/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var Collapser = require("js/panels/Timeline/Collapser").Collapser; var Hintable = require("js/components/hintable.reel").Hintable; var LayerStyle = require("js/panels/Timeline/Style.reel").LayerStyle; var DynamicText = require("montage/ui/dynamic-text.reel").DynamicText; var defaultEventManager = require("montage/core/event/event-manager").defaultEventManager; var nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; var Layer = exports.Layer = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value: true }, /* Begin: Models */ /* Main collapser model: the main collapser for the layer */ _mainCollapser : { value: false }, mainCollapser: { get: function() { return this._mainCollapser; }, set: function(newVal) { this._mainCollapser = newVal; } }, /* Style models: the array of styles, and the repetition that uses them */ _arrLayerStyles : { serializable: true, enumerable: true, value: [] }, arrLayerStyles : { serializable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._arrLayerStyles; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrLayerStyles = newVal; } }, _styleRepetition : { value: false }, styleRepetition : { get: function() { return this._styleRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._styleRepetition = newVal; } }, _styleCounter : { value: 0 }, /* Layer models: the name, ID, and selected and animation booleans for the layer */ _layerName:{ serializable: true, value:null, writable:true, enumerable:true }, layerName:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._layerName; }, set:function(newVal){ if (newVal !== this._layerName) { this._layerEditable.value = newVal; this._layerName = newVal; //this._layerEditable.needsDraw = true; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _layerID:{ value:null, writable:true, serializable: true, enumerable:true }, layerID:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._layerID; }, set:function(value){ this._layerID = value; } }, /* Position and Transform hottext values */ _dtextPositionX : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextPositionX:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextPositionX; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextPositionX !== value) { this._dtextPositionX = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextPositionY : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextPositionY:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextPositionY; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextPositionY !== value) { this._dtextPositionY = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextScaleX : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextScaleX:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextScaleX; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextScaleX !== value) { this._dtextScaleX = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextScaleY : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextScaleY:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextScaleY; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextScaleY !== value) { this._dtextScaleY = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextSkewX : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextSkewX:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextSkewX; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextSkewX !== value) { this._dtextSkewX = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextSkewY : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextSkewY:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextSkewY; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextSkewY !== value) { this._dtextSkewY = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _dtextRotate : { value:null, serializable: true }, dtextRotate:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._dtextRotate; }, set:function(value){ if (this._dtextRotate !== value) { this._dtextRotate = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /* isSelected: whether or not the layer is currently selected. */ _isSelected:{ value: false, writable: true, serializable: true, enumerable: false }, isSelected:{ get:function(){ return this._isSelected; }, set:function(value){ if (value !== this._isSelected) { // Only concerned about different values if (value === false) { // If changing from false to true, we need to deselect any associated styles this.selectStyle(false); } this._isSelected = value; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /* isActive: Whether or not the user is actively clicking within the layer; used to communicate state with * TimelinePanel. */ _isActive: { value: false }, isActive: { get: function() { return this._isActive; }, set: function(newVal) { this._isActive = newVal; } }, _isAnimated:{ value: false, writable: true, enumerable: false }, isAnimated:{ get:function(){ return this._isAnimated; }, set:function(value){ this._isAnimated = value; } }, _justAdded: { value: false }, _layerEditable : { value: false }, // Are the various collapsers collapsed or not _isMainCollapsed : { serializable: true, value: true }, isMainCollapsed : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._isMainCollapsed; }, set: function(newVal) { this.log('layer.js: isMainCollapsed: ' + newVal); if (newVal !