/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

g_renderStats = {};
g_renderStats.numDrawCalls = new stat("rendering", "numDrawCalls", 0, null, false);
g_renderStats.numTriangles = new stat("rendering", "numTriangles", 0, null, false);
g_renderStats.numVerts = new stat("rendering", "numVerts", 0, null, false);
g_renderStats.numPasses = new stat("rendering", "numPasses", 0, null, false);
g_renderStats.reset = function() {
	g_renderStats.numTriangles.value = 0;
	g_renderStats.numDrawCalls.value = 0;
	g_renderStats.numVerts.value = 0;
	g_renderStats.numPasses.value = 0;

rdgeConstants = {};

 *	clear flags
rdgeConstants.colorBuffer		= 0x00004000;
rdgeConstants.depthBuffer		= 0x00000100;
rdgeConstants.stencilBuffer		= 0x00000400;

*	buffer types
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC		= 0;
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_DYNAMIC	= 1;
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STREAM		= 2;

*	primitive types
rdgeConstants.POINTS			= 0;
rdgeConstants.LINES				= 1;
rdgeConstants.LINE_LOOP			= 2;
rdgeConstants.LINE_STRIP		= 3;
rdgeConstants.TRIANGLES			= 4;
rdgeConstants.TRIANGLE_STRIP	= 5;
rdgeConstants.TRIANGLE_FAN		= 6;

 *	primitive data types
rdgeConstants.BYTE            = 0x1400;
rdgeConstants.UNSIGNED_BYTE   = 0x1401;
rdgeConstants.SHORT           = 0x1402;
rdgeConstants.UNSIGNED_SHORT  = 0x1403;
rdgeConstants.INT             = 0x1404;
rdgeConstants.UNSIGNED_INT    = 0x1405;
rdgeConstants.FLOAT           = 0x1406;

*	pre-defined vertex element type
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT4	= 4;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_POS	= 3;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_NORM	= 3;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3	= 3;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2	= 2;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_UV	    = 2;
rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT	= 1;
rdgeConstants.MAX_ELEM_TYPES    = 7;

// GL Definition of buffer types
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC		= 0x88E0;
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_DYNAMIC	= 0x88E4;
rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STREAM		= 0x88E8;

// render constants
rdgeConstants.MAX_MATERIAL_LIGHTS = 4;

*	Material categories determine sorting
*	materials support the following categories
rdgeConstants.categoryEnumeration = 
	'OPAQUE'		: 1,
	'ADDITIVE'		: 3,
	'MAX_CAT'		: 6

 *	Node types supported by the scene graph
rdgeConstants.nodeType = 
	'TRNODE'		: 0,
	'MESHNODE'		: 1,
	'MATNODE'		: 2,

// generate an id for the renderer to map a render buffer to primitive
rdgeId = 0;
function getBufferID()
	return rdgeId++;

_renderer = function(canvas) {

    *	Initialize the context associated with this canvas

    try {
        this.ctx = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", { preserveDrawingBuffer: true }); // true, true, false, true, true);

        if (!this.ctx) this.ctx = canvas.getContext("webgl", { preserveDrawingBuffer: true });
        if (!this.ctx) this.ctx = canvas.getContext("webkit-3d", { preserveDrawingBuffer: true });
        if (!this.ctx) this.ctx = canvas.getContext("moz-webgl", { preserveDrawingBuffer: true });
    catch (err) { }
    if (!this.ctx) {
        window.console.log("Could not create GL context");
        return null;

    // set viewport for the first time
    this.ctx.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    // Add a console output to the renderer
    this.console = ("console" in window) ? window.console : { log: function() { } };

    *	Set the default clear color
    this.ctx.clearColor(1, 0, 0, 1);

    *	the clear color of this renderer
    this.clearColor = [1, 0, 0, 1];

    *	The clear flags clear color and depth buffers by default
    this.clearFlags = this.ctx.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | this.ctx.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT

    *	clear flags
    this.colorBuffer = this.ctx.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
    this.depthBuffer = this.ctx.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
    this.stencilBuffer = this.ctx.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;

    *	buffer types
    this.BUFFER_STATIC = 0;
    this.BUFFER_DYNAMIC = 1;
    this.BUFFER_STREAM = 2;

    *	primitive types
    this.POINTS = 0;
    this.LINES = 1;
    this.LINE_LOOP = 2;
    this.LINE_STRIP = 3;
    this.TRIANGLES = 4;
    this.TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5;
    this.TRIANGLE_FAN = 6;

    *	primitive data types
    this.BYTE = 0x1400;
    this.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401;
    this.SHORT = 0x1402;
    this.UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x1403;
    this.INT = 0x1404;
    this.UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405;
    this.FLOAT = 0x1406;

    *	pre-defined vertex element type
    this.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT4 = 4;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_POS = 3;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_NORM = 3;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3 = 3;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2 = 2;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_UV = 2;
    this.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT = 1;
    this.MAX_ELEM_TYPES = 7;

    // GL Definition of buffer types
    this.BUFFER_STATIC = 0x88E0;
    this.BUFFER_DYNAMIC = 0x88E4;
    this.BUFFER_STREAM = 0x88E8;

