/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ /* * Creates a unique node id */ nodeIdGen = {}; nodeIdGen.counter = 0; nodeIdGen.getId = function() { return "gen_" + nodeIdGen.counter++; } /* * Constructs a new transform node */ function createTransformNode(nodeName) { node = { 'name': nodeName }; node.transformNodeTemplate = new transformNodeTemplate(node); return node; } /* * Constructs a new material node */ function createMaterialNode(nodeName) { node = { 'name': nodeName }; node.materialNodeTemplate = new materialNodeTemplate(node); return node; } /* * Constructs a new mesh node */ function createMeshNode(nodeName, primitive) { meshNode = { 'mesh':{}, 'meshNodeTemplate':{} }; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if(!primitive.built) { renderer.createPrimitive(primitive); } var model = g_meshMan.getModelByName(nodeName); if(!model) { meshNode.mesh.meshNodeTemplate = new meshNodeTemplate(meshNode.mesh, primitive, nodeName); g_meshMan.modelMap[nodeName] = meshNode.mesh; return meshNode; // --early out-- } else if(!renderer.buffers[model.primitive.buffersID]) { renderer.createPrimitive(model.primitive); } meshNode.mesh.meshNodeTemplate = new meshNodeTemplate(meshNode.mesh, model.primitive, nodeName); return meshNode; } /* * Construct a light node */ function createLightNode(nodeName) { node = { 'name': nodeName }; node.lightNodeTemplate = new lightNodeTemplate(node); return node; } /* * creates a specialized mesh node representing a screen aligned quad with identity transform */ function createScreenQuadNode() { var trNode = createTransformNode(); trNode.attachMeshNode("screenQuad", createScreenAlignedQuad()); return trNode; } function verifyTransformNode( node ) { if(node.transformNodeTemplate == undefined) { node.transformNodeTemplate = new transformNodeTemplate(node); } } function verifyMaterialNode( node ) { if(node.materialNodeTemplate == undefined) { node.materialNodeTemplate = new materialNodeTemplate(node); } } function verifyLightNode( node ) { if(node.lightNodeTemplate == undefined) { node.lightNodeTemplate = new lightNodeTemplate(node); } } /* * Takes an object and attachs transform node * functions and fields if they are not defined */ transformNodeTemplate = function(trNode) { // Lots of checking for things that might exist and adding them when they don't /* ------------------------------------------- */ if(!trNode.children) { trNode.children = []; } if(!trNode.local) { trNode.local = mat4.identity(); } if(!trNode.world) { trNode.world = mat4.identity(); } if(!trNode.id) { trNode.id = nodeIdGen.getId(); } if(!trNode.name) { trNode.name = "xfrmNode" + trNode.id; } if(!trNode.parent) { trNode.parent = null; } if(!trNode.meshes) { trNode.meshes = []; } if(!trNode.nodeType) { trNode.nodeType = rdgeConstants.nodeType.TRNODE; } /* ------------------------------------------- */ // Adding functions to the node none of these exist from export process /* * Attaches a material to a node */ trNode.attachMaterial = function(matNode) { verifyMaterialNode(matNode); this.materialNode = matNode; } /* * @param node - the node to attach, can optionally be a node name paired with a primitive that will be built into a meshNode * @param primitive - an optional parameter that must be supplied if the node is a name and not an object */ trNode.attachMeshNode = function( node, primitive ) { if(typeof node == "string") { node = createMeshNode(node, primitive) } if(trNode.materialNode == undefined) { trNode.materialNode = createMaterialNode(trNode.name + "|defMaterial"); } trNode.meshes.push( {'mesh':{'name':node.mesh.attribs.name, 'id':node.mesh.attribs.id}}); } /* * Inserts a node as a child of this node */ trNode.insertAsChild = function(transNode) { if(this == transNode) return; verifyTransformNode(transNode); transNode.parent = this; this.children.push({transformNode:transNode}); } /* * Inserts a node as the parent of this node */ trNode.insertAsParent = function(transNode) { if(this == transNode) return; verifyTransformNode(transNode); if(this.parent) { // remove this node from current parents list var len = this.parent.children.