/* <copyright>
Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility, Inc
All Rights Reserved.
BSD License.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  - Neither the name of Motorola Mobility nor the names of its contributors
    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
    without specific prior written permission.

</copyright> */

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

	Core API reference in NINJA: this.application.ninja.coreIoApi
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
var Montage = 		require("montage/core/core").Montage,
    Component = 	require("montage/ui/component").Component,
    Popup = 		require("js/components/popup.reel").Popup,
    CloudPopup = 	require("js/io/ui/cloudpopup.reel").CloudPopup,
    ChromeApi =		require("js/io/system/chromeapi").ChromeApi,
    NinjaLibrary = 	require("js/io/system/ninjalibrary").NinjaLibrary;
//Exporting as Project I/O
exports.CoreIoApi = Montage.create(Component, {
	deserializedFromTemplate: {
		enumerable: false,
		value: function () {
			//Checking for local storage of URL for IO
            if (this.application.localStorage.getItem("ioRootUrl")) {
				//Getting URL from local storage
                this.rootUrl = this.application.localStorage.getItem("ioRootUrl");
				//Checks for IO API to be active
				this.ioServiceDetected = this.cloudAvailable();
			} else {
				//IO API to be inactive
				this.ioServiceDetected = false;
			//Instance of ninja library
			this.ninjaLibrary = NinjaLibrary;
			this.ninjaLibrary.coreApi = this;
			//Getting reference of chrome file system API
			this.chromeFileSystem = ChromeApi;
			//Sending size in MBs for file system storage
			var chromeFs = this.chromeFileSystem.init(20);
			//Checking for availability of API
			if (chromeFs) {
				this.chromeFileSystem.addEventListener('ready', this, false);
			} else {
				//Error, Chrome File System API not detected
	handleReady: {
		enumerable: false,
        value: function (e) {
        	//Removing events
        	this.chromeFileSystem.removeEventListener('ready', this, false);
        	//Listening for library to be copied event (builds list)
        	this.chromeFileSystem.addEventListener('library', this, false);
        	//TODO: Add sync loading screen logic (Add screen here)
	handleLibrary: {
		enumerable: false,
        value: function (e) {
        	//Removing events
        	this.chromeFileSystem.removeEventListener('library', this, false);
        	//Listening for synced library event
        	this.ninjaLibrary.addEventListener('sync', this, false);
        	//Sending library to be synced to chrome
        	this.ninjaLibrary.synchronize(e._event.ninjaChromeLibrary, this.chromeFileSystem);
	handleSync: {
		enumerable: false,
        value: function (e) {
        	console.log('Ninja Local Library: Ready');
        	//Removing events
        	this.ninjaLibrary.removeEventListener('sync', this, false);
        	//TODO: Add sync loading screen logic (Remove screen here)
    _chromeNinjaLibrary: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: null
    chromeNinjaLibrary: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return this._chromeNinjaLibrary;
        set: function(value) {
        	this._chromeNinjaLibrary = value;
    _chromeFileSystem: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: null
    chromeFileSystem: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return this._chromeFileSystem;
        set: function(value) {
        	this._chromeFileSystem = value;
    _ioServiceDetected: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: false
    //Checking for service availability on boot
    ioServiceDetected: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return this._ioServiceDetected;
        set: function(value) {
        	this._ioServiceDetected = value;
    //Root API URL
    _rootUrl: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: null
    rootUrl: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return this._rootUrl;
        set: function(value) {
        	this._rootUrl = this.application.localStorage.setItem("ioRootUrl", value);
    //API service URL
    _apiServiceURL: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: '/cloudstatus'
    apiServiceURL: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return String(this.rootUrl+this._apiServiceURL);
        set: function(value) {
        	this._apiServiceURL = value;
    //File service API URL
    _fileServiceURL: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: '/file'
    fileServiceURL: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return String(this.rootUrl+this._fileServiceURL);
        set: function(value) {
        	this._fileServiceURL = value;
    //File service API URL
    _webServiceURL: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: '/web'
    webServiceURL: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return String(this.rootUrl+this._webServiceURL);
        set: function(value) {
        	this._webServiceURL = value;
