/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Exporting as MaterialsPopup exports.MaterialsPopup = Montage.create(Component, { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Material Properties _materialName: { enumerable: true, value: "" }, captureAction: { value:function(event) { switch(event._currentTarget.label) { case "Cancel": console.log("Cancel material edit"); break; case "OK": console.log("Committing material with the following values:"); for(var i=0, len=this.materialsProperties.childComponents.length; i< len; i++) { var childControl = this.materialsProperties.childComponents[i]; var childValue = childControl._control[childControl._prop]; if(typeof childValue === "object") { console.log(childControl.label + " is "); console.dir(childValue); } else { console.log(childControl.label + " is " + childValue); } console.log("--------------"); } break; } // Notify Materials Library to close popup NJevent("hideMaterialPopup"); } }, updatePreview: { value: function(event) { if(event.type === "propertyChanging") { this._handlePropertyChanging(event); } else { this._handlePropertyChange(event); } } }, _handlePropertyChanging: { value: function(event) { if(typeof event.propertyValue === "object") { console.log(event.propertyLabel + " changing to "); console.dir(event.propertyValue); } else { console.log(event.propertyLabel + " changing to " + event.propertyValue); } if (event.propertyLabel && event.propertyValue) this.applyProperty( event.propertyLabel, event.propertyValue ); } }, _handlePropertyChange: { value: function(event) { if(typeof event.propertyValue === "object") { console.log(event.propertyLabel + " changed to "); console.dir(event.propertyValue); } else { console.log(event.propertyLabel + " changed to " + event.propertyValue); } if (event.propertyLabel) this.applyProperty( event.propertyLabel, event.propertyValue ); } }, applyProperty: { value: function( propLabel, propValue) { // find the property lable in the array // This assumes no duplication in labels if (this._propLabels) { // the label cones through with a trailing ':'. remove that var ch = propLabel[ propLabel.length - 1]; if (ch == ':') propLabel = propLabel.substr(0, propLabel.length - 1); var index; var nProps = this._propLabels.length; for (var i=0; i<nProps; i++) { if (this._propLabels[i] == propLabel) { index = i; break; } } if ((index != null) && this._material) { var value = this.decodeValue( this._propTypes[index], propValue ); this._material.setProperty( this._propNames[index], value ); } } } }, decodeValue: { value: function( type, value ) { var rtnValue; switch (type) { case "color": rtnValue = [ value['r']/255.0, value['g']/255.0, value['b']/255.0, value['a'] ]; break; case "vector2d": case "vector3d": rtnValue = []; for (var i in value) rtnValue.push( value[i] ); break; case "float": rtnValue = value; break; case "file": if (value && (value.length > 0)) { var index = value.lastIndexOf( "/" ); if (index < 0) index = value.lastIndexOf( "\\" ); if (index >= 0) value = value.substr( index+1 ); value = "assets\\images\\" + value; rtnValue = value.slice(0); } break; case "checkbox": rtnValue = value; break; default: console.log( "unrecognized material control type: " + type ); break; } return rtnValue; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // prepareForDraw: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.cancelButton.addEventListener("action", this, true); this.okButton.addEventListener("action", this, true); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // didDraw: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.materialTitle.innerHTML = this._materialName; } }, //Garbage collection (Manual method) destroy: { enumerable: false, value: function() { // add cleanup routines here } }, loadMaterials: { enumerable: true, value: function(materialID) { // Note that setting Array.length = 0 will empty arrays, // which is fine if you use getMaterialData to get a new array, but not for the // dummyData arrays. this._materialsData.length = 0; this._materialName = materialID; if( (materialID === "UberMaterial") || (materialID === "FlatMaterial") || (materialID === "BumpMetalMaterial") || (materialID === "LinearGradientMaterial") || (materialID === "RadialGradientMaterial") ) { var material = MaterialsModel.getMaterial( materialID ); if (material) { this._material = material; var matData = this.getMaterialData( material ); this.materialsData = matData; } } else { this.materialsData = this._dummyData1; } this.needsDraw = true; } }, getMaterialData: { value: function( material ) { // declare the array to hold the results var rtnArray = []; var propNames = [], propValues = [], propTypes = [], propLabels = []; this._propNames = propNames; this._propValues = propValues; this._propTypes = propTypes; this._propLabels = propLabels; material.getAllProperties( propNames, propValues, propTypes, propLabels); var n = propNames.length; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) { var