/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ var MaterialParser = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material-parser").MaterialParser; var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material; var Texture = require("js/lib/rdge/texture").Texture; var UberMaterial = function UberMaterial() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._name = "Uber"; this._shaderName = "uber"; this.getShaderName = function () { return this._shaderName; }; // set some default values this._ambientColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]; this._diffuseColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; this._specularColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; this._specularPower = 32.0; this._environmentAmount = 0.2; // 0 .. 1 // set the default maps this._diffuseMapOb = { 'texture' : 'assets/images/rocky-diffuse.jpg', 'wrap' : 'REPEAT' }; //this._diffuseMapOb = { 'texture' : 'texture', 'wrap' : 'REPEAT' }; this._normalMapOb = { 'texture': 'assets/images/rocky-normal.jpg', 'wrap': 'REPEAT' }; this._specularMapOb = { 'texture': 'assets/images/rocky-spec.jpg', 'wrap': 'REPEAT' }; this._environmentMapOb = { 'texture': 'assets/images/silver.png', 'wrap': 'CLAMP', 'envReflection': this._environmentAmount }; this._useDiffuseMap = true; this._useNormalMap = true; this._useSpecularMap = true; this._useEnvironmentMap = true; this._useLights = [true, true, true, true]; // these are the abstracted texture objects - defined where they are set this._diffuseTexture; this._MAX_LIGHTS = 4; // array textures indexed by shader uniform name this._glTextures = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Material Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._propNames = ["ambientColor", "diffuseColor", "specularColor", "specularPower", "diffuseMap", "normalMap", "specularMap", "environmentMap", "environmentAmount"]; this._propLabels = ["Ambient Color", "Diffuse Color", "Specular Color", "Specular Power", "Texture Map", "Bump Map", "Specular Map", "Environment Map", "Environment Map Amount"]; this._propTypes = ["color", "color", "color", "float", "file", "file", "file", "file", "float"]; this._propValues = []; this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = this._ambientColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = this._diffuseColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = this._specularColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = this._specularPower; this._propValues[this._propNames[4]] = this._diffuseMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[5]] = this._normalMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[6]] = this._specularMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[7]] = this._environmentMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[8]] = this._environmentMapOb['envReflection']; this.resetToDefault = function() { this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = this._ambientColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = this._diffuseColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = this._specularColor.slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = this._specularPower; this._propValues[this._propNames[4]] = this._diffuseMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[5]] = this._normalMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[6]] = this._specularMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[7]] = this._environmentMapOb['texture']; this._propValues[this._propNames[8]] = this._environmentMapOb['envReflection']; var nProps = this._propNames.length; for (var i=0; i<nProps; i++) this.setProperty( this._propNames[i], this._propValues[this._propNames[i]] ); }; this.setProperty = function (prop, value) { if (prop == "color") prop = "ambientColor"; var valid = this.validateProperty(prop, value); if (valid) { this._propValues[prop] = value; switch (prop) { case "diffuseMap": this.updateDiffuseMap(); break; case "normalMap": this.updateNormalMap(); break; case "specularMap": this.updateSpecularMap(); break; case "environmentMap": this.updateEnvironmentMap(); break; case "environmentAmount": this.updateEnvironmentAmount(value); break; case "specularPower": this.updateSpecularPower(value); break; case "ambientColor": this.updateAmbientColor(value); break; case "diffuseColor": this.updateDiffuseColor(value); break; case "specularColor": this.updateSpecularColor(value); break; } } }; this.hasProperty = function( prop ) { if(prop === "color") return true; var propNames = [], dummy = []; this.getAllProperties( propNames, dummy, dummy, dummy ) for (var i=0; i<propNames.length; i++) { if (prop === propNames[i]) return true; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // define the 4 lights this._lights = [ { 'type': 'point', // can be 'directional', 'point' or 'spot' 'spotInnerCutoff': 14.0, // fragments in the inner cutoff 'cone' are full intensity. 