This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// globals
var shaderProgramArray = new Array;
var glContextArray = new Array;
var vertexShaderSource = "";
var fragmentShaderSource = "";
var rdgeStarted = false;
var nodeCounter = 0;
var worldCounter = 0;
// Class GLWorld
// Manages display in a canvas
function GLWorld( canvas, use3D )
// Instance variables
// flag to do the drawing with WebGL
this._useWebGL = false;
this._useWebGL = use3D;
this._canvas = canvas;
if (this._useWebGL)
this._glContext = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
this._2DContext = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
this._viewportWidth = canvas.width;
this._viewportHeight = canvas.height;
// view parameters
this._fov = 45.0;
this._zNear = 0.1;
this._zFar = 100.0;
this._viewDist = 5.0;
// default light parameters
this._ambientLightColor = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0];
this._diffuseLightColor = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0];
this._specularLightColor = [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0];
this._pointLightLoc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.05];
// default material properties. Material properties should be overridden
// by the materials used by the objects
this._materialShininess = 20.0;
this._geomRoot = undefined;
this._cameraMat = Matrix.I(4);
this._cameraMat[14] = 5.0;
this._cameraMatInv = Matrix.I(4);
this._cameraMatInv[14] = -5.0;
// keep a flag indicating whether a render has been completed.
// this allows us to turn off automatic updating if there are
// no animated materials
this._firstRender = true;
this._worldCount = worldCounter;
// Property accessors
this.getGLContext = function() { return this._glContext; }
this.setGLContext = function(gl) { this._glContext = gl; }
this.get2DContext = function() { return this._2DContext; }
this.set2DContext = function(c) { this._2DContext = c; }
this.getCanvas = function() { return this._canvas; }
this.setCanvas = function(c) { this._canvas = c; }
this.getShaderProgram = function() { return this._shaderProgram; }
this.getViewportWidth = function() { return this._viewportWidth; }
this.getViewportHeight = function() { return this._viewportHeight; }
this.getAspect = function() { return this._viewportWidth/this._viewportHeight; }
this.getGeomRoot = function() { return this._geomRoot; }
this.getZNear = function() { return this._zNear; }
this.getZFar = function() { return this._zFar; }
this.getFOV = function() { return this._fov; }
this.getCamera = function() { return this._camera; }
this.getCameraMat = function() { return this._cameraMat.slice(0); }
this.setCameraMat = function(c) { this._cameraMat = c.slice(0); this._cameraMatInv = glmat4.inverse(c, []); }
this.getCameraMatInverse = function() { return this._cameraMatInv.slice(0); }
this.getViewDistance = function() { return this._viewDist; }
this.getRootNode = function() { return this._rootNode; }
this.setRootNode = function(r) { this._rootNode = r; }
this.isWebGL = function() { return this._useWebGL; }
this.getRenderer = function() { return this.renderer; }
// local variables
this.myScene = null;
this.elapsed = 0;
this.light = null;
this.light2 = null;
this.fillShader = null;
this.strokeShader = null;
this.renderer = null;
// keep an array of texture maps that need to be loaded
this._texMapsToLoad = [];
this._allMapsLoaded = true;
// this is the node to which objects get hung
// set up the camera matrix
var camMat = Matrix.I(4);
camMat[14] = this.getViewDistance();
this.setCameraMat( camMat );
// test call to SVG importer
// console.log( "***** SVG TEST *****" );
// var svgImporter = new SVGParse( this );
// svgImporter.importSVG();
// post-load processing of the scene
this.init = function()
var ctx1 = g_Engine.ctxMan.handleToObject(this._canvas.rdgeCtxHandle),
ctx2 = g_Engine.getContext();
if (ctx1 != ctx2) console.log( "***** different contexts *****" );
this.renderer = ctx1.renderer;
// create a camera, set its perspective, and then point it at the origin
var cam = new camera();
this._camera = cam;
cam.setPerspective(this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar());
cam.setLookAt([0, 0, this.getViewDistance()], [0, 0, 0], vec3.up());
// make this camera the active camera
// change clear color
this.renderer.setClearColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]);
//this.renderer.NinjaWorld = this;
// create an empty scene graph
this.myScene = new SceneGraph();
// create some lights
// light 1
this.light = createLightNode("myLight");
// light 2
this.light2 = createLightNode("myLight2");
// create a light transform
var lightTr = createTransformNode("lightTr");
// create and attach a material - materials hold the light data
// enable light channels 1, 2 - channel 0 is used by the default shader
lightTr.materialNode.enableLightChannel(1, this.light);
lightTr.materialNode.enableLightChannel(2, this.light2);
