/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ // Helper function for generating a RDGE primitive var ShapePrimitive = {}; ShapePrimitive.create = function(coords, normals, uvs, indices, primType, vertexCount) { var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; // to setup a primitive you must define it // create a new primitive definition here to then fill out var prim = new RDGE.rdgePrimitiveDefinition(); // the vertex definition declares how the data will be delivered to the shader // the position of an element in array determines which attribute in a shader the // data is bound to prim.vertexDefinition = { // this shows two ways to map this data to an attribute "vert":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex':0, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "a_pos":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex':0, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "normal":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex':1, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "a_nrm":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex':1, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "a_normal":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex':1, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "texcoord":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex':2, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC}, "a_texcoord":{'type':renderer.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex':2, 'bufferUsage': renderer.BUFFER_STATIC} }; // the actual data that correlates to the vertex definition prim.bufferStreams = [ coords, normals, uvs ]; // what type of buffers the data resides in, static is the most common case prim.streamUsage = [ renderer.BUFFER_STATIC, renderer.BUFFER_STATIC, renderer.BUFFER_STATIC ]; // this tells the renderer to draw the primitive as a list of triangles prim.type = primType; prim.indexUsage = renderer.BUFFER_STREAM; prim.indexBuffer = indices; // finally the primitive is created, buffers are generated and the system determines // the data it needs to draw this primitive according to the previous definition renderer.createPrimitive(prim, vertexCount); return prim; }; ShapePrimitive.getMeshBounds = function( verts, nVerts ) { if (!verts || (nVerts <= 0)) return null; var bounds = [verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[0], verts[1], verts[2]]; var index = 3; for (var i=1; i<nVerts; i++) { var x = verts[index], y = verts[index+1], z = verts[index+2]; index += 3; if (x < bounds[0]) bounds[0] = x; else if (x > bounds[3]) bounds[3] = x; if (y < bounds[1]) bounds[1] = y; else if (y > bounds[4]) bounds[4] = y; if (z < bounds[2]) bounds[2] = z; else if (z > bounds[5]) bounds[5] = z; } return bounds; }; ShapePrimitive.getBounds = function( prim ) { var verts = prim.bufferStreams[0]; var nVerts = verts.length; var xMin = verts[0], xMax = verts[0], yMin = verts[1], yMax = verts[1], zMin = verts[2], zMax = verts[2]; for (var index=3; index<verts.length; ) { if (verts[index] < xMin) xMin = verts[index]; else if (verts[index] > xMax) xMax = verts[index]; index++; if (verts[index] < yMin) yMin = verts[index]; else if (verts[index] > yMax) yMax = verts[index]; index++; if (verts[index] < zMin) zMin = verts[index]; else if (verts[index] > zMax) zMax = verts[index]; index++; } return [xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax]; }; ShapePrimitive.refineMesh = function( verts, norms, uvs, indices, nVertices, paramRange, tolerance ) { var oldVrtCount = nVertices; // get the param range var pUMin = paramRange[0], pVMin = paramRange[1], pUMax = paramRange[2], pVMax = paramRange[3]; var iTriangle = 0; var nTriangles = indices.length/3; var index = 0; while (iTriangle < nTriangles) { // get the indices of the 3 vertices var i0 = indices[index], i1 = indices[index+1], i2 = indices[index+2]; // get the uv values //var vrtIndex = 3*iTriangle; var iuv0 = 2 * i0, iuv1 = 2 * i1, iuv2 = 2 * i2; var u0 = uvs[iuv0], v0 = uvs[iuv0+1], u1 = uvs[iuv1], v1 = uvs[iuv1+1], u2 = uvs[iuv2], v2 = uvs[iuv2+1]; // find the u and v range var uMin = u0, vMin = v0; if (u1 < uMin) uMin = u1; if (v1 < vMin) vMin = v1; if (u2 < uMin) uMin = u2; if (v2 < vMin) vMin = v2; var uMax = u0, vMax = v0; if (u1 > uMax) uMax = u1; if (v1 > vMax) vMax = v1; if (u2 > uMax) uMax = u2; if (v2 > vMax) vMax = v2; // if the parameter range of the triangle is outside the // desired parameter range, advance to the next polygon and continue if ((uMin > pUMax) || (uMax < pUMin) || (vMin > pVMax) || (vMax < pVMin)) { // go to the next triangle iTriangle++; index += 3; } else { // check thesize of the triangle in uv space. If small enough, advance // to the next triangle. If not small enough, split the triangle into 3; var du = Math.abs(uMax) - uMin, dv = Math.abs(vMax - vMin); if ((du < tolerance) && (dv < tolerance)) { iTriangle++; index += 3; } else // split the triangle into 4 parts { //calculate the position of the new vertex var iPt0 = 3 * i0, iPt1 = 3 * i1, iPt2 = 3 * i2; var x0 = verts[iPt0], y0 = verts[iPt0+1], z0 = verts[iPt0+2], x1 = verts[iPt1], y1 = verts[iPt1+1], z1 = verts[iPt1+2], x2 = verts[iPt2], y2 = verts[iPt2+1], z2 = verts[iPt2+2]; // calculate the midpoints of the edges var xA = (x0 + x1)/2.0, yA = (y0 + y1)/2.0, zA = (z0 + z1)/2.0, xB = (x1 + x2)/2.0, yB = (y1 + y2)/2.0, zB = (z1 + z2)/2.0, xC = (x2 + x0)/2.0, yC = (y2 + y0)/2.0, zC = (z2 + z0)/2.0; // calculate the uv values of the new coordinates var uA = (u0 + u1)/2.0, vA = (v0 + v1)/2.0, uB = (u1 + u2)/2.0, vB = (v1 + v2)/2.0, uC = (u2 + u0)/2.0, vC = (v2 + v0)/2.0; // calculate the normals for the new points var nx0 = norms[iPt0], ny0 = norms[iPt0+1], nz0 = norms[iPt0+2], nx1 = norms[iPt1], ny1 = norms[iPt1+1], nz1 = norms[iPt1+2], nx2 = norms[iPt2], ny2 = norms[iPt2+1], nz2 = norms[iPt2+2]; var nxA = (nx0 + nx1), nyA = (ny0 + ny1), nzA = (nz0 + nz1); var nrmA = VecUtils.vecNormalize(3, [nxA, nyA, nzA], 1.0 ), nxB = (nx1 + nx2), nyB = (ny1 + ny2), nzB = (nz1 + nz2); var nrmB = VecUtils.vecNormalize(3, [nxB, nyB, nzB], 1.0 ), nxC = (nx2 + nx0), nyC = (ny2 + ny0), nzC = (nz2 + nz0); var nrmC = VecUtils.vecNormalize(3, [nxC, nyC, nzC], 1.0 ); // push everything verts.push(xA); verts.push(yA); verts.push(zA); verts.push(xB); verts.push(yB); verts.push(zB); verts.push(xC); verts.push(yC); verts.push(zC); uvs.push(uA), uvs.push(vA); uvs.push(uB), uvs.push(vB); uvs.push(uC), uvs.push(vC); norms.push(nrmA[0]); norms.push(nrmA[1]); norms.push(nrmA[2]); norms.push(nrmB[0]); norms.push(nrmB[1]); norms.push(nrmB[2]); norms.push(nrmC[0]); norms.push(nrmC[1]); norms.push(nrmC[2]); // split the current triangle into 4 indices[index+1] = nVertices; indices[index+2] = nVertices+2; indices.push(nVertices); indices.push(i1); indices.push(nVertices+1); nTriangles++; indices.push(nVertices+1); indices.push(i2); indices.push(nVertices+2); nTriangles++; indices.push(nVertices); indices.push(nVertices+1); indices.push(nVertices+2); nTriangles++; nVertices += 3; // by not advancing 'index', we examine the first of the 3 triangles generated above } } } console.log( "refine mesh vertex count " + oldVrtCount + " => " + nVertices ); return nVertices; }; ShapePrimitive.convertTriangleStripToTriangles = function( indices ) { if (!indices || (indices.length < 3)) return; var indOut = []; var nInd = indices.length; for (var i=2; i<nInd; i++) { indOut.push( indices[i-2] ); indOut.push( indices[i-1] ); indOut.push( indices[i] ); } return indOut; }; ShapePrimitive.subdivideOversizedMesh = function( vertices, normals, uvs, indices ) { var rtnArray; var nVrtBytes = vertices.length*4, nIndBytes = indices.length*4; // only subdivide the input mesh if it exceeds limits if ((nVrtBytes >= 65000) || (nIndBytes >= 65000)) { var nVerts = vertices.length / 3; var nVerts0 = 0, nVerts1 = 0; var iSplitVrt = nVerts/2; // any triangle referencing vertex iSplitVrt or greater goes to the second half var nTriangles = indices.length/3; var v0 = [], v1 = [], n0 = [], n1 = [], uv0 = [], uv1 = [], i0 = [], i1 = []; var map0 = [], map1 = []; var index = 0; for (var iTri=0; iTri<nTriangles; iTri++) { // determine