    // render constants

    // max system textures
    this.usedTextureUnits = 5;

    *	the renderers current viewport
    this.vpX = 0;
    this.vpY = 0;
    this.vpWidth = canvas.width;
    this.vpHeight = canvas.height;

    *	the camera manager - contains the camera stack for this render context
    this.cameraMan = new cameraManager();

    *	a list of device buffers that are owned by this render context
    this.buffers = [];

    *	State wrappers
    this.cullBackFace = function() {

    this.cullFrontFace = function() {

    this.disableCulling = function() {

    this.enableCulling = function() {

    this.enablePolyOffsetFill = function() {

    this.disablePolyOffsetFill = function() {

    this.enablePointSprites = function() {
//        this.ctx.enable(0x8642);

    this.disablePointSprites = function() {
//        this.ctx.enable(0x8642);

    this.setClearColor = function(color) {
        this.clearColor = color.slice();
        this.ctx.clearColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);

    *	flags that specify how to clear the scene, can be OR'ed together
    this.setClearFlags = function(flags) {
        this.clearFlags = flags;

    *	called by the system to clear the video buffer according to pre-set flags
    this._clear = function() {

    *	clears the video buffer with flags provided
    this.clear = function(flags) {

    *	flush the video buffer
    this.flush = function() {

    *	Sets the current viewport
    this.setViewPort = function(x, y, width, height) {
        this.vpX = x;
        this.vpY = y;
        this.vpWidth = width;
        this.vpHeight = height;
        this.ctx.viewport(this.vpX, this.vpY, this.vpWidth, this.vpHeight);

    *	access the camera manager associated with the renderer
    this.cameraManager = function() {
        return this.cameraMan;

    *	Sets of texture maps owned by the renderer
    this.textureMap = [];
    this.rttMap = [];

    *	gets the texture by name or creates the texture requested
    *	@param name - the name of the texture to try and get
    *	@param wrap - optional "CLAMP or "REPEAT", default is clamp
    *	@param mips - optional true/false value to create mipmaps, the default is true
    this.getTextureByName = function(name, wrap, mips) {
        var ext = name.split('.')[1];

        if (!ext)
            ext = ".png";
            ext = "";

        var tex = this.textureMap[name];

        if (tex === undefined) {

            // load the texture
            tex = this.createTexture(name + ext, wrap, mips);
            this.textureMap[name] = tex;
            tex.lookUpName = name;

        return tex;


    *	creates a texture from the given URL
    *	@param url - the resource location
    *	@param wrap - optional "CLAMP or "REPEAT", default is clamp
    *	@param mips - optional true/false value to create mipmaps, the default is true
    _texparams = function(wrap, mips) { this.wrap = wrap, this.mips = mips };
    this.createTexture = function(url, wrap, mips) {
        var texture = this.ctx.createTexture();

        if (wrap === undefined)
            wrap = "CLAMP";
        if (mips === undefined)
            mips = true;

        if (texture) {
            texture.image = new Image();
            texture.image.src = url;
            texture.image.context = g_Engine.getContext();
            texture.texparams = new _texparams(wrap, mips);
            texture.image.onload = function() {
                var stateMan = this.context.ctxStateManager;
        return texture;

    *	commits a texture to video memory
    *	@param - the texture object created by a call to create texture
    this.commitTexture = function(texture) {
        this.ctx.bindTexture(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
        this.ctx.texImage2D(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.ctx.RGBA, this.ctx.RGBA, this.ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.image);

        if (texture.texparams.mips)

        this.ctx.texParameteri(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, this.ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this.ctx.LINEAR);
        this.ctx.texParameteri(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, this.ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texture.texparams.mips ? this.ctx.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : this.ctx.LINEAR);
        this.ctx.texParameteri(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, this.ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, texture.texparams.wrap === "REPEAT" ? this.ctx.REPEAT : this.ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
        this.ctx.texParameteri(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, this.ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, texture.texparams.wrap === "REPEAT" ? this.ctx.REPEAT : this.ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

        this.ctx.bindTexture(this.ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);

    this.verify = function(label) {
        var error = this.ctx.getError();
        if (error != 0) {
            window.console.log("GLError ( " + label + ") : " + error);

    this.createRenderTargetTexture = function(lookUpName, width, height, generateMips) {
        var ctx = this.ctx;
        // create framebuffer
        var renderTargetFrameBuffer = ctx.createFramebuffer();
        ctx.bindFramebuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetFrameBuffer);

        // setup parameters (width, hight, filtering)
        renderTargetFrameBuffer.width = width;
        renderTargetFrameBuffer.height = height;

        // create the texture
        var renderTarget = ctx.createTexture();
        ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, renderTarget);

        try {
            // Do it the way the spec requires
            ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, renderTargetFrameBuffer.width, renderTargetFrameBuffer.height, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
        } catch (exception) {
            // Workaround for what appears to be a Minefield bug.
            var textureStorage = new WebctxUnsignedByteArray(renderTargetFrameBuffer.width * renderTargetFrameBuffer.height * 4);
            ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, renderTargetFrameBuffer.width, renderTargetFrameBuffer.height, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, textureStorage);

        ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);
        ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, generateMips ? ctx.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : ctx.LINEAR);
        ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
        ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

        if (generateMips) {

        // set frame buffer storage and texture
        var renderBuffer = ctx.createRenderbuffer();
        ctx.bindRenderbuffer(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer);
        ctx.renderbufferStorage(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, ctx.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, renderTargetFrameBuffer.width, renderTargetFrameBuffer.height);

        // bind
        var error = ctx.getError(ctx.bindFramebuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetFrameBuffer));
        error = ctx.getError(ctx.bindRenderbuffer(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer));
        error = ctx.getError(ctx.renderbufferStorage(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, ctx.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, renderTargetFrameBuffer.width, renderTargetFrameBuffer.height));

        ctx.bindRenderbuffer(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, null);

        // bind texture handle and renderBuffer to frame buffer
        error = ctx.getError(ctx.framebufferTexture2D(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, ctx.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, ctx.TEXTURE_2D, renderTarget, 0));

        error = ctx.getError(ctx.framebufferRenderbuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, ctx.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, ctx.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer));

        ctx.bindFramebuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, null);

        var status=ctx.checkFramebufferStatus(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER);
        switch(status) {
        case ctx.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE:
        ctx.console.log("Incomplete framebuffer: FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT");
        return null;
        ctx.console.log("Incomplete framebuffer: FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT");
        return null;
        ctx.console.log("Incomplete framebuffer: FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS");
        return null;
        ctx.console.log("Incomplete framebuffer: FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED");
        return null;
        ctx.console.log("Incomplete framebuffer: "+status);
        return null;

        // unbind
        ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
        ctx.bindRenderbuffer(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, null);
        ctx.bindFramebuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, null);

        renderTarget.id = "RT_" + nodeIdGen.getId();

        renderTarget.frameBuffer = renderTargetFrameBuffer;

        if (this.textureMap[lookUpName])
            window.console.log("Notification: render target: " + lookUpName + " has overwritten an existing render target");

        // add to lookup map
        this.textureMap[lookUpName] = renderTarget;

        return renderTarget;

    *	The default shader setup
    this.defaultShaderDefintion = {
        'shaders': {
            'defaultVShader': "assets/shaders/test_vshader.glsl",
            'defaultFShader': "assets/shaders/test_fshader.glsl"
        'techniques': {
            'defaultTechnique': [{
                'vshader': 'defaultVShader',
                'fshader': 'defaultFShader',
                // attributes
							     'vert': { 'type': 'vec3' },
							     'normal': { 'type': 'vec3' },
							     'texcoord': { 'type': 'vec2' }
                // parameters

                // render states
							     'depthEnable': true,
							     'blendEnable': false,
							     'culling': true,
							     'cullFace': "BACK"


 *	Shader definitions
 *	The default shader setup
rdgeDefaultShaderDefintion = {
		'shaders': {
		'techniques': { 
						'vshader' : 'defaultVShader',
						'fshader' : 'defaultFShader',
						// attributes
						'attributes' :
							'vert'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
							'normal' :	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
							'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
						// parameters
						'params' : 

						// render states
						'states' : 
							'depthEnable' : true,
							'blendEnable' : false,
							'culling'	: true,
							'cullFace'	: "BACK"
 *	The default depth map shader techniques
rdgeDepthMapShaderDef = {
'shaders': {
				'vshader' : 'depthMapVShader',
				'fshader' : 'depthMapFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
				 {	'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'normal'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' } },
				// parameters
				'params' :{ },
				// render states
				'states' : 
				 {	'depthEnable' : true,
					'blendEnable' : false,
					'culling'	: true,
					'cullFace'	: "BACK"}
				'vshader' : 'depthMapVShader',
				'fshader' : 'depthMapFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
				 {	'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'normal'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' } },
				// parameters
				'params' :{ },
				// render states
				'states' : 
				 {	'depthEnable'	: true,
					'blendEnable'	: false,
					'culling'	: true,
					'cullFace'	: "BACK"}

 *	capture normals in view space
rdgeViewSpaceNormalsShader = {
'shaders': {
				'vshader' : 'normalsVShader',
				'fshader' : 'normalsFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
				 {	'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'normal'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' }},
				// parameters
				'params' :{ },
				// render states
				'states' : 
				 {	'depthEnable'	: true,
					'blendEnable'	: false,
					'culling'		: true,
					'cullFace'		: "BACK"}

