/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

// Class HitRecord

var viewUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils;
var vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils;
var drawUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/draw-utils").DrawUtils;
var snapManagerModule = require("js/helper-classes/3D/snap-manager");

var HitRecord = exports.HitRecord = Object.create(Object.prototype,

	// Constant definitions
	SNAP_TYPE_STAGE	: { value: 1, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX : { value: 2, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL : { value: 13, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL: { value: 14, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED: { value: 15, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START: { value: 3, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START: { value: 4, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT: { value: 5, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE: { value: 6, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX: { value: 7, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL: { value: 8, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL: { value: 9, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH: { value: 10, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER: { value: 11, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT: { value: 12, writable: true },
	SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED: { value: null, writable: -1 },
	// Instance variables
	_type: { value: this.SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED, writable: true },
	_elt: { value: null, writable: true },				// this can be null.  example: snapping to the working plane
	_screenPt: { value: null, writable: true },		// snap point in global screen space
	_localPoint: { value: null, writable: true },		// snap point in the local space of the element
	_plane: { value: null, writable: true },		// plane equation at the snap point in local object space
	_planeMat: { value: Matrix.I(4)	, writable: true }, 		// transform to take the point from plane space to the transformed view space of the element
	_assocScrPt: { value: null, writable: true },		// associated screen point
	_assocScrPt2: { value: null, writable: true },		// a second associated point for drawing multiple snap align hits
	_planarHit: { value: false, writable: true },
	_snapBoundaryIndex : { value: -1, writable: true },		// this used for snap align to object boundaries
	_isQuadPt :{ value: false, writable: true },	// used for snapping to an object's quadrant point

	// Property accessors
	getElt : { value: function()			{  return this._elt;					}},
	setElt : { value: function(e)			{  this._elt = e;						}},
	getElement : { value: function()			{  return this._elt;					}},
	setElement : { value: function(e)			{  this._elt = e;						}},

	getZIndex : { value: function()			{  return this._zIndex;	}},
	setZIndex : { value: function(i)			{  this._zIndex = i;					}},

	setScreenPoint : { value: function(s)			{  this._screenPt = s.slice(0);			}},
	getScreenPoint : { value: function()			{  return this._screenPt.slice(0);		}},

	setLocalPoint : { value: function(s)			{  this._localPt = s.slice(0);			}},
	getLocalPoint : { value:  function()			{  return this._localPt.slice(0);		}},

	setAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function(s)			{  this._assocScrPt = s.slice(0);		}},
	getAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function()			{  return this._assocScrPt.slice(0);	}},
	hasAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function()			{  return this._assocScrPt != null;		}},

	setAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function(s)			{  this._assocScrPt2 = s.slice(0);		}},
	getAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function()			{  return this._assocScrPt2.slice(0);	}},
	hasAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function()			{  return this._assocScrPt2 != null;	}},

	setPlane : { value: function(p)			{  this._plane = p.slice(0);			}},
	getPlane : { value: function()			{  return this._plane.slice(0);			}},

	setPlaneMatrix : { value: function(pm)			{  this._planeMat = pm.slice(0);		}},
	getPlaneMatrix : { value: function()			{  return this._planeMat.slice(0);		}},

	setPlanarHit : { value:  function(p)			{  this._planarHit = p;					}},
	isPlanarHit : { value: function()			{  return this._planarHit;				}},

	getSnapBoundaryIndex : { value: function()			{  return this._snapBoundaryIndex;		}},
	setSnapBoundaryIndex : { value: function(i)			{  this._snapBoundaryIndex = i;			}},

	getType : { value: function()			{  return this._type;					}},
	setType : { value: function(t)			{this._type = t;  if (!this.checkType())  { throw new Error("invalid snap type");  return;  }  	}},

	getUseQuadPoint : { value: function()			{  return this._isQuadPt;				}},
	setUseQuadPoint : { value: function(q)			{this._isQuadPt = q;				  	}},

	// Methods

	checkType :{
        value: function()	{
            var ok = false;
            switch (this._type)
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE:
                //case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START:
                    ok = true;

