This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
var VecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils;
var GeomObj = require("js/lib/geom/geom-obj").GeomObj;
var CanvasController = require("js/controllers/elements/canvas-controller").CanvasController;
var ViewUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils;
// Todo: This entire class should be converted to a module
// Class GLBrushStroke
// representation a sequence points (polyline) created by brush tool.
// Derived from class GLGeomObj
var BrushStroke = function GLBrushStroke() {
// Instance variables
this._Points = []; //current state of points in stage-world space (may be different from input)
this._LocalPoints = []; //_Points in local coordinates...do this before rendering the points in the canvas
this._OrigLocalPoints = []; //copy of input points without any smoothing
this._stageWorldCenter = [0,0,0]; //coordinate for the canvas midPoint: a 3D vector in stage world space
this._BBoxMin = [0, 0, 0];
this._BBoxMax = [0, 0, 0];
this._isDirty = true;
this._isInit = false;
//the HTML5 canvas that holds this brush stroke
this._canvas = null;
//flag indicating whether or not to freeze the size and position of canvas
this._freezeCanvas = false;
//stroke information
this._strokeWidth = 1.0;
this._strokeColor = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0];
this._secondStrokeColor = [1, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0];
this._strokeHardness = 100;
this._strokeMaterial = null;
this._strokeStyle = "Solid";
this._strokeDoSmoothing = false;
this._strokeUseCalligraphic = false;
this._strokeAngle = 0;
this._strokeAmountSmoothing = 0;
// currently, brush does not support a fill region
this.canFill = true;
//threshold that tells us whether two samples are too far apart
//threshold that tells us whether two samples are too close
//prevent extremely long paths that can take a long time to render
//drawing context
this._world = null;
//tool that owns this brushstroke
this._drawingTool = null;
this._planeMat = null;
this._planeMatInv = null;
this._planeCenter = null;
this._dragPlane = null;
}; //BrushStroke class defition
BrushStroke.prototype = Object.create(GeomObj, {});
// Property Accessors/Setters
BrushStroke.prototype.setCanvas = function(c) {
this._canvas = c;
BrushStroke.prototype.setWorld = function (world) {
this._world = world;
BrushStroke.prototype.getWorld = function () {
return this._world;
BrushStroke.prototype.geomType = function () {
BrushStroke.prototype.setDrawingTool = function (tool) {
this._drawingTool = tool;
BrushStroke.prototype.getDrawingTool = function () {
return this._drawingTool;
BrushStroke.prototype.setPlaneMatrix = function(planeMat){
this._planeMat = planeMat;
BrushStroke.prototype.setPlaneMatrixInverse = function(planeMatInv){
this._planeMatInv = planeMatInv;
BrushStroke.prototype.setPlaneCenter = function(pc){
this._planeCenter = pc;
BrushStroke.prototype.setDragPlane = function(p){
this._dragPlane = p;
BrushStroke.prototype.getNumPoints = function () {
if (this._LocalPoints.length)
return this._LocalPoints.length;
return this._Points.length;
BrushStroke.prototype.getPoint = function (index) {
return this._Points[index].slice(0);
BrushStroke.prototype.addPoint = function (pt) {
//add the point only if it is some epsilon away from the previous point
var numPoints = this._Points.length;
if (numPoints>0) {
var threshold = this._MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
var prevPt = this._Points[numPoints-1];
var diffPt = [prevPt[0]-pt[0], prevPt[1]-pt[1]];
var diffPtMag = Math.sqrt(diffPt[0]*diffPt[0] + diffPt[1]*diffPt[1]);
if (diffPtMag>threshold){
this._isInit = false;
} else {
this._isInit = false;
BrushStroke.prototype.insertPoint = function(pt, index){
this._Points.splice(index, 0, pt);
this._isInit = false;
BrushStroke.prototype.isDirty = function(){
return this._isDirty;
BrushStroke.prototype.makeDirty = function(){
BrushStroke.prototype.getStageWorldCenter = function() {
return this._stageWorldCenter;
BrushStroke.prototype.getBBoxMin = function () {
return this._BBoxMin;
BrushStroke.prototype.getBBoxMax = function () {
return this._BBoxMax;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeWidth = function () {
return this._strokeWidth;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeWidth = function (w) {
if (this._strokeWidth!==w) {
this._strokeWidth = w;
if (this._strokeWidth<1) {
this._strokeWidth = 1;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeMaterial = function () {
return this._strokeMaterial;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeMaterial = function (m) {
this._strokeMaterial = m; this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeColor = function () {
return null;//return this._strokeColor;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeColor = function (c) {
