/* <copyright>
 This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
 No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
 (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 </copyright> */

var MaterialParser = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material-parser").MaterialParser;
var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material;

var LinearGradientMaterial = function LinearGradientMaterial() {
    // Instance variables
	this._name = "LinearGradientMaterial";
	this._shaderName = "linearGradient";

	this._color1		= [1,0,0,1];
	this._color2		= [0,1,0,1];
	this._color3		= [0,0,1,1];
	this._color4		= [0,1,1,1];
	this._colorStop1	= 0.0;
	this._colorStop2	= 0.3;
	this._colorStop3	= 0.6;
	this._colorStop4	= 1.0;
//	this._colorCount	= 4;
	this._angle			= 0.0;	// the shader takes [cos(a), sin(a)]

    // Property Accessors
	this.getShaderName	= function() {
        return this._shaderName;

	this.getName		= function() {
        return this._name;

	this.getColor1	= function() {
        return this._color1;

	this.setColor1	= function(c) {
        this._color1 = c.slice();

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColor2	= function() {
        return this._color2;

	this.setColor2	= function(c) {
        this._color2 = c.slice();

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColor3	= function() {
        return this._color3;

	this.setColor3	= function(c) {
        this._color3 = c.slice();
        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColor4	= function() {	
        return this._color4;		
	this.setColor4	= function(c) {	
        this._color4 = c.slice();

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColorStop1 = function() {  
        return this._colorStop1;		
	this.setColorStop1 = function(s) {  
        this._colorStop1 = s;

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColorStop2 = function() {  
        return this._colorStop2;		
	this.setColorStop2 = function(s) {
        this._colorStop2 = s;

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColorStop3 = function()	{  
        return this._colorStop3;		
	this.setColorStop3 = function(s) {
        this._colorStop3 = s;

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

	this.getColorStop4 = function() {  
        return this._colorStop4;		
	this.setColorStop4 = function(s) {
        this._colorStop4 = s;

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {

//	this.getColorCount	= function()	{  return this._colorCount;		};
//	this.setColorCount	= function(c)	{  this._colorCount = c;
//												if (this._shader && this._shader['default'])
//													this._shader['default'].u_colorCount.set([c]);
//										};

	this.getAngle = function() {
        return this._angle;

	this.setAngle = function(a) {
        this._angle = a;

        if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {
            this._shader['default'].u_cos_sin_angle.set([Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]);

	this.isAnimated	 = function() {  
        return false;					

    // Material Property Accessors
	this._propNames			= ["color1",		"color2",		"color3",		"color4",   "colorStop1",		"colorStop2",		"colorStop3",		        "colorStop4",       "angle"];
	this._propLabels		= ["Color 1",	    "Color 2",	    "Color 3",	    "Color 4",  "Color Stop 1",	    "Color Stop 2",      "Color Stop 3",	        "Color Stop 4",     "Angle"];
	this._propTypes			= ["color",			"color",		"color",        "color",    "float",            "float",             "float",                     "float",          "float"];
	this._propValues		= [];

	this._propValues[ this._propNames[0] ] = this._color1.slice(0);
	this._propValues[ this._propNames[1] ] = this._color2.slice(0);
	this._propValues[ this._propNames[2] ] = this._color3.slice(0);
	this._propValues[ this._propNames[3] ] = this._color4.slice(0);

    this._propValues[ this._propNames[4] ] = this._colorStop1;
    this._propValues[ this._propNames[5] ] = this._colorStop2;
    this._propValues[ this._propNames[6] ] = this._colorStop3;
    this._propValues[ this._propNames[7] ] = this._colorStop4;

	this._propValues[ this._propNames[8] ] = this._angle;

    this.setProperty = function( prop, value ) {
		if (prop === "color")  prop = "color1";