 *	basic screen squad shader definition
rdgeScreenQuadShaderDef = {
	'shaders':	{
		// Texture coordinates are setup so that the full texture
		// is mapped completely onto the screen
        'screenQuadVShader': "\
				attribute vec3 a_pos;\
				attribute vec2 a_uv;\
				uniform float u_inv_viewport_width;\
				uniform float u_inv_viewport_height;\
				varying vec2 vTexcoord;\
				void main()\
					gl_Position = vec4(a_pos.xy, 0.0, 1.0);\
				vTexcoord.x = 0.5 * (1.0 + a_pos.x + u_inv_viewport_width);\
				vTexcoord.y = 0.5 * (1.0 - a_pos.y + u_inv_viewport_height);\
		'screenQuadFShader': "\
				precision highp float;\
				uniform sampler2D u_mainRT;\
				uniform sampler2D u_glowFinal;\
				uniform sampler2D u_ssaoRT;\
				uniform sampler2D u_shadowMap;\
				varying vec2 vTexcoord;\
				void main()\
				 vec2 tex = vec2(vTexcoord.x, 1.0 - vTexcoord.y);\
				 vec4 glowTexel = texture2D(u_glowFinal, tex);\
				 vec4 ssaoTexel = texture2D(u_ssaoRT, tex);\
				 vec4 smapCoef = texture2D(u_shadowMap, tex);\
				 ssaoTexel.a = 0.0;\
				 vec4 texel		= texture2D(u_mainRT, tex);\
				 gl_FragColor = vec4(texel.r*((1.0 - glowTexel.r)*smapCoef.r), texel.g*((1.0 - glowTexel.g)*smapCoef.g), texel.b*((1.0 - glowTexel.b)*smapCoef.b), texel.a) + glowTexel - ssaoTexel;\
	'techniques': {
		// rendering control
				'vshader' : 'screenQuadVShader',
				'fshader' : 'screenQuadFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :{
					'a_pos'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' }, 
					'a_uv'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' } },		
				 'params' : {
					'u_mainRT' : {'type' : "tex2d"},
					'u_glowFinal' : {'type' : "tex2d", 'data':"assets/images/black"},
					'u_ssaoRT' : {'type' : "tex2d", 'data':"assets/images/black"},
					'u_shadowMap' : {'type' : "tex2d", 'data':"assets/images/white"}},
				 // render states
				 'states' : {
					'blendEnabled' : true,
					'srcBlend' : 'SRC_ALPHA',
					'dstcBlend' : 'ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA' }

 *	creates the glow map
rdgeGlowMapShader = {
	'shaders': {
	'techniques': { 
				'vshader' : 'createGlowVShader',
				'fshader' : 'createGlowFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
					'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'normal'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
				// parameters
				'params' : 

				// render states
				'states' : 
					'depthEnable' : true,
					'blendEnable' : false,
					'culling'	: true,
					'cullFace'	: "BACK"

* Gaussian blur shader
rdgeGaussianBlurShader = {
	'shaders': {
	'techniques': { 
				'vshader' : 'blurVShader',
				'fshader' : 'blurFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
					'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
				// parameters
				'params' : 
					'vCoeffs' : {'type' :'vec3', 'data': [ 5.0 / 16.0, 6.0 / 16.0, 5.0 / 16.0 ]},
					'vOffset' : {'type' : 'vec2', 'data': [0.00617, 0.00617]},
					'u_weight' : {'type' : 'float', 'data': [1.0]},
					'sTexture': {'type' : "tex2d"}
				// render states
				'states' : 
					'culling'	: false

* Screen space ambient occlusion shader
rdgeSSAOShader = {
	'shaders': {
	'techniques': { 
				'vshader' : 'blurVShader',
				'fshader' : 'blurFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
					'vert'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
				// parameters
				'params' : 
					'u_normalsRT'	: {'type' : "tex2d"},
					'u_depthMap'	: {'type' : "tex2d"},
					'sRandMap'		: {'type' : "tex2d", 'data':"assets/images/random_normal.png", 'wrap':"REPEAT", 'mips':false},
					'u_cameraFTR'	: {'type' :'vec3'},
					'u_artVals'		: {'type' :'vec4', 'data':[0.36, 0.75, 0.60, 0.05]}, // sample radius, intensity, distScale, bias
					'u_randMapSize' : {'type' :'float', 'data':[64.0]},
					'u_screenSize'	: {'type' :'vec2', 'data':[1024, 1024]}
				// render states
				'states' : 
					'culling'	: false

 *	Shadow map generation
rdgeShadowMapShader = {
	'shaders': {
	'techniques': { 
				'vshader' : 'shadowMapVShader',
				'fshader' : 'shadowMapFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
					'a_pos'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'a_uv'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
				// parameters
				'params' : 
					'u_lightSize' : { 'type' : 'float', 'data' : [7.93]},
					// color is inverted, alpha represents intensity and is not inverted
					'u_shadowColor' : { 'type' : 'vec4', 'data' : [0.922, 0.7373, 0.4824, 0.5]}
				// render states
				'states' : 
					'depthEnable'	: true,
					'blendEnable'	: false,
					'culling'		: true,
					'cullFace'		: "BACK"

 *	Noise blur filter
rdgeNoiseBlurShader = {
	'shaders': {
	'techniques': { 
				'vshader' : 'blurVShader',
				'fshader' : 'blurFShader',
				// attributes
				'attributes' :
					'a_pos'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'a_uv'		:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
				// parameters
				'params' : 
					'u_blurSourceMap': {'type' : "tex2d"}
				// render states
				'states' : 
					'culling'		: false

* defines a primitive using java script native types
function rdgePrimitiveDefinition() {

	 *	The type of primitive
	 *	supported types are
	 *	renderer.POINTS      
	 *  renderer.LINES          
	 *	renderer.LINE_LOOP      
	 *	renderer.LINE_STRIP     
	 *	renderer.TRIANGLES      
	 *	renderer.TRIANGLE_STRIP 
	 *	renderer.TRIANGLE_FAN   
	this.type = rdgeConstants.TRIANGLE_STRIP;

