/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage;
exports.NinjaLibrary = Montage.create(Object.prototype, {
    _chromeApi: {
        value: null
    chromeApi: {
    	get: function() {return this._chromeApi;},
        set: function(value) {this._chromeApi = value;}
    _coreApi: {
        value: null
    coreApi: {
    	get: function() {return this._coreApi;},
        set: function(value) {this._coreApi = value;}
    _libs: {
        value: null
    libs: {
    	get: function() {return this._libs;},
        set: function(value) {this._libs = value;}
    _libsToSync: {
        value: 0
    _syncedLibs: {
        value: 0
    copyLibToCloud: {
        value: function (path, libName, callback) {
        	//Checking for library to exists
        	if(this.coreApi.directoryExists({uri: path+libName}).status === 404) {
        		//Getting contents to begin copying
        		this.chromeApi.directoryContents(this.chromeApi.fileSystem.root, function (contents) {
        			for (var i in contents) {
    	    			if (libName === contents[i].name) {
	        				//Getting contents of library to be copied
        					this.chromeApi.directoryContents(contents[i], function (lib) {
        						//Copying to cloud, adding blocking if no callback specified
        						if (!callback) {
        							//TODO: Add blocking logic here
	        						this.copyDirectoryToCloud(path, contents[i], path);
        						} else {
        							this.copyDirectoryToCloud(path, contents[i], path, callback);
        	} else {
        		//TODO: Add error handling
    copyDirectoryToCloud: {
    	value: function(root, folder, fileRoot, callback) {
    		//Setting up directory name
    		if (folder.name) {
    			var dir;
			    if (root) {
					dir = root+'/'+folder.name;
			    } else {
			    	dir = folder.name;
			    //Creating directory
			    if (!this.coreApi.createDirectory({uri: dir.replace(/\/\//gi, '/')})) {
			    	//Error occured while creating folders
			    	return; //TODO: Add error handling
			//Checking for directory
			if (folder.isDirectory) {
				//Using Chrome API to get directory contents
				this.chromeApi.directoryContents(folder, function (contents) {
					//Looping through children of directory to copy
					for (var i in contents) {
						//Checking for file or directory
						if (contents[i].isDirectory) {
							//Recursive call if directory
							this.copyDirectoryToCloud(dir, contents[i], fileRoot);
						} else if (contents[i].isFile){
							//Copying file 
							this.chromeApi.fileContent(contents[i].fullPath, function (result) {
								//Using binary when copying files to allow images and such to work
								this.coreApi.createFile({uri: (fileRoot+result.file.fullPath).replace(/\/\//gi, '/'), contents: result.content});
			//TODO Add logic for proper callback status(es)
			if (callback) callback(true);
    synchronize: {
    	value: function(chromeLibs, chrome) {
    		//TODO: Remove
    		window.wipeLibrary = this.deleteLibraries.bind(this);
    		//Getting instance of browser file API
    		this.chromeApi = chrome;
    		//Local variables
    		var i, l, libs, libjson, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), tocopylibs = [];
            //Getting known json list of libraries to copy to chrome (will be on a CDN later)
           	xhr.open("GET", '/js/io/system/ninjalibrary.json', false);
            //Checkng for correct reponse
            if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            	//Parsing json libraries
            	libs = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
            	//Storing JSON data
            	this.libs = libs.libraries;
            	//Checking for preview libraries to avoid duplicates
            	if (chromeLibs.length > 0) {
            		//Looping through libraries on browser file system
	            	for (i=0; chromeLibs[i]; i++) {
	            		for (var j in libs.libraries) {
	            			//Checking for matching names (directories are libraries names)
	            			if (String(libs.libraries[j].name+libs.libraries[j].version).toLowerCase() !== chromeLibs[i]) {
                            	//Checking for library to be single file (special case)
                                 if (libs.libraries[j].file) {
                                    tocopylibs.push({name: String(libs.libraries[j].name+libs.libraries[j].version).toLowerCase(), path: libs.libraries[j].path, file: libs.libraries[j].file});
                                } else {
                                    tocopylibs.push({name: String(libs.libraries[j].name+libs.libraries[j].version).toLowerCase(), path: libs.libraries[j].path});
            	} else {
            		//No library is present, must copy all
            		for (var j in libs.libraries) {
            			//name: 	used to folder container contents
            			//path: 	url of descriptor json or single file to load (descriptor has list of files)
            			//singular:	indicates the path is the file to be loaded into folder
            			if (libs.libraries[j].file) {
            				tocopylibs.push({name: String(libs.libraries[j].name+libs.libraries[j].version).toLowerCase(), path: libs.libraries[j].path, file: libs.libraries[j].file});
