/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ // runtime globals g_Engine = new Engine(); g_width = 0; g_height = 0; g_cam = null; g_camMoveSpeed = 25.0; gl = null; //webGL handle g_worldObjects = []; g_shaderMan = null g_defaultTex = null; g_alphaTex = null; g_hiQu = true; g_meshMan = null; /* * RDGEState a RDGEstate is an interface that is defined by the user and called by the engine */ function RDGEState() { this.init = function() { } this.update = function(dt) { } this.draw = function() { } this.resize = function() { } this.shutdown = function() { } this.onComplete = function() { } } /* * Calling this makes sure the passed in run state has all the functions * that are required, adding dummy functions where needed */ function validateUserState( userState ) { if(!userState.init) { userState.init = function(){}; } if(!userState.update) { userState.update = function(dt) { var currentScene = g_Engine.getContext().currentScene; currentScene = g_Engine.getScene(currentScene); if(currentScene != null) currentScene.update(dt); } } if(!userState.draw) { userState.draw = function() { var currentScene = g_Engine.getContext().currentScene; currentScene = g_Engine.getScene(currentScene); if(currentScene==null) return; currentScene.render(); } } if(!userState.resize) { userState.resize = function(){}; } if(!userState.shutdown) { userState.shutdown = function(){}; } if(!userState.onComplete) { userState.onComplete = function(){}; } } /* * Used to start the RDGE engine, pass the initState and runState, both of which are RDGEState objects * initState is used to asynchronously load scene data while allowing you to render and update if needed * runState is used clear the execution path for regular rendering and updating once loading is complete * @param initState - the initialization state, false if you don't want to use one * @param runState - the run state */ function RDGEStart(canvasOrID) { var canvas = canvasOrID; if (typeof(canvasOrID) === "string") canvas = document.getElementById(canvasOrID); if (!canvas) return; g_Engine.registerCanvas(canvas); canvas.task = new RDGETask(canvas, true); if (!g_shaderMan) g_shaderMan = new ShaderManager(); if (!g_meshMan) g_meshMan = new MeshManager(); // start rdge if (!g_Engine.initializeComplete) g_Engine.init(); } function RDGEStop() { if(RDGEShutdown != undefined) { RDGEShutdown(); } } // the runtime interface function IRuntime() { this.init = null; // called when state is pushed on the stack this.ReInit = null; // called when state above is popped from stack this.Resize = null; // called every tick to setup the viewport/projection this.Update = null; // called every tick to update scene this.Draw = null; // called every tick to draw scene this.Shutdown = null; // called when state is popped from stack } // add the connection Pool's to this list for auto polling g_poolList = []; function ConnPoll() { var len = g_poolList.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { g_poolList[i].Poll(); } } /* RDGE Task */ RDGERequestAnimationFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function FrameRequestCallback */callback, /* DOMElement Element */element) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); RDGETask = (function() { var tasks = {}; return function(canvas, startNow) { this.id = canvas.id; this.currTime = 0.0; this.lastTime = 0.0; this.running = false; this.context = null; if (!canvas) { return; } this.context = g_Engine.ctxMan.handleToObject(canvas.rdgeCtxHandle); tasks[this.id] = function() { if (!self.running) { return; } self.currTime = new Date().getTime(); var dt = (self.currTime - self.lastTime) / 1000.0; self.step(dt); RDGERequestAnimationFrame(tasks[self.id], canvas); self.lastTime = self.currTime; } this.start = function() { this.running = true; this.currTime = new Date().getTime(); this.lastTime = this.currTime; tasks[this.id](); } this.stop = function() { this.running = false; } this.kill = function() { this.running = false; tasks[this.id] = null; } this.step = function(dt) { contextManager.currentCtx = this.context; this.context.fpsTracker.sample(); this.context.ctxStateManager.tick(dt); } var self = this; if (startNow) { self.start(); } } })();