	 *	Define vertex elements size in bytes and order the element appears in the stream
	 *  Predefined size types:
	 *  renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT4
	 *	renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3
	 *	renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2
	 *	renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT
	 *	renderer.VS_ELEMENT_UINT16
	 *	renderer.VS_ELEMENT_UINT8
		// usage example: two ways of declaring a float 3 stream
		//"vert"	:{	'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex':indexIntoBufferStream,	'usage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC }
		//"a_pos"	:{	'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex':indexIntoBufferStream,	'usage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC }

	 *	Arrays of buffer data listed in the order given by the vertex definition


	 *	An array indicating the the stream usage listed in the order given by the vertex definition
	 *  Valid usage values: renderer.BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
	 *						renderer.BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
	 *						renderer.BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
	 *	indicates the the stream usage of the index buffer
	 *  Valid usage values: renderer.BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
	 *						renderer.BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
	 *						renderer.BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
	this.indexUsage = rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STREAM;
	 *	a references to an array of indices
	 *	the number of sets of geometry in this primitive
	 this.setCount = 0;
	  * Offset of a primitive in an index buffer
	  *	if the primitive represents a set each set array has a corresponding index offset
	 this.indexOffsets =
	//						OUTPUT VALUES						//
	 *	the number of coordinates's that make this primitive
	 *	auto populated with a call to renderer.createPrimitive
	 this.posCount = 0;
	  *	the number of triangle that make up this primitive
	  *	auto populated with a call to renderer.createPrimitive
	 this.triCount = 0;
	 *	the number of indices in the primitive
	 *	auto populated with a call to renderer.createPrimitive
	this.indexCount = 0;
	 *	size of an index value in bytes
	this.indexElementSize = rdgeConstants.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
	 *	bufferHanldes are created when passing a primitive to renderer.createPrimitive
	 *	An array of handles to buffers in vram, listed in the order given by the vertex definition
	this.bufferHandles = 
	 *	An index into the buffers table for the render context that created the buffer
	this.buffersID = -1;
	 *	Handle to index buffer object
	this.indexHandle = null;
	 *	------------------- Double buffer Setup-----------------------------
	 *	user flag used to create a double buffered primitive
	 *	Double buffer flag - when double buffered a .front() and .back() buffer
	 *	are available as well as a call .flip() to flip the buffers
	this.useDoubleBuffer = false;
	 *	The double buffer offset tells the renderer where in its 'bufferID' array for this primitive the 'doubled' buffers begin
	this.doubleBufferOffset = 0;
	 *	Keeps track of which buffer is the front buffer or active buffer
	this.frontBufferIndex = 0;

	 *	Helper function for retrieving the buffer for editing - successfully calling this makes the buffer dirty and will trigger a buffer swap
	 *	@param bufIndex - buffer stream index
	 *	@return buffer stream requested, or null if invalid index is given
	this.update = function( bufIndex )
			return null;

		this.bufferStreams[bufIndex].dirty = true;
		return this.bufferStreams[bufIndex];

	 *	Flips the front and back buffers
	this.flip = function( renderer )
		if(this.useDoubleBuffer === true)
			// if a back buffer is dirty update it
			for(var i = 0, len = this.bufferStreams.length; i < len; ++i)
					this.bufferStreams[i].dirty = false;
					renderer.updateBuffer(renderer.buffers[this.buffersID][this.frontBufferIndex*this.doubleBufferOffset + i], this.bufferStreams[i], this.streamUsage[i]);
					this.frontBufferIndex = 1 - this.frontBufferIndex;

* @param bufferSizeOrData:	an array of indices, or the size in bytes to preallocate
* @param bufferUsage:		BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
* @return an unsigned short index buffer object
_renderer.prototype.createIndexBufferUINT16 = function( bufferSizeOrData, bufferUsage )
        var bufferObject = this.ctx.createBuffer();
        bufferObject.type = bufferSizeOrData.type;
        this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObject);
        this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (typeof k == "number")
			? bufferSizeOrData
			: new Uint16Array(bufferSizeOrData), bufferUsage);
        return bufferObject;

* @param bufferSizeOrData:	an array of indices, or the size in bytes to preallocate
* @param bufferUsage:		BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
* @return an unsigned byte index buffer object
_renderer.prototype.createIndexBufferUINT8 = function( bufferSizeOrData, bufferUsage )
        var bufferObject = this.ctx.createBuffer();
        bufferObject.type = bufferSizeOrData.type;
        this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObject);
        this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (typeof k == "number")
			? bufferSizeOrData
			: new Uint8Array(bufferSizeOrData), bufferUsage);
        return bufferObject;

* @param bufferSizeOrData:	a buffer of data the represents a stream in a vertex, or the size in bytes to preallocate
* @param bufferUsage:		BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
* @return an unsigned byte index buffer object
_renderer.prototype.createBufferFLOAT32 = function( bufferSizeOrData, bufferUsage )
        var bufferObject = this.ctx.createBuffer();
        bufferObject.type = bufferSizeOrData.type;
        this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObject);
        this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, (typeof k == "number")
			? bufferSizeOrData
			: new Float32Array(bufferSizeOrData), bufferUsage);
        return bufferObject;

