/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

var VecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils;

// Class GLBrushStroke
//      representation a sequence points (polyline) created by brush tool.
//      Derived from class GLGeomObj
function GLBrushStroke() {
    // Instance variables
    this._Points = [];
    this._BBoxMin = [0, 0, 0];
    this._BBoxMax = [0, 0, 0];
    this._dirty = true;

    //whether or not to use the canvas drawing to stroke/fill
    this._useCanvasDrawing = true;

    //the X and Y location of this subpath's canvas in stage world space of Ninja
    this._canvasX = 0;
    this._canvasY = 0;

    //stroke information
    this._strokeWidth = 0.0;
    this._strokeColor = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0];
    this._strokeStyle = "Solid";

    //drawing context
    this._world = null;

    //tool that owns this brushstroke
    this._drawingTool = null;
    this._planeMat = null;
    this._planeMatInv = null;
    this._planeCenter = null;

    // initialize the inherited members
    this.inheritedFrom = GLGeomObj;

    // Property Accessors/Setters
    this.setWorld = function (world) { this._world = world; }
    this.getWorld = function () { return this._world; }
    this.geomType = function () { return this.GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER; }
    this.setDrawingTool = function (tool) {this._drawingTool = tool;}
    this.getDrawingTool = function () {return this._drawingTool;}
    this.setPlaneMatrix = function(planeMat){this._planeMat = planeMat;}
    this.setPlaneMatrixInverse = function(planeMatInv){this._planeMatInv = planeMatInv;}
    this.setPlaneCenter = function(pc){this._planeCenter = pc;}

    this.getCanvasX = function(){return this._canvasX;}
    this.getCanvasY = function(){return this._canvasY;}
    this.setCanvasX = function(cx){this._canvasX=cx;}
    this.setCanvasY = function(cy){this._canvasY=cy;}

    this.getNumPoints = function () { return this._Points.length; }
    this.getPoint = function (index) { return this._Points[index]; }
    this.addPoint = function (anchorPt) { this._Points.push(anchorPt); this._dirty=true; }
    this.insertPoint = function(pt, index){ this._Points.splice(index, 0, pt); this._dirty=true;}
    this.isDirty = function(){return this._dirty;}
    this.makeDirty = function(){this._dirty=true;}

    this.getBBoxMin = function () { return this._BBoxMin; }
    this.getBBoxMax = function () { return this._BBoxMax; }

    this.getStrokeWidth = function () { return this._strokeWidth; }
    this.setStrokeWidth = function (w) { this._strokeWidth = w; this._dirty=true;}
    this.getStrokeMaterial = function () { return this._strokeMaterial; }
    this.setStrokeMaterial = function (m) { this._strokeMaterial = m; }
    this.getStrokeColor = function () { return this._strokeColor; }
    this.setStrokeColor = function (c) { this._strokeColor = c; }
    this.getStrokeStyle = function () { return this._strokeStyle; }
    this.setStrokeStyle = function (s) { this._strokeStyle = s; }

    this.setWidth = function () { }//NO-OP for now
    this.setHeight = function () {}//NO-OP for now

    //remove and return anchor at specified index, return null on error
    this.removePoint = function (index) {
        var retAnchor = null;
        if (index < this._Points.length) {
            retPt = this._Points.splice(index, 1);
        return retPoint;

    //remove all the points
    this.clear = function () { this._Points = []; this._dirty=true;}

    this.translate = function (tx, ty, tz) {
        for (var i=0;i<this._Points.length;i++){

    this.computeMetaGeometry = function(){
        if (this._dirty){
            // *** compute the bounding box *********
            this._BBoxMin = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity];
            this._BBoxMax = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity];
            var numPoints = this._Points.length;
            if (numPoints === 0) {
                this._BBoxMin = [0, 0, 0];
                this._BBoxMax = [0, 0, 0];
            } else {
                for (var i=0;i<numPoints;i++){
                    var pt = this._Points[i];
                    for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
                        if (this._BBoxMin[d] > pt[d]) {
                            this._BBoxMin[d] = pt[d];
                        if (this._BBoxMax[d] < pt[d]) {
                            this._BBoxMax[d] = pt[d];
                    }//for every dimension d from 0 to 2
             //increase the bbox given the stroke width
            for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
                this._BBoxMin[d]-= this._strokeWidth/2;
                this._BBoxMax[d]+= this._strokeWidth/2;
            }//for every dimension d from 0 to 2
        this._dirty = false;

    //  specify how to render the subpath in Canvas2D
    this.render = function () {
        // get the world
        var world = this.getWorld();
        if (!world)  throw( "null world in brushstroke render" );

         // get the context
        var ctx = world.get2DContext();
        if (!ctx)  throw ("null context in brushstroke render")

        var numPoints = this.getNumPoints();
        if (numPoints === 0)
            return; //nothing to do for empty paths


        var bboxMin = this.getBBoxMin();
        var bboxMax = this.getBBoxMax();
        var bboxWidth = bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0];
        var bboxHeight = bboxMax[1] - bboxMin[1];
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight);
        ctx.lineWidth = this._strokeWidth;
        ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
        if (this._strokeColor)
            ctx.strokeStyle = MathUtils.colorToHex( this._strokeColor );
        ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
        if (this._fillColor)
            ctx.fillStyle = MathUtils.colorToHex( this._fillColor );
        var lineCap = ['butt','round','square'];
        ctx.lineCap = lineCap[1];
        var firstPoint = this._Points[0];
        ctx.moveTo(firstPoint[0]-bboxMin[0], firstPoint[1]-bboxMin[1]);
        for (var i = 1; i < numPoints; i++) {
            var pt = this._Points[i];
            ctx.lineTo(pt[0]-bboxMin[0], pt[1]-bboxMin[1]);
        var R2 = this._strokeWidth;
        var R = R2*0.5;
        var hardness = 0.25; //for a pencil, this is always 1 //TODO get hardness parameter from user interface
        var innerRadius = (hardness*R)-1;
        if (innerRadius<1)

        for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            var pt = this._Points[i];
            ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
            var x = pt[0]-bboxMin[0];
            var y = pt[1]-bboxMin[1];
            var r = ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, innerRadius, x, y, R);
            r.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)');
            //r.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'); // prevent aggregation of semi-opaque pixels
            r.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.0)');
            ctx.fillStyle = r;
            //ctx.fillRect(x-R, y-R, R2, R2);
            ctx.arc(x, y, R, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
            //ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
            //ctx.rect(x-R, y-R, R2, R2);
    } //render()

    this.export = function()
        var rtnStr = "type: " + this.geomType() + "\n";
        return rtnStr;

    this.import = function( importStr )

    this.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y, z) {
        if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false;
        if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false;
        if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false;
        if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false;
        if (z < this._BBoxMin[2]) return false;
        if (z > this._BBoxMax[2]) return false;

        return true;

    this.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y) {
        if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false;
        if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false;
        if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false;
        if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false;

        return true;

} //function GLSubpath ...class definition