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(this.parent.children[i].transformNode != undefined) { tr = this.parent.children[i].transformNode; if(tr.id == this.id) { // removes 1 item starting from i this.parent.children.splice(i,1); break; } } } // set the new parents parent transNode.parent = this.parent; // push passed in node into parents list this.parent.children.push({transformNode:transNode}); // set the passed in node as the current parent this.parent = transNode; } // add this node to the passed in nodes child list transNode.children.push({transformNode:this}); } } // add material handlers to a material node materialNodeTemplate = function(matNode) { // enumerate constants // type definitions TEX_DIF = 0; TEX_SPEC = 1; TEX_NORM = 2; TEX_GLOW = 3; if(!matNode.nodeType) { matNode.nodeType = rdgeConstants.nodeType.MATNODE; } MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHTS = rdgeConstants.MAX_MATERIAL_LIGHTS; if(!matNode.lightChannel) { matNode.lightChannel = [ null, null, null, null ]; } /* * Material categories determine sorting */ if(!matNode.sortCategory) { matNode.sortCategory = rdgeConstants.categoryEnumeration.OPAQUE; } /* * every node has an id either generated by export or generated here */ if(!matNode.id) { matNode.id = nodeIdGen.getId(); } /* * every node has an name either setin art pipeline or generated here */ if(!matNode.name) { matNode.name = "matNode" + matNode.id; } /* * Default list of textures if nothing is set */ if(!matNode.textureList) { var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; matNode.textureList = [ // {'name':"colMap", 'handle':renderer.getTextureByName("assets/images/white"), 'unit': TEX_DIF, "type":UNIFORMTYPE.TEXTURE2D}, // {'name':"envMap", 'handle':renderer.getTextureByName("assets/images/material_paint"),'unit': TEX_SPEC, "type":UNIFORMTYPE.TEXTURE2D}, // {'name':"normalMap",'handle':renderer.getTextureByName("assets/images/blue"), 'unit': TEX_NORM, "type":UNIFORMTYPE.TEXTURE2D}, // {'name':"glowMap", 'handle':renderer.getTextureByName("assets/images/black"), 'unit': TEX_GLOW, "type":UNIFORMTYPE.TEXTURE2D} ]; } if(!matNode.uniforms) { matNode.uniforms = []; } matNode.setTexture = function(texType, texName) { var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; this.textureList[texType].handle = renderer.getTextureByName("assets/images/" + texName); this.textureList[texType].unit = texType; this.textureList[texType].type = UNIFORMTYPE.TEXTURE2D; } matNode.setDiffuseTexture = function(texName) { this.setTexture(TEX_DIF, texName); } matNode.setSpecTexture = function(texName) { this.setTexture(TEX_SPEC, texName); } matNode.setNormalTexture = function(texName) { this.setTexture(TEX_NORM, texName); } matNode.setGlowTexture = function(texName) { this.setTexture(TEX_GLOW, texName); } matNode.setUniform = function(name, arrValue) { var len = this.uniforms.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(this.uniforms[i].name == name) { this.uniforms[i].value = arrValue; return; } } window.console.log("Could not find uniform: " + name); } matNode.setShader = function( jshaderObject ) { this.shaderProgram = jshaderObject; } matNode.setSortCategory = function( materialCat ) { matNode.sortCategory = materialCat; } /* * Sets a light channel reference to a lightNode * @param channelNumber a number indicating whick light to turn on (0 - 3), or an array of numbers if multiple lights being set * @param lightNode - a refernce to a light node object or an array lights */ matNode.enableLightChannel = function( channelNumber, lightNode ) { verifyLightNode(lightNode); // set an array if(typeof channelNumber == "object") { var len = channelNumber.length; var maxLight = lightNode.length != undefined ? lightNode.length : 0; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { matNode.lightChannel[channelNumber] = maxLight > 0 ? lightNode[ Math.min(i, maxLight - 1)] : lightNode; } } else // set an individual light { if(channelNumber < MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHTS) matNode.lightChannel[channelNumber] = lightNode; } } matNode.disableLightChannel = function( channelNumber ) { if(typeof channelNumber != "object") { var len = channelNumber.