/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLAnchorPoint // GL representation of a point clicked // and dragged during pen tool // // ///////////////////////////////////////////// function GLAnchorPoint() { ///////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables ///////////////////////////////////////// this._x = 0.0; this._y = 0.0; this._z = 0.0; this._prevX = 0.0; this._prevY = 0.0; this._prevZ = 0.0; this._nextX = 0.0; this._nextY = 0.0; this._nextZ = 0.0; } // *********** setters ************ GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPos = function (x, y, z) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._z = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPrevPos = function (x, y, z) { this._prevX = x; this._prevY = y; this._prevZ = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setNextPos = function (x, y, z) { this._nextX = x; this._nextY = y; this._nextZ = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPrevFromNext = function () { //set the previous control point by reflecting the next control point var dispX = this._nextX - this._x; var dispY = this._nextY - this._y; var dispZ = this._nextZ - this._z; this._prevX = this._x - dispX; this._prevY = this._y - dispY; this._prevZ = this._z - dispZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setNextFromPrev = function () { //set the previous control point by reflecting the next control point var dispX = this._prevX - this._x; var dispY = this._prevY - this._y; var dispZ = this._prevZ - this._z; this._nextX = this._x - dispX; this._nextY = this._y - dispY; this._nextZ = this._z - dispZ; } //translate the next point from the translation that was applied to the prev. point GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateNextFromPrev = function (tx, ty, tz) { //do nothing if the total translation is zero var totalTransSq = (tx*tx) + (ty*ty) + (tz*tz); if (totalTransSq < 0.0000001) return; // *** compute the rotation of the prev vector *** var oldP = Vector.create([this._prevX + tx - this._x, this._prevY + ty - this._y, this._prevZ + tz - this._z]); var newP = Vector.create([this._prevX - this._x, this._prevY - this._y, this._prevZ - this._z]); //compute angle between the two vectors var axis = Vector.create([0, 0, 0]); var angle = MathUtils.getAxisAngleBetween3DVectors(oldP, newP, axis); if (angle === 0) return; // *** compute the vector from anchor to next var oldN = Vector.create([this._nextX - this._x, this._nextY - this._y, this._nextZ - this._z]); var rotMat = Matrix.Rotation(-angle, axis); var newN = MathUtils.transformVector(oldN, rotMat); //TEMP for some situations the axis angle computation returns NaNs if (isNaN(newN[0]) || isNaN(newN[1]) || isNaN(newN[2])) { console.log("NaN in translateNextFromPrev"); return; } //end TEMP this._nextX = this._x + newN[0]; this._nextY = this._y + newN[1]; this._nextZ = this._z + newN[2]; } //translate the next point from the translation that was applied to the prev. point GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translatePrevFromNext = function (tx, ty, tz) { //do nothing if the total translation is zero var totalTransSq = (tx*tx) + (ty*ty) + (tz*tz); if (totalTransSq < 0.0000001) return; // *** compute the rotation of the next vector *** var oldN = Vector.create([this._nextX + tx - this._x, this._nextY + ty - this._y, this._nextZ + tz - this._z]); var newN = Vector.create([this._nextX - this._x, this._nextY - this._y, this._nextZ - this._z]); //compute angle between the two vectors var axis = Vector.create([0, 0, 0]); var angle = MathUtils.getAxisAngleBetween3DVectors(oldN, newN, axis); if (angle === 0) return; // *** compute the vector from anchor to prev var oldP = Vector.create([this._prevX - this._x, this._prevY - this._y, this._prevZ - this._z]); var rotMat = Matrix.Rotation(-angle, axis); var newP = MathUtils.transformVector(oldP, rotMat); //TEMP for some situations the axis angle computation returns NaNs if (isNaN(newP[0]) || isNaN(newP[1]) || isNaN(newP[2])) { return; } //end TEMP this._prevX = this._x + newP[0]; this._prevY = this._y + newP[1]; this._prevZ = this._z + newP[2]; } // ******* modifiers ******* GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translatePrev = function (x, y, z) { this._prevX += x; this._prevY += y; this._prevZ += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateNext = function (x, y, z) { this._nextX += x; this._nextY += y; this._nextZ += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translate = function (x, y, z) { this._x += x; this._y += y; this._z += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateAll = function (x, y, z) { this.translate(x, y, z); this.translatePrev(x, y, z); this.translateNext(x, y, z); } // ********* getters ********** GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosX = function () { return this._x; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosY = function () { return this._y; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosZ = function () { return this._z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevX = function () { return this._prevX; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevY = function () { return this._prevY; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevZ = function () { return this._prevZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextX = function () { return this._nextX; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextY = function () { return this._nextY; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextZ = function () { return this._nextZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPos = function() { return Vector.create([this._x, this._y, this._z]);} GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrev = function() { return Vector.create([this._prevX, this._prevY, this._prevZ]);} GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNext = function() { return Vector.create([this._nextX, this._nextY, this._nextZ]);} //return the square of distance from passed in point to the anchor position GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._x - x) * (this._x - x) + (this._y - y) * (this._y - y) + (this._z - z) * (this._z - z); } //return sq. of distance to prev. GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._prevX - x) * (this._prevX - x) + (this._prevY - y) * (this._prevY - y) + (this._prevZ - z) * (this._prevZ - z); } //return sq. of distance to next GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._nextX - x) * (this._nextX - x) + (this._nextY - y) * (this._nextY - y) + (this._nextZ - z) * (this._nextZ - z); }