// all added objects are parented to the light node
this._rootNode = lightTr;
// add the light node to the scene
// Add the scene to the engine - necessary if you want the engine to draw for you
g_Engine.AddScene("myScene" + this._canvas.id, this.myScene);
// main code for handling user interaction and updating the scene
this.update = function(dt)
if (!dt) dt = 0.2;
this.elapsed += dt;
if (this._useWebGL)
// changed the global position uniform of light 0, another way to change behavior of a light
rdgeGlobalParameters.u_light0Pos.set( [5*Math.cos(this.elapsed), 5*Math.sin(this.elapsed), 20]);
// orbit the light nodes around the boxes
this.light.setPosition([1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0)]);
this.light2.setPosition([-1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), -1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed)]);
this.updateMaterials( this.getGeomRoot(), this.elapsed );
// now update all the nodes in the scene
if (this._useWebGL)
// defining the draw function to control how the scene is rendered
this.draw = function()
if (this._useWebGL)
var ctx = g_Engine.getContext();
var ctx1 = g_Engine.ctxMan.handleToObject(this._canvas.rdgeCtxHandle);
if (ctx1 != ctx) console.log( "***** different contexts (2) *****" );
var aRenderer = ctx1.renderer;
var renderer = ctx.renderer;
if (renderer != aRenderer) console.log( "***** DIFFERENT RENDERERS *****" );
if (renderer.unloadedTextureCount <= 0)
console.log( "render" );
if (this._firstRender)
this._firstRender = false;
if (!this.hasAnimatedMaterials())
//this._renderCount = 10;
else if (this._renderCount >= 0)
if (this._renderCount <= 0)
this.onRunState = function()
console.log( "GLWorld.onRunState" );
this.onLoadState = function()
console.log( "GLWorld.onLoadState" );
this.textureToLoad = function( texture )
if (!texture.previouslyReferenced)
var name = texture.lookUpName;
texture._world = this;
texture.callback = this.textureMapLoaded;
this._texMapsToLoad[name] = true;
this._allMapsLoaded = false;
// stop the draw loop until all textures have been loaded
this.textureMapLoaded = function( texture )
var world = texture._world;
if (!world)
console.log( "**** loaded texture does not have world defined ****" );
var name = texture.lookUpName;
if (!world._texMapsToLoad[name])
console.log( "loaded an unregistered texture map: " + name );
//console.log( "loaded a registered texture map: " + name );
world._texMapsToLoad[name] = undefined;
// check if all the texture maps are loaded. if so, resume the render loop
world._allMapsLoaded = world.allTextureMapsLoaded();
if (world._allMapsLoaded)
this.allTextureMapsLoaded = function()
for (var name in this._texMapsToLoad)
var needsLoad = this._texMapsToLoad[name];
if (needsLoad) return false;
return true;
this.textureLoadedCallback = function( name )
console.log( "*** material texture loaded: " + name );
var world = this._world;
if (!world)
console.log( "**** world not defined for loaded texture map: " + name );
world.textureMapLoaded( name );
this.hasAnimatedMaterials = function()
var root = this.getGeomRoot();
var rtnVal = false;
if (root)
rtnVal = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( root );
return rtnVal;
this.hHasAnimatedMaterials = function( obj )
if (obj)
if (obj.getFillMaterial())
if (obj.getFillMaterial().isAnimated()) return true;
if (obj.getStrokeMaterial())
if (obj.getStrokeMaterial().isAnimated()) return true;
// do the sibling
var hasAnim = false;
if (obj.getNext()) hasAnim = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( obj.getNext() );
if (hasAnim) return true;
if (obj.getChild()) hasAnim = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( obj.getChild() );
if (hasAnim) return true;
return false;
// start RDGE passing your runtime object, and false to indicate we don't need a an initialization state
// in the case of a procedurally built scene an init state is not needed for loading data
if (this._useWebGL)
rdgeStarted = true;
this._canvas.rdgeid = this._canvas.uuid;
g_Engine.registerCanvas(this._canvas, this);
RDGEStart( this._canvas );
//this._canvas.fpsTracker = new fpsTracker( '0' );
//this._canvas.task = new RDGETask(this._canvas, false);
// Property Accessors
GLWorld.prototype.getGeomRoot = function() { return this._geomRoot; }
// Methods
GLWorld.prototype.updateObject = function (obj)
if (!this._useWebGL) return;
var prims = obj.getPrimitiveArray();
var materialNodes = obj.getMaterialNodeArray();
if (prims.length != materialNodes.length)
throw new Error("inconsistent material and primitive counts");
var nPrims = prims.length;
var ctrTrNode;
if (nPrims > 0) {
ctrTrNode = obj.getTransformNode();
if (ctrTrNode == null)
ctrTrNode = createTransformNode("objRootNode_" + nodeCounter++);
this._rootNode.insertAsChild( ctrTrNode );
obj.setTransformNode( ctrTrNode );
ctrTrNode.meshes.forEach(function(thisMesh) {
ctrTrNode.meshes = [];
ctrTrNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_" + nodeCounter++, prims[0]);
var children = ctrTrNode.children;
for (var i = 1; i < nPrims; i++)
// get the next primitive
var prim = prims[i];
// get a previously created transform node. If the transform has not been created, create it
var childTrNode;
if (children && children.length >= i)
childTrNode = children[i-1].transformNode;
childTrNode.meshes.forEach(function(thisMesh) {
childTrNode.meshes = [];
childTrNode = createTransformNode("objNode_" + nodeCounter++);
// attach the instanced box goe
childTrNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_" + nodeCounter++, prim);
GLWorld.prototype.addObject = function( obj )
if (!obj) return;
// undefine all the links of the object
obj.setChild( undefined );
obj.setNext( undefined );
obj.setPrev( undefined );
obj.setParent( undefined );
obj.setWorld( this );
if (this._geomRoot == null)
this._geomRoot = obj;
var go = this._geomRoot;
while (go.getNext()) go = go.getNext();
go.setNext( obj );
obj.setPrev( go );
// build the WebGL buffers
if (this._useWebGL)
alert( "Exception in GLWorld.addObject " + e );
GLWorld.prototype.restartRenderLoop = function()
console.log( "restartRenderLoop" );
this._firstRender = true;
this._renderCount = -1;
if (this._canvas.task)
if (this._allMapsLoaded)
//append to the list of objects if obj doesn't already exist
//if obj exists, then don't add to list of objects
GLWorld.prototype.addIfNewObject = function (obj)
if (!obj) return;
try {
if (this._geomRoot == null) {
this._geomRoot = obj;
else if (this._geomRoot !== obj) {
var go = this._geomRoot;
while (go.getNext() && go.getNext() !== obj) {
go = go.getNext();
if (go.getNext() === null) {
// undefine all the links of the object
// build the WebGL buffers
if (this._useWebGL)
catch (e) {
alert("Exception in GLWorld.addIfNewObject " + e);
GLWorld.prototype.clearTree = function()
if (this._useWebGL)
var root = this._rootNode;
root.children = new Array();
g_Engine.unregisterCanvas( this._canvas.rdgeid )
this.update( 0 );
GLWorld.prototype.updateMaterials = function( obj, time )
if (!obj) return;
var matArray = obj.getMaterialArray();
if (matArray)
var n = matArray.length;
for (var i=0; i 0))
mat = this._matStack[ this._matStack.length-1];
return mat;
GLWorld.prototype.popMatrix = function()
if (this._matStack.length == 0)
throw "Invalid popMatrix!";
var mat = this._matStack.pop();
return mat;
GLWorld.prototype.setMVMatrix = function()
var mat = this.stackTop();
if (mat)
var gl = this._glContext;
//var mvMatrix = this._cameraMatInv.multiply(mat);
var mvMatrix = glmat4.multiply( this._cameraMatInv, mat, []);
//var mat2 = mat.multiply( this._cameraMatInv );
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._shaderProgram.mvMatrixUniform, false, new Float32Array(mvMatrix));
var normalMatrix = mat3.create();
//mat4.toInverseMat3(mvMatrix, normalMatrix);
// mat4.toInverseMat3(new Float32Array(mvMatrix.flatten()), normalMatrix);
mat4.toInverseMat3(new Float32Array(mvMatrix), normalMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this._shaderProgram.nMatrixUniform, false, normalMatrix);
GLWorld.prototype.makePerspectiveMatrix = function()
return makePerspective( this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar() );
function perspective(fovy, aspect, znear, zfar)
return makePerspective(fovy, aspect, znear, zfar);
GLWorld.prototype.render = function()
if (!this._useWebGL)
// clear the context
var ctx = this.get2DContext();
if (!ctx) return;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.getViewportWidth(), this.getViewportHeight());
// render the geometry
var root = this.getGeomRoot();
this.hRender( root );
GLWorld.prototype.hRender = function( obj )
if (!obj) return;
this.hRender( obj.getChild() );
this.hRender( obj.getNext() );
GLWorld.prototype.setViewportFromCanvas = function(canvas)
this._viewportWidth = canvas.width;
this._viewportHeight = canvas.height;
if (this._useWebGL)
this._glContext.viewportWidth = canvas.width;
this._glContext.viewportHeight = canvas.height;
this.getCamera().setPerspective(this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar());
this.renderer.setViewPort(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
GLWorld.prototype.getShapeFromPoint = function( offsetX, offsetY )
var x = offsetX/this._canvas.width;
var y = offsetY/this._canvas.height;
var go = this._geomRoot;
console.log("collision found");
return go;
while (go.getNext())
go = go.getNext();
console.log("collision found");
return go;
GLWorld.prototype.export = function()
var exportStr = "GLWorld 1.0\n";
exportStr += "id: " + this._canvas.rdgeid + "\n";
exportStr += "fov: " + this._fov + "\n";
exportStr += "zNear: " + this._zNear + "\n";
exportStr += "zFar: " + this._zFar + "\n";
exportStr += "viewDist: " + this._viewDist + "\n";
// we need 2 export modes: One for save/restore, one for publish.