		// make sure we have legitimate imput
		var ok = this.validateProperty( prop, value );
		if (!ok) {
			console.log( "invalid property in Linear Gradient Material" + prop + " : " + value );

		switch (prop)
			case "color1":		    this.setColor1( value );		    break;
			case "color2":		    this.setColor2( value );		    break;
			case "color3":		    this.setColor3( value );		    break;
			case "color4":		    this.setColor4( value );		    break;
            case "colorStop1":		this.setColorStop1( value );		break;
            case "colorStop2":		this.setColorStop2( value );		break;
            case "colorStop3":		this.setColorStop3( value );		break;
            case "colorStop4":		this.setColorStop4( value );		break;
			case "angle":		    this.setAngle( value );			    break;

    // Methods
	// duplcate method requirde
	this.dup = function()	{  return new LinearGradientMaterial();	};

	this.init = function( world ) {
		this.setWorld( world );

		// set up the shader
		this._shader = new jshader();
		this._shader.def = linearGradientMaterialDef;

		// set up the material node
		this._materialNode = createMaterialNode( this.getShaderName() );

		// send the current values to the shader

		//console.log( "**** LinearGradientMaterial initialized" );

	this.updateShaderValues= function() {
		if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {
			//this._shader['default'].u_colorCount.set( [4] );

			var c;
			c = this.getColor1();
			this._shader['default'].u_color1.set( c );
			c = this.getColor2();
			this._shader['default'].u_color2.set( c );
			c = this.getColor3();
			this._shader['default'].u_color3.set( c );
			c = this.getColor4();
			this._shader['default'].u_color4.set( c );

			var s;
			s = this.getColorStop1();
			this._shader['default'].u_colorStop1.set( [s] );
			s = this.getColorStop2();
			this._shader['default'].u_colorStop2.set( [s] );
			s = this.getColorStop3();
			this._shader['default'].u_colorStop3.set( [s] );
			s = this.getColorStop4();
			this._shader['default'].u_colorStop4.set( [s] );

			this.setAngle( this.getAngle() );

	this.export = function() {
		// every material needs the base type and instance name
		var exportStr = "material: " + this.getShaderName() + "\n";
		exportStr += "name: " + this.getName() + "\n";

		exportStr += "color1: "		+ this.getColor1()	+ "\n";
		exportStr += "color2: "		+ this.getColor2()	+ "\n";
		exportStr += "color3: "		+ this.getColor3()	+ "\n";
		exportStr += "color4: "		+ this.getColor4()	+ "\n";

        exportStr += "colorStop1: "		+ this.getColorStop1()	+ "\n";
        exportStr += "colorStop2: "		+ this.getColorStop2()	+ "\n";
        exportStr += "colorStop3: "		+ this.getColorStop3()	+ "\n";
        exportStr += "colorStop4: "		+ this.getColorStop4()	+ "\n";

		exportStr += "angle: "		+ this.getAngle()		+ "\n";
		// every material needs to terminate like this
		exportStr += "endMaterial\n";

		return exportStr;

	this.import = function( importStr ) {
		var pu = new MaterialParser( importStr );
		var material = pu.nextValue( "material: " );
		if (material != this.getShaderName())  throw new Error( "ill-formed material" );
		this.setName(  pu.nextValue( "name: ") );

		var rtnStr;
			var color1	= eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "color1: " )	+ "]" ),
				color2	= eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "color2: " )		+ "]" ),
				color3	= eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "color3: " )		+ "]" ),
				color4	= eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "color4: " )		+ "]" ),
				colorStop1	= Number(pu.nextValue( "colorStop1: " )),
				colorStop2	= Number(pu.nextValue( "colorStop2: " )),
				colorStop3	= Number(pu.nextValue( "colorStop3: " )),
				colorStop4	= Number(pu.nextValue( "colorStop4: " )),
				angle		= Number(pu.nextValue( "angle: " ) );

			var endKey = "endMaterial\n";
			var index = importStr.indexOf( endKey );
			index += endKey.length;
			rtnStr = importStr.substr( index );

			this.setProperty( "color1", color1 );
			this.setProperty( "color2", color2 );
			this.setProperty( "color3", color3 );
			this.setProperty( "color4", color4 );
			this.setProperty( "colorStop1", colorStop1 );
			this.setProperty( "colorStop2", colorStop2 );
			this.setProperty( "colorStop3", colorStop3 );
			this.setProperty( "colorStop4", colorStop4 );
			this.setProperty( "angle", angle );
		catch (e)
			throw new Error( "could not import material: " + importStr );
		return rtnStr;

