/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var ElementController = require("js/controllers/elements/element-controller").ElementController, Command = require("js/controllers/undo-controller").Command, NJUtils = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; exports.ElementMediator = Montage.create(Component, { addDelegate:{ enumerable:false, value:null }, deleteDelegate:{ enumerable:false, value:null }, addElements:{ value:function (elements, rules, notify, callAddDelegate) { if (Array.isArray(elements)) { elements.forEach(function (element) { ElementController.addElement(element, rules); element.elementModel.props3D.init(element, false); }); } else { ElementController.addElement(elements, rules); elements.elementModel.props3D.init(elements, false); } if ((callAddDelegate || (typeof callAddDelegate === "undefined")) && this.addDelegate && typeof (this.addDelegate['onAddElements']) === "function") { this.addDelegate['onAddElements'].call(this.addDelegate, elements); } var undoLabel = "add element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.removeElements, this, elements, notify, false); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; if (notify || notify === undefined) { NJevent("elementAdded", elements); } } }, removeElements:{ value:function (elements, notify, callDeleteDelegate) { if ((callDeleteDelegate || (typeof callDeleteDelegate === "undefined")) && this.deleteDelegate && (typeof this.deleteDelegate.handleDelete === 'function')) { return this.deleteDelegate.handleDelete(); // this.handleDelete.call(deleteDelegate); } if (Array.isArray(elements)) { elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements, 0); elements.forEach(function (element) { ElementController.removeElement(element); }); } else { ElementController.removeElement(elements); } var undoLabel = "add element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.addElements, this, elements, null, notify, false); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; NJevent("elementsRemoved", elements); } }, replaceElement:{ value:function (newChild, oldChild, notify) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild); if (newChild.getAttribute) newChild.setAttribute('data-ninja-node', 'true'); var undoLabel = "replace element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.replaceElement, this, oldChild, newChild); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; if (notify || notify === undefined) { NJevent("elementReplaced", {type:"replaceElement", data:{"newChild":newChild, "oldChild":oldChild}}); } } }, getProperty:{ value:function (el, prop, valueMutator) { if (valueMutator && typeof valueMutator === "function") { return valueMutator(el.elementModel.controller["getProperty"](el, prop)); } else { return el.elementModel.controller["getProperty"](el, prop, valueMutator); } } }, getShapeProperty:{ value:function (el, prop) { return el.elementModel.controller["getShapeProperty"](el, prop); } }, setShapeProperty:{ value:function (el, prop, value) { return el.elementModel.controller["setShapeProperty"](el, prop, value); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param element: Element @param attribute: Attribute to set @param value: Value to be set. @param currentValue: current value @param source: String for the source object making the call */ setAttribute:{ value:function (element, attribute, value, currentValue, source) { element.elementModel.controller["setAttribute"](element, attribute, value); // Add to the undo var undoLabel = "Attribute change"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.setAttribute, this, element, attribute, currentValue, value, source); NJevent("attributeChange"); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param p: Property to set @param value: Value to be set. This is an array of values corresponding to the array of elements @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setProperty:{ value:function (els, p, value, eventType, source, currentValue) { if (eventType === "Changing") { this._setProperty(els, p, value, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if (!currentValue) { var that = this; currentValue = els.map(function (item) { return that.getProperty((item), p); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els:{ value:els }, _p:{ value:p }, _value:{ value:value }, _previous:{ value:currentValue }, _eventType:{ value:eventType}, _source:{ value:"undo-redo"}, description:{ value:"Set Property"}, receiver:{ value:this}, execute:{ value:function (senderObject) { if (senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setProperty(this._els, this._p, this._value, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute:{ value:function () { this.receiver._setProperty(this._els, this._p, this._previous, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setProperty:{ value:function (els, p, value, eventType, source) { var el; for (var i = 0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setProperty"](item, p, value[i], eventType, source); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"setProperty", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":p, "value":value}, redraw:null}); } }, /** Sets a property object for an element or array of elements. The same properties object gets applied to all the elements @param elements: Array of elements objects: element, properties and previousProperties @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call */ setProperties:{ value:function (elements, eventType, source) { elements.forEach(function (elementObject) { elementObject.element.elementModel.controller["setProperties"](elementObject.element, elementObject.properties); }); if (eventType !