This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
var GeomObj = require("js/lib/geom/geom-obj").GeomObj;
var ShapePrimitive = require("js/lib/geom/shape-primitive").ShapePrimitive;
var MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel;
// Class GLLine
// GL representation of a line.
// Derived from class GeomObj
exports.Line = Object.create(GeomObj, {
// Instance variables
_width: { value : 2.0, writable: true },
_height: { value : 2.0, writable: true },
_xOffset: { value : 0, writable: true },
_yOffset: { value : 0, writable: true },
// If line doesn't fit in canvas world, we had to grow the canvas by this much on either side
_xAdj: { value : 0, writable: true },
_yAdj: { value : 0, writable: true },
_slope: { value : 0, writable: true },
_strokeWidth: { value : 0.25, writable: true },
_strokeStyle: { value : "Solid", writable: true },
_scaleX: { value : 1.0, writable: true },
_scaleY: { value : 1.0, writable: true },
canFill: { value : false, writable: false },
init: {
value: function(world, xOffset, yOffset, width, height, slope, strokeSize, strokeColor, strokeMaterial, strokeStyle, xAdj, yAdj) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
this._xOffset = xOffset;
this._yOffset = yOffset;
this._xAdj = xAdj;
this._yAdj = yAdj;
this._slope = slope;
this._strokeWidth = strokeSize;
this._strokeColor = strokeColor;
this._strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
this._scaleX = (world.getViewportWidth())/(world.getViewportHeight());
this._strokeVerticesLen = 0;
this.m_world = world;
this._materialAmbient = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0];
this._materialDiffuse = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0];
this._materialSpecular = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0];
if(strokeMaterial) {
this._strokeMaterial = strokeMaterial.dup();
} else {
this._strokeMaterial = MaterialsModel.getMaterial( MaterialsModel.getDefaultMaterialName() ).dup();
if(strokeColor) {
if(this._strokeMaterial.hasProperty("color")) {
this._strokeMaterial.setProperty( "color", this._strokeColor );
} else if (this._strokeMaterial && (this._strokeMaterial.gradientType === this._strokeColor.gradientMode)) {
// Property Accessors
// TODO - Use getters/setters in the future
getStrokeWidth: {
value: function() {
return this._strokeWidth;
setStrokeWidth: {
value: function(w) {
this._strokeWidth = w;
getStrokeMaterial: {
value: function() {
return this._strokeMaterial;
setStrokeMaterial: {
value: function(m) {
this._strokeMaterial = m;
getFillMaterial: {
value: function() {
return null;
getStrokeColor: {
value: function() {
return this._strokeColor;
// setStrokeColor: {
// value: function(c) {
// this._strokeColor = c;
// }
// },
getStrokeStyle: {
value: function() {
return this._strokeStyle;
setStrokeStyle: {
value: function(s) {
this._strokeStyle = s;
getWidth: {
value: function() {
return this._width;
setWidth: {
value: function(w) {
this._width = w;
getHeight: {
value: function() {
return this._height;
setHeight: {
value: function(h) {
this._height = h;
getXAdj: {
value: function() {
return this._xAdj;
setXAdj: {
value: function(x) {
this._xAdj = x;
getYAdj: {
value: function() {
return this._yAdj;
setYAdj: {
value: function(y) {
this._yAdj = y;
getSlope: {
value: function() {
return this._slope;
setSlope: {
value: function(m) {
this._slope = m;
geomType: {
value: function() {
return this.GEOM_TYPE_LINE;
// Methods
exportJSON: {
value: function() {
var jObj =
'type' : this.geomType(),
'xoff' : this._xOffset,
'yoff' : this._yOffset,
'width' : this._width,
'height' : this._height,
'xAdj' : this._xAdj,
'yAdj' : this._yAdj,
'slope' : this._slope,
'strokeWidth' : this._strokeWidth,
'strokeColor' : this._strokeColor,
'strokeStyle' : this._strokeStyle,
'strokeMat' : this._strokeMaterial ? this._strokeMaterial.getName() : MaterialsModel.getDefaultMaterialName(),
'materials' : this.exportMaterialsJSON()
return jObj;
importJSON: {
value: function(jObj) {
this._xOffset = jObj.xoff;
this._yOffset = jObj.yoff;
this._width = jObj.width;
this._height = jObj.height;
this._xAdj = jObj.xAdj;
this._yAdj = jObj.yAdj;
this._strokeWidth = jObj.strokeWidth;
this._slope = jObj.slope;
this._strokeStyle = jObj.strokeStyle;
this._strokeColor = jObj.strokeColor;
var strokeMaterialName = jObj.strokeMat;
var strokeMat = MaterialsModel.getMaterial( strokeMaterialName );
if (!strokeMat) {
console.log( "object material not found in library: " + strokeMaterialName );
strokeMat = MaterialsModel.getMaterial( MaterialsModel.getDefaultMaterialName() );
this._strokeMaterial = strokeMat;
this.importMaterialsJSON( jObj.materials );
buildBuffers: {
value: function() {
// get the world
var world = this.getWorld();
if (!world) throw( "null world in buildBuffers" );
if (!world._useWebGL) return;
// make sure RDGE has the correct context
RDGE.globals.engine.setContext( world.getCanvas().rdgeid );
// create the gl buffer
var gl = world.getGLContext();
this._strokeVerticesLen = 0;
var strokeVertices = [];
var strokeTextures = [];
var strokeNormals = [];
var strokeColors = [];
// var scaleMat = Matrix.I(3);
// scaleMat.elements[0][0] = this._scaleX;
// scaleMat.elements[1][1] = this._scaleY;
// get the normalized device coordinates (NDC) for
// all position and dimensions.