'spotOuterCutoff': 15.0, // fragments outside the outer cutoff 'cone' are unlit. 'position': [8.0, 2.0, 8.0], // light position; ignored for directional lights 'direction': [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], // light direction; ignored for point lights 'attenuation': [1.0, 0.025, 0.00125], // light attenuation; constant, linear, quadratic 'diffuseColor': [1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0], // diffuse light color 'specularColor': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] // specular light color }, { 'type': 'point', 'spotInnerCutoff': 9.0, 'spotOuterCutoff': 20.0, 'position': [-8.0, 2.0, 8.0], 'direction': [1.0, -1.0, -1.0], 'attenuation': [1.0, 0.025, 0.00125], 'diffuseColor': [0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0], 'specularColor': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] }, { 'type': 'point', 'spotInnerCutoff': 9.0, 'spotOuterCutoff': 20.0, 'position': [-8.0, 2.0, -8.0], 'direction': [1.0, -1.0, 1.0], 'attenuation': [1.0, 0.25, 0.0125], 'diffuseColor': [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], 'specularColor': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] }, { 'type': 'point', 'spotInnerCutoff': 9.0, 'spotOuterCutoff': 20.0, 'position': [8.0, 4.0, -8.0], 'direction': [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0], 'attenuation': [1.0, 0.25, 0.0125], 'diffuseColor': [1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0], 'specularColor': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] } ]; this._ubershaderCaps = { // ubershader material properties. 'material': { 'ambientColor': this._ambientColor, // material ambient color 'diffuseColor': this._diffuseColor, // material diffuse color 'specularColor': this._specularColor, // material specular color 'specularPower': this._specularPower // material specular power (shininess) }, // ubershader supports up to four lights. 'lighting': { 'light0': this._lights[0], 'light1': this._lights[1], 'light2': this._lights[2], 'light3': this._lights[3] }, // uvTransform can be used to scale or offset the texture coordinates. 'uvTransform': [2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], // optional diffuse map 'diffuseMap': this._diffuseMapOb, // optional normal map 'normalMap': this._normalMapOb, // optional specular map 'specularMap': this._specularMapOb, // optional environment map 'environmentMap': this._environmentMapOb }; this.updateAmbientColor = function () { this._ambientColor = this._propValues['ambientColor'].slice(0); var material = this._materialNode; //console.log( "ambient color: " + this._ambientColor ); if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; technique.u_ambientColor.set(this._ambientColor); } }; this.updateDiffuseColor = function () { this._diffuseColor = this._propValues['diffuseColor'].slice(0); var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; technique.u_diffuseColor.set(this._diffuseColor); this.getWorld().restartRenderLoop(); } }; this.updateSpecularColor = function (value) { this._specularColor = this._propValues['specularColor']; var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; technique.u_specularColor.set(this._specularColor); } }; this.updateSpecularPower = function (value) { this._specularPower = this._propValues['specularPower']; var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; technique.u_specularPower.set([this._specularPower]); } }; this.updateEnvironmentAmount = function (value) { this._environmentMapOb.envReflectionAmount = value; var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; technique.u_envReflection.set([this._environmentMapOb.envReflection]); } }; this.updateEnvironmentMap = function () { var value = this._propValues["environmentMap"]; this._environmentMapOb.texture = value; if ((value == null) || (value.length == 0)) { if (this._useEnvironmentMap) { this._useEnvironmentMap = false; this.rebuildShader(); } } else { if (!this._useEnvironmentMap) { this._useEnvironmentMap = true; this.rebuildShader(); } else { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(value, this._ubershaderCaps.environmentMap.wrap); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_envMap.set(tex); } } } } }; this.updateDiffuseMap = function(value) { var value = this._propValues[ "diffuseMap" ]; this._diffuseMapOb.texture = value; if ((value == null) || (value.length == 0)) { if (this._useDiffuseMap) { this._useDiffuseMap = false; this._diffuseTexture = undefined; this.rebuildShader(); } } else { if (!this._useDiffuseMap) { this._useDiffuseMap = true; this.rebuildShader(); } else { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { this._diffuseTexture = new