* @param bufferSizeOrData:	a buffer of data the represents a stream in a vertex, or the size in bytes to preallocate
* @param bufferUsage:		BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
* @return an unsigned byte index buffer object
_renderer.prototype.createBufferINT32 = function(bufferSizeOrData,bufferUsage) {
	var bufferObject=this.ctx.createBuffer();
	this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObject);
	this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, (typeof k == "number")
		? bufferSizeOrData
		: new Int32Array(bufferSizeOrData), bufferUsage);
	return bufferObject;

* @param bufferSizeOrData:	a buffer of data the represents a stream in a vertex, or the size in bytes to preallocate
* @param bufferUsage:		BUFFER_STATIC  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_DYNAMIC The data store contents will be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times
*							BUFFER_STREAM  The data store contents will be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times
* @return an unsigned byte index buffer object
_renderer.prototype.createBufferINT16 = function(bufferSizeOrData,bufferUsage) {
	var bufferObject=this.ctx.createBuffer();
	this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObject);
	this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, (typeof k == "number")
		? bufferSizeOrData
		: new Int16Array(bufferSizeOrData), bufferUsage);
	return bufferObject;

_renderer.prototype.updateBuffer = function( dstBuffer, srcBuffer, bufferUsage, vertexOffset )
	this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, dstBuffer);
	if(bufferUsage === rdgeConstants.BUFFER_DYNAMIC)
		// use bufferSubData
		this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexOffset || 0, new Float32Array(srcBuffer));
		// re-create the buffer
        this.ctx.bufferData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(srcBuffer), bufferUsage);

 *	@param primitiveDef defines a primitive using java script types, creates the video ram objects and attaches them to the primitive passed in
_renderer.prototype.createPrimitive = function( primitiveDef )
		// store the buffer handle with the renderer as it is context specific, creating an ID to look up the buffer at render time
		primitiveDef.buffersID = getBufferID();
		primitiveDef.built = true;
	else if(this.buffers[primitiveDef.buffersID])
		// already created
	// this mapping in the array holds an array of buffers
	this.buffers[primitiveDef.buffersID] = [];
	this.buffers[primitiveDef.buffersID].ctxId = this.id;

	// set up buffers

 *	@param primitiveDef defines a primitive using java script types, creates the video ram objects and attaches them to the primitive passed in
 _renderer.prototype.updatePrimitive = function( prim )

	var bufIdxVisited = [];

	for(var e in prim.vertexDefinition)
		var vert_element = prim.vertexDefinition[e];

		if(bufIdxVisited.indexOf(vert_element.bufferIndex) > -1)

		vert_element.debugName = e + " buffer";

		// flag the positional data
		if(vert_element.type == this.VS_ELEMENT_POS)
			prim.posCount = prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex].length;
			// save a reference to the coordinates for later
			prim.positions = prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex];
		// if we have not already created the buffer - do so now
		if(this.buffers[prim.buffersID][vert_element.bufferIndex] == undefined)
			prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex].type =  e + " PrimaryBuffer";

				this.buffers[prim.buffersID][vert_element.bufferIndex] = this.createBufferFLOAT32( 4 * prim.forceVertexCount, vert_element.bufferUsage );
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex]), vert_element.bufferUsage );
				this.buffers[prim.buffersID][vert_element.bufferIndex] = this.createBufferFLOAT32( prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex], vert_element.bufferUsage );
			this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[prim.buffersID][vert_element.bufferIndex]);
			this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex]), vert_element.bufferUsage );
		// double up the buffer
		if(prim.useDoubleBuffer === true)
			prim.doubleBufferOffset = prim.bufferStreams.length

			// debug data
			prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex].type =  e + " SecondaryBuffer";
			// store double buffer at the doubleBuffer offset
			if(this.buffers[prim.buffersID][prim.doubleBufferOffset + vert_element.bufferIndex] == undefined)
					this.buffers[prim.buffersID][prim.doubleBufferOffset + vert_element.bufferIndex] = this.createBufferFLOAT32( 4 * prim.prim.forceVertexCount, vert_element.bufferUsage );
					this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex]), vert_element.bufferUsage );
					this.buffers[prim.buffersID][prim.doubleBufferOffset + vert_element.bufferIndex] = this.createBufferFLOAT32( prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex], vert_element.bufferUsage );
				this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[prim.buffersID][prim.doubleBufferOffset + vert_element.bufferIndex]);
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.bufferStreams[vert_element.bufferIndex]), vert_element.bufferUsage );
	if(prim.indexBuffer.length > 0)
		var indexBufLength = prim.indexBuffer.length;
		prim.indexBuffer.debugName="index Buffer";

		if(this.buffers[prim.buffersID].indexHandle == undefined)
				this.buffers[prim.buffersID].indexHandle = this.createIndexBufferUINT16( 2 * prim.forceIndexCount, prim.indexUsage );
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.indexBuffer), prim.indexUsage );
				this.buffers[prim.buffersID].indexHandle = this.createIndexBufferUINT16(prim.indexBuffer,prim.indexUsage);
			this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[prim.buffersID].indexHandle);
			this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(prim.indexBuffer), prim.indexUsage );


