/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ var RDGE = RDGE || {}; /* * Manage state instances */ RDGE.stateManager = function () { // a stack of states this.stateStack = []; // number of states on the stack this.stateTop = undefined; // the states of the context this.RDGEInitState = null; this.RDGERunState = null; this.currentState = function () { if(this.stateTop != undefined) return this.stateStack[this.stateTop]; return null; }; /* * Push new IRuntime state - engine executes the new state */ this.PushState = function (state, flags) { if (state != null && typeof state.Init == 'function') { if(this.stateTop != undefined) this.stateStack[this.stateTop].LeaveState(); if(flags == undefined || flags != "noInit") state.Init(); this.stateTop = this.stateStack.push(state) - 1; } }; /* * Remove IRuntime state from stack, engine executes previous state */ this.PopState = function () { state = this.stateStack.pop(); if (state != null) { state.Shutdown(); } this.stateTop = this.stateTop > 0 ? this.stateTop - 1 : 0; if (this.stateStack[this.stateTop]) { this.stateStack[this.stateTop].ReInit(); } }; /* * Remove all states from the stack */ this.PopAll = function () { while (this.stateStack[this.stateTop] != null) { this.PopState(); } }; this.tick = function (dt) { if (this.stateStack[this.stateTop] != null) { this.stateStack[this.stateTop].Update(dt); this.stateStack[this.stateTop].Resize(); this.stateStack[this.stateTop].Draw(); } }; }; RDGE.Engine = function () { this._assetPath = "assets/"; // map of scene graphs to names this.sceneMap = []; // number of states on the stack this.stateTop = undefined; // size of the browser window this.lastWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; this.lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight; this.defaultContext = null; this.lightManager = null; clearColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; this.initializeComplete = false; this.RDGECanvas = null; /* * a map of canvas names to renderer */ this.canvasToRendererMap = {}; /* * states to canvas map - maps a state stack to the canvas context it belongs to */ this.canvasNameToStateStack = {}; /* * the list of context's that are active */ this.canvasCtxList = []; /* * regex object to verify runtime object is not some sort of exploit */ invalidObj = new RegExp("([()]|function)"); isValidObj = function (name) { // do a quick test make sure user isn't trying to execute a function if (invalidObj.test(name)) { window.console.error("invalid object name passed to RDGE, " + name + " - looks like a function"); return false; } return true; }; /* * The context definition - every context shares these parameters */ contextDef = function () { this.id = null; this.renderer = null; this.ctxStateManager = null; this.startUpState = null; this.sceneGraphMap = []; this.currentScene = null; this.getScene = function () { return this.sceneGraphMap[this.currentScene]; } this.debug = { 'frameCounter': 0, 'mat4CallCount': 0 } }; // maintains the contexts contextManager = new RDGE.objectManager(); this.ctxMan = contextManager; // the context currently being updated contextManager.currentCtx = null; contextManager._addObject = contextManager.addObject; contextManager.contextMap = {}; contextManager.addObject = function (context) { this.contextMap[context.id] = context; return this._addObject(context); }; contextManager.start = function () { var len = this.objects.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // set the current context contextManager.currentCtx = this.objects[i]; this.objects[i].ctxStateManager.PushState(this.objects[i].startUpState); } }; contextManager.forEach = function (cb) { var len = this.objects.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { cb(this.objects[i]); } }; this.getContext = function (optCanvasID) { if (!optCanvasID) { return contextManager.currentCtx; } else { return contextManager.contextMap[optCanvasID]; } }; this.clearContext = function (canvasID) { contextManager.contextMap[canvasID] = undefined; }; /* * give the contextID (canvas id) of the context to set */ this.setContext = function (contextID) { contextManager.currentCtx = contextManager.contextMap[contextID]; }; this.tickContext = function (contextID) { var savedCtx = contextManager.currentCtx; contextManager.currentCtx = contextManager.contextMap[contextID]; this.objects[i].ctxStateManager.tick(dt); contextManager.currentCtx = savedCtx; }; this.setAssetPath = function (path) { this._assetPath = path.slice(); }; this.remapAssetFolder = function (url) { var searchStr = "assets/"; var index = url.indexOf(searchStr); var rtnPath = url; if (index >= 0) { rtnPath = url.substr(index + searchStr.length); rtnPath = this._assetPath + rtnPath; } return rtnPath; }; }; /* * Initialize the RDGE web engine */ RDGE.Engine.prototype.init = function (userInitState, userRunState, canvasObject) { this.GlInit(canvasObject); globalParamFuncSet = function (param) { this.data = param.data; this.type =param.type; this.set = function (v) { var len = this.data ? this.data.length : 0; for(var i=0;i<len;++i) this.data[i]=v[i]; } this.get = function () { if (this.data.length == undefined) { return this.data; } else { return this.data.slice(); } } }; // light manager init before global parameters structure is reconfigured this.lightManager = new RDGE.LightManager(RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters.rdge_lights); // added getter and setter to global uniforms for (var p in RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters) { if (p != "rdge_lights") { RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters[p] = new globalParamFuncSet(RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters[p]); } else { var lights = RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters[p]; for (var l in lights) { RDGE.rdgeGlobalParameters[l] = new globalParamFuncSet(lights[l]); } } } // initial window this.lastWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; this.lastWindowHeight = window.innerHeight; // setup default render context this.defaultContext = new RDGE.RenderContext(); this.defaultContext.uniforms = [ { 'name': "u_matAmbient", 'value': [0.02,0.02,0.02, 1.0] }, { 'name': "u_matDiffuse", 'value': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] }, { 'name': "u_matSpecular", 'value': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] }, { 'name': "u_matShininess", 'value': [128.0] }, { 'name': "u_matEmission", 'value': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] } ]; // startup the contexts contextManager.start(); this.initializeComplete = true; }; // shutdown the engine clears all states RDGE.Engine.prototype.Shutdown = function () { this.PopAll(); }; // initialize WebGL RDGE.Engine.prototype.GlInit = function (canvasObject) { // Initialize var canvases = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas"); // transverse the canvases and create the contexts var numCv = canvases.length; for (var cvIdx = 0; cvIdx < numCv; ++cvIdx) { var canvas; // if this canvas has a rdge attribute initialize the render context var rdgeAttr = canvases[cvIdx].getAttribute("rdge"); if (rdgeAttr == "true") { // hack ~ while implementing multi-context canvas = canvases[cvIdx]; this.registerCanvas(canvas); } } /* canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", contextLostHandler, false); canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", contextRestoredHandler, false); */ }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.loadScene = function (name) { var url = "assets_web/mesh/" + name + ".json" // if we are not in the load state than push it on again if (contextManager.currentCtx.stateMan.currentState().name == "RunState") { contextManager.currentCtx.stateMan.PushState(contextManager.currentCtx.stateMan.RDGEInitState); contextManager.currentCtx.loadScene(url, name); } }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.getScene = function (name) { return contextManager.currentCtx.sceneGraphMap[name]; }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.AddScene = function (name, sceneGraph) { contextManager.currentCtx.sceneGraphMap[name] = sceneGraph; contextManager.currentCtx.currentScene = name; }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.registerCanvas = function (canvas, runState) { if (canvas && this.getContext(canvas.rdgeid)) return; canvas.renderer = new RDGE._renderer(canvas); // create the renderer for the context this.canvasToRendererMap[canvas.rdgeid] = canvas; // store the canvas in the context map canvas.renderer.id = canvas.rdgeid; // configure the state manager for this context var stateMan = new RDGE.stateManager(); // add this context to the contextManager and attach the handle to DOM canvas for user retrieval var context = new contextDef(); context.id = canvas.rdgeid; context.renderer = canvas.renderer; context.ctxStateManager = stateMan; context.renderer.mvMatrix = RDGE.mat4.identity(); context.renderer.invMvMatrix = RDGE.mat4.identity(); context.renderer.projectionMatrix = RDGE.mat4.identity(); context.renderer.normalMatrix = RDGE.mat4.identity(); canvas.rdgeCtxHandle = contextManager.addObject(context); // set new context as the current context so that when the runtime object is instantiated // it can use the context during construction var oldCtx = contextManager.currentCtx; contextManager.currentCtx = context; var _runState; // check for runtime handlers if (runState) { _runState = runState; } else { var runAttr = canvas.getAttribute("rdgerun"); if (runAttr) { // make sure attribute is valid if (!isValidObj(runAttr)) return; try { var state = eval(runAttr); _runState = new state(); } catch (err) { window.console.error("The provided RDGE state object \"" + runAttr + "\" is not defined"); } } else { _runState = {}; RDGE.utilities.validateUserState(_runState); } } // check for a scene var sceneName = canvas.getAttribute("rdgescene"); // setup the RDGE states passing the user state or undefined stateMan.RDGEInitState = new RDGE.LoadState(_runState, context); stateMan.RDGERunState = new RDGE.RunState(_runState, context); // fill out any user state missing methods with dummy methods RDGE.utilities.validateUserState(_runState); if (sceneName) { stateMan.RDGEInitState.sceneName = sceneName; // run is now always the bottom state, loading can happen at any time stateMan.PushState(stateMan.RDGERunState, "noInit"); context.startUpState = stateMan.RDGEInitState; } else { context.startUpState = stateMan.RDGERunState; } if (this.initializeComplete) { context.ctxStateManager.PushState(context.startUpState); } // restore previous context // NOTE: Ninja requires this to be commented out! // if (oldCtx) // { // contextManager.currentCtx = oldCtx; // } }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.unregisterCanvas = function (canvas) { contextManager.removeObject(canvas.rdgeCtxHandle); this.clearContext( canvas.rdgeid ); }; RDGE.Engine.prototype.getCanvas = function (id) { return this.canvasToRendererMap[id]; };