Texture( this.getWorld(), value, this._ubershaderCaps.diffuseMap.wrap ); var tex = this._diffuseTexture.getTexture(); technique.s_diffuseMap.set( tex ); } } } } }; this.updateSpecularMap = function () { var value = this._propValues["specularMap"]; this._specularMapOb.texture = value; if ((value == null) || (value.length == 0)) { if (this._useSpecularMap) { this._useSpecularMap = false; this.rebuildShader(); } } else { if (!this._useSpecularMap) { this._useSpecularMap = true; this.rebuildShader(); } else { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(value, this._ubershaderCaps.specularMap.wrap); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_specMap.set(tex); } } } } }; this.updateNormalMap = function (value) { var value = this._propValues["normalMap"]; this._normalMapOb.texture = value; if ((value == null) || (value.length == 0)) { if (this._useNormalMap) { this._useNormalMap = false; this.rebuildShader(); } } else { if (!this._useNormalMap) { this._useNormalMap = true; this.rebuildShader(); } else { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(value, this._ubershaderCaps.normalMap.wrap); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_normalMap.set(tex); } } } } }; // duplcate method requirde this.dup = function () { // get the current values; var propNames = [], propValues = [], propTypes = [], propLabels = []; this.getAllProperties(propNames, propValues, propTypes, propLabels); // allocate a new material var newMat = new UberMaterial(); newMat._useDiffuseMap = this._useDiffuseMap; newMat._useEnvironmentMap = this._useEnvironmentMap; newMat._useLights = this._useLights; newMat._useNormalMap = this._useNormalMap; newMat._useSpecularMap = this._useSpecularMap; // copy over the current values; var n = propNames.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) newMat.setProperty(propNames[i], propValues[i]); newMat.rebuildShader(); return newMat; }; this.init = function (world) { // save the world if (world) this.setWorld(world); // set up the shader this._shader = this.buildUberShader(this._ubershaderCaps); // set up the material node this._materialNode = RDGE.createMaterialNode("uberMaterial" + "_" + world.generateUniqueNodeID()); this._materialNode.setShader(this._shader); }; this.update = function() { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.defaultTechnique; var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._diffuseTexture && this._diffuseTexture.isAnimated()) { this._diffuseTexture.render(); technique.s_diffuseMap.set( this._diffuseTexture.getTexture() ); } } } } this.isAnimated = function() { var anim = (this._diffuseTexture && this._diffuseTexture.isAnimated()); return anim; } this.importJSON = function (jObj) { if (this.getShaderName() != jObj.material) throw new Error("ill-formed material"); this.setName(jObj.name); if (jObj.materialProps) { var ambientColor = jObj.materialProps.ambientColor; this.setProperty("ambientColor", ambientColor); var diffuseColor = jObj.materialProps.diffuseColor; this.setProperty("diffuseColor", diffuseColor); var specularColor = jObj.materialProps.specularColor; this.setProperty("specularColor", specularColor); var specularPower = jObj.materialProps.specularPower; this.setProperty("specularPower", specularPower); } var lightArray = jObj.lights; if (lightArray) { this._lights = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { var lightObj = lightArray[i]; if (lightObj) { var type = lightObj['light' + i]; if (type) { var light = new Object; switch (type) { case "directional": light.direction = lightObj['light' + i + 'Dir']; break; case "spot": light.position = lightObj['light' + i + 'Pos']; light['spotInnerCutoff'] = lightObj['light' + i + 'OuterSpotCutoff']; light['spotOuterCutoff'] = lightObj['light' + i + 'InnerSpotCutoff']; break; case "point": light.position = lightObj['light' + i + 'Pos']; light.attenuation = lightObj['light' + i + 'Attenuation']; break; default: throw new Error("unrecognized light type on import: " + type); break; } // common to all lights light.diffuseColor = lightObj['light' + i + 'Color']; light.specularColor = lightObj['light' + i + 'SpecularColor']; // push the light this._lights.push(light); } else this._lights[i] = 'undefined'; } } if (this._lights.length > 0) { this._ubershaderCaps.lighting = { 'light0': this._lights[0], 'light1': this._lights[1], 'light2': this._lights[2], 'light3': this._lights[3] } } } var diffuseMap = jObj['diffuseMap']; if (diffuseMap) { this.setProperty("diffuseMap", diffuseMap); } var normalMap = jObj['normalMap']; if (normalMap) { this.setProperty("normalMap", normalMap); } var specularMap = jObj['specularMap']; if (specularMap) { this.setProperty("specularMap", specularMap); } var environmentMap = jObj['environmentMap']; if (environmentMap) { this.setProperty("environmentMap", environmentMap); this.setProperty("environmentAmount", jObj['environmentAmount']); } this.rebuildShader(); }; this.exportJSON = function () { // every material needs the base type and instance name var caps = this._ubershaderCaps; var jObj = { 'material': this.getShaderName(), 'name': this.getName() }; // export the material properties if (typeof caps.material != 'undefined') { jObj.materialProps = { 'ambientColor': this._ambientColor, 'diffuseColor': this._diffuseColor, 'specularColor': this._specularColor, 'specularPower': this._specularPower }; } if (typeof caps.lighting != 'undefined') { var lightArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { var light = caps.lighting["light" + i]; if (typeof light != "undefined") { var lightObj = {} lightObj['light' + i] = light.type; // output the light secific data if (light.type === 'directional') { lightObj['light' + i + 'Dir'] = light['direction']; } else if (light.type === 'spot') { lightObj['light' + i + 'Pos'] = light['position']; lightObj['light' + i + 'SpotInnerCutoff'] = light['spotInnerCutoff']; lightObj['light' + i + 'SpotOuterCutoff'] = light['spotOuterCutoff']; } else // light.type === 'point' { lightObj['light' + i + 'Pos'] = (light['position'] || [0, 0, 0]); lightObj['light' + i + 'Attenuation'] = (light['attenuation'] || [1, 0, 0]); } // common to all lights lightObj['light' + i + 'Color'] = (light['diffuseColor'] || [1, 1, 1, 1]); lightObj['light' + i + 'SpecularColor'] = (light['specularColor'] || [1, 1, 1, 1]); lightArray.push(lightObj); } } if (lightArray.length > 0) jObj.lights = lightArray; } if (typeof caps.diffuseMap != 'undefined') { jObj['diffuseMap'] = caps.diffuseMap.texture; } if (typeof caps.normalMap != 'undefined') { jObj['normalMap'] = caps.normalMap.texture; } if (typeof caps.specularMap != 'undefined') { jObj['specularMap'] = caps.specularMap.texture; } if (typeof caps.environmentMap != 'undefined') { jObj['environmentMap'] = caps.environmentMap.texture; jObj['environmentAmount'] = caps.environmentMap.envReflection; } return jObj; }; this.buildUberShader = function (caps) { var preproc = ""; var paramBlock = {}; paramBlock['u_uvMatrix'] = { 'type': 'mat4' }; if (typeof caps.material != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define MATERIAL\n'; paramBlock['u_ambientColor'] = { 'type': 'vec4' }; paramBlock['u_diffuseColor'] = { 'type': 'vec4' }; paramBlock['u_specularColor'] = { 'type': 'vec4' }; paramBlock['u_specularPower'] = { 'type': 'float' }; } if (typeof caps.lighting != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define LIGHTING\n'; preproc += '#define SPECULAR\n'; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var light = caps.lighting['light' + i]; var t; if (typeof light != 'undefined') { switch (light.type) { case 'directional': t = 0; break; case 'point': t = 1; break; case 'spot': t = 2; break; } preproc += '#define LIGHT_' + i + ' ' + t + '\n'; preproc += '#define LIGHT_' + i + '_SPECULAR\n'; if (t == 0 || t == 2) { paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Dir'] = { 'type': 'vec3' }; } if (t == 2) { paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Spot'] = { 'type': 'vec2' }; } paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Pos'] = { 'type': 'vec3' }; paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Color'] = { 'type': 'vec4' }; paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Atten'] = { 'type': 'vec3' }; paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Specular'] = { 'type': 'vec4' }; } } } if (typeof caps.diffuseMap != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define DIFFUSE_MAP\n'; paramBlock['s_diffuseMap'] = { 'type': 'tex2d' }; } if (typeof caps.normalMap != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define NORMAL_MAP\n'; paramBlock['s_normalMap'] = { 'type': 'tex2d' }; } if (typeof caps.specularMap != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define SPECULAR_MAP\n'; paramBlock['s_specMap'] = { 'type': 'tex2d' }; } if (typeof caps.environmentMap != 'undefined') { preproc += '#define ENVIRONMENT_MAP\n'; paramBlock['s_envMap'] = { 'type': 'tex2d' }; paramBlock['u_envReflection'] = { 'type': 'float' }; } // load the shaders as text var uberVShader, uberFShader; var r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open('GET', "assets/shaders/ub_vshader.glsl", false); r.send(null); if (r.status == 200) { uberVShader = r.responseText; } r.open('GET', "assets/shaders/ub_fshader.glsl", false); r.send(null); if (r.status == 200) { uberFShader = r.responseText; } // prefix preprocessor settings var vshader = preproc + uberVShader; var fshader = preproc + uberFShader; // build output jshader var uberJShader = new RDGE.jshader(); uberJShader.def = { 'shaders': { 'defaultVShader': vshader, 'defaultFShader': fshader }, 'techniques': { 'defaultTechnique': [{ 