which side to move the triangle into var vDst, nDst, uvDst, iDst, mapDst, nOut; var iVrts = [ indices[index], indices[index+1], indices[index+2] ]; if ( (iVrts[0] >= iSplitVrt) || (iVrts[1] >= iSplitVrt) || (iVrts[2] >= iSplitVrt) ) { vDst = v0; nDst = n0; uvDst = uv0; iDst = i0; mapDst = map0; nOut = v0.length / 3; } else { vDst = v1; nDst = n1; uvDst = uv1; iDst = i1; mapDst = map1; nOut = v1.length / 3; } for (var i=0; i<3; i++) { var iVrt = iVrts[i]; // if this is the first time that the vertex has been encountered, copy it over to the output var iOut = mapDst[iVrt]; if (!iOut) { mapDst[iVrt] = nOut; vDst.push( vertices[3*iVrt] ); vDst.push( vertices[3*iVrt + 1] ); vDst.push( vertices[3*iVrt + 2] ); nDst.push( normals[3*iVrt] ); nDst.push( normals[3*iVrt + 1] ); nDst.push( normals[3*iVrt + 2] ); uvDst.push( uvs[2*iVrt] ); uvDst.push( uvs[2*iVrt + 1] ); iDst.push( nOut ); nOut++; } else iDst.push( iOut ); } index += 3; } // create objects out of the 2 halves var obj1 = { vertices: v0, normals: n0, uvs: uv0, indices: i0 }, obj2 = { vertices: v1, normals: n1, uvs: uv1, indices: i1 }; console.log( "mesh split into 2 parts: " + obj1.vertices.length/3 + ", " + obj2.vertices.length/3 ); // recurse on the 2 halves in case they need subdivision var arr1 = ShapePrimitive.subdivideOversizedMesh( obj1.vertices, obj1.normals, obj1.uvs, obj1.indices ); var arr2 = ShapePrimitive.subdivideOversizedMesh( obj2.vertices, obj2.normals, obj2.uvs, obj2.indices ); rtnArray = arr1.concat( arr2 ); } else { rtnArray = [ { vertices: vertices, normals: normals, uvs: uvs, indices: indices } ]; } return rtnArray; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ShapePrimitive.convertTrianglesToLines = function( verts, norms, uvs, indices, vertsOut, normsOut, uvsOut, indicesOut ) { var iTriangle = 0; var nTriangles = indices.length/3; var index = 0; var nVertices = 0; while (iTriangle < nTriangles) { // get the indices of the 3 vertices var i0 = indices[index], i1 = indices[index+1], i2 = indices[index+2]; // get the uv values //var vrtIndex = 3*iTriangle; var iuv0 = 2 * i0, iuv1 = 2 * i1, iuv2 = 2 * i2; var u0 = uvs[iuv0], v0 = uvs[iuv0+1], u1 = uvs[iuv1], v1 = uvs[iuv1+1], u2 = uvs[iuv2], v2 = uvs[iuv2+1]; //calculate the position of the new vertex var iPt0 = 3 * i0, iPt1 = 3 * i1, iPt2 = 3 * i2; var x0 = verts[iPt0], y0 = verts[iPt0+1], z0 = verts[iPt0+2], x1 = verts[iPt1], y1 = verts[iPt1+1], z1 = verts[iPt1+2], x2 = verts[iPt2], y2 = verts[iPt2+1], z2 = verts[iPt2+2]; // calculate the normals for the new points var nx0 = norms[iPt0], ny0 = norms[iPt0+1], nz0 = norms[iPt0+2], nx1 = norms[iPt1], ny1 = norms[iPt1+1], nz1 = norms[iPt1+2], nx2 = norms[iPt2], ny2 = norms[iPt2+1], nz2 = norms[iPt2+2]; // push everything vertsOut.push( x0 ); vertsOut.push( y0 ); vertsOut.push( z0 ); vertsOut.push( x1 ); vertsOut.push( y1 ); vertsOut.push( z1 ); vertsOut.push( x1 ); vertsOut.push( y1 ); vertsOut.push( z1 ); vertsOut.push( x2 ); vertsOut.push( y2 ); vertsOut.push( z2 ); vertsOut.push( x2 ); vertsOut.push( y2 ); vertsOut.push( z2 ); vertsOut.push( x0 ); vertsOut.push( y0 ); vertsOut.push( z0 ); indicesOut.push( index ); indicesOut.push( index + 1 ); indicesOut.push( index + 1 ); indicesOut.push( index + 2 ); indicesOut.push( index + 2 ); indicesOut.push( index ); normsOut.push( nx0 ); normsOut.push( ny0 ); normsOut.push( nz0 ); normsOut.push( nx1 ); normsOut.push( ny1 ); normsOut.push( nz1 ); normsOut.push( nx1 ); normsOut.push( ny1 ); normsOut.push( nz1 ); normsOut.push( nx2 ); normsOut.push( ny2 ); normsOut.push( nz2 ); normsOut.push( nx2 ); normsOut.push( ny2 ); normsOut.push( nz2 ); normsOut.push( nx0 ); normsOut.push( ny0 ); normsOut.push( nz0 ); uvsOut.push( u0 ); uvsOut.push( v0 ); uvsOut.push( u1 ); uvsOut.push( v1 ); uvsOut.push( u1 ); uvsOut.push( v1 ); uvsOut.push( u2 ); uvsOut.push( v2 ); uvsOut.push( u2 ); uvsOut.push( v2 ); uvsOut.push( u0 ); uvsOut.push( v0 ); iTriangle++; index += 3; nVertices += 6; } return nVertices; }; if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.ShapePrimitive = ShapePrimitive; }