// RDGE shader
// shader spec (can also be loaded from a .JSON file, or constructed at runtime)
var linearGradientMaterialDef =
			// shader file
			// this shader is inline
			'dirLightVShader': "\
				uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix;\
				uniform mat4 u_normalMatrix;\
				uniform mat4 u_projMatrix;\
				uniform mat4 u_worldMatrix;\
				attribute vec3	a_pos;\
				attribute vec3	a_nrm;\
				varying vec3 vNormal;\
				varying vec3 vPos;\
				void main() {\
					vNormal.xyz = (u_normalMatrix*vec4(a_nrm, 0.0)).xyz;\
					gl_Position = u_projMatrix * u_mvMatrix * vec4(a_pos,1.0);\
					vPos = (u_worldMatrix * vec4(a_pos,1.0)).xyz;\
			'dirLightFShader': "\
				precision highp float;\
				uniform vec4 u_light1Diff;\
				uniform vec3 u_light1Pos;\
				uniform vec4 u_light2Diff;\
				uniform vec3 u_light2Pos;\
				varying vec3 vNormal;\
				varying vec3 vPos;\
				void main() {\
					vec3 light1 = vec3(u_light1Pos.x - vPos.x, u_light1Pos.y - vPos.y, u_light1Pos.z - vPos.z);\
					vec3 light2 = vec3(u_light2Pos.x - vPos.x, u_light2Pos.y - vPos.y, u_light2Pos.z - vPos.z);\
					float t = 0.75;\
					float range = t*t;\
					float alpha1 = max(0.0, 1.0 - ( (light1.x*light1.x)/range + (light1.y*light1.y)/range + (light1.z*light1.z)/range));\
					float alpha2 = max(0.0, 1.0 - ( (light2.x*light2.x)/range + (light2.y*light2.y)/range + (light2.z*light2.z)/range));\
					gl_FragColor = vec4((u_light2Diff*alpha2 + u_light1Diff*alpha1).rgb, 1.0);\
					'vshader' : 'defaultVShader',
					'fshader' : 'defaultFShader',
					// attributes
					'attributes' :
						'vert'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
						'normal' :	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
						'texcoord'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec2' }
					// parameters
					'params' : 
						'u_color1' :		{ 'type' : 'vec4' },									
						'u_color2' :		{ 'type' : 'vec4' },									
						'u_color3' :		{ 'type' : 'vec4' },									
						'u_color4' :		{ 'type' : 'vec4' },
						'u_colorStop1':		{ 'type' : 'float' },									
						'u_colorStop2':		{ 'type' : 'float' },									
						'u_colorStop3':		{ 'type' : 'float' },									
						'u_colorStop4':		{ 'type' : 'float' },									
						'u_cos_sin_angle' : { 'type' : 'vec2' }
						//'u_colorCount':		{'type' : 'int' }


					// render states
					'states' : 
						'depthEnable' : true,
						'offset':[1.0, 0.1]
				{	// light pass
					'vshader' : 'dirLightVShader',
					'fshader' : 'dirLightFShader',
					// attributes
					'attributes' :
						'a_pos'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' },
						'a_nrm'	:	{ 'type' : 'vec3' }
					// parameters
					'params' : 

					// render states
					'states' : 
						'depthEnable' : true,
						"blendEnable" : true,
						"srcBlend" : "SRC_ALPHA",
						"dstBlend" : "DST_ALPHA"

LinearGradientMaterial.prototype = new Material();

if (typeof exports === "object") {
    exports.LinearGradientMaterial = LinearGradientMaterial;