== "Changing") { var undoLabel = "Properties change"; elements.forEach(function (elementObject) { var swap = elementObject.properties; elementObject.properties = elementObject.previousProperties; elementObject.previousProperties = swap; }); document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.setProperties, this, elements, eventType, source); } // Map the elements for the event data // TODO: Clean this up var els = elements.map(function (element) { return element.element; }); // Dispatch the element change/changing event. NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"setProperties", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":elements[0].properties, "value":elements}, redraw:null}); } }, set3DProperties:{ value:function (elements, eventType, source) { var update3DModel = false; if (eventType === "Change") { update3DModel = true; } for (var i = 0, item; item = elements[i]; i++) { item.element.elementModel.controller["set3DProperties"](item.element, item.properties, update3DModel); } /* if(eventType === "Change") { var undoLabel = "3D Properties change"; elements.forEach(function(elementObject) { var swap = elementObject.properties; elementObject.properties = elementObject.previousProperties; elementObject.previousProperties = swap; }); document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.set3DProperties, this, elements, eventType, source); } */ var els = elements.map(function (element) { return element.element; }); NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"set3DProperties", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":"matrix", "value":elements}, redraw:null}); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set color getColor:{ value:function (el, isFill, borderSide) { return el.elementModel.controller["getColor"](el, isFill, borderSide); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param value: Value to be set. This is the color @param isFill: Specifies if setting fill (background) or stroke (border) @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setColor:{ value:function (els, value, isFill, eventType, source, currentValue, borderSide) { if (eventType === "Changing") { this._setColor(els, value, isFill, eventType, source, borderSide); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if (!currentValue) { var that = this; currentValue = els.map(function (item) { return that.getColor(item, isFill); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els:{ value:els }, _value:{ value:value }, _isFill:{ value:isFill }, _previous:{ value:currentValue }, _eventType:{ value:eventType}, _source:{ value:"undo-redo"}, description:{ value:"Set Color"}, receiver:{ value:this}, _borderSide:{ value:borderSide}, execute:{ value:function (senderObject) { if (senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setColor(this._els, this._value, this._isFill, this._eventType, this._source, this._borderSide); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute:{ value:function () { this.receiver._setColor(this._els, this._previous, this._isFill, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setColor:{ value:function (els, value, isFill, eventType, source, borderSide) { for (var i = 0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setColor"](item, value, isFill, borderSide); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"setColor", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":"color", "value":value, "isFill":isFill, "borderSide":borderSide}, redraw:null}); } }, getStroke:{ value:function (el, strokeProperties) { return el.elementModel.controller["getStroke"](el, strokeProperties); } }, /** Set stroke/border properties on an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param value: Value to be set. This is the stroke info @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated */ setStroke:{ value:function (els, value, eventType, source, currentValue) { if (eventType !== "Changing") { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if (!currentValue) { var that = this, val = value; currentValue = els.map(function (item) { return that.getStroke(item, val); }); } document.application.undoManager.add("Set stroke", this.setStroke, this, els, currentValue, eventType, source, value); } for (var i = 0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setStroke"](item, (value[i] || value), eventType, source); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"setStroke", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":"stroke", "value":value}, redraw:null}); } }, getFill:{ value:function (el, fillProperties) { return el.elementModel.controller["getFill"](el, fillProperties); } }, /** Set fill/background properties for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param value: Value to be set. This is the fill info @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated */ setFill:{ value:function (els, value, eventType, source, currentValue) { if (eventType !== "Changing") { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if (!currentValue) { var that = this, val = value; currentValue = els.map(function (item) { return that.getFill(item, val); }); } document.application.undoManager.add("Set fill", this.setFill, this, els, currentValue, eventType, source, value); } for (var i = 0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setFill"](item, (value[i] || value)); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type:"setFill", source:source, data:{"els":els, "prop":"fill", "value":value}, redraw:null}); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set 3D properties get3DProperty:{ value:function (el, prop) { return el.elementModel.controller["get3DProperty"](el, prop); } }, get3DProperties:{ value:function (el) { // var mat = this.getMatrix(el); // var dist = this.getPerspectiveDist(el); var mat = el.elementModel.controller["getMatrix"](el); var dist = el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); return {mat:mat, dist:dist}; } }, getMatrix:{ value:function (el) { return el.elementModel.controller["getMatrix"](el); } }, getPerspectiveDist:{ value:function (el) { return el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); } }, getPerspectiveMode:{ value:function (el) { return this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform-style"); } }, setMatrix:{ value:function (el, mat, isChanging, source) { var dist = el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); el.elementModel.controller["set3DProperties"](el, {mat:mat, dist:dist}, !isChanging); if (isChanging) { NJevent("elementChanging", {type:"setMatrix", source:source, data:{"els":[el], "prop":"matrix", "value":mat}, redraw:null}); } else { NJevent("elementChange", {type:"setMatrix", source:source, data:{"els":[el], "prop":"matrix", "value":mat}, redraw:null}); } } }, has3D:{ value:function (el) { var str = this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); return str && str.length; } }, reArrangeDOM:{ value:function (arrLayersDragged, dropTargetElement) { var i = 0, arrLayersDraggedLength = arrLayersDragged.length, targetParentNode, targetElement; if (arrLayersDraggedLength === 0) { // Nothing was dragged, so return. return; } // Get the target parent node (this will be the parentNode of any of the dragging items) targetParentNode = arrLayersDragged[0].parentNode; // Loop through arrLayersDragged and insertBefore the drop target element for (i = 0; i < arrLayersDraggedLength; i++) { targetParentNode.insertBefore(arrLayersDragged[i], dropTargetElement); } } } });