt ); // get the element bounds in world space bounds3D = this.viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { bounds3D[j] = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal( bounds3D[j], elt ); } // draw it context.beginPath(); //VV context.strokeStyle = "#46a1ff"; context.lineWidth = 2.0; context.moveTo( bounds3D[3][0] , bounds3D[3][1] ); for (var v=0; v<4; v++) { context.lineTo( bounds3D[v][0] , bounds3D[v][1] ); } context.closePath(); context.stroke(); this._selectionCtr = MathUtils.getCenterFromBounds(3, bounds3D); // console.log("selection center, single elt case - ", this._selectionCtr); this.viewUtils.popViewportObj(); } else { // get the plane from the first element to compare against the other elements var dot; var flat = true; var plane = this.viewUtils.getUnprojectedElementPlane( eltArray[0] ); for (i=1; i<len; i++) { elt = eltArray[i]; var plane2 = this.viewUtils.getUnprojectedElementPlane( elt ); dot = Math.abs( MathUtils.dot3(plane,plane2) ); if (MathUtils.fpCmp(dot, 1) != 0) { flat = false; break; } // check the offset var d = plane[3], d2 = plane2[3]; if (MathUtils.fpCmp(d,d2) != 0) { flat = false; break; } } // if all of the planes are aligned, check if they are aligned with the view direction if (flat) { var stage = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot; var stageMat = this.viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement(stage); var viewDir = [ stageMat[8], stageMat[9], stageMat[10] ]; viewDir = vecUtils.vecNormalize( 3, viewDir ); dot = Math.abs( MathUtils.dot3(plane,viewDir) ); if (MathUtils.fpCmp(dot, 1) != 0) flat = false; } // console.log( "drawSelectionBounds, flat: " + flat ); // if all the elements share the same plane, draw the 2D rectangle if (flat) { // make a 2D rectangle on the plane var rect; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { elt = eltArray[i]; // get the element bounds in 'plane' space bounds = this.viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); ssMat = this.viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( elt ); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { var localPt = bounds[j]; tmpPt = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2(localPt, ssMat); pt = tmpPt; if (!rect) { rect = Object.create(Rectangle, {}); rect.setToPoint( pt ) } else { rect.unionPoint( pt ); } } } // draw the rectangle context.beginPath(); pt = MathUtils.makeDimension3(rect.getPoint(3)); bounds3D = [[0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]]; this._selectionCtr = pt.slice(0); context.moveTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { pt = rect.getPoint(i); context.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); bounds3D[i] = pt.slice(0); } context.closePath(); context.stroke(); var dir = vecUtils.vecSubtract(2, bounds3D[1], bounds3D[3]); var ctr = vecUtils.vecNormalize(2, dir, vecUtils.vecDist(2, bounds3D[1], bounds3D[3])/2); this._selectionCtr[0] += ctr[0] - this.application.ninja.stage.userContentLeft; this._selectionCtr[1] += ctr[1] - this.application.ninja.stage.userContentTop; } else { var minPt, maxPt; // we set the root to "the world". var saveRoot = this.viewUtils.getRootElement(); this.viewUtils.setRootElement( this.viewUtils.getStageElement() ); ssMat = this.viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( this._sourceSpaceElt ); for (i=0; i<len; i++) { elt = eltArray[i]; bounds = this.viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); var eltMat = this.viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( elt ); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { pt = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( bounds[j], eltMat ); var tmpPt = this.viewUtils.localToStageWorld(bounds[j], elt); tmpPt = this.viewUtils.screenToView( tmpPt[0], tmpPt[1], tmpPt[2] ); if (!minPt) { minPt = pt.slice(0); maxPt = pt.slice(0); } else { var x = pt[0], y = pt[1], z = pt[2]; if (x < minPt[0]) minPt[0] = x; if (x > maxPt[0]) maxPt[0] = x; if (y < minPt[1]) minPt[1] = y; if (y > maxPt[1]) maxPt[1] = y; if (z < minPt[2]) minPt[2] = z; if (z > maxPt[2]) maxPt[2] = z; } } } // restore the root ID this.viewUtils.setRootElement (saveRoot ); context.beginPath(); var x0 = minPt[0], y0 = minPt[1], z0 = minPt[2], x1 = maxPt[0], y1 = maxPt[1], z1 = maxPt[2]; this._selectionCtr = [x0, y0, z0]; this._selectionCtr[0] += (x1-x0)/2; this._selectionCtr[1] += (y1-y0)/2; this._selectionCtr[2] += (z1-z0)/2; // get the 8 corners of the parallelpiped in world space var wc = new Array(); // wc == world cube wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0,y0,z1], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0,y1,z1], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1,y1,z1], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1,y0,z1], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0,y0,z0], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0,y1,z0], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1,y1,z0], ssMat ) ); wc.push( this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1,y0,z0], ssMat ) ); // determine the signs of the normals of the faces relative to the view direction. var front = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[2],wc[1]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[0],wc[1]))[2] ), right = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[6],wc[2]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[3],wc[2]))[2] ), back = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[5],wc[6]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[7],wc[6]))[2] ), left = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[1],wc[5]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[4],wc[5]))[2] ), top = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[3],wc[0]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[4],wc[0]))[2] ), bottom = -MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecCross(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[5],wc[1]), vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,wc[2],wc[1]))[2] ); // draw the side faces var p; //context.strokeStyle = ((front > 0) || (right > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((front > 0) || (right > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((right > 0) || (back > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((right > 0) || (back > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((back > 0) || (left > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((back > 0) || (left > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((left > 0) || (front > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((left > 0) || (front > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } // draw the top and bottom faces //context.strokeStyle = ((front > 0) || (top > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((front > 0) || (top > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((top > 0) || (back > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((top > 0) || (back > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((back > 0) || (bottom > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((back > 0) || (bottom > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((bottom > 0) || (front > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((bottom > 0) || (front > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } // and the remaining lines - varying Z if ((top > 0) || (right > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((right > 0) || (bottom > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((right > 0) || (bottom > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x1, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((bottom > 0) || (left > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((bottom > 0) || (left > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y1, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } //context.strokeStyle = ((left > 0) || (top > 0)) ? dark : light; context.beginPath(); if ((left > 0) || (top > 0)) { context.beginPath(); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z0], ssMat ); context.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); p = this.viewUtils.localToGlobal2( [x0, y0, z1], ssMat ); context.lineTo( p[0], p[1] ); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); } } } } }, drawElementNormal: { value: function( elt ) { if (!this.isDrawingElementNormal()) return; // set the element to be the viewport object - temporarily this.viewUtils.pushViewportObj( elt ); // save the source space object and set to the target object var saveSource = this._sourceSpaceElt; this._sourceSpaceElt = elt; // temporarily set the line color var saveColor = this._lineColor; this._lineColor = "blue"; var base = this.viewUtils.getCenterOfProjection(); base[2] = 1; // Z - make it just off the plane to avoid numerical issues var zAxis = base.slice(0); zAxis[2] += 50; this.moveTo( base ); this.lineTo( zAxis ); // draw the arrowhead var headWidth = 6; var head = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( base, zAxis, 0.7 ); var p0 = head.slice(0); p0[1] += headWidth; this.drawLine( zAxis, p0 ); var p1 = head.slice(0); p1[0] += headWidth; this.drawLine( zAxis, p1 ); var p2 = head.slice(0); p2[1] -= headWidth; this.drawLine( zAxis, p2 ); var p3 = head.slice(0); p3[0] -= headWidth; this.drawLine( zAxis, p3 ); this.moveTo( p0 ); this.lineTo( p1 ); this.lineTo( p2 ); this.lineTo( p3 ); this.lineTo( p0 ); // restore the state this.viewUtils.popViewportObj(); this._lineColor = saveColor; this._sourceSpaceElt = saveSource; } }, drawStageOutline : { value: function() { var context = this.application.ninja.stage.gridContext; var stage = this.application.ninja.stage; var stageRoot = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot; // draw an outline around the template body if stage has any transforms if(stage.currentDocument.model.views.design._template && !MathUtils.isIdentityMatrix(this.viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement(stageRoot))) { var saveContext = this.getDrawingSurfaceElement(); this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(this.application.ninja.stage.gridCanvas); var stagePt = MathUtils.getPointOnPlane([0,0,1,0]); var stageMat = this.getPlaneToWorldMatrix([0,0,1], stagePt); var width = this.snapManager.getStageWidth(), height = this.snapManager.getStageHeight(), pt0 = [0, 0, 0], pt1 = [0, height, 0], delta = [width, 0, 0]; this._gridLineArray.length = 0; this.drawGridLines(pt0, pt1, delta, stageMat, 2); pt0 = [0, 0, 0]; pt1 = [width, 0, 0]; delta = [0, height, 0]; this.drawGridLines(pt0, pt1, delta, stageMat, 2); this._lineColor = "red"; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.drawIntersectedLine(this._gridLineArray[i], this._drawingContext); } this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(saveContext); } // draw reference lines across origin var bounds3D = this.viewUtils.getElementBoundsInGlobal(stageRoot); var l = MathUtils.segSegIntersection2D(bounds3D[0], bounds3D[3], [0, 0, 0], [0, stage.canvas.height, 0], 0.1); if(!l) return; var r = MathUtils.segSegIntersection2D(bounds3D[0], bounds3D[3], [stage.canvas.width, 0, 0], [stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height, 0], 0.1); if(!r) return; var t = MathUtils.segSegIntersection2D(bounds3D[0], bounds3D[1], [0, 0, 0], [stage.canvas.width, 0, 0], 0.1); if(!t) return; var