//this._strokeColor = c; this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.setFillColor = function(c){
this._strokeColor = c; this._isDirty = true;
//sets stroke color for now as we have no fill region
BrushStroke.prototype.getFillColor = function() {
return this._strokeColor;
//return strokeColor for now as we have no fill region
BrushStroke.prototype.setSecondStrokeColor = function(c){
this._secondStrokeColor=c; this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeHardness = function(h){
if (this._strokeHardness!==h){
this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeHardness = function(){
return this._strokeHardness;
BrushStroke.prototype.setDoSmoothing = function(s){
if (this._strokeDoSmoothing!==s) {
this._strokeDoSmoothing = s;
this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.getDoSmoothing = function(){
return this._strokeDoSmoothing;
BrushStroke.prototype.setSmoothingAmount = function(a){
if (this._strokeAmountSmoothing!==a) {
this._strokeAmountSmoothing = a;
this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.getSmoothingAmount = function(){
return this._strokeAmountSmoothing;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeUseCalligraphic = function(c){
if (this._strokeUseCalligraphic!==c){
this._strokeUseCalligraphic = c;
this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeAngle = function(a){
if (this._strokeAngle!==a){
this._strokeAngle = a;
this._isDirty = true;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeUseCalligraphic = function(){
return this._strokeUseCalligraphic;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeAngle = function(){
return this._strokeAngle;
BrushStroke.prototype.getStrokeStyle = function () {
return this._strokeStyle;
BrushStroke.prototype.setStrokeStyle = function (s) {
this._strokeStyle = s;
BrushStroke.prototype.setWidth = function (newW) {
//get the old width from the canvas controller if the canvas is frozen, or from bbox if not frozen.
var oldCanvasWidth = parseInt(CanvasController.getProperty(this._canvas, "width"));
if (!this._freezeCanvas){
oldCanvasWidth = Math.round(this._BBoxMax[0]-this._BBoxMin[0]);
var minWidth = 1+this._strokeWidth;
if (newWthreshold){
//build the control polygon for the Catmull-Rom spline (prev. 2 points and next 2 points)
var prev = (i===1) ? i-1 : i-2;
var next = (i===numPoints-1) ? i : i+1;
var ctrlPts = [this._Points[prev], this._Points[i-1], this._Points[i], this._Points[next]];
//insert points along the prev. to current point
var numNewPoints = Math.floor(distance/threshold);
for (var j=0;j this._MAX_ALLOWED_SAMPLES){
console.log("leaving the resampling because numPoints is greater than limit:"+this._MAX_ALLOWED_SAMPLES);
this._Points = newSampledPoints.slice(0);
newSampledPoints = [];
BrushStroke.prototype.init = function(){
if (!this._isInit){
// **** add samples to the _Points in stageworld space ****
// **** compute the 2D (canvas space) coord. of the _Points ****
// **** turn off the init. flag ****
this._isInit = true;
this._isDirty= true;
// **** update the current brush stroke ****
// smoothing, re-compute bounding box, etc.
BrushStroke.prototype._unprojectPt = function(pt, pespectiveDist){
var retPt = pt.slice(0);
if (MathUtils.fpCmp(pespectiveDist,-pt[2]) !== 0){
z = pt[2]*pespectiveDist/(pespectiveDist + pt[2]);
var x = pt[0]*(pespectiveDist - z)/pespectiveDist,
y = pt[1]*(pespectiveDist - z)/pespectiveDist;
retPt[0] = x; retPt[1] = y; retPt[2] = z;
return retPt;
BrushStroke.prototype._buildLocalCoordFromStageWorldCoord = function() {
var stage = ViewUtils.getStage();
var stageOffset = ViewUtils.getElementOffset(stage);
var numPoints = this._Points.length;
var i;
// ***** compute center of bbox based on stage world coords *****
var bboxMin = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity];
var bboxMax = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity];
for (i=0;i pt[d]) {
bboxMin[d] = pt[d];
if (bboxMax[d] < pt[d]) {
bboxMax[d] = pt[d];
//save the center of the bbox for later use (while constructing the canvas)
this._stageWorldCenter = VecUtils.vecInterpolate(3, bboxMin, bboxMax, 0.5);
// ***** center the input stageworld data about the center of the bbox *****
this._LocalPoints = [];
for (i=0;i1) {
this._copyCoordinates3D(this._OrigLocalPoints , this._LocalPoints);
//iterations of Laplacian smoothing (setting the points to the average of their neighbors)
var numLaplacianIterations = this._strokeAmountSmoothing;
for (var n=0;n pt[d]) {
this._BBoxMin[d] = pt[d];
if (this._BBoxMax[d] < pt[d]) {
this._BBoxMax[d] = pt[d];
}//for every dimension d from 0 to 2
//increase the bbox given the stroke width and the angle (in case of calligraphic brush)
var bboxPadding = this._strokeWidth/2;
//todo TEMP!