                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED:
                    ok = true;

                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT:
                    ok = true;

                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL:
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH:
                    ok = true;

            return ok;

	isSomeGridTypeSnap : {
        value: function() {
            return ((this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX) ||
                    (this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL) ||
                    (this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL)

	convertToWorkingPlane : {
        value: function( wp ) {
            var swp = this.calculateStageWorldPoint();
            var wpMat = drawUtils.getPlaneToWorldMatrix(wp, MathUtils.getPointOnPlane(wp));
            //var wpMatInv = wpMat.inverse();
            var wpMatInv = glmat4.inverse( wpMat, []);
            var localPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( swp, wpMatInv );

            //  create a new hit record
            var hr = Object.create(HitRecord);//new HitRecord();
            hr.setType(  this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE );
            hr.setScreenPoint(  this.getScreenPoint() );
            hr.setLocalPoint(  localPt );
            hr.setPlane( wp );
            hr.setPlaneMatrix( wpMat );
            hr.setElt( snapManagerModule.SnapManager.getStage() );

            return hr;

	calculateStageWorldPoint : {
        value: function() {
            var wPt;
            var elt = this.getElt();
            if (elt != null)
                var localPt = this.getLocalPoint();
                var planeMat = this.getPlaneMatrix();
                wPt = viewUtils.postViewToStageWorld( MathUtils.transformPoint(localPt,planeMat),  elt );

            return wPt;

	calculateScreenPoint : {
        value: function() {
            var scrPt;

            var stage = snapManagerModule.SnapManager.getStage();
            var stageMat = viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement( stage );
            var offset = viewUtils.getElementOffset( stage );
            offset[2] = 0;
            viewUtils.pushViewportObj( stage );

            var elt = this.getElt();
            if (elt != null)
                var localPt = this.getLocalPoint();
                var planeMat = this.getPlaneMatrix();
                scrPt = viewUtils.postViewToStageWorld( MathUtils.transformPoint(localPt,planeMat),  elt );
                scrPt = vecUtils.vecAdd( 3, viewUtils.viewToScreen( MathUtils.transformPoint(scrPt, stageMat) ), offset);

            return scrPt;

	calculateElementWorldPoint : {
        value: function() {
            var localPt = this.getLocalPoint();
            var worldPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( localPt, this.getPlaneMatrix() );

            return worldPt;

	calculateElementScreenPoint : {
        value: function() {
            var worldPt = this.calculateElementWorldPoint();
            viewUtils.pushViewportObj( this._elt );
            var scrPt = viewUtils.viewToScreen( worldPt );

            return scrPt;

	calculateElementScreenToPlane : {
        value: function( scrPt,  plane ) {
            var elt = this.getElt();
            viewUtils.pushViewportObj( elt );
            var viewPt = viewUtils.screenToView( scrPt[0], scrPt[1], scrPt[2] );
            var eyePt;
                eyePt = viewUtils.getEyePoint();
                eyePt = [viewPt[0], viewPt[1], 1400];
            var projPt = MathUtils.vecIntersectPlane( eyePt, MathUtils.vecSubtract(viewPt,eyePt), plane );

            return projPt;

    calculateElementPreTransformScreenPoint : {
        value: function() {
            var localPt = this.getLocalPoint();

            var worldPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( localPt, this.getPlaneMatrix() );
            var mat = viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement( this._elt );
            glmat4.inverse( mat );
            localPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( worldPt, mat );

            viewUtils.pushViewportObj( this._elt );
            var scrPt = viewUtils.viewToScreen( localPt );

            return scrPt;

	getTypeString :{
        value: function()	{
            var str;
            switch (this.getType())
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE:						str = "SNAP_TYPE_STAGE";					break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX";				break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL:			str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START:		str = "SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START";		break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT:					str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT";					break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE";				break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT:			str = "SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT";		break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL:			str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL:				str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL";			break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH:					str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH";				break;
                case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED:				str = "this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED";		break;

                    str = "SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED";

            return str;