// hardcoding for now
var exportForPublish = false;
exportStr += "publish: " + exportForPublish + "\n";
if (exportForPublish)
exportStr += "scenedata: " + this.myScene.exportJSON() + "endscene\n";
// output the material library
exportStr += MaterialsLibrary.export();
// write out all of the objects
exportStr += "tree\n";
exportStr += this.exportObjects( this._geomRoot );
exportStr += "endtree\n";
return exportStr;
GLWorld.prototype.exportObjects = function( obj )
if (!obj) return;
var rtnStr = "OBJECT\n";
rtnStr += obj.export();
if (obj.getChild())
rtnStr += this.exportObjects( obj.getChild () );
// the end object goes outside the children
rtnStr += "ENDOBJECT\n";
if (obj.getNext())
rtnStr += this.exportObjects( obj.getNext() );
return rtnStr;
GLWorld.prototype.findTransformNodeByMaterial = function( materialNode, trNode )
//if (trNode == null) trNode = this._ctrNode;
if (trNode == null) trNode = this._rootNode;
if ( trNode.transformNode && (materialNode == trNode.transformNode.materialNode)) return trNode;
var rtnNode;
if (trNode.children != null)
var nKids = trNode.children.length;
for (var i=0; i= 0)
var rdgeStr = importStr.substr( index+11 );
var endIndex = rdgeStr.indexOf( "endscene\n" );
if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed WebGL data" );
var len = endIndex - index + 11;
rdgeStr = rdgeStr.substr( 0, endIndex );
this.myScene.importJSON( rdgeStr );
// load the material library
importStr = MaterialsLibrary.import( importStr );
// import the objects
this.importObjects( importStr, this._rootNode );
GLWorld.prototype.importObjects = function( importStr, parentNode )
var index = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n", 0 );
while (index >= 0)
// update the string to the current object
importStr = importStr.substr( index+7 );
// read the next object
this.importObject( importStr, parentNode );
// determine if we have children
var endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" ),
childIndex = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n" );
if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed object data" );
if ((childIndex >= 0) && (childIndex < endIndex))
importStr = importStr.substr( childIndex + 7 );
importStr = this.importObjects( importStr, node );
endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" )
// remove the string for the object(s) just created
importStr = importStr.substr( endIndex );
// get the location of the next object
index = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n", endIndex );
return importStr;
GLWorld.prototype.importObject = function( objStr, parentNode )
var go = new GLGeomObj();
var type = Number( go.getPropertyFromString( "type: ", objStr ) );
var obj;
switch (type)
case 1:
obj = new GLRectangle();
obj.import( objStr );
case 2: // circle
obj = new GLCircle();
obj.import( objStr );
case 3: // line - not implemented
throw new Error( "Unrecognized object type: " + type );
if (obj)
this.addObject( obj );
GLWorld.prototype.importSubObject = function( objStr, parentNode )
// get the mesh text
var i0 = objStr.indexOf( "mesh: " ),
i1 = objStr.indexOf( "endMesh\n" );
if ((i0 < 0) || (i1 < 0)) throw new Error( "ill-formed sub object" );
i0 += 6;
var meshText = objStr.substr( i0, i1 - i0 );
var meshObj = JSON.parse(meshText);
// get the material text
var i0 = objStr.indexOf( "material: " ),
i1 = objStr.indexOf( "endMat\n" );
if ((i0 < 0) || (i1 < 0)) throw new Error( "ill-formed sub object" );
i0 += 10;
var matText = objStr.substr( i0, i1 - i0 );
var shaderDef = JSON.parse( matText );
var shader = new jshader();
shader.def = shaderDef;
// set the shader for this material
var matNode = createMaterialNode("objMat")
// create the transformation node
var trNode = createTransformNode("subObjNode_" );
trNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_", meshObj);
return trNode;