b = MathUtils.segSegIntersection2D(bounds3D[0], bounds3D[1], [0, stage.canvas.height, 0], [stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height, 0], 0.1); if(!b) return; context.save(); context.strokeStyle = "#333"; context.lineWidth = 0.5; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(l[0], l[1]); context.lineTo(r[0], r[1]); context.moveTo(t[0], t[1]); context.lineTo(b[0], b[1]); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fillText("(0, 0)", bounds3D[0][0] + 4, bounds3D[0][1] - 6); context.restore(); } }, draw3DCompass : { value: function() { // set the element to be the viewport object - temporarily var tmpCanvas = this.application.ninja.stage.canvas; var tmpStage = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot; // this.viewUtils.pushViewportObj( tmpCanvas ); // save the source space object and set to the target object var saveSource = this._sourceSpaceElt; this._sourceSpaceElt = tmpStage; // temporarily set the line color var saveColor = this._lineColor; var saveLineWidth = this._lineWidth; var origLeft = 60; var origTop = tmpCanvas.height - 60; var mat = this.viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement( this._sourceSpaceElt ); var tMat = Matrix.Translation([origLeft,origTop,0]); mat[12] = 0; mat[13] = 0; mat[14] = 0; //var resMat = tMat.multiply(mat); var resMat = glmat4.multiply( tMat, mat, [] ); var origin = [0,0,0,1]; var zoomFactor = this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor/100.0; var arrowSize = 50 / zoomFactor; var xAxis = [arrowSize,0,0,1]; //var rO = resMat.multiply(origin); var rO = glmat4.multiplyVec3( resMat, origin, []); //var xO = resMat.multiply(xAxis); var xO = glmat4.multiplyVec3( resMat, xAxis, []); var yAxis = [0,arrowSize,0,1]; var yO = glmat4.multiplyVec3( resMat, yAxis, []); var zAxis = [0,0,arrowSize,1]; var zO = glmat4.multiplyVec3( resMat, zAxis, []); var saveContext = this.getDrawingSurfaceElement(); //this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(window.stageManager.layoutCanvas); this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(this.application.ninja.stage.layoutCanvas); // clear just the 3d compass area this._drawingContext.save(); this._drawingContext.rect(10, origTop-60, 100, 110); this._drawingContext.clip(); this._drawingContext.lineWidth = 2.0; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = "red"; this._drawingContext.moveTo(rO[0], rO[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(xO[0], xO[1]); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this.drawArrowHead(rO, xO); this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = "green"; this._drawingContext.moveTo(rO[0], rO[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(yO[0], yO[1]); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this.drawArrowHead(rO, yO); this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = "blue"; this._drawingContext.moveTo(rO[0], rO[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(zO[0], zO[1]); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this.drawArrowHead(rO, zO); // restore the state // this.viewUtils.popViewportObj(); this._drawingContext.restore(); this.setDrawingSurfaceElement(saveContext); this._lineColor = saveColor; this._lineWidth = saveLineWidth; this._sourceSpaceElt = saveSource; } }, drawArrowHead : { value: function(base, onAxis) { var headWidth = 6; // draw the arrowhead var head = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( base, onAxis, 0.7 ); p0 = head.slice(0); p0[1] += headWidth; p1 = head.slice(0); p1[0] += headWidth; p2 = head.slice(0); p2[1] -= headWidth; p3 = head.slice(0); p3[0] -= headWidth; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.moveTo(base[0], base[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(onAxis[0], onAxis[1]); this._drawingContext.moveTo(onAxis[0], onAxis[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(p0[0], p0[1]); this._drawingContext.moveTo(onAxis[0], onAxis[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(p1[0], p1[1]); this._drawingContext.moveTo(onAxis[0], onAxis[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(p2[0], p2[1]); this._drawingContext.moveTo(onAxis[0], onAxis[1]); this._drawingContext.lineTo(p3[0], p3[1]); this._drawingContext.moveTo( p0[0], p0[1] ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( p1[0], p1[1] ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( p2[0], p2[1] ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( p3[0], p3[1] ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( p0[0], p0[1] ); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); } }, drawGridAxes : { value: function (ctr, width, height, headSize) { this._drawingContext.lineWidth = 2.0; this._lineColor = "red"; var pt0 = ctr.slice(0), pt1 = pt0.slice(0); pt1[0] += width; this.moveTo(pt0); this.lineTo(pt1); var pt2 = pt1.slice(0); pt2[0] -= headSize; pt2[1] += headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); //this.moveTo(pt1); pt2[1] -= 2 * headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); this.lineTo(pt1); this._lineColor = "green"; pt1 = pt0.slice(0); pt1[1] += height; this.moveTo(pt0); this.lineTo(pt1); pt2 = pt1.slice(0); pt2[1] -= headSize; pt2[0] += headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); //this.moveTo(pt1); pt2[0] -= 2 * headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); this.lineTo(pt1); this._lineColor = "blue"; pt1 = pt0.slice(0); pt1[2] += height < width ? height : width; this.moveTo(pt0); this.lineTo(pt1); pt2 = pt1.slice(0); pt2[2] -= headSize; pt2[1] += headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); //this.moveTo(pt1); pt2[1] -= 2 * headSize; this.lineTo(pt2); this.lineTo(pt1); } } });