/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, FileIo = require("js/io/system/fileio").FileIo, ProjectIo = require("js/io/system/projectio").ProjectIo, CoreIoApi = require("js/io/system/coreioapi").CoreIoApi; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Exporting as File System exports.FileSystem = Montage.create(Object.prototype, { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // shellApiHandler :{ enumerable:true, writable:false, value:CoreIoApi }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cloud: { enumerable: false, value: false }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cloud: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._cloud; }, set: function(value) { this._cloud = value } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _documentType: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //return DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.documentType; // this._documentType() } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // newFile: { enumerable: false, value: function (template) { //Checking for cloud (to be added later) if (this.cloud) { //TODO: Add cloud integration console.log("[CLOUD] New File"); //documentManagerModule.DocumentManager.openDocument({"type": "html"}); } else { // var file = {uri: CoreIoApi.openShellDialog({type: 'file', action: 'new'})}, type; var check = CoreIoApi.fileExists(file); //TODO: implement createFile to avoid duplicate funtionality if (check.success) { switch (check.status) { case 204: //TODO: Add logic for already existing file window.alert('Error Code 204: File already exists.'); break; case 404: //File does not exists, ready to be created //TODO: The type (template) should be sent into this routine via the UI of file I/O (not by file extension as now) if (template) { type = template; } else { type = file.uri.split('.'); type = type[type.length-1]; } // //TODO: Improve logic //Checking for file to exist in files template folder var templateCheck = CoreIoApi.fileExists({uri: window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('appsource')+'\\document-templates\\files\\template.'+type}), content; // if (templateCheck.success) { switch (check.status) { case 204: //Template exists, so opening and getting contents to be used when creating file content = CoreIoApi.openFile({uri: 'template.'+type}); if (content.content) { file.content = content.content; } else { file.content = ""; } break; case 404: //No template file.content = ""; break; case 500: //Error break; default: //Error break; } } else { } /* switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case 'html': break; case 'css': break; case 'js': break; case 'xml': break; case 'json': break; default: break; } */ var create = CoreIoApi.createFile(file); if (create.success) { switch (create.status) { case 201: //File was created, opening created file this.openFile(file); break; case 400: //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Error Code 400: File already exists.'); break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Error Code 500: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); break; default: //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); break; } } else { //window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); } break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Error Code 500: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); break; default: //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling //window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new file.'); } } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // newProject: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //Checking for cloud (to be added later) if (this.cloud) { //TODO: Add cloud integration console.log("[CLOUD] : New Project"); //documentManagerModule.DocumentManager.openDocument({"type": "html"}); } else { // var directory = {uri: CoreIoApi.openShellDialog({type: 'directory', action: 'new'})}; var check = CoreIoApi.directoryExists(directory); // if (check.success) { switch (check.status) { case 204: this.createProject(directory); break; case 404: //Directory does not exists, ready to be created var create = CoreIoApi.createDirectory(directory); if (create.success) { switch (create.status) { case 201: this.createProject(directory); break; case 400: window.alert('Error Code 400: Directory already exists.'); break; case 500: window.alert('Error Code 500: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); break; default: window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); break; } } else { window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); } break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling window.alert('Error Code 500: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); break; default: //TODO: Add error handling window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling window.alert('Unknown Error: An error occurred while creating a new directory.'); } } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // createFile: { enumerable: false, value: function (file) { //Checking for file to exist var check = CoreIoApi.fileExists(file), createdFile = null; // if (check.success) { switch (check.status) { case 204: //TODO: Add logic for already existing file break; case 404: //File does not exists, ready to be created var create = CoreIoApi.createFile(file); if (create.success) { switch (create.status) { case 201: //File was created createdFile = file; break; case 400: //File already exists createdFile = file; break; case 500: //Error while creating break; default: //TODO: Add error handling break; } } else { //Error creating file via API } break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling break; default: //TODO: Add error handling break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling } // return createdFile; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // openFile: { enumerable: false, value: function (file) { var uri, i; //Checking for file to defined (otherwise prompts for URI) if (file && file.uri) { uri = file.uri; } else { //Checking to prompt user depending on mode if (this.cloud) { //TODO: Add cloud integration } else { //Getting file URI from native prompt uri = CoreIoApi.openShellDialog({type: 'file', action: 'open'}); } } //Checking for a valid URI if (uri && uri.length>0) { //Checking for URI to be single or array of URIs if (uri.