/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var VecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils; var GeomObj = require("js/lib/geom/geom-obj").GeomObj; var CanvasController = require("js/controllers/elements/canvas-controller").CanvasController; // Todo: This entire class should be converted to a module /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLBrushStroke // representation a sequence points (polyline) created by brush tool. // Derived from class GLGeomObj /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var BrushStroke = function GLBrushStroke() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._Points = []; this._OrigPoints = []; this._BBoxMin = [0, 0, 0]; this._BBoxMax = [0, 0, 0]; this._dirty = true; this._addedSamples = false; this._storedOrigPoints = false; //whether or not to use the canvas drawing to stroke/fill this._useCanvasDrawing = true; //the HTML5 canvas that holds this brush stroke this._canvas = null; //the X and Y location of this brush stroke canvas in stage world space of Ninja this._canvasX = 0; this._canvasY = 0; //stroke information this._strokeWidth = 0.0; this._strokeColor = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0]; this._secondStrokeColor = [1, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0]; this._strokeHardness = 100; this._strokeMaterial = null; this._strokeStyle = "Solid"; this._strokeDoSmoothing = false; this._strokeUseCalligraphic = false; this._strokeAngle = 0; this._strokeAmountSmoothing = 0; //threshold that tells us whether two samples are too far apart this._MAX_SAMPLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 5; //threshold that tells us whether two samples are too close this._MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 2; //prevent extremely long paths that can take a long time to render this._MAX_ALLOWED_SAMPLES = 500; //drawing context this._world = null; //tool that owns this brushstroke this._drawingTool = null; this._planeMat = null; this._planeMatInv = null; this._planeCenter = null; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property Accessors/Setters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.setCanvas = function(c) { this._canvas = c; } this.setWorld = function (world) { this._world = world; }; this.getWorld = function () { return this._world; }; this.geomType = function () { return this.GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER; }; this.setDrawingTool = function (tool) { this._drawingTool = tool; }; this.getDrawingTool = function () { return this._drawingTool; }; this.setPlaneMatrix = function(planeMat){ this._planeMat = planeMat; }; this.setPlaneMatrixInverse = function(planeMatInv){ this._planeMatInv = planeMatInv; }; this.setPlaneCenter = function(pc){ this._planeCenter = pc; }; this.getCanvasX = function(){ return this._canvasX; }; this.getCanvasY = function(){ return this._canvasY; }; this.setCanvasX = function(cx){ this._canvasX=cx; }; this.setCanvasY = function(cy){ this._canvasY=cy; }; this.getNumPoints = function () { return this._Points.length; }; this.getPoint = function (index) { return this._Points[index]; }; this.addPoint = function (pt) { //add the point only if it is some epsilon away from the previous point var numPoints = this._Points.length; if (numPoints>0) { var threshold = this._MIN_SAMPLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD; var prevPt = this._Points[numPoints-1]; var diffPt = [prevPt[0]-pt[0], prevPt[1]-pt[1]]; var diffPtMag = Math.sqrt(diffPt[0]*diffPt[0] + diffPt[1]*diffPt[1]); if (diffPtMag>threshold){ this._Points.push(pt); this._dirty=true; } } else { this._Points.push(pt); this._dirty=true; } }; this.insertPoint = function(pt, index){ this._Points.splice(index, 0, pt); this._dirty=true; }; this.isDirty = function(){ return this._dirty; }; this.makeDirty = function(){ this._dirty=true; }; this.getBBoxMin = function () { return this._BBoxMin; }; this.getBBoxMax = function () { return this._BBoxMax; }; this.getStrokeWidth = function () { return this._strokeWidth; }; this.setStrokeWidth = function (w) { this._strokeWidth = w; this._dirty=true; }; this.getStrokeMaterial = function () { return this._strokeMaterial; }; this.setStrokeMaterial = function (m) { this._strokeMaterial = m; this._dirty = true; }; this.getStrokeColor = function () { return this._strokeColor; }; this.setStrokeColor = function (c) { this._strokeColor = c; this._dirty = true; }; this.setSecondStrokeColor = function(c){ this._secondStrokeColor=c; this._dirty = true; } this.setStrokeHardness = function(h){ if (this._strokeHardness!