/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ // globals var shaderProgramArray = new Array; var glContextArray = new Array; var vertexShaderSource = ""; var fragmentShaderSource = ""; var rdgeStarted = false; var nodeCounter = 0; var worldCounter = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLWorld // Manages display in a canvas /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GLWorld( canvas, use3D ) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flag to do the drawing with WebGL this._useWebGL = false; if(use3D) this._useWebGL = use3D; this._canvas = canvas; if (this._useWebGL) this._glContext = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); else this._2DContext = canvas.getContext( "2d" ); this._viewportWidth = canvas.width; this._viewportHeight = canvas.height; // view parameters this._fov = 45.0; this._zNear = 0.1; this._zFar = 100.0; this._viewDist = 5.0; // default light parameters this._ambientLightColor = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]; this._diffuseLightColor = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]; this._specularLightColor = [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0]; this._pointLightLoc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.05]; // default material properties. Material properties should be overridden // by the materials used by the objects this._materialShininess = 20.0; this._geomRoot = undefined; this._cameraMat = Matrix.I(4); this._cameraMat[14] = 5.0; this._cameraMatInv = Matrix.I(4); this._cameraMatInv[14] = -5.0; this._camera; // keep a flag indicating whether a render has been completed. // this allows us to turn off automatic updating if there are // no animated materials this._firstRender = true; this._worldCount = worldCounter; worldCounter++; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.getGLContext = function() { return this._glContext; } this.setGLContext = function(gl) { this._glContext = gl; } this.get2DContext = function() { return this._2DContext; } this.set2DContext = function(c) { this._2DContext = c; } this.getCanvas = function() { return this._canvas; } this.setCanvas = function(c) { this._canvas = c; } this.getShaderProgram = function() { return this._shaderProgram; } this.getViewportWidth = function() { return this._viewportWidth; } this.getViewportHeight = function() { return this._viewportHeight; } this.getAspect = function() { return this._viewportWidth/this._viewportHeight; } this.getGeomRoot = function() { return this._geomRoot; } this.getZNear = function() { return this._zNear; } this.getZFar = function() { return this._zFar; } this.getFOV = function() { return this._fov; } this.getCamera = function() { return this._camera; } this.getCameraMat = function() { return this._cameraMat.slice(0); } this.setCameraMat = function(c) { this._cameraMat = c.slice(0); this._cameraMatInv = glmat4.inverse(c, []); } this.getCameraMatInverse = function() { return this._cameraMatInv.slice(0); } this.getViewDistance = function() { return this._viewDist; } this.getRootNode = function() { return this._rootNode; } this.setRootNode = function(r) { this._rootNode = r; } this.isWebGL = function() { return this._useWebGL; } this.getRenderer = function() { return this.renderer; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RDGE // local variables this.myScene = null; this.elapsed = 0; this.light = null; this.light2 = null; this.fillShader = null; this.strokeShader = null; this.renderer = null; // keep an array of texture maps that need to be loaded this._texMapsToLoad = []; this._allMapsLoaded = true; // this is the node to which objects get hung this._rootNode; // set up the camera matrix var camMat = Matrix.I(4); camMat[14] = this.getViewDistance(); this.setCameraMat( camMat ); // post-load processing of the scene this.init = function() { var ctx1 = g_Engine.ctxMan.handleToObject(this._canvas.rdgeCtxHandle), ctx2 = g_Engine.getContext(); if (ctx1 != ctx2) console.log( "***** different contexts *****" ); this.renderer = ctx1.renderer; this.renderer._world = this; // create a camera, set its perspective, and then point it at the origin var cam = new camera(); this._camera = cam; cam.setPerspective(this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar()); cam.setLookAt([0, 0, this.getViewDistance()], [0, 0, 0], vec3.up()); // make this camera the active camera this.renderer.cameraManager().setActiveCamera(cam); // change clear color //this.renderer.setClearFlags(g_Engine.getContext().DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); this.renderer.setClearColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]); //this.renderer.NinjaWorld = this; // create an empty scene graph this.myScene = new SceneGraph(); // create some lights // light 1 this.light = createLightNode("myLight"); this.light.setPosition([0,0,1.2]); this.light.setDiffuseColor([0.75,0.9,1.0,1.0]); // light 2 this.light2 = createLightNode("myLight2"); this.light2.setPosition([-0.5,0,1.2]); this.light2.setDiffuseColor([1.0,0.9,0.75,1.0]); // create a light transform var lightTr = createTransformNode("lightTr"); // create and attach a material - materials hold the light data lightTr.attachMaterial(createMaterialNode("lights")); // enable light channels 1, 2 - channel 0 is used by the default shader lightTr.materialNode.enableLightChannel(1, this.light); lightTr.materialNode.enableLightChannel(2, this.light2); // all added objects are parented to the light node this._rootNode = lightTr; // add the light node to the scene this.myScene.addNode(lightTr); // Add the scene to the engine - necessary if you want the engine to draw for you //g_Engine.AddScene("myScene" + this._canvas.id, this.myScene); var name = this._canvas.getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); g_Engine.AddScene("myScene" + name, this.myScene); } // main code for handling user interaction and updating the scene this.update = function(dt) { if (!dt) dt = 0.2; dt = 0.01; // use our own internal throttle this.elapsed += dt; if (this._useWebGL) { // changed the global position uniform of light 0, another way to change behavior of a light rdgeGlobalParameters.u_light0Pos.set( [5*Math.cos(this.elapsed), 5*Math.sin(this.elapsed), 20]); // orbit the light nodes around the boxes this.light.setPosition([1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0)]); this.light2.setPosition([-1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), -1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed)]); } this.updateMaterials( this.getGeomRoot(), this.elapsed ); // now update all the nodes in the scene if (this._useWebGL) this.myScene.update(dt); } // defining the draw function to control how the scene is rendered this.draw = function() { if (this._useWebGL) { g_Engine.setContext( this._canvas.rdgeid ); var ctx = g_Engine.getContext(); var renderer = ctx.renderer; if (renderer.unloadedTextureCount <= 0) { renderer.disableCulling(); //console.log( "GLWorld.draw " + renderer._world._worldCount ); renderer._clear(); this.myScene.render(); if (this._firstRender) { if (this._canvas.task) { this._firstRender = false; if (!this.hasAnimatedMaterials()) { this._canvas.task.stop(); //this._renderCount = 10; } } } else if (this._renderCount >= 0) { if (this._canvas.task) { this._renderCount--; if (this._renderCount <= 0) this._canvas.task.stop(); } } } } else { this.render(); } } this.onRunState = function() { // console.log( "GLWorld.onRunState" ); this.restartRenderLoop(); } this.onLoadState = function() { // console.log( "GLWorld.onLoadState" ); } this.textureToLoad = function( texture ) { if (!texture.previouslyReferenced) { var name = texture.lookUpName; texture._world = this; texture.callback = this.textureMapLoaded; this._texMapsToLoad[name] = true; this._allMapsLoaded = false; // stop the draw loop until all textures have been loaded this._canvas.task.stop(); } } this.textureMapLoaded = function( texture ) { var world = texture._world; if (!world) { console.log( "**** loaded texture does not have world defined ****" ); return; } var