/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ /* * Style component: Edits and manages a single style rule for a Layer in the Timeline. * Public Properties: * editorProperty: The CSS property for the style. * editorValue: The value for the editorProperty. * whichView: Which view to show, the hintable view (where a new property can be typed in) * or the propval view (where the property's value can be set with the tweener). * Valid values are "hintable" and "propval", defaults to "hintable". * */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var ElementsMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator var LayerStyle = exports.LayerStyle = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value: true }, /* === BEGIN: Models === */ // isSelected: whether or not the style is selected _isSelected: { value: false }, isSelected: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._isSelected; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._isSelected) { this._isSelected = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /* isActive: Whether or not the user is actively clicking within the style; used to communicate state with * parent Layer. */ _isActive: { value: false }, isActive: { get: function() { return this._isActive; }, set: function(newVal) { this._isActive = newVal; } }, // Property for this editor _editorProperty: { value: "" }, editorProperty: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._editorProperty; }, set: function(newVal) { this._editorProperty = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; } }, // Value for the property for this editor. _editorValue: { value: "" }, editorValue: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._editorValue; }, set: function(newVal) { this._editorValue = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; } }, // The tweener used to change the value for this property. _ruleTweener: { value: false }, ruleTweener: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._ruleTweener; }, set: function(newVal) { this._ruleTweener = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; } }, // The hintable we use to change the Property _myHintable: { value: "" }, myHintable: { get: function() { return this._myHintable; }, set: function(newVal) { this._myHintable = newVal; } }, _myHintableValue : { value: null }, myHintableValue: { get: function() { return this._myHintableValue; }, set: function(newVal) { this._myHintableValue = newVal; } }, // swapViews: Is a view swap happening? _swapViews : { value: true }, // whichView: which view should we show: hintable or propval _whichView : { value: "hintable" }, whichView: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._whichView; }, set: function(newVal) { if (this._whichView !== newVal) { if ((newVal !== "hintable") && (newVal !== "propval")) { this.log("Error: Unknown view -"+newVal+"- requested for style.js."); return; } this._whichView = newVal; this._swapViews = true; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, // styleID: the id for this style; // Used to publish events _styleID : { value: null }, styleID: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._styleID; }, set: function(newVal) { this._styleID = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; } }, addedColorChips: { value: false }, _colorelement: { writable:true }, colorelement: { enumerable: true, get: function () { return this._colorelement; }, set: function (value) { if (value !== this._colorelement) { this._colorelement = value; } } }, _fill: { enumerable: false, value: { colorMode: 'rgb', color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1, css: 'rgb(255,255,255)', mode: 'rgb', wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change' }, webGlColor: [1, 1, 1, 1] } }, fill: { enumerable: true, get: function () { return this._fill; }, set: function (value) { if (value !== this._fill) { this._fill = value; } } }, handleMousedown: { value: function(event) { this.isActive = true; } }, /* === END: Models === */ /* === BEGIN : Draw cycle === */ prepareForDraw: { value: function() { this.init(); } }, draw: { value: function() { if (this._swapViews === true) { // Show the right thing this._showView(); } if (this.isSelected) { this.element.classList.add("style-selected"); } else { this.element.classList.remove("style-selected"); } } }, didDraw: { value: function() { if (this._swapViews === true) { // View swap has been completed. this._swapViews === false; } } }, /* === END: Draw cycle === */ /* === BEGIN: controllers === */ // handleStylePropertyDblClick: What happens when the user double-clicks on the style property handleStylePropertyDblclick: { value: function(event) { this.whichView = "hintable"; } }, // handleHintableStop: What happens when the hintable issues its stop event handleHintableStop: { value: function(event) { // this should be handled via binding, but somehow is not. Setting manually for now. this.editorProperty = this.myHintable.value; // Change views. this.whichView = "propval"; } }, // Init: Initialize the component with some useful selectors and other defaults. init : { value: function() { var arrHints = [], i = 0; // Get the array of hints from _myTweenables: for (i = 0; i < this._myTweenables.length; i++) { arrHints.push(this._myTweenables[i].property) } // Set useful information for the hintable this.myHintable.editingClass = "editable2"; this.myHintable.hints = arrHints; // Bind a handler to the Hintable's change event this.myHintable.identifier = "hintable"; this.myHintable.addEventListener("stop", this, false); // Add the click handler to the styleProperty: When the user double-clicks on it, we want to start the editor. this.styleProperty.identifier = "styleProperty"; this.styleProperty.addEventListener("dblclick", this, false); // Get some selectors that we'll be using this.editorHottextContainer = this.element.querySelector(".editor-hottext"); this.editorInputContainer = this.element.querySelector(".editor-input"); this.editorColorContainer = this.element.querySelector(".editor-color"); this.containerHintable = this.element.querySelector(".row-hintable"); this.containerPropvals = this.element.querySelector(".container-propvals"); this.valueEditorInput = this.element.querySelector(".editor-input input"); // mousedown listener to handle this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false); } }, // showView: Show the appropriate view _showView : { value: function() { if (this.whichView === "hintable") { this.containerHintable.classList.remove("hidden"); this.containerPropvals.classList.add("hidden"); this.myHintable.start(); } else { this.containerHintable.classList.add("hidden"); this.containerPropvals.classList.remove("hidden"); this._showTweener(); } } }, // showTweener: show the appropriate tweener _showTweener : { value: function() { // Which tweener should we show? // First, get the appropriate editor type from the data structure. var tweenable = {}, i = 0; if (this.ruleTweener === true) { return; } else { this.ruleTweener = true; } tweenable.tweener = "input"; for (i = 0; i < this._myTweenables.length; i++) { if (this._myTweenables[i].property === this.editorProperty) { tweenable = this._myTweenables[i]; } } if (tweenable.tweener === "hottext" ) { this.editorInputContainer.classList.add("hidden"); this.editorColorContainer.classList.add("hidden"); this.editorHottextContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); this.valueEditorHottext.acceptableUnits = [tweenable.units]; this.valueEditorHottext.units = tweenable.units; this.valueEditorHottext.minValue = tweenable.min; this.valueEditorHottext.maxValue = tweenable.max; this.valueEditorHottext.identifier="hottext"; el = this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement; this.editorValue = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, this.editorProperty)); this.valueEditorHottext.value = this.editorValue this.valueEditorHottext.addEventListener("change",this,false); this.valueEditorHottext.addEventListener("changing",this,false); this.valueEditorHottext.needsDraw = true; } else if (tweenable.tweener === "color" ) { this.editorInputContainer.classList.add("hidden"); this.editorColorContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); this.editorHottextContainer.classList.add("hidden"); if(tweenable.colorType === "fill"){ this._isFill = true; }else{ if(tweenable.colorType === "stroke"){ this._isFill = false; this._borderSide = tweenable.strokePosition } } if (this.addedColorChips === false && this.application.ninja.colorController.colorPanelDrawn) { // setup fill color this._fillColorCtrl.props = { side: 'top', align: 'center', wheel: true, palette: true, gradient: false, image: false, nocolor: true, offset: -80 }; this.application.ninja.colorController.addButton("chip", this._fillColorCtrl); this.colorelement = this._fillColorCtrl; var currentValue = ElementsMediator.getColor(this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement,this._isFill,this._borderSide) this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle = this.editorProperty; this._fillColorCtrl.addEventListener("change", this.handleFillColorChange.bind(this), false); this._fillColorCtrl.color(currentValue.colorMode, currentValue.color); this.addedColorChips = true; } // TODO: set up color chip here. } else if (tweenable.tweener === "input"){ this.editorInputContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); this.editorColorContainer.classList.add("hidden"); this.editorHottextContainer.classList.add("hidden"); this.valueEditorInput.value = this.editorValue; this.valueEditorInput.addEventListener("blur",this,false); } else { this.log("Warning: unknown tweenable -"+tweenable.tweener+"- specified in style.js.") } } }, /* === END: Controllers === */ _myTweenables: { value: [ { "property" : "background-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "min" : "", "max" : "", "default" :"#FFFFFF", "colorType" :"fill" }, { "property" : "background-position-x", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "background-position-y", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "min" : "", "max" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF", "colorType" : "stroke", "strokePosition" : false }, { "property" : "border-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-bottom-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF", "colorType" : "stroke", "strokePosition" : "bottom" }, { "property" : "border-bottom-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-left-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF", "colorType" : "stroke", "strokePosition" : "left" }, { "property" : "border-left-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-top-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF", "colorType" : "stroke", "strokePosition" : "top" }, { "property" : "border-top-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-right-color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF", "colorType" : "stroke", "strokePosition" : "right" }, { "property" : "border-right-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "border-radius", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "bottom", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "color", "tweener" : "color", "units" : "", "default" : "#FFFFFF" }, { "property" : "margin", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "margin-left", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "margin-right", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "margin-top", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "margin-bottom", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "padding", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "padding-left", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "padding-right", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "padding-top", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "padding-bottom", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "max-height", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "max-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "min-height", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "min-width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "opacity", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "", "min" : 0, "max" : 100, "default" : 100 }, { "property" : "text-indent", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "top", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "right", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "left", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : -9999, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "width", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 }, { "property" : "height", "tweener" : "hottext", "units" : "px", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999, "default" : 0 } ] }, handleFillColorChange: { value: function (event) { if(this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle === "color" ||this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle === this.editorProperty){ var fillColorObject={}; fillColorObject.color=event._event.color; fillColorObject.mode=event._event.colorMode; ElementsMediator.setColor([this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement], fillColorObject, this._isFill, "Change", "timeline",null,this._borderSide) } } }, handleHottextChange:{ value:function(event){ if(this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle === this.editorProperty){ this.application.ninja.elementMediator.setProperty([this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement], this.editorProperty, [this.editorValue + event.target._units] , "Change", "timeline"); } } }, handleHottextChanging:{ value:function(event){ if(this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle === this.editorProperty){ this.application.ninja.elementMediator.setProperty([this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement], this.editorProperty, [this.editorValue + event.target._units] , "Changing", "timeline"); } } }, handleBlur:{ value:function(event){ if(this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedStyle === this.editorProperty){ this.application.ninja.elementMediator.setProperty([this.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.parentComponent.layerData.stageElement], this.editorProperty, [event.target.value] , "Change", "timeline"); } } }, /* Begin: Logging routines */ _boolDebug: { enumerable: false, value: false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug: { get: function() { return this._boolDebug; }, set: function(boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log: { value: function(strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber: { value: function() { try { throw new Error('bazinga') }catch(e){ return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* End: Logging routines */ });