    //Directory service API URL
    _directoryServiceURL: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: '/directory'
    directoryServiceURL: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	get: function() {
            return String(this.rootUrl+this._directoryServiceURL);
        set: function(value) {
        	this._directoryServiceURL = value;
    // private helper to parse URIs and append them to the service URL
    _prepareServiceURL: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: function(serviceURL, path) {
            var urlOut = path.replace(/\\/g,"/");
            urlOut = urlOut.replace(/:/g,"");
            urlOut = encodeURIComponent(urlOut);
            //add leading / if not already there
            if((urlOut.length > 0) && (urlOut.charAt(0) !== "/")){
                urlOut = "/" + urlOut;
            //remove extra / at the end
            if((urlOut.length > 1) && (urlOut.charAt(urlOut.length - 1) === "/")){
                urlOut = urlOut.substring(0, (urlOut.length - 1));
            return String(serviceURL+urlOut);
    //Method to check status of I/O API, will return false if not active
	cloudAvailable: {
		enumerable: false,
		value: function () {
			var cloud = this.getCloudStatus();
			if (this.rootUrl && cloud.status === 200) {
				this.cloudData.name = cloud.response['name'];
				this.cloudData.root = cloud.response['server-root'];
				return true;
			} else {
				if (!this._cloudDialogOpen && this.application.ninja) {
				return false;
    _cloudDialogOpen: {
    	enumerable: false,
		value: false
    cloudData: {
    	enumerable: false,
		value: {name: null, root: ''}
    _cloudDialogComponents: {
    	enumerable: false,
		value: {blackout: null, popup: null, dialog: null}
    showCloudDialog: {
    	enumerable: false,
		value: function () {
			this._cloudDialogOpen = true;
			this._cloudDialogComponents.blackout = document.createElement('div');
			this._cloudDialogComponents.blackout.style.width = '100%';
			this._cloudDialogComponents.blackout.style.height = '100%';
			this._cloudDialogComponents.blackout.style.background = '-webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, rgba(0,0,0,.65) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 80%)';
    		//Creating popup from m-js component
    		var popup = document.createElement('div');
    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog = CloudPopup.create();
    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.element = popup;
    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.needsDraw = true;
    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.element.style.opacity = 0;
    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.addEventListener('firstDraw', this, false);
    handleFirstDraw: {
    	value: function (e) {
			if (e._target._element.className === 'cloud_popup') {
	    		this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.removeEventListener('firstDraw', this, false);
				this._cloudDialogComponents.popup = this.application.ninja.popupManager.createPopup(this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.element, {x: '50%', y: '50%'});
				this._cloudDialogComponents.popup.addEventListener('firstDraw', this, false);
			} else {
				this._cloudDialogComponents.dialog.element.style.opacity = 1;
				this._cloudDialogComponents.popup.element.style.opacity = 1;
				this._cloudDialogComponents.popup.element.style.margin = '-170px 0px 0px -190px';
    hideCloudDialog: {
    	enumerable: false,
		value: function () {
    // Checks for the existence of a file
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the file exists
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    fileExists: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && file.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("check-existence-only", "true");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Creates a new file at the specified path
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //      it can optionally contain the following properties
    //          contentType: string with the content type  i.e. "text/plain". "text/plain" is assumed if this property is not specified
    //          contents: string containing the file contents. These contents will be saved to the new file.
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              201 - the file was created and contents were saved if they were passed
    //              400 - the file already exists and could not be created
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    createFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && file.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("POST", serviceURL, false);
                    //xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; 
                    if(file.contentType && file.contentType.length)
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", file.contentType);
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
                    if (file.contents)