'vshader': 'defaultVShader', 'fshader': 'defaultFShader', 'attributes': { 'a_pos': { 'type': 'vec3' }, 'a_normal': { 'type': 'vec3' }, 'a_texcoord': { 'type': 'vec2' } }, 'params': paramBlock, 'states': { 'depthEnable': true, 'blendEnable': false, 'culling': true, 'cullFace': "FRONT" } }] } }; // initialize the jshader try { uberJShader.init(); } catch (e) { console.log("error initializing the uber shader: " + e); } // initialize shader parameters var technique = uberJShader.defaultTechnique; if (typeof caps.material != 'undefined') { technique.u_ambientColor.set(caps.material.ambientColor); technique.u_diffuseColor.set(caps.material.diffuseColor); technique.u_specularColor.set(caps.material.specularColor); technique.u_specularPower.set([caps.material.specularPower]); } if (typeof caps.lighting != 'undefined') { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var light = caps.lighting["light" + i]; if (typeof light != "undefined") { if (light.type == 'directional') { paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Dir'] = { 'type': 'vec3' }; technique['u_light' + i + 'Dir'].set(light['direction'] || [0, 0, 1]); } else if (light.type == 'spot') { paramBlock['u_light' + i + 'Spot'] = { 'type': 'vec2' }; technique['u_light' + i + 'Pos'].set(light['position'] || [0, 0, 0]); var deg2Rad = Math.PI / 180; technique['u_light' + i + 'Spot'].set([Math.cos((light['spotInnerCutoff'] || 45.0) * deg2Rad), Math.cos((light['spotOuterCutoff'] || 90.0) * deg2Rad)]); technique['u_light' + i + 'Atten'].set(light['attenuation'] || [1, 0, 0]); } else { technique['u_light' + i + 'Pos'].set(light['position'] || [0, 0, 0]); technique['u_light' + i + 'Atten'].set(light['attenuation'] || [1, 0, 0]); } technique['u_light' + i + 'Color'].set(light['diffuseColor'] || [1, 1, 1, 1]); technique['u_light' + i + 'Specular'].set(light['specularColor'] || [1, 1, 1, 1]); } } } technique.u_uvMatrix.set(caps.uvTransform || RDGE.mat4.identity()); var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer; if (this._useDiffuseMap) { this._diffuseTexture = new Texture( this.getWorld(), caps.diffuseMap.texture, caps.diffuseMap.wrap, caps.diffuseMap.mips ); var tex = this._diffuseTexture.getTexture(); technique.s_diffuseMap.set( tex ); } if (this._useNormalMap) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(caps.normalMap.texture, caps.normalMap.wrap, caps.normalMap.mips); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_normalMap.set(tex); } if (this._useSpecularMap) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(caps.specularMap.texture, caps.specularMap.wrap); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_specMap.set(tex); } if (this._useEnvironmentMap) { var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(caps.environmentMap.texture, caps.environmentMap.wrap); this.registerTexture(tex); technique.s_envMap.set(tex); technique.u_envReflection.set([caps.environmentMap.envReflection || 1.0]); } return uberJShader; }; this.rebuildShader = function () { this._ubershaderCaps['material']['ambientColor'] = this._ambientColor; this._ubershaderCaps['material']['diffuseColor'] = this._diffuseColor; this._ubershaderCaps['material']['specularColor'] = this._specularColor; this._ubershaderCaps['material']['specularPower'] = this._specularPower; var useDiffuse = this._useDiffuseMap; if (!useDiffuse) { if (typeof this._ubershaderCaps['diffuseMap'] != 'undefined') { delete this._ubershaderCaps['diffuseMap']; } } else { this._ubershaderCaps['diffuseMap'] = this._diffuseMapOb; } var useNormal = this._useNormalMap; if (!useNormal) { if (typeof this._ubershaderCaps['normalMap'] != 'undefined') { delete this._ubershaderCaps['normalMap']; } } else { this._ubershaderCaps['normalMap'] = this._normalMapOb; } var useSpecular = this._useSpecularMap; if (!useSpecular) { if (typeof this._ubershaderCaps['specularMap'] != 'undefined') { delete this._ubershaderCaps['specularMap']; } } else { this._ubershaderCaps['specularMap'] = this._specularMapOb; } var useEnvironment = this._useEnvironmentMap; if (!useEnvironment) { if (typeof this._ubershaderCaps['environmentMap'] != 'undefined') { delete this._ubershaderCaps['environmentMap']; } } else { this._ubershaderCaps['environmentMap'] = this._environmentMapOb; } for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var useLight = this._useLights[i]; if (!useLight) { if (typeof this._ubershaderCaps['lighting']['light' + i] != 'undefined') { delete this._ubershaderCaps['lighting']['light' + i]; } } else { this._ubershaderCaps['lighting']['light' + i] = this._lights[i]; } } var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { material.setShader( this.buildUberShader(this._ubershaderCaps) ); } }; }; UberMaterial.prototype = new Material(); if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.UberMaterial = UberMaterial; }