== this._isMainCollapsed) { this._isMainCollapsed = newVal; } } }, _isTransformCollapsed : { serializable: true, value: true }, isTransformCollapsed : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._isTransformCollapsed; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._isTransformCollapsed) { this._isTransformCollapsed = newVal; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _isPositionCollapsed : { serializable: true, value: true }, isPositionCollapsed : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._isPositionCollapsed; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._isPositionCollapsed) { this._isPositionCollapsed = newVal; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _isStyleCollapsed : { serializable: true, value: true }, isStyleCollapsed : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._isStyleCollapsed; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._isStyleCollapsed) { this._isStyleCollapsed = newVal; //this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _bypassAnimation : { serializable: true, value: false }, bypassAnimation : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._bypassAnimation; }, set: function(newVal) { //console.log("layer.js _bypassAnimation setter " + newVal) this._bypassAnimation = newVal; } }, _layerData:{ serializable:true, value:{} }, layerData:{ serializable:true, get:function(){ return this._layerData; }, set:function(val){ this._layerData = val; if(this._layerData){ this.setData(); } } }, setData:{ value:function(){ this.layerName = this.layerData.layerName; this.layerID = this.layerData.layerID; this.arrLayerStyles = this.layerData.arrLayerStyles; this.isMainCollapsed = this.layerData.isMainCollapsed; this.isPositionCollapsed = this.layerData.isPositionCollapsed; this.isTransformCollapsed = this.layerData.isTransformCollapsed; this.isSelected = this.layerData.isSelected; this.isActive = this.layerData.isActive; this.isStyleCollapsed = this.layerData.isStyleCollapsed; this.bypassAnimation = this.layerData.bypassAnimation; this.dtextPositionX = this.layerData.dtextPositionX; this.dtextPositionY = this.layerData.dtextPositionY; this.dtextSkewX = this.layerData.dtextSkewX; this.dtextSkewY = this.layerData.dtextSkewY; this.dtextScaleX = this.layerData.dtextScaleX; this.dtextScaleY = this.layerData.dtextScaleY; this.dtextRotate = this.layerData.dtextRotate; this.needsDraw = true; } }, /* END: Models */ /* Begin: Draw cycle */ prepareForDraw: { value: function() { // Initialize myself this.init(); var that = this; // Make it editable! this._layerEditable = Hintable.create(); this._layerEditable.element = this.titleSelector; this.titleSelector.identifier = "selectorEditable"; this.titleSelector.addEventListener("click", this, false); this._layerEditable.addEventListener("blur", function(event) { that.handleSelectorEditableBlur(event); }, false); this._layerEditable.addEventListener("change", function(event) { that.dynamicLayerName.value = that._layerEditable.value; that.needsDraw = true; }, false); this._layerEditable.editingClass = "editable2"; this._layerEditable.value = this.layerName; this._layerEditable.needsDraw = true; this.mainCollapser.clicker.addEventListener("click", this.handleMainCollapserClick.bind(this), false); this.positionCollapser.clicker.addEventListener("click", this.handlePositionCollapserClick.bind(this), false); this.transformCollapser.clicker.addEventListener("click", this.handleTransformCollapserClick.bind(this), false); this.styleCollapser.clicker.addEventListener("click", this.handleStyleCollapserClick.bind(this), false); // Add event listeners to add and delete style buttons this.buttonAddStyle.identifier = "addStyle"; this.buttonAddStyle.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.buttonDeleteStyle.identifier = "deleteStyle"; this.buttonDeleteStyle.addEventListener("click", this, false); // Add mousedown listener to set isActive this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false); this.element.addEventListener("click", this, false); } }, draw: { value: function() { if (this.isSelected) { this.element.classList.add("selected"); } else { this.element.classList.remove("selected"); } } }, /* End: Draw cycle */ /* Begin: Controllers */ // Initialize a just-created layer with some basic defaults and needed selectors. init: { value: function() { // Default some vars //this.arrLayerStyles = []; // Get some selectors. this.label = this.element.querySelector(".label-layer"); this.titleSelector = this.label.querySelector(".collapsible-label"); this.buttonAddStyle = this.element.querySelector(".button-add"); this.buttonDeleteStyle = this.element.querySelector(".button-delete"); } }, selectLayer:{ value:function(){ // this.mainCollapser.header.classList.add("layerSelected"); this.element.classList.add("layerSelected"); this.isSelected = true; } }, deselectLayer:{ value:function(){ // this.mainCollapser.header.classList.remove("layerSelected"); this.element.classList.remove("layerSelected"); this.isSelected = false; } }, addStyle : { value: function() { // Add a new style rule. It should be added above the currently selected rule, // Or at the end, if no rule is selected. var newLength = 0, mySelection = 0, // newStyle = LayerStyle.create(), newStyle = {}, newEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); this.isStyleCollapsed = false; newEvent.initCustomEvent("layerEvent", false, true); newEvent.layerEventLocale = "styles"; newEvent.layerEventType = "newStyle"; newEvent.layerID = this.layerID; newEvent.styleID = this.layerID + "@" + this._styleCounter; newStyle.styleID = newEvent.styleID; newStyle.whichView = "hintable"; newStyle.editorProperty = ""; newStyle.editorValue = ""; newStyle.ruleTweener = false; newStyle.isSelected = false; if (!!this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes) { mySelection = this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; this.arrLayerStyles.splice(mySelection, 0, newStyle); //this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes = [mySelection]; this.selectStyle(mySelection); } else { newLength = this.arrLayerStyles.length; this.arrLayerStyles.push(newStyle); mySelection = this.arrLayerStyles.length; // this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes = [mySelection-1]; this.selectStyle(mySelection-1); } // Set up the event info and dispatch the event newEvent.styleSelection = mySelection; //defaultEventManager.dispatchEvent(newEvent); } }, deleteStyle : { value: function() { var newEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"), selectedIndex = 0; if (this.arrLayerStyles.length > 0) { if (!!this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes) { selectedIndex = this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; // Set up the event info and dispatch the event newEvent.initCustomEvent("layerEvent", false, true); newEvent.layerEventLocale = "styles"; newEvent.layerEventType = "deleteStyle"; newEvent.layerID = this.layerID; newEvent.styleID = this.arrLayerStyles[selectedIndex].styleID; newEvent.styleSelection = selectedIndex; //defaultEventManager.dispatchEvent(newEvent); // Delete the style from the view this.arrLayerStyles.splice(selectedIndex, 1); // Was that the last style? if (this.arrLayerStyles.length === 0) { this.buttonDeleteStyle.classList.add("disabled"); } } } } }, selectStyle : { value: function(styleIndex) { // Select a style based on its index. // use layerIndex = false to deselect all styles. var i = 0, arrLayerStylesLength = this.arrLayerStyles.length; // First, update this.arrStyles[].isSelected for (i = 0; i < arrLayerStylesLength; i++) { if (i === styleIndex) { this.arrLayerStyles[i].isSelected = true; } else { this.arrLayerStyles[i].isSelected = false; } } // Next, update this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes. if (styleIndex !== false) { this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes = [styleIndex]; this.buttonDeleteStyle.classList.remove("disabled"); } else { this.styleRepetition.selectedIndexes = null; if (typeof(this.buttonDeleteStyle) !== "undefined") { this.buttonDeleteStyle.classList.add("disabled"); } } } }, getActiveStyleIndex : { value: function() { // Searches through the styles and looks for one that has // set its isActive flag to true. var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayerStylesLength = this.arrLayerStyles.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLayerStylesLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayerStyles[i].isActive === true) { returnVal = i; this.arrLayerStyles[i].isActive = false; } } return returnVal; } }, /* End: Controllers */ /* Begin: Event handlers */ handleAddStyleClick: { value: function(event) { this.addStyle(); } }, handleDeleteStyleClick: { value: function(event) { this.deleteStyle(); } }, handleSelectorEditableClick: { value: function(event) { } }, handleSelectorEditableBlur : { value: function(event) { this.titleSelector.scrollLeft = 0; } }, handleSelectorEditableChange: { value: function(event) { this.layerName = this.dynamicLayerName.value; this.needsDraw = true; } }, handleMousedown: { value: function(event) { this.layerData.isActive = true; var ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, ".content-style"); if (ptrParent !== false) { this.selectStyle(this.getActiveStyleIndex()); } } }, handleLayerClick : { value: function(event) { var ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, ".content-style"); if (ptrParent !== false) { var myIndex = this.getActiveStyleIndex(); this.selectStyle(myIndex); } } }, handleMainCollapserClick : { value: function(event) { this.mainCollapser.bypassAnimation = false; this.bypassAnimation = false; if (this.isMainCollapsed) { this.isMainCollapsed = false; } else { this.isMainCollapsed = true; } } }, handlePositionCollapserClick : { value: function(event) { this.positionCollapser.bypassAnimation = false; this.bypassAnimation = false; if (this.isPositionCollapsed) { this.isPositionCollapsed = false; } else { this.isPositionCollapsed = true; } } }, handleTransformCollapserClick : { value: function(event) { this.transformCollapser.bypassAnimation = false; this.bypassAnimation = false; if (this.isTransformCollapsed) { this.isTransformCollapsed = false; } else { this.isTransformCollapsed = true; } } }, handleStyleCollapserClick : { value: function(event) { this.styleCollapser.bypassAnimation = false; this.bypassAnimation = false; if (this.isStyleCollapsed) { this.isStyleCollapsed = false; } else { this.isStyleCollapsed = true; } } }, /* End: Event handlers */ /* Begin: Logging routines */ _boolDebug: { enumerable: false, value: false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug: { get: function() { return this._boolDebug; }, set: function(boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log: { value: function(strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber: { value: function() { try { throw new Error('bazinga') }catch(e){ return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* End: Logging routines */ });