name = texture.lookUpName; if (!world._texMapsToLoad[name]) { console.log( "loaded an unregistered texture map: " + name ); } else { //console.log( "loaded a registered texture map: " + name ); world._texMapsToLoad[name] = undefined; } // check if all the texture maps are loaded. if so, resume the render loop world._allMapsLoaded = world.allTextureMapsLoaded(); if (world._allMapsLoaded) world._canvas.task.start(); } this.allTextureMapsLoaded = function() { for (var name in this._texMapsToLoad) { var needsLoad = this._texMapsToLoad[name]; if (needsLoad) return false; } return true; } this.textureLoadedCallback = function( name ) { // console.log( "*** material texture loaded: " + name ); var world = this._world; if (!world) console.log( "**** world not defined for loaded texture map: " + name ); else world.textureMapLoaded( name ); } this.hasAnimatedMaterials = function() { var root = this.getGeomRoot(); var rtnVal = false; if (root) rtnVal = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( root ); return rtnVal; } this.hHasAnimatedMaterials = function( obj ) { if (obj) { if (obj.getFillMaterial()) { if (obj.getFillMaterial().isAnimated()) return true; } if (obj.getStrokeMaterial()) { if (obj.getStrokeMaterial().isAnimated()) return true; } // do the sibling var hasAnim = false; if (obj.getNext()) hasAnim = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( obj.getNext() ); if (hasAnim) return true; if (obj.getChild()) hasAnim = this.hHasAnimatedMaterials( obj.getChild() ); if (hasAnim) return true; } return false; } // END RDGE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start RDGE passing your runtime object, and false to indicate we don't need a an initialization state // in the case of a procedurally built scene an init state is not needed for loading data if (this._useWebGL) { rdgeStarted = true; var id = this._canvas.getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); this._canvas.rdgeid = id; g_Engine.registerCanvas(this._canvas, this); RDGEStart( this._canvas ); this._canvas.task.stop() } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GLWorld.prototype.getGeomRoot = function() { return this._geomRoot; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GLWorld.prototype.updateObject = function (obj) { if (!this._useWebGL) return; var prims = obj.getPrimitiveArray(); var materialNodes = obj.getMaterialNodeArray(); if (prims.length != materialNodes.length) throw new Error("inconsistent material and primitive counts"); var nPrims = prims.length; var ctrTrNode; if (nPrims > 0) { ctrTrNode = obj.getTransformNode(); if (ctrTrNode == null) { ctrTrNode = createTransformNode("objRootNode_" + nodeCounter++); this._rootNode.insertAsChild( ctrTrNode ); obj.setTransformNode( ctrTrNode ); } ctrTrNode.meshes.forEach(function(thisMesh) { g_meshMan.deleteMesh(thisMesh.mesh.name); }); ctrTrNode.meshes = []; ctrTrNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_" + nodeCounter++, prims[0]); ctrTrNode.attachMaterial(materialNodes[0]); } var children = ctrTrNode.children; for (var i = 1; i < nPrims; i++) { // get the next primitive var prim = prims[i]; // get a previously created transform node. If the transform has not been created, create it var childTrNode; if (children && children.length >= i) { childTrNode = children[i-1].transformNode; childTrNode.meshes.forEach(function(thisMesh) { g_meshMan.deleteMesh(thisMesh.mesh.name); }); childTrNode.meshes = []; } else { childTrNode = createTransformNode("objNode_" + nodeCounter++); ctrTrNode.insertAsChild(childTrNode); } // attach the instanced box goe childTrNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_" + nodeCounter++, prim); childTrNode.attachMaterial(materialNodes[i]); } } GLWorld.prototype.addObject = function( obj ) { if (!obj) return; try { // undefine all the links of the object obj.setChild( undefined ); obj.setNext( undefined ); obj.setPrev( undefined ); obj.setParent( undefined ); obj.setWorld( this ); if (this._geomRoot == null) { this._geomRoot = obj; } else { var go = this._geomRoot; while (go.getNext()) go = go.getNext(); go.setNext( obj ); obj.setPrev( go ); } // build the WebGL buffers if (this._useWebGL) { obj.buildBuffers(); this.restartRenderLoop(); } } catch(e) { alert( "Exception in GLWorld.addObject " + e ); } } GLWorld.prototype.restartRenderLoop = function() { //console.log( "restartRenderLoop" ); this._firstRender = true; this._renderCount = -1; if (this._canvas.task) { if (this._allMapsLoaded) { //console.log( "starting task" ); this._canvas.task.start(); } else { //console.log( "stopping task" ); this._canvas.task.stop(); } } } //append to the list of objects if obj doesn't already exist //if obj exists, then don't add to list of objects GLWorld.prototype.addIfNewObject = function (obj) { if (!obj) return; try { obj.setWorld(this); if (this._geomRoot == null) { this._geomRoot = obj; } else if (this._geomRoot !== obj) { var go = this._geomRoot; while (go.getNext() && go.getNext() !== obj) { go = go.getNext(); } if (go.getNext() === null) { // undefine all the links of the object obj.setChild(undefined); obj.setNext(undefined); obj.setPrev(undefined); obj.setParent(undefined); go.setNext(obj); obj.setPrev(go); } } // build the WebGL buffers if (this._useWebGL) { obj.buildBuffers(); this.restartRenderLoop(); } } catch (e) { alert("Exception in GLWorld.addIfNewObject " + e); } } GLWorld.prototype.clearTree = function() { if (this._useWebGL) { var root = this._rootNode; root.children = new Array(); g_Engine.unregisterCanvas( this._canvas.rdgeid ) this.update( 0 ); this.draw(); } } GLWorld.prototype.updateMaterials = function( obj, time ) { if (!obj) return; var matArray = obj.getMaterialArray(); if (matArray) { var n = matArray.length; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) matArray[i].update( time ); } this.updateMaterials( obj.getNext(), time ); this.updateMaterials( obj.getChild(), time ); } // return the origin of the world in NDC GLWorld.prototype.getNDCOrigin = function() { var pt = MathUtils.transformPoint( Vector.create([0,0,0]), this.getCameraMatInverse() ); var projMat = makePerspective( this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar()); var ndcPt = MathUtils.transformHomogeneousPoint( pt, projMat ); var ndcOrigin = MathUtils.applyHomogeneousCoordinate( ndcPt ); return ndcOrigin; } GLWorld.prototype.worldToScreen = function(v) { var pMatrix = makePerspective( this._fov, this.getAspect(), this._zNear, this._zFar); var mvMatrix = this.getCameraMatInverse(); //var tmpMat = pMatrix.multiply( mvMatrix ); var tmpMat = glmat4.multiply(pMatrix, mvMatrix, []); //var v2 = tmpMat.multiply( v ); var v2 = glmat4.multiplyVec3( tmpMat, v, []); var v3 = MathUtils.transformHomogeneousPoint( v, tmpMat ); v3 = MathUtils.applyHomogeneousCoordinate( v3 ); var x = v2[0], y = v2[1], z = v2[2]; var h = this.getGLContext().viewportHeight/2.0, w = this.getGLContext().viewportWidth/2.0; var x2 = w*(1 + x), y2 = h*( 1 - y ), z2 = z; return Vector.create( [x2, y2, z2, 1]); } GLWorld.prototype.screenToView = function( x, y ) { var gl = this._glContext; var w = gl.viewportWidth/2.0, h = gl.viewportHeight/2.0; var xv = x/w - 1, yv = 1.0 - y/h; return Vector.create( [xv,yv] ); } GLWorld.prototype.screenToWorld = function( xScr, yScr ) { var viewVec = this.screenToView( xScr, yScr ); var xView = viewVec[0], yView = viewVec[1]; var tmp = this.worldToScreen( Vector.create( [0,0,0,1]) ); var zView = tmp[2]; // get the perspective matrix var pMatrix = makePerspective( this._fov, this.getAspect(), this._zNear, this._zFar); var mvMatrix = Matrix.I(4); // this would be the inverse of the camera matrix (if we had one). //var tmpMat = pMatrix.multiply( mvMatrix ); var tmpMat = glmat4.multiply( pMatrix, mvMatrix, []); //var tmpInv = tmpMat.inverse(); var tmpInv = glmat4.inverse( tmpMat, []); var v3 = Vector.create( [xView, yView, zView, 1 ]); //var w = tmpInv.multiply( v3 ); var w = glmat4.multiplyVec4( tmpInv, v3, []); w[0] /= w[3]; w[1] /= w[3]; w[2] /= w[3]; w[3] = 1.0; return w; } GLWorld.prototype.GLToScreen = function( glPt ) { } GLWorld.prototype.ScreenToGL = function( scrPt ) { } GLWorld.prototype.resetMatrixStack = function() { this._matStack = new Array(); this._matStack.push( Matrix.I(4) ); } GLWorld.prototype.pushMatrix = function( mat ) { if (mat) { var mat2 = this.stackTop(); if (mat2) { var mat12 = glmat4.multiply( mat, mat2, []); this._matStack.push( mat12 ); } } } GLWorld.prototype.stackTop = function() { var mat; if (this._matStack && (this._matStack.length > 0)) mat = this._matStack[ this._matStack.length-1]; return mat; } GLWorld.prototype.popMatrix = function() { if (this._matStack.length == 0) throw "Invalid popMatrix!"; var mat = this._matStack.pop(); return mat; } GLWorld.prototype.setMVMatrix = function() { var mat = this.stackTop(); if (mat) { var gl = this._glContext; //var mvMatrix = this._cameraMatInv.multiply(mat); var mvMatrix = glmat4.multiply( this._cameraMatInv, mat, []); //var mat2 = mat.multiply( this._cameraMatInv ); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._shaderProgram.mvMatrixUniform, false, new Float32Array(mvMatrix)); var normalMatrix = mat3.create(); //mat4.toInverseMat3(mvMatrix, normalMatrix); // mat4.toInverseMat3(new Float32Array(mvMatrix.flatten()), normalMatrix); mat4.toInverseMat3(new Float32Array(mvMatrix), normalMatrix); mat3.transpose(normalMatrix); gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this._shaderProgram.nMatrixUniform, false, normalMatrix); } } GLWorld.prototype.makePerspectiveMatrix = function() { return makePerspective( this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar() ); } function perspective(fovy, aspect, znear, zfar) { return makePerspective(fovy, aspect, znear, zfar); } GLWorld.prototype.render = function() { if (!this._useWebGL) { // clear the context var ctx = this.get2DContext(); if (!ctx) return; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.getViewportWidth(), this.getViewportHeight()); // render the geometry var root = this.getGeomRoot(); this.hRender( root ); } else { // console.log( "GLWorld.render, " + this._worldCount ); g_Engine.setContext( this._canvas.rdgeId ); //this.draw(); this.restartRenderLoop(); } } GLWorld.prototype.hRender = function( obj ) { if (!obj) return; obj.render(); this.hRender( obj.getChild() ); this.hRender( obj.getNext() ); } GLWorld.prototype.setViewportFromCanvas = function(canvas) { this._viewportWidth = canvas.width; this._viewportHeight = canvas.height; if (this._useWebGL) { this._glContext.viewportWidth = canvas.width; this._glContext.viewportHeight = canvas.height; this.getCamera().setPerspective(this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar()); this.renderer.setViewPort(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } } GLWorld.prototype.getShapeFromPoint = function( offsetX, offsetY ) { var x = offsetX/this._canvas.width; var y = offsetY/this._canvas.height; var go = this._geomRoot; if(go.collidesWithPoint(x,y)) { // console.log("collision found"); return go; } while (go.getNext()) { go = go.getNext(); if(go.collidesWithPoint(x,y)) { // console.log("collision found"); return go; } } } GLWorld.prototype.export = function() { var exportStr = "GLWorld 1.0\n"; var id = this.getCanvas().getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); exportStr += "id: " + id + "\n"; //exportStr += "id: " + this._canvas.rdgeid + "\n"; exportStr += "fov: " + this._fov + "\n"; exportStr += "zNear: " + this._zNear + "\n"; exportStr += "zFar: " + this._zFar + "\n"; exportStr += "viewDist: " + this._viewDist + "\n"; // we need 2 export modes: One for save/restore, one for publish. // hardcoding for now var exportForPublish = true; exportStr += "publish: " + exportForPublish + "\n"; if (exportForPublish) { exportStr += "scenedata: " + this.myScene.exportJSON() + "endscene\n"; } else { // output the material library exportStr += MaterialsLibrary.export(); // write out all of the objects exportStr += "tree\n"; exportStr += this.exportObjects( this._geomRoot ); exportStr += "endtree\n"; } return