                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;

            return retValue;
    // Save contents into an existing file at the specified path
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //      it can optionally contain the following properties
    //          contentType: string with the content type  i.e. "text/plain". "text/plain" is assumed if this property is not specified
    //          contents: string containing the file contents. These contents will be saved to the new file.
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the file was saved
    //              404 - the file specified does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    updateFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && file.uri.length && file.contents) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("PUT", serviceURL, false);
                    if(file.contentType && file.contentType.length)
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", file.contentType);
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");


                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;

            return retValue;
    // Copies a file from one location to another
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          sourceUri: string value containing the full file path/URI to copy from i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //          destUri: string containing the full path/URI to copy to
    //      it can optionally contain the following properties
    //          overwriteDestination: bool indicating whether it is okay to overwrite the file specified at destUri if it already exists
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the file was copied
    //              404 - the file specified in sourceUri does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    copyFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.sourceUri && file.sourceUri.length && file.destUri && file.destUri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.destUri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("PUT", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("sourceURI", file.sourceUri);
                    if(file.overwriteDestination && file.overwriteDestination === true) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("overwrite-destination", "true");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Moves a file from one location to another
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          sourceUri: string value containing the full file path/URI to copy from i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //          destUri: string containing the full path/URI to copy to
    //      it can optionally contain the following properties
    //          overwriteDestination: bool indicating whether it is okay to overwrite the file specified at destUri if it already exists
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the file was moved
    //              404 - the file specified in sourceUri does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    moveFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.sourceUri && file.sourceUri.length && file.destUri && file.destUri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.destUri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("PUT", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("sourceURI", file.sourceUri);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("delete-source", "true");
                    if(file.overwriteDestination && file.overwriteDestination === true) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("overwrite-destination", "true");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Deletes an existing file
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the file was deleted
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    deleteFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && file.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("DELETE", serviceURL, false);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Reads an existing file
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      content: string containing the file contents
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              200 - the file was read and its contents were returned
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    readFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = { success:null, content:null, status:null};
            if(file && file.uri && file.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        if(xhr.status == 200) {
                            retValue.content = xhr.responseText;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Reads an external file (cross-domain)
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          url: string value containing the full file path/URL i.e. "http://google.com/motorola.html"
    //		binary parameter is optional if the content is to be binary
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      content: string containing the file contents
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              200 - the file was read and its contents were returned
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred    
    readExternalFile: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(file) {
            var retValue = {success:null, content:null, status:null};
            if(file && file.url && file.url.length) {
                try {
                	var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.webServiceURL, ''),
               			xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL+"?url="+file.url, false);
                    if (file.binary) xhr.setRequestHeader("return-type", "binary");
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        if(xhr.status == 200) {
                            retValue.content = xhr.response;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Create a new directory/folder
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/dir/subdir"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              201 - the directory was created
    //              400 - the directory was unable to be created
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    createDirectory: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(dir && dir.uri && dir.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, dir.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("POST", serviceURL, false);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Delete a directory/folder
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/dir/subdir"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the directory was deleted
    //              404 - the directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    deleteDirectory: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(dir && dir.uri && dir.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, dir.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("DELETE", serviceURL, false);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // List the contents of a directory/folder
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/dir/subdir"
    //          recursive: boolean true to list contents of all subdirectories as well. if this is not specified "false" is the default.
    //          returnType: string "all", "files", "directories". Specifies the types to return. if this is not specified, the default is "all"
    //          fileFilters: string containing the file extensions to include in the return listing. This list is semi-colon separated. i.e. "xml;html"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      content: string containing the JSON structure of the file contents
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              200 - the directory was read and the content JSON string was returned in dir.content
    //              404 - the directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    getDirectoryContents: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            var retValue = { success:null, content:null, status:null };
            if(!!dir && (typeof dir.uri !== "undefined") && (dir.uri !== null) ) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, dir.uri),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    if(dir.recursive) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("recursive", dir.recursive.toString());

                    if (dir.fileFilters) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("file-filters", dir.fileFilters.toString());