==h){ this._strokeHardness=h; this._dirty = true; } } this.getStrokeHardness = function(){ return this._strokeHardness; } this.setDoSmoothing = function(s){ if (this._strokeDoSmoothing!==s) { this._strokeDoSmoothing = s; this._dirty = true; } } this.getDoSmoothing = function(){ return this._strokeDoSmoothing; } this.setSmoothingAmount = function(a){ if (this._strokeAmountSmoothing!==a) { this._strokeAmountSmoothing = a; this._dirty = true; } } this.getSmoothingAmount = function(){ return this._strokeAmountSmoothing; } this.setStrokeUseCalligraphic = function(c){ if (this._strokeUseCalligraphic!==c){ this._strokeUseCalligraphic = c; this._dirty = true; } } this.setStrokeAngle = function(a){ if (this._strokeAngle!==a){ this._strokeAngle = a; this._dirty = true; }; } this.getStrokeUseCalligraphic = function(){ return this._strokeUseCalligraphic; } this.getStrokeAngle = function(){ this._strokeAngle = a; } this.getStrokeStyle = function () { return this._strokeStyle; }; this.setStrokeStyle = function (s) { this._strokeStyle = s; }; this.setWidth = function () { };//NO-OP for now this.setHeight = function () { };//NO-OP for now //remove all the points this.clear = function () { this._Points = []; this._OrigPoints = []; this._dirty=true; } /*this.translate = function (tx, ty, tz) { for (var i=0;i<this._Points.length;i++){ this._Points[i][0]+=tx; this._Points[i][1]+=ty; this._Points[i][2]+=tz; } this._dirty = true; };*/ this.computeMetaGeometry = function() { var numPoints = this._Points.length; if (this._addedSamples === false){ //**** add samples to the long sections of the path --- Catmull-Rom spline interpolation ***** // instead of the following, may use 4-point subdivision iterations over continuous regions of 'long' segments // look at http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/~jarek/Split&Tweak/ for formula var numInsertedPoints = 0; var newSampledPoints = []; var threshold = this._MAX_SAMPLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;//this determines whether a segment between two sample is long enough to warrant checking for angle var prevPt = this._Points[0]; newSampledPoints.push(this._Points[0]); for (var i=1;i<numPoints;i++) { var pt = this._Points[i]; var diff = [pt[0]-prevPt[0], pt[1]-prevPt[1]]; var distance = Math.sqrt(diff[0]*diff[0]+diff[1]*diff[1]); if (distance>threshold){ //build the control polygon for the Catmull-Rom spline (prev. 2 points and next 2 points) var prev = (i===1) ? i-1 : i-2; var next = (i===numPoints-1) ? i : i+1; var ctrlPts = [this._Points[prev], this._Points[i-1], this._Points[i], this._Points[next]]; //insert points along the prev. to current point var numNewPoints = Math.floor(distance/threshold); for (var j=0;j<numNewPoints;j++){ var param = (j+1)/(numNewPoints+1); var newpt = this._CatmullRomSplineInterpolate(ctrlPts, param); newSampledPoints.push(newpt); numInsertedPoints++; } } newSampledPoints.push(pt); prevPt=pt; //end this function if the numPoints has gone above the max. size specified //if (numPoints> this._MAX_ALLOWED_SAMPLES){ // console.log("leaving the resampling because numPoints is greater than limit:"+this._MAX_ALLOWED_SAMPLES); // break; //} } this._Points = newSampledPoints.slice(0); newSampledPoints = []; console.log("Inserted "+numInsertedPoints+" additional CatmullRom points"); this._addedSamples = true; this._dirty=true; } //if we need to add samples to this curve (done only once) //build a copy of the original points...this should be done only once if (this._storedOrigPoints === false) { this._OrigPoints = this._Points.slice(0); this._storedOrigPoints = true; } //if we need to store a copy of the original points (done only once) if (this._dirty) { this._Points = this._OrigPoints.slice(0); numPoints = this._Points.length; if (this._strokeDoSmoothing && numPoints>1) { //iterations of Laplacian smoothing (setting the points to the average of their neighbors) var numLaplacianIterations = this._strokeAmountSmoothing; for (var n=0;n<numLaplacianIterations;n++){ var newPoints = this._Points;//.slice(0); for (var i=1;i<numPoints-1;i++) { var avgPos = [ 0.5*(this._Points[i-1][0] + this._Points[i+1][0]), 0.5*(this._Points[i-1][1] + this._Points[i+1][1]), 