exportStr; } GLWorld.prototype.exportObjects = function( obj ) { if (!obj) return; var rtnStr = "OBJECT\n"; rtnStr += obj.export(); if (obj.getChild()) rtnStr += this.exportObjects( obj.getChild () ); // the end object goes outside the children rtnStr += "ENDOBJECT\n"; if (obj.getNext()) rtnStr += this.exportObjects( obj.getNext() ); return rtnStr; } GLWorld.prototype.findTransformNodeByMaterial = function( materialNode, trNode ) { //if (trNode == null) trNode = this._ctrNode; if (trNode == null) trNode = this._rootNode; if ( trNode.transformNode && (materialNode == trNode.transformNode.materialNode)) return trNode; var rtnNode; if (trNode.children != null) { var nKids = trNode.children.length; for (var i=0; i<nKids; i++) { var child = trNode.children[i]; rtnNode = this.findTransformNodeByMaterial( materialNode, child ); if (rtnNode) break; } } return rtnNode; } GLWorld.prototype.import = function( importStr ) { // import the worldattributes - not currently used // determine if the data was written for export (no Ninja objects) // or for save/restore var index = importStr.indexOf( "scenedata: " ); if (index >= 0) { var rdgeStr = importStr.substr( index+11 ); var endIndex = rdgeStr.indexOf( "endscene\n" ); if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed WebGL data" ); var len = endIndex - index + 11; rdgeStr = rdgeStr.substr( 0, endIndex ); this.myScene.importJSON( rdgeStr ); } else { // load the material library importStr = MaterialsLibrary.import( importStr ); // import the objects this.importObjects( importStr, this._rootNode ); } } GLWorld.prototype.importObjects = function( importStr, parentNode ) { var index = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n", 0 ); while (index >= 0) { // update the string to the current object importStr = importStr.substr( index+7 ); // read the next object this.importObject( importStr, parentNode ); // determine if we have children var endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" ), childIndex = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n" ); if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed object data" ); if ((childIndex >= 0) && (childIndex < endIndex)) { importStr = importStr.substr( childIndex + 7 ); importStr = this.importObjects( importStr, node ); endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" ) } // remove the string for the object(s) just created importStr = importStr.substr( endIndex ); // get the location of the next object index = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n", endIndex ); } return importStr; } GLWorld.prototype.importObject = function( objStr, parentNode ) { var go = new GLGeomObj(); var type = Number( go.getPropertyFromString( "type: ", objStr ) ); var obj; switch (type) { case 1: obj = new GLRectangle(); obj.import( objStr ); break; case 2: // circle obj = new GLCircle(); obj.import( objStr ); break; case 3: // line obj = new GLLine(); obj.import( objStr ); break; default: throw new Error( "Unrecognized object type: " + type ); break; } if (obj) this.addObject( obj ); } GLWorld.prototype.importSubObject = function( objStr, parentNode ) { // get the mesh text var i0 = objStr.indexOf( "mesh: " ), i1 = objStr.indexOf( "endMesh\n" ); if ((i0 < 0) || (i1 < 0)) throw new Error( "ill-formed sub object" ); i0 += 6; var meshText = objStr.substr( i0, i1 - i0 ); var meshObj = JSON.parse(meshText); // get the material text var i0 = objStr.indexOf( "material: " ), i1 = objStr.indexOf( "endMat\n" ); if ((i0 < 0) || (i1 < 0)) throw new Error( "ill-formed sub object" ); i0 += 10; var matText = objStr.substr( i0, i1 - i0 ); var shaderDef = JSON.parse( matText ); var shader = new jshader(); shader.def = shaderDef; shader.init(); // set the shader for this material var matNode = createMaterialNode("objMat") matNode.setShader(shader); // create the transformation node var trNode = createTransformNode("subObjNode_" ); trNode.attachMeshNode(this.renderer.id + "_prim_", meshObj); trNode.attachMaterial(matNode); parentNode.insertAsChild(trNode); return trNode; }