//bboxPadding = 0; //for now, ignore the effect of stroke width on bounding box
//end todo TEMP
//if (this._strokeUseCalligraphic) {
//todo re-enable this if check once we are able to change the left and top of the brush canvas
if (false){
this._BBoxMin[0]-= bboxPadding*Math.cos(this._strokeAngle);
this._BBoxMin[1]-= bboxPadding*Math.sin(this._strokeAngle);
this._BBoxMax[0]+= bboxPadding*Math.cos(this._strokeAngle);
this._BBoxMax[1]+= bboxPadding*Math.sin(this._strokeAngle);
} else {
for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
this._BBoxMin[d]-= bboxPadding;
this._BBoxMax[d]+= bboxPadding;
}//for every dimension d from 0 to 2
BrushStroke.prototype.buildBuffers = function () {
//return; //no need to do anything for now
// specify how to render the subpath in Canvas2D
BrushStroke.prototype.render = function () {
// get the world
var world = this.getWorld();
if (!world){
throw( "null world in brushstroke render" );
var numPoints = this.getNumPoints();
if (numPoints === 0) {
return; //nothing to do for empty paths
if (this._isDirty){
var bboxMin = this.getBBoxMin();
var bboxMax = this.getBBoxMax();
var bboxWidth = bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0];
var bboxHeight = bboxMax[1] - bboxMin[1];
if (!this._canvas){
//set the canvas by querying the world
this._canvas = this.getWorld().getCanvas();
if (this._canvas && !this._freezeCanvas) {
var newLeft = Math.round(this._stageWorldCenter[0] - 0.5 * bboxWidth);
var newTop = Math.round(this._stageWorldCenter[1] - 0.5 * bboxHeight);
//assign the new position, width, and height as the canvas dimensions through the canvas controller
//CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "left", newLeft+"px");
//CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "top", newTop+"px");
CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "width", bboxWidth+"px");
CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "height", bboxHeight+"px");
this._freezeCanvas=true; //unless this is set to false, we will not update the canvas width and height anymore in the render function
//get the context
var ctx = world.get2DContext();
if (!ctx) {
throw ("null context in brushstroke render");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight);
this.drawToContext(ctx, false);
}; //this.render()
//buildColor returns the fillStyle or strokeStyle for the Canvas 2D context
BrushStroke.prototype.buildColor = function(ctx, //the 2D rendering context (for creating gradients if necessary)
ipColor, //color string, also encodes whether there's a gradient and of what type
w, //width of the region of color
h, //height of the region of color
lw, //linewidth (i.e. stroke width/size)
alphaVal) //alpha value for this color (usually computed by the rendering code separately)
if (ipColor.gradientMode){
var position, gradient, cs, inset; //vars used in gradient calculations
inset = Math.ceil( lw ) - 0.5;
if(ipColor.gradientMode === "radial") {
var ww = w - 2*lw, hh = h - 2*lw;
gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(w*0.5, h*0.5, 0, w*0.5, h*0.5, Math.max(ww, hh)*0.5);
} else {
gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(inset, h*0.5, w-inset, h*0.5);
var colors = ipColor.color;
var len = colors.length;
for(n=0; n0) {
var transparencyFactor = distFromOpaqueRegion/maxTransparentRegionHalfWidth;
alphaVal = 1.0 - transparencyFactor;//(transparencyFactor*transparencyFactor);//the square term produces nonlinearly varying alpha values
alphaVal *= 0.5; //factor that accounts for lineWidth == 2
if (t === (numTraces-1) || t === 0){
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
} else {
//todo figure out the correct formula for the line width
if (!useBuildColor){