var vpw = world.getViewportWidth(), vph = world.getViewportHeight();
var xNDC = 2*this._xOffset/vpw, yNDC = 2*this._yOffset/vph,
xFillNDC = this._width/vpw, yFillNDC = this._height/vph,
xAdjNDC = this._xAdj/vpw, yAdjNDC = this._yAdj/vph,
xStrokeNDC = this._strokeWidth/vpw, yStrokeNDC = this._strokeWidth/vph;
var aspect = world.getAspect();
var zn = world.getZNear(), zf = world.getZFar();
var t = zn * Math.tan(world.getFOV() * Math.PI / 360.0),
b = -t,
r = aspect*t,
l = -r;
// calculate the object coordinates from their NDC coordinates
var z = -world.getViewDistance();
// get the position of the origin
var x = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xNDC,
y = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yNDC;
// get the x and y fill
var xFill = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xFillNDC,
yFill = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yFillNDC;
// get the x & y stroke size
var xStroke = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xStrokeNDC,
yStroke = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yStrokeNDC;
// get the x & y adjustments size
var xAdj = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xAdjNDC*2,
yAdj = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yAdjNDC*2;
this._primArray = [];
this._materialArray = [];
this._materialTypeArray = [];
this._materialNodeArray = [];
this._scaleX = (world._viewportWidth)/(world._viewportHeight);
var innerX = xFill-xStroke;
var innerY = yFill-yStroke;
if(this._slope === "vertical") {
strokeVertices = [
-xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0
strokeTextures = [
0, 1,
1, 1,
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 0,
1, 1
} else if(this._slope === "horizontal") {
// right now, this is the same as vertical line because,
// our canvas is the same size as us.
// But, we will need to use this when drawing in an existing GLWorld with other shapes
strokeVertices = [
-xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, yFill+y, 0.0
strokeTextures = [
0, 1,
1, 1,
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 0,
1, 1
} else if(this._slope > 0) {
// if slope is positive, draw a line from top-left to bottom-right
strokeVertices = [
-xFill+x, yFill-2*yAdj+y, 0.0,
-xFill+2*xAdj+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill-2*xAdj+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, -yFill+2*yAdj+y, 0.0,
xFill-2*xAdj+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+2*xAdj+x, yFill+y, 0.0
strokeTextures = [
0, 0,
0, 1,
1, 0,
1, 1,
1, 0,
0, 1
} else {
// else slope is negative, draw a line from bottom-left to top-right
strokeVertices = [
xFill-2*xAdj+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+2*xAdj+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
-xFill+x, -yFill+2*yAdj+y, 0.0,
-xFill+2*xAdj+x, -yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill-2*xAdj+x, yFill+y, 0.0,
xFill+x, yFill-2*yAdj+y, 0.0
strokeTextures = [
1, 1,
0, 0,
0, 1,
0, 0,
1, 1,
1, 0
var z = 0;
var indices = [];
var nVerts = strokeVertices.length/3;
// stroke normals
var index = 0;
for (var i=0; i 0) {
p0 = [this._xAdj, this._yAdj];
p1 = [w - this._xAdj, h - this._yAdj];
} else {
p0 = [this._xAdj, h - this._yAdj];
p1 = [w - this._xAdj, this._yAdj];
// draw the line
ctx.moveTo( p0[0], p0[1] );
ctx.lineTo( p1[0], p1[1] );
collidesWithPoint: {
value: function(x, y) {
if(x < this._xOffset) return false;
if(x > (this._xOffset + this._width)) return false;
if(y < this._yOffset) return false;
if(y > (this._yOffset + this._height)) return false;
return true;