 *	@param prim the primitive to delete from the GL context
_renderer.prototype.deletePrimitive = function( prim )
	var buffers = this.buffers[prim.buffersID]; 

	if (buffers)
		var self = this;

		buffers.forEach(function(thisBuffer) {
		delete this.buffers[prim.buffersID];

 *	@param prim the primitive for which to retrieve the GL VBO handle
 *  @param bufferIndex which buffer name to retrieve
_renderer.prototype.getPrimitiveBuffer = function( prim, bufferIndex )
	return this.buffers[prim.buffersID][bufferIndex];

_renderer.prototype.drawPrimitive = function( prim, program, attribs )

		this.drawIndexedPrimitive( prim, program, attribs )
		this.drawNonIndexedPrimitive( prim, program, attribs )
	if(prim.useDoubleBuffer === true)
		// after drawing flip the buffer

 *	Draws a single primitive using indices
 *	@param: prim a single primitive
_renderer.prototype.drawIndexedPrimitive = function(prim, program, attribs) {
    var bufferIndex = 0;
    var loc = 0;
    var buffersId = prim.buffersID;
    var name = "";
    var attrCount = attribs.length
    var attrIdx = 0;
    var dbOffset = prim.frontBufferIndex * prim.doubleBufferOffset;

    var ctx = g_Engine.getContext();

    for (; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx) {
        loc = attribs[attrIdx].loc;
        name = attribs[attrIdx].name;

        if (!prim.vertexDefinition[name])

        bufferIndex = prim.vertexDefinition[name].bufferIndex;

        this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[buffersId][dbOffset + bufferIndex]);
        this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, prim.vertexDefinition[name].type, this.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

    this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[buffersId].indexHandle);

    this.ctx.drawElements(prim.type, prim.indexCount, prim.indexElementSize, 0);

    for (attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx) {

 *	Draws a single primitive using indices in wireframe mode
 *	@param: prim a single primitive
_renderer.prototype.drawIndexedPrimitiveWireFrame = function( prim, program, attribs )
	var bufferIndex = 0;
	var loc = 0;
	var buffersId = prim.buffersID;
	var name ="";
	var attrCount = attribs.length
	var attrIdx = 0;
	var dbOffset = prim.frontBufferIndex*prim.doubleBufferOffset;
	for(; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx)
		loc		= attribs[attrIdx].loc;
		name	= attribs[attrIdx].name;
		bufferIndex = prim.vertexDefinition[name].bufferIndex;
		this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[buffersId][dbOffset + bufferIndex]);
		this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, prim.vertexDefinition[name].type, this.FLOAT ,false, 0, 0);

	this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[buffersId].indexHandle);

	this.ctx.drawElements( this.LINE_LOOP, prim.indexCount, prim.indexElementSize, 0);

	for(attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx)

 *	Draws a single primitive (non-indexed primitive)
 *	@param: prim a single primitive
_renderer.prototype.drawNonIndexedPrimitive = function( prim, program, attribs )
	var bufferIndex = 0;
	var loc = 0;
	var buffersId = prim.buffersID;
	var name ="";
	var attrCount = attribs.length
	var attrIdx = 0;
	var dbOffset = prim.frontBufferIndex*prim.doubleBufferOffset;
	for(; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx)
		loc		= attribs[attrIdx].loc;
		name	= attribs[attrIdx].name;
		bufferIndex = prim.vertexDefinition[name].bufferIndex;
		this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffers[buffersId][dbOffset + bufferIndex]);
		this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, prim.vertexDefinition[name].type, this.FLOAT ,false, 0, 0);

	this.ctx.drawArrays( prim.type, 0, prim.triCount);

	for(attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < attrCount; ++attrIdx)

 *	Not yet supported but stubbed out here
_renderer.prototype.drawIndexedPrimitiveSet = function( prim ) 
	window.alert("drawIndexedPrimitiveSet is not implemented");
	for(var i =0; i < prim.setCount; ++i)
		this.ctx.drawElements(prim.type[i], mesh.numIndices[i], prim.indexElementSize[i], prim.indexOffsets[i]);	

renderDebug = function(maxLines) {
	this.renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer;
	this.ctx = g_Engine.getContext().renderer.ctx;
	this.hidden = false;
	this.maxLines = maxLines;
	this.lineBuffer = [];
	this.posBufferData = new Float32Array(3 * this.maxLines);
	this.colorBufferData = new Float32Array(4 * this.maxLines);
	this.posBufferObject = renderer.createBufferFLOAT32(this.posBufferData, this.renderer.BUFFER_DYNAMIC);
	this.colorBufferObject = renderer.createBufferFLOAT32(this.colorBufferData, this.renderer.BUFFER_DYNAMIC);
	this.shader = new jshader();
	this.shader.def = {
		'shaders': {
			'defaultVShader': "\
				uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix;\
				uniform mat4 u_projMatrix;\
				attribute vec3	a_pos;\
				attribute vec4  a_color;\
				varying vec4 v_color;\
				void main() {\
					gl_Position = u_projMatrix * u_mvMatrix * vec4(a_pos,1.0);\
					v_color = a_color;\
			'defaultFShader': "\
				precision mediump float;\
				varying vec4 v_color;\
				void main() {\
					gl_FragColor = v_color;\
					gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;\
		'techniques': { 
			'defaultTechnique': [{
				'vshader' : 'defaultVShader',
				'fshader' : 'defaultFShader',
				'attributes' : {
					'a_pos'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
					'a_color' :	{ 'type' : 'vec4' }
				'params' : {
					'u_projMat' : { 'type' : 'mat4' },
					'u_viewMat' : { 'type' : 'mat4' }