0.5*(this._Points[i-1][2] + this._Points[i+1][2])] ; newPoints[i] = avgPos; } this._Points = newPoints;//.slice(0); } } //if we're doing smoothing // *** compute the bounding box ********* this._BBoxMin = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]; this._BBoxMax = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]; if (numPoints === 0) { this._BBoxMin = [0, 0, 0]; this._BBoxMax = [0, 0, 0]; } else { for (var i=0;i<numPoints;i++){ var pt = this._Points[i]; for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++) { if (this._BBoxMin[d] > pt[d]) { this._BBoxMin[d] = pt[d]; } if (this._BBoxMax[d] < pt[d]) { this._BBoxMax[d] = pt[d]; } }//for every dimension d from 0 to 2 } } //increase the bbox given the stroke width and the angle (in case of calligraphic brush) var bboxPadding = this._strokeWidth/2; if (this.__strokeUseCalligraphic) { this._BBoxMin[0]-= bboxPadding*Math.cos(this._strokeAngle); this._BBoxMin[1]-= bboxPadding*Math.sin(this._strokeAngle); this._BBoxMax[0]+= bboxPadding*Math.cos(this._strokeAngle); this._BBoxMax[1]+= bboxPadding*Math.sin(this._strokeAngle); } else { for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++) { this._BBoxMin[d]-= bboxPadding; this._BBoxMax[d]+= bboxPadding; }//for every dimension d from 0 to 2 } } //if this was dirty this._dirty = false; }; this.buildBuffers = function () { //return; //no need to do anything for now };//buildBuffers() //render // specify how to render the subpath in Canvas2D this.render = function () { // get the world var world = this.getWorld(); if (!world) throw( "null world in brushstroke render" ); // get the context var ctx = world.get2DContext(); if (!ctx) throw ("null context in brushstroke render"); var numPoints = this.getNumPoints(); if (numPoints === 0) { return; //nothing to do for empty paths } ctx.save(); this.computeMetaGeometry(); var bboxMin = this.getBBoxMin(); var bboxMax = this.getBBoxMax(); var bboxWidth = bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0]; var bboxHeight = bboxMax[1] - bboxMin[1]; //assign the new width and height as the canvas dimensions through the canvas controller if (this._canvas) { CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "width", bboxWidth+"px"); CanvasController.setProperty(this._canvas, "height", bboxHeight+"px"); this._canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld.setViewportFromCanvas(this._canvas); } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight); if (this._strokeUseCalligraphic) { //build the stamp for the brush stroke var t=0; var numTraces = this._strokeWidth; var halfNumTraces = numTraces/2; var opaqueRegionHalfWidth = 0.5*this._strokeHardness*numTraces*0.01; //the 0.01 is to convert the strokeHardness from [0,100] to [0,1] var maxTransparentRegionHalfWidth = halfNumTraces-opaqueRegionHalfWidth; //build an angled (calligraphic) brush stamp var deltaDisplacement = [Math.cos(this._strokeAngle),Math.sin(this._strokeAngle)]; deltaDisplacement = VecUtils.vecNormalize(2, deltaDisplacement, 1); var startPos = [-halfNumTraces*deltaDisplacement[0],-halfNumTraces*deltaDisplacement[1]]; var brushStamp = []; for (t=0;t<numTraces;t++){ var brushPt = [startPos[0]+t*deltaDisplacement[0], startPos[1]+t*deltaDisplacement[1]]; brushStamp.push(brushPt); } ctx.lineJoin="bevel"; ctx.lineCap="butt"; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; ctx.globalAlpha = this._strokeColor[3]; //ctx.lineWidth=this._strokeWidth/10;//todo figure out the correct formula for the line width //if (ctx.lineWidth<2) ctx.lineWidth=2; if (t===numTraces-1){ ctx.lineWidth = 1; } for (t=0;t<numTraces;t++){ var disp = [brushStamp[t][0], brushStamp[t][1]]; var alphaVal = 1.0; var distFromOpaqueRegion = Math.abs(t-halfNumTraces) - opaqueRegionHalfWidth; if (distFromOpaqueRegion>0) { alphaVal = 1.0 - distFromOpaqueRegion/maxTransparentRegionHalfWidth; alphaVal *= 1.0/ctx.lineWidth; //factor that accounts for lineWidth !