obj; switch (propTypes[i]) { case "color": obj = this.createColorData( propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; case "vector2d": obj = this.createVectorData( 2, propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; case "vector3d": obj = this.createVectorData( 3, propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; case "float": obj = this.createFloatData( propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; case "file": obj = this.createFileData( propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; case "checkbox": obj = this.createCheckboxData( propLabels[i], propValues[i] ); break; default: console.log( "unrecognized material control type: " + propType[i] ); break; } if (obj) { rtnArray.push( obj ); obj = null; } } return rtnArray; } }, createColorData: { value: function( label, color ) { var css = 'rgba(' + color[0]*255 + ',' + color[1]*255 + ',' + color[2]*255 + ',' + color[3] + ')'; var colorObj = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(css) var obj = { "label": label, "description": "a color", "controlType": "ColorChip", "defaults": { "color": colorObj } }; return obj; } }, createFloatData: { value: function( label, value ) { var obj = { "label": label, "description": "floating point value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 128, "decimalPlace": 100, "value": value } } return obj; } }, createCheckboxData: { value: function( label, value ) { var obj = { "label": label, "description": "checkbox", "controlType": "Button", "defaults": { "isToggleButton": true, "value": value } } return obj; } }, createFileData: { value: function( label, value ) { var obj = { "label": label, "description": "Image file", "controlType": "FileInput", "defaults": { "filePath": value } }; return obj; } }, createVectorData: { value: function( dimen, label, value ) { var obj = { "label": label, "description": "a vector", "controlType": "InputGroup", "defaults": { data:[ { "label": "X", "description": "X value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "decimalPlace": 100, "minValue": -10, "maxValue": 10, "value": value[0] } }, { "label": "Y", "description": "Y value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "decimalPlace": 100, "minValue": -100, "maxValue": 100, "value": value[1] } } ] } } if (dimen > 2) { obj["defaults"]["data"][2] = { "label": "Z", "description": "Z value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": -1.e8, "maxValue": 1.e8, "value": value[2] } } } return obj; } }, _dummyData1: { value: [ { "label": "Texture1", "description": "Texture1 value", "controlType": "FileInput", "defaults": { "filePath": "http://localhost/" } }, { "label": "Diffuse", "description": "Diffuse value", "controlType": "ColorChip", "defaults": { } }, { "label": "Specular", "description": "Specular value", "controlType": "Button", "defaults": { "isToggleButton": true } }, { "label": "Shininess", "description": "Shininess value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 128, "decimalPlace": 100 } }, { "label": "RGB", "description": "RGB value", "controlType": "InputGroup", "defaults": { data:[ { "label": "R", "description": "R value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 255, "value": 255 } }, { "label": "G", "description": "G value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 255 } }, { "label": "B", "description": "B value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 255 } } ] } }, { "label": "XYZ", "description": "XYZ value", "controlType": "InputGroup", "defaults": { data:[ { "label": "X", "description": "X value", "controlType": "TextField", "defaults": { "text": "0" } }, { "label": "Y", "description": "Y value", "controlType": "TextField", "defaults": { "text": "0" } }, { "label": "Z", "description": "Z value", "controlType": "TextField", "defaults": { "text": "1" } } ] } }, { "label": "Foo", "description": "Foo value", "controlType": "Slider", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 100, "value": 50, "allowTrackClick": true } }, { "label": "Bar", "description": "Bar value", "controlType": "HotTextUnit", "defaults": { "acceptableUnits": ["%"], "value": 50, "units": "%" } } ] }, _dummyData2: { value: [ { "label": "Diffuse", "description": "Diffuse value", "controlType": "ColorChip", "defaults": { } }, { "label": "Ambient", "description": "Ambient value", "controlType": "ColorChip", "defaults": { } }, { "label": "Specular", "description": "Specular value", "controlType": "ColorChip", "defaults": { } }, { "label": "Shininess", "description": "Shininess value", "controlType": "HotText", "defaults": { "minValue": 0, "maxValue": 128 } } ] }, _materialsData: { enumerable: true, serializable: true, value: [] }, materialsData: { enumerable: true, serializable: true, get: function() { return this._materialsData; }, set: function(data) { this._materialsData = data; if(this.materialsProperties) { this.materialsProperties.needsDraw = true; } } } });