renderDebug.prototype.hide = function() {
	this.hidden = true;

renderDebug.prototype.show = function() {
	this.hidden = false;

renderDebug.prototype.line = function(p0, p1, c0, c1 ) {
	if( this.hidden ) {
	if( c0 == undefined ) {
		c0 = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0];
	if( c1 == undefined ) {
		c1 = c0;
	this.lineBuffer.push( [ p0, p1, c0, c1 ] );

renderDebug.prototype.box = function(min, max, c) {
	this.line([min[0],min[1],min[2]], [max[0],min[1],min[2]], c, c);
	this.line([max[0],min[1],min[2]], [max[0],max[1],min[2]], c, c);
	this.line([max[0],max[1],min[2]], [min[0],max[1],min[2]], c, c);
	this.line([min[0],max[1],min[2]], [min[0],min[1],min[2]], c, c);
	this.line([min[0],min[1],max[2]], [max[0],min[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([max[0],min[1],max[2]], [max[0],max[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([max[0],max[1],max[2]], [min[0],max[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([min[0],max[1],max[2]], [min[0],min[1],max[2]], c, c);

	this.line([max[0],min[1],min[2]], [max[0],min[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([max[0],max[1],min[2]], [max[0],max[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([min[0],max[1],min[2]], [min[0],max[1],max[2]], c, c);
	this.line([min[0],min[1],min[2]], [min[0],min[1],max[2]], c, c);

renderDebug.prototype.frustum = function(p, c) {
	this.line(p[0], p[1], c, c);
	this.line(p[1], p[2], c, c);
	this.line(p[2], p[3], c, c);
	this.line(p[3], p[4], c, c);
	this.line(p[4], p[5], c, c);
	this.line(p[5], p[6], c, c);
	this.line(p[6], p[7], c, c);

renderDebug.prototype.sphere = function(p, r, c) {
	var rho = 0.0;
	var rho_step = Math.PI / 8.0;
	var phi = 0.0;
	var phi_step = 2.0 * Math.PI / 8.0;
	while( rho < Math.PI ) {
        var srho = Math.sin( rho ); 
        var crho = Math.cos( rho ); 	
		while( phi < 2.0 * Math.PI ) {
			var sphi = Math.sin(phi);
			var cphi = Math.cos(phi);
            var x0 = p[0] + cphi * srho * r; 
            var y0 = p[1] + crho * r; 
            var z0 = p[2] + sphi * srho * r;
            phi += phi_step;
			sphi = Math.sin(phi);
			cphi = Math.cos(phi);					
            var x1 = p[0] + cphi * srho * r; 
            var y1 = p[1] + crho * r; 
            var z1 = p[2] + sphi * srho * r;
			phi += phi_step;
					  [x1,y1,z1], c);
		rho += rho_step;

renderDebug.prototype.flush = function() 
	var drawCalls = 0;
	var activeCam = this.renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera();
	mat4.inplace_copy(this.ctx.projectionMatrix, activeCam.proj);
	mat4.inplace_copy(this.ctx.mvMatrix, activeCam.view);				
	while( this.lineBuffer.length > 0 ) {
		var count = Math.min( this.lineBuffer.length, this.maxLines );
		var index = 0;
		while( count > 0 ) {
			var line = this.lineBuffer.shift();
			var i6 = index * 6;
			var i8 = index * 8;
			this.posBufferData[i6+0] = line[0][0];
			this.posBufferData[i6+1] = line[0][1];
			this.posBufferData[i6+2] = line[0][2];
			this.posBufferData[i6+3] = line[1][0];
			this.posBufferData[i6+4] = line[1][1];
			this.posBufferData[i6+5] = line[1][2];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+0] = line[2][0];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+1] = line[2][1];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+2] = line[2][2];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+3] = line[2][3];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+4] = line[3][0];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+5] = line[3][1];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+6] = line[3][2];
			this.colorBufferData[i8+7] = line[3][3];			
			if( count <= 0 ) {
				this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.posBufferObject);
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, null);
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.posBufferData);

				this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.colorBufferObject);
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, null);
				this.ctx.bufferSubData(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.colorBufferData);	
						this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.posBufferObject);
						this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(0, 3, this.ctx.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
						this.ctx.bindBuffer(this.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.colorBufferObject);
						this.ctx.vertexAttribPointer(1, 4, this.ctx.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
						this.ctx.drawArrays(this.ctx.LINES, 0, index * 2);