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(channelNumber[i] , MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHTS) matNode.lightChannel[channelNumber[i]] = null; } } else { if(channelNumber < MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHTS) matNode.lightChannel[channelNumber] = null; } } matNode.disableAllLights = function() { for(var i = 0; i < MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHTS; ++i) { matNode.lightChannel[i] = null; } } matNode.toJSON = function() { var jsonObj = {'jsonExportName':"materialNode"}; for(var member in this) { jsonObj[member] = this[member]; if(member === "textureList") { var texList = jsonObj[member]; for(var i = 0, len = texList.length; i < len; ++i) { texList[i].handle.image = texList[i].handle.lookUpName; } } else if(member === "shaderProgram") { // test that the shader hasn't already been exported if(typeof jsonObj[member] != "string") { jsonObj[member] = jsonObj[member].exportShader(); } } } return jsonObj; } } meshNodeTemplate = function( meshNode, primitive, meshName ) { if(!primitive.built) { renderer.createPrimitive(primitive); } if(!meshNode.nodeType) { meshNode.nodeType = rdgeConstants.nodeType.MESHNODE; } if(!meshNode.attribs) { var newID = nodeIdGen.getId(); meshNode.attribs = { 'id': newID, 'indexCount': primitive.indexCount, 'name': meshName, 'vertCount': primitive.posCount}; meshNode.name = meshName; } if(!meshNode.bbox) { meshNode.bbox = new box(); } meshNode.data = null; meshNode.primitive = primitive; // setup bounding box var numPositions = primitive.posCount; if(numPositions > 0) { var positions = primitive.positions; var idx = 0; while (idx < numPositions - 2) { var thisPos = [positions[idx+0], positions[idx+1], positions[idx+2]]; meshNode.bbox.addVec3(thisPos); idx += 3; } } else { window.console.error("mesh " + meshNode.attribs.name + ": bounding volume not created"); } } lightNodeTemplate = function(lightNode) { if(!lightNode.nodeType) { lightNode.nodeType = rdgeConstants.nodeType.LIGHTNODE; } if(!lightNode.id) { lightNode.id = nodeIdGen.getId(); } if(!lightNode.name) { lightNode.name = "light_" + lightNode.id; } if(!lightNode.typeName) { lightNode.typeName = "dir_light"; } if(!lightNode.castShadow) { lightNode.castShadow = false; } if(!lightNode.depthMapBias) { lightNode.depthMapBias = 0.0179; } if(!lightNode.depthMapSize) { lightNode.depthMapSize = 1024; } if(!lightNode.coneAngle) { lightNode.coneAngle = 0.707; } if(!lightNode.penumbraAngle) { lightNode.coneAngle = 0.0; } if(!lightNode.dropOff) { lightNode.coneAngle = 0.025; } if(!lightNode.color) { lightNode.color = [1,1,1,1]; } if(!lightNode.dir) { lightNode.dir = [1,-1,1]; } if(!lightNode.links) { lightNode.links = []; } if(!lightNode.position) { lightNode.position = [0,0,0]; } if(!lightNode.lightDiffuse) { lightNode.lightDiffuse = [1,1,1,1]; } if(!lightNode.lightAmbient) { lightNode.lightAmbient = [0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0]; } if(!lightNode.lightSpecular) { lightNode.lightSpecular = [1,1,1,1]; } lightNode.setPosition = function( pos ) { for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.position[i] = pos[i]; } } lightNode.setDiffuseColor = function( color ) { for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.lightDiffuse[i] = color[i]; } } lightNode.setAmbientColor = function( color ) { for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.lightAmbient[i] = color[i]; } } lightNode.setSpecularColor = function( color ) { for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.lightSpecular[i] = color[i]; } } }