                    if(dir.returnType) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("return-type", dir.returnType.toString());
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        if(xhr.status == 200) {
                            retValue.content = xhr.responseText;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Check if a directory/folder exists
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/dir/subdir"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the directory exists
    //              404 - the directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    directoryExists: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            var retValue = { success:null, content:null, status:null };
            if(dir && dir.uri && dir.uri.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, dir.uri),	
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("check-existence-only", "true");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // copies an existing directory/folder to a new location
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          sourceUri: string value containing the full file path/URI to copy from i.e. "c:/foo/bar"
    //          destUri: string containing the full path/URI to copy to
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the operation succeeded
    //              400 - the operation could not be performed because the destUri existed
    //              404 - the source directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    copyDirectory: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            return this._copyMoveDirHelper(dir.sourceUri, dir.destUri, "copy");
    // Moves an existing directory/folder to a new location
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          sourceUri: string value containing the full file path/URI to copy from i.e. "c:/foo/bar"
    //          destUri: string containing the full path/URI to move to
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the operation succeeded
    //              400 - the operation could not be performed because the destUri existed
    //              404 - the source directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    moveDirectory: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            return this._copyMoveDirHelper(dir.sourceUri, dir.destUri, "move");
    // Moves an existing directory/folder to a new location
    // Parameters:
    //      the dir parameter must contain the following properties
    //          sourceUri: string value containing the full file path/URI to copy from i.e. "c:/foo/bar"
    //          newDirectoryName: string containing the new name of the directory i.e. "bar2"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 - the operation succeeded
    //              400 - the operation could not be performed because the destUri existed
    //              404 - the source directory does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
    renameDirectory: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(dir) {
            return this._copyMoveDirHelper(dir.sourceUri, dir.sourceUri + "/" + dir.newDirectoryName, "move");
    //Helper that is used by copyDirectory, moveDirectory, renameDirectory
    _copyMoveDirHelper: {
    	enumerable: false,
    	value: function(sourceDir, destDir, operation) {
    		var retValue = {};
            if(sourceDir && sourceDir.length && destDir && destDir.length && operation && operation.length) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, destDir),
                    	xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("PUT", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("sourceURI", sourceDir);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("operation", operation);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
    // Checks if the file has been modified since it was last queried
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //          recursive: boolean true to check the modified date of all subdirectories as well. if this is not specified "false" is the default.
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              200 - the file has been modified
    //              304 - the file has not been modified
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred

        value:function(file, lastQueriedTimestamp){
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && (typeof lastQueriedTimestamp !== "undefined")) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("if-modified-since", lastQueriedTimestamp);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;

    // Checks if the directory content has been modified since it was last queried
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full directory path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    //          recursive: boolean true to check the modified date of all subdirectories as well. if this is not specified "false" is the default.
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              200 - the file has been modified
    //              304 - the file has not been modified
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred

        value:function(file, lastQueriedTimestamp){
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri && (typeof lastQueriedTimestamp !== "undefined")) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.directoryServiceURL, file.uri),
                    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("if-modified-since", lastQueriedTimestamp);
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;

    // Checks if the file is writable
    // Parameters:
    //      the file parameter must contain the following properties
    //          uri: string value containing the full file path/URI i.e. "c:/foo/bar.html"
    // Return values:
    //    returns an object with two properties
    //      success: boolean indicating if the call succeeded or failed
    //      status: int indicating the request HTTP status code
    //              204 -  The file exists and response body has writable flag
    //              404 - the file does not exist
    //              500 - unknown server error occurred
            var retValue = { success:null, status:null };
            if(file && file.uri) {
                try {
                    var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.fileServiceURL, file.uri),
                    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
                    xhr.setRequestHeader("get-file-info", "true");
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                        retValue.status = xhr.status;
                        if(xhr.status == 200) {
                            retValue.content = xhr.responseText;
                        retValue.success = true;
                catch(error) {
                    xhr = null;
                    retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;
	getCloudStatus: {
        enumerable: false,
        value: function() {
            var retValue = {success:null, status:null};
            try {
           		var serviceURL = this._prepareServiceURL(this.apiServiceURL, '/'),
           			xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            	xhr.open("GET", serviceURL, false);
               	if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                 	retValue.status = xhr.status;
                 	retValue.response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
                  	retValue.success = true;
            catch(error) {
           		xhr = null;
              	retValue.success = false;
            return retValue;

     * checks for valid uri pattern
     * also flags if Windows uri pattern and Unix uri patterns are mixed
     * Todo: need to augment when files can be accessed via other protocols like http, ftp, ssh, etc.
        value: function(uri){
            var isWindowsUri=false, isUnixUri=false,status=false;
            if((uri !== null) && (uri !== "")){
                uri = uri.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");  // strip any leading or trailing spaces

                //for local machine folder uri
                isWindowsUri = /^([a-zA-Z]:)([\\/][^<>:"/\\|?*]+)*[\\/]?$/gi.test(uri);
                isUnixUri = /^(\/)?(\/(?![.])[^/]*)*\/?$/gi.test(uri);//folders beginning with . are hidden on Mac / Unix
                status = isWindowsUri || isUnixUri;
                if((uri === "") || (isWindowsUri && isUnixUri)){status = false;}
            return status;