This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
For newFile, only the 'uri' is required, if contents is empty, such
empty file will be created. 'contents' should be a string to be saved
as the file. 'contentType' is the mime type of the file.
Core API reference in NINJA: this.application.ninja.coreIoApi
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage,
Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component;
//Exporting as File I/O
exports.FileIo = Montage.create(Component, {
//newFile Object (*required): {uri*, contents, contentType}
newFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(file) {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
//Peforming check for file to exist
var check = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.fileExists({uri: file.uri}), status, create;
//Upon successful check, handling results
if (check.success) {
//Handling status of check
switch (check.status) {
case 204:
//Storing status to be returned (for UI handling)
status = check.status;
case 404:
//File does not exists, ready to be created
create = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.createFile(file);
status = create.status;
//Unknown Error
} else {
//Unknown Error
//Returning resulting code
return status;
// 204: File exists | 400: File exists | 404: File does not exists
// 201: File succesfully created | 500: Unknown | undefined: Unknown
readFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(file) {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
//Peforming check for file to exist
var check = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.fileExists({uri: file.uri}), status, create, result;
//Upon successful check, handling results
if (check.success) {
//Handling status of check
switch (check.status) {
case 204:
//File exists
result = {};
result.content = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.readFile(file).content;
result.details = this.infoFile(file);
status = check.status;
case 404:
//File does not exists, ready to be created
status = check.status;
//Unknown Error
status = 500;
} else {
//Unknown Error
status = 500;
//Returning resulting code
return {status: status, file: result};
saveFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(file) {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
//Peforming check for file to exist
var check = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.fileExists({uri: file.uri}), status, result;
//Upon successful check, handling results
if (check.success) {
//Handling status of check
switch (check.status) {
case 204:
//File exists
result = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.updateFile(file);
status = 204;
case 404://createFile
//File does not exists, ready to be created
result = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.createFile(file);
status = 404;
//Unknown Error
status = 500;
} else {
//Unknown Error
status = 500;
return {status: status, result: result};
deleteFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function() {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
copyFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function() {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
infoFile: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(file) {
//Checking for API to be available
if (!this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudAvailable()) {
//API not available, no IO action taken
return null;
var check = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.fileExists({uri: file.uri}), details;
if (check.success) {
//Handling status of check
switch (check.status) {
case 204:
//File exists
details = JSON.parse(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.isFileWritable(file).content);
details.uri = file.uri;
details.name = this.getFileNameFromPath(file.uri);
details.extension = details.name.split('.')[details.name.split('.').length-1];
case 404:
//File does not exists, ready to be created
//Unknown Error
} else {
//Unknown Error
return details;
getFileNameFromPath : {
value: function(path) {
path = path.replace(/[/\\]$/g,"");
path = path.replace(/\\/g,"/");
return path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
open: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(doc, type, uri, server) {
var file = {}, head, body, h, b;
file.uri = uri;
file.server = server;
if (doc.content) {
if (type === 'html' || type === 'htm') {
h = doc.content.split('');
h = h[0].split('
head = h[1];
b = doc.content.split('');
b = b[0].split('');
body = b[1];
file.type = 'html';
file.head = head;
file.body = body;
} else {
//TODO: Add other file type routines
file.type = type;
file.content = doc.content;
} else {
//TODO: File is empty
if (type === 'html' || type === 'htm') {
head = '';
body = '';
file.type = 'html';
file.head = head;
file.body = body;
} else {
//TODO: Add other file type routines
file.type = type;
file.content = doc.content;
//TODO: Load contents into App
save: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(type, id, components) {
var contents, counter = 0;
//Checking for document type to go through saving routine
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case 'html':
//Checking for components in components panel
if (components) {
var comps = '', comp, html, mbind, hackParams = '', compSerializer = Serializer.create();
//TODO: Check if this is needed since compSerializer was localized
compSerializer._serializedObjects = [];
html = document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById('UserContent').innerHTML;
for(var i in components){
comp = compSerializer.serializeObject(components[i]);
//TODO: Remove this HACK
if (components[i]._montage_metadata.__proto__.objectName == 'PhotoEditor') {
if (components[i].pathToJSON) {
hackParams = '"pathToJSON": "'+components[i].pathToJSON+'",\n';
} else {
var split = comp.split('"element":U("m-obj://undefined/'+components[i]._element.uuid);
comp = split[0]+hackParams+'\t"element":E("#'+components[i]._element.id+split[1];
if (document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById(components[i]._originalElementId).innerHTML.length > 2) {
split = html.split(document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById(components[i]._originalElementId).innerHTML);
html = split[0]+split[1];
if (counter > 0) {
comps += ',\n'+comp;
} else {
comps += comp;
for(var i in components){
if (components[i]._bindingDescriptors){
var split = comps.split('U("m-obj://undefined/'+components[i]._bindingDescriptors.uuid+'", {\n })');
comps = split[0]+'\n'+
'"'+components[i].binding.sourceProperty+'": {\n'+
'"boundObject": U("m-obj://'+components[i].binding.target._montage_metadata.__proto__.objectName+'/'+components[i].binding.target.uuid+'?mId='+components[i].binding.target._montage_metadata.__proto__.moduleId+'"),\n'+
'"boundObjectPropertyPath": "'+components[i].binding.targetProperty+'"\n'+
var montage = '';
contents = '\n\t'+document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById('userHead').innerHTML+'\n\t\t'+montage+'\n\t\n\t\n'+html+'\n\t\n';
} else {
//No m-js components in file, so saving plain document HTML
contents = '\n\t'+document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById('userHead').innerHTML+'\n\t\n\t\n'+document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.getElementById('UserContent').innerHTML+'\n\t\n';
case 'css':
contents = this.getCssFromRules(document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.styleSheets[document.getElementById(id).contentDocument.styleSheets.length-1].cssRules);
case 'js':
case 'text':
return contents;
saveAs: {
enumerable: true,
value: function(e) {
//TODO: Add functionality
console.log('FileIO: saveFileAs');
//Method to return a string from CSS rules (to be saved to a file)
getCssFromRules: {
enumerable: false,
value: function (list) {
//Variable to store CSS definitions
var i, str, css = '';
//Looping through list
if (list && list.length > 0) {
//Adding each list item to string and also adding breaks
for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) {
str = list[i].cssText+' ';
str = str.replace( new RegExp( "{", "gi" ), "{\n\t" );
str = str.replace( new RegExp( "}", "gi" ), "}\n" );
str = str.replace( new RegExp( ";", "gi" ), ";\n\t" );
css += '\n'+str;
//Returning the CSS string
return css;