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = this.buildColor(ctx, this._strokeColor, w, h, this._strokeWidth, alphaVal);
//linearly interpolate between the two stroke colors
//var currStrokeColor = VecUtils.vecInterpolate(4, this._strokeColor, this._secondStrokeColor, t/numTraces);
if (drawStageWorldPts) {
tempP = points[0].slice(0);
tempP[0]+=stageWorldDeltaX; tempP[1]+=stageWorldDeltaY;
p = MathUtils.transformAndDivideHomogeneousPoint(tempP, stageWorldToScreenMat);
} else {
p = points[0];
for (var i=0;i
retObject.stageWorldCenter = [this._stageWorldCenter[0],this._stageWorldCenter[1],this._stageWorldCenter[2]];
retObject.planeMat = this._planeMat;
retObject.planeMatInv = this._planeMatInv;
retObject.dragPlane = [this._dragPlane[0],this._dragPlane[1],this._dragPlane[2],this._dragPlane[3]];
//stroke appearance properties
retObject.strokeWidth = this._strokeWidth;
retObject.strokeColor = this._strokeColor;
retObject.strokeHardness = this._strokeHardness;
retObject.strokeUseCalligraphic = this._strokeUseCalligraphic;
retObject.strokeAngle = this._strokeAngle;
//stroke smoothing properties
retObject.strokeDoSmoothing = this._strokeDoSmoothing;
retObject.strokeAmountSmoothing = this._strokeAmountSmoothing;
return retObject;
BrushStroke.prototype.importJSON = function(jo){
if (this.geomType()!== jo.geomType){
//the geometry for this object
this._LocalPoints = jo.localPoints.slice(0);
this._copyCoordinates3D(jo.localPoints, this._LocalPoints); //todo is this necessary in addition to the slice(0) above?
this._OrigLocalPoints = jo.origLocalPoints.slice(0);
this._copyCoordinates3D(jo.origLocalPoints, this._OrigLocalPoints); //todo
this._stageWorldCenter = [jo.stageWorldCenter[0],jo.stageWorldCenter[1],jo.stageWorldCenter[2]];
this._planeMat = jo.planeMat;
this._planeMatInv = jo.planeMatInv;
this._dragPlane = [jo.dragPlane[0],jo.dragPlane[1],jo.dragPlane[2],jo.dragPlane[3]];
//stroke appearance properties
this._strokeWidth = jo.strokeWidth;
this._strokeColor = jo.strokeColor;
this._strokeHardness = jo.strokeHardness;
this._strokeUseCalligraphic = jo.strokeUseCalligraphic;
this._strokeAngle = jo.strokeAngle;
//stroke smoothing properties
this._strokeDoSmoothing = jo.strokeDoSmoothing;
this._strokeAmountSmoothing = jo.strokeAmountSmoothing;
this._isInit = true; //do not re-initialize this brush stroke
this._isDirty = true; //force a re-computation of meta-geometry before rendering
this.update(); //after this, the stroke is ready to be rendered
BrushStroke.prototype.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y, z) {
if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false;
if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false;
if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false;
if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false;
if (z < this._BBoxMin[2]) return false;
if (z > this._BBoxMax[2]) return false;
return true;
BrushStroke.prototype.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y) {
if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false;
if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false;
if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false;
if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false;
return true;
BrushStroke.prototype._CatmullRomSplineInterpolate = function(ctrlPts, t)
//perform CatmullRom interpolation on the spline...assume t is in [0,1]
var t2 = t*t;
var t3 = t2*t;
var retPoint = [0,0,0];
for (var i=0;i<3;i++){
retPoint[i] = 0.5 *(
(2*ctrlPts[1][i]) +
(-ctrlPts[0][i] + ctrlPts[2][i]) * t +
(2*ctrlPts[0][i] - 5*ctrlPts[1][i] + 4*ctrlPts[2][i] - ctrlPts[3][i]) * t2 +
(-ctrlPts[0][i] + 3*ctrlPts[1][i]- 3*ctrlPts[2][i] + ctrlPts[3][i]) * t3);
return retPoint;
if (typeof exports === "object") {
exports.BrushStroke = BrushStroke;