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array') == -1) { //Opening single URI shellOpenFile(uri); } else { //Opening via loop of URIs for (i=0; uri[i]; i++) { shellOpenFile (uri[i]); } } } else { //No file was selected to be opened, nothing happens } //Opening file via shell function shellOpenFile (f) { //Getting string from file var doc = CoreIoApi.openFile({uri: f}), type = f.split('.'); //Splitting to get file extension type = type[type.length-1]; //TODO: Fix this HACK to generate string var dir = f.split('\\'), dir_str = '', server; for (var i=0; i < dir.length-1; i++) { dir_str += dir[i] + '\\'; } //Starting an instance of the shell server on directory server = CoreIoApi.startServer(dir_str); //Opening file in app FileIo.open(doc, type, f, server); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Creating unified method to check for success //FOR: Move, Copy, Rename directoryMCRCheck: { enumerable: false, value: function (r, code) { //TODO: Add error handling for unsuccessful attempts var outcome; // if (r.success) { // outcome = {}; // switch (r.status) { case 204: //Success break; case 400: //Already exists break; case 404: //Source does not exists break; case 500: //Unknonwn break; default: break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling } // return outcome; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // createProject: { enumerable: false, value: function (directory) { var mjs_dir = {uri: directory.uri}; mjs_dir.uri += '\\m-js'; var mjs_check = CoreIoApi.directoryExists(mjs_dir); // if (mjs_check.success) { switch (mjs_check.status) { case 204: //TODO: Add logic to check for the correct version of m-js break; case 404: //m-js does not exists, ready to be created //Creating m-js folder and copying contents var mjs_folder = CoreIoApi.createDirectory(mjs_dir); if (mjs_folder.success) { switch (mjs_folder.status) { case 201: //TODO: Add error handling for error on copy sub directories var temp_dir = window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('appsource')+'\\user-document-templates\\montage-application\\systemio\\new\\project\\montage'; var mjs_deps = CoreIoApi.createDirectory({uri: mjs_dir.uri+'\\deps'}); //Folder created, now copying contents var copy_lib = CoreIoApi.copyDirectory({sourceUri: window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('frameworksource')+'\\lib', destUri: mjs_dir.uri+'\\lib'}), copy_deps = CoreIoApi.copyDirectory({sourceUri: window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('frameworksource')+'\\deps\\require', destUri: mjs_dir.uri+'\\deps\\require'}), copy_components = CoreIoApi.copyDirectory({sourceUri: window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('appsource')+'\\montage-components', destUri: directory.uri+'\\montage-components'}); //Checking for lib operation's result if (copy_lib.success) { //Successful copy of directory } else { //Error, checking to see reason for error and this method should handling error state var check_lib = this.directoryMCRCheck(copy_lib, true); } //Checking for deps operation's result if (copy_deps.success) { //Successful copy of directory } else { //Error, checking to see reason for error and this method should handling error state var check_deps = this.directoryMCRCheck(copy_deps, true); } //Checking for components operation's result if (copy_components.success) { //Successful copy of directory } else { //Error, checking to see reason for error and this method should handling error state var check_components = this.directoryMCRCheck(copy_components, true); } var prj_tmplt = window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('appsource')+'\\document-templates\\projects\\montage'; //TODO: Add error handling for file copying, clean up this HACK var copy_packagemjs = CoreIoApi.copyFile({sourceUri: window.NativeShellApp.GetKnownFolder('frameworksource')+'\\package.json', destUri: mjs_dir.uri+'\\package.json'}), copy_styles = CoreIoApi.copyFile({sourceUri: prj_tmplt+'\\styles.css', destUri: directory.uri+'\\styles.css'}), copy_appdelegate = CoreIoApi.copyFile({sourceUri: prj_tmplt+'\\appdelegate.js', destUri: directory.uri+'\\appdelegate.js'}), copy_package = CoreIoApi.copyFile({sourceUri: prj_tmplt+'\\package.json', destUri: directory.uri+'\\package.json'}), copy_index = CoreIoApi.copyFile({sourceUri: prj_tmplt+'\\index.html', destUri: directory.uri+'\\index.html'}); // this.openProject(directory); break; case 400: //TODO: Add logic to handle already existing copy of m-js break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling break; default: //TODO: Add error handling break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling } break; case 500: //TODO: Add error handling break; default: //TODO: Add error handling break; } } else { //TODO: Add error handling } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // openProject: { enumerable: false, value: function (directory) { //TODO: Add functionality, this is a HACK var uri, i; //Checking for directory to defined (otherwise prompts for URI) if (directory && directory.uri) { uri = directory.uri; } else { //Checking to prompt user depending on mode if (this.cloud) { //TODO: Add cloud integration } else { //Getting file URI from native prompt uri = CoreIoApi.openShellDialog({type: 'directory', action: 'open'}); } } //Checking for a valid URI if (uri && uri.length>0) { this.openFile({uri: uri+'\\index.html'}); } else { //No file was selected to be opened, nothing happens } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveFile: { enumerable: false, value: function (f) { //console.log(f); //TODO: Add functionality //console.log('FileSystem: saveFile'); //HACK //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEBUG CODE TO TEST WebGL I/O //var glData = DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.glData; //DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.glData = glData; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (f) { var s = CoreIoApi.updateFile(f); } else { //HACK this.saveProject(); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveFileAs: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add functionality //console.log('FileSystem: saveFileAs'); //HACK this.saveProject(); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveProject: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //FileIo.save('project'); //console.log(DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument._userComponentSet); //DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.server.root //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEBUG CODE TO TEST WebGL I/O //var glData = DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.glData; //DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.glData = glData; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var root = DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.server.root; // // // // var project = ProjectIo.save('montageapp', // DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument.iframe.id, // DocumentManagerModule.DocumentManager.activeDocument._userComponentSet); // // // // // // var cssSave = this.saveFile({uri: root+'styles.css', contents: project.css}); // var htmlSave = this.saveFile({uri: root+'index.html', contents: project.html}); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveAll: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add functionality //console.log('FileSystem: saveAll'); //HACK this.saveProject(); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // closeFile: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add functionality console.log('FileSystem: closeFile'); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // closeProject: { enumerable: false, value: function () { //TODO: Add functionality console.log('FileSystem: closeProject'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////