== 1 } ctx.save(); ctx.strokeStyle="rgba("+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[0])+","+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[1])+","+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[2])+","+alphaVal+")"; //linearly interpolate between the two stroke colors var currStrokeColor = VecUtils.vecInterpolate(4, this._strokeColor, this._secondStrokeColor, t/numTraces); //ctx.strokeStyle="rgba("+parseInt(255*currStrokeColor[0])+","+parseInt(255*currStrokeColor[1])+","+parseInt(255*currStrokeColor[2])+","+alphaVal+")"; ctx.translate(disp[0],disp[1]); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this._Points[0][0]-bboxMin[0], this._Points[0][1]-bboxMin[1]); for (var i=0;i<numPoints;i++){ ctx.lineTo(this._Points[i][0]-bboxMin[0], this._Points[i][1]-bboxMin[1]); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } } else { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'; //we wish to add up the colors ctx.globalAlpha = this._strokeColor[3]; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineJoin="round"; var minStrokeWidth = (this._strokeHardness*this._strokeWidth)/100; //the hardness is the percentage of the stroke width that's fully opaque var numlayers = 1 + (this._strokeWidth-minStrokeWidth)/2; var alphaVal = 1.0/(numlayers); //this way the alpha at the first path will be 1 ctx.strokeStyle="rgba("+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[0])+","+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[1])+","+parseInt(255*this._strokeColor[2])+","+alphaVal+")"; for (var l=0;l<numlayers;l++){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this._Points[0][0]-bboxMin[0], this._Points[0][1]-bboxMin[1]); if (numPoints===1){ //display a tiny segment as a single point ctx.lineTo(this._Points[0][0]-bboxMin[0], this._Points[0][1]-bboxMin[1]+0.01); } for (var i=1;i<numPoints;i++){ ctx.lineTo(this._Points[i][0]-bboxMin[0], this._Points[i][1]-bboxMin[1]); } ctx.lineWidth=2*l+minStrokeWidth; ctx.stroke(); } } ctx.restore(); }; //render() this.exportJSON = function(){ var retObject= new Object(); retObject.geomType = this.geomType(); retObject.points = this._Points; retObject.planeCenter = this._planeCenter; retObject.planeMat = this._planeMat; retObject.planeMatInv = this._planeMatInv; retObject.strokeWidth = this._strokeWidth; retObject.strokeColor = this._strokeColor; retObject.secondStrokeColor = this._secondStrokeColor; retObject.strokeHardness = this._strokeHardness; retObject.strokeDoSmoothing = this._strokeDoSmoothing; retObject.strokeUseCalligraphic = this._strokeUseCalligraphic; retObject.strokeAngle = this._strokeAngle; retObject.strokeAmountSmoothing = this._strokeAmountSmoothing; return retObject; }; this.importJSON = function(jo){ if (this.geomType()!== jo.geomType){ return; } this._Points = jo.points.splice(0); //todo is this splice necessary? this._planeCenter = jo.planeCenter; this._planeMat = jo.planeMat; this._planeMatInv = jo.planeMatInv ; this._strokeWidth = jo.strokeWidth; this._strokeColor = jo.strokeColor; this._secondStrokeColor = jo.secondStrokeColor; this._strokeHardness = jo.strokeHardness; this._strokeDoSmoothing = jo.strokeDoSmoothing; this._strokeUseCalligraphic = jo.strokeUseCalligraphic; this._strokeAngle = jo.strokeAngle; this._strokeAmountSmoothing = jo.strokeAmountSmoothing; //force a re-computation of meta-geometry before rendering this._isDirty = true; }; this.export = function() { var jsonObject = this.exportJSON(); var stringified = JSON.stringify(jsonObject); return "type: " + this.geomType() + "\n" + stringified; }; this.import = function( importStr ) { var jsonObject = JSON.parse(importStr); this.importJSON(jsonObject); } this.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y, z) { if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false; if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false; if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false; if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false; if (z < this._BBoxMin[2]) return false; if (z > this._BBoxMax[2]) return false; return true; }; this.collidesWithPoint = function (x, y) { if (x < this._BBoxMin[0]) return false; if (x > this._BBoxMax[0]) return false; if (y < this._BBoxMin[1]) return false; if (y > this._BBoxMax[1]) return false; return true; }; }; //function BrushStroke ...class definition BrushStroke.prototype = new GeomObj(); BrushStroke.prototype._CatmullRomSplineInterpolate = function(ctrlPts, t) { //perform CatmullRom interpolation on the spline...assume t is in [0,1] var t2 = t*t; var t3 = t2*t; var retPoint = [0,0,0]; for (var i=0;i<3;i++){ retPoint[i] = 0.5 *( (2*ctrlPts[1][i]) + (-ctrlPts[0][i] + ctrlPts[2][i]) * t + (2*ctrlPts[0][i] - 5*ctrlPts[1][i] + 4*ctrlPts[2][i] - ctrlPts[3][i]) * t2 + (-ctrlPts[0][i] + 3*ctrlPts[1][i]- 3*ctrlPts[2][i] + ctrlPts[3][i]) * t3); } return retPoint; } if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.BrushStroke = BrushStroke; }