            			} else {
            				tocopylibs.push({name: String(libs.libraries[j].name+libs.libraries[j].version).toLowerCase(), path: libs.libraries[j].path});
            	//Storing list of libraries to copy
            	this._libsToSync = tocopylibs.length;
            	//Check to see if libraries are needed to be copied
            	if (tocopylibs.length > 0) {
            		for (i=0; tocopylibs[i]; i++) {
            			//Checking for library to be single file
            			if (tocopylibs[i].file) {
            				//Creating root folder
            				//Getting file contents
            				xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            				xhr.open("GET", tocopylibs[i].path, false);
            				xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; 
            				//Checking for status
            				if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            					//Creating new file from loaded content
            					this.chromeApi.fileNew('/'+tocopylibs[i].name+'/'+tocopylibs[i].file, xhr.response, function (status) {if(status) this.libraryCopied()}.bind(this));
            				} else {
            					//TODO: Add error handling
            			} else {
            				//Creating root folder
            				//Getting file contents
            				xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            				xhr.open("GET", tocopylibs[i].path, false);
            				//Checking for status
            				if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            					//Parsing JSON data of files to copy
            					libjson = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
            					//Looping through list
            					for (l=0; libjson.directories[l]; l++) {
            						//Initializing defaults
            						libjson.dirsToCreate = libjson.directories.length;
            						libjson.dirsCreated = 0;
            						libjson.filesToCreate = libjson.files.length;
            						libjson.filesCreated = 0;
            						libjson.local = tocopylibs[i].name;
            						libjson.main = this;
            						//Looping through list and creating directories first
               						this.createDirectory(tocopylibs[i].name, libjson.directories[l], function (status) {
               							//Checking for success on directories created
               							if (status) {
               							//All directories created
               							if (this.dirsCreated === this.dirsToCreate) {
               								var xhr, i;
               								//Looping through files to copy now that directories are ready
               								for (i=0; this.files[i]; i++) {
               									xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            									xhr.open("GET", this.root+this.files[i], false);
            									xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; 
            									//Checking for status
            									if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
               										this.main.chromeApi.fileNew(this.local+'/'+this.files[i], xhr.response, function (status) {
               											if (status) {
               											if (this.filesCreated === this.filesToCreate) {
            				} else {
            					//TODO: Add error handling
            	} else {
            		//Dispatching ready event since nothing to copy
            } else {
            	//TODO: Add error handling
    //Creating a directory on the file system (and sub directories if nested)
    createDirectory: {
    	value: function(root, folder, callback) {
    		//Checking for name, establishing format
    		if (folder.name) {
			    if (root) {
					dir = root+'/'+folder.name;
			    } else {
			    	dir = folder.name;
			    //Creating directory
			    this.chromeApi.directoryNew(dir, function (status) {if (callback)callback(status)});
			//Checking for children and making recursive calls if needed
			if (folder.children) {
				for (var j in folder.children) {
					if (root) {
						this.createDirectory(root+'/'+folder.name, folder.children[j]);
			   		} else {
			   			this.createDirectory(folder.name, folder.children[j]);
    //Callback to keep track of copied libraries during sync
    libraryCopied: {
    	value: function() {
    		if (this._syncedLibs === this._libsToSync) {
    //Method to remove libraries copied into browser file system (ALL)
    deleteLibraries: {
    	value: function () {
    		//Used by file system API to callback
    		function parseLibrary (contents) {
        		//Looping through contents to delete
        		for(var i=0; contents[i]; i++) {
        			//Deleting entire directies (no single files are copied outside)
        			if (contents[i].isDirectory) {
        			} else {
	        			//TODO: Handle single files
        	//Making call to file system API to get all libraries (files) on file system
        	this.chromeApi.directoryContents(this.chromeApi.fileSystem.root, parseLibrary.bind(this));
    _dispatchEvent: {
    	value: function () {
    		var syncEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
            syncEvent.initEvent('sync', true, true);