/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Motorola Mobility LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var Collapser = require("js/panels/Timeline/Collapser").Collapser; var defaultEventManager = require("montage/core/event/event-manager").defaultEventManager; var TimelineTrack = exports.TimelineTrack = Montage.create(Component, { _trackID:{ value:null }, trackID:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackID; }, set:function (value) { if (value !== this._trackID) { this._trackID = value; this.trackData.layerID = value; } } }, _tween:{ value:[] }, tween:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._tween; }, set:function (newVal) { this._tween = newVal; } }, positionPropertyTrack:{ value:null }, _isFirstDraw: { value: true }, _isVisible:{ value: true }, isVisible:{ get:function(){ return this._isVisible; }, set:function(value){ if (this._isVisible !== value) { this._isVisible = value; if (this.element !== null) { if (value === true) { this.element.classList.remove("layer-hidden"); } else { this.element.classList.add("layer-hidden"); } } } this.trackData.isVisible = value; } }, _stageElement: { value: null }, stageElement: { get: function() { return this._stageElement; }, set: function(newVal) { this._stageElement = newVal; this.trackData.stageElement = newVal; } }, // Are the various collapsers collapsed or not _isMainCollapsed:{ value: true }, isMainCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isMainCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isMainCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isMainCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isTransformCollapsed:{ value:true }, isTransformCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isTransformCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isTransformCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isTransformCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isPositionCollapsed:{ value:true }, isPositionCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isPositionCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isPositionCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isPositionCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isStyleCollapsed:{ value:true }, isStyleCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isStyleCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isStyleCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isStyleCollapsed = newVal; } }, _bypassAnimation : { value: false }, bypassAnimation : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._bypassAnimation; }, set: function(newVal) { if (typeof(this.trackData) !== "undefined") { this._bypassAnimation = newVal; this.trackData.bypassAnimation = newVal; } } }, _arrStyleTracks : { value: [] }, arrStyleTracks: { serializable:true, get: function() { return this._arrStyleTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrStyleTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrStyleTracks = newVal; } }, _styleTracksRepetition: { value: null }, styleTracksRepetition : { serializable:true, get: function() { return this._styleTracksRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._styleTracksRepetition = newVal; } }, /* Position Property Tracks */ _arrPositionTracks : { value: [] }, arrPositionTracks: { serializable:true, get: function() { return this._arrPositionTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrPositionTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrPositionTracks = newVal; } }, _positionTracksRepetition: { value: null }, positionTracksRepetition : { get: function() { return this._positionTracksRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._positionTracksRepetition = newVal; } }, /* Transform Property Tracks */ _arrTransformTracks : { value: [] }, arrTransformTracks: { serializable:true, get: function() { return this._arrTransformTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrTransformTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrTransformTracks = newVal; } }, _tweens:{ value:[] }, tweens:{ serializable: true, get:function () { return this._tweens; }, set:function (newVal) { this._tweens = newVal; this.trackData.tweens = newVal; } }, _tweenRepetition:{ value:null }, tweenRepetition:{ get:function () { return this._tweenRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._tweenRepetition = newVal; } }, _trackDuration:{ value:0 }, trackDuration:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackDuration; }, set:function (val) { this._trackDuration = val; if(this._trackDuration > this.application.ninja.timeline.masterDuration){ this.application.ninja.timeline.masterDuration = this._trackDuration; } this.trackData.trackDuration = val; } }, _trackPosition:{ value:0 }, trackPosition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackPosition; }, set:function (val) { this._trackPosition = val; this.trackData.trackPosition = val; } }, _currentKeyframeRule:{ value:null }, currentKeyframeRule:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._currentKeyframeRule; }, set:function(val){ this._currentKeyframeRule = val; this.trackData.currentKeyframeRule = val; } }, nextKeyframe:{ value:1 }, currentMillisecClicked:{ value:0 }, _isTrackAnimated:{ value:null }, isTrackAnimated:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._isTrackAnimated; }, set:function(val){ this._isTrackAnimated = val; this.trackData.isTrackAnimated = val; } }, // should be unneeded with one element per layer restriction _animatedElement:{ value:null }, animatedElement:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._animatedElement; }, set:function (val) { this._animatedElement = val; this.trackData.animatedElement = val; } }, _animationName:{ value:null }, animationName:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._animationName; }, set:function (val) { this._animationName = val; this.trackData.animationName = val; } }, _ruleList:{ value:[] }, ruleList:{ get:function () { return this._ruleList; }, set:function (val) { this._ruleList = val; } }, animationNamesString:{ value:"" }, ninjaStylesContoller:{ value:null }, _positionCollapser:{ value:null }, positionCollapser:{ serializable:true, get:function(){ return this._positionCollapser; }, set:function(val){ this._positionCollapser = val; } }, _mainCollapser:{ value:null }, mainCollapser:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._mainCollapser; }, set:function (val) { this._mainCollapser = val; } }, _transformCollapser:{ value:null }, transformCollapser:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._transformCollapser; }, set:function (val) { this._transformCollapser = val; } }, _styleCollapser:{ value:null }, styleCollapser:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._styleCollapser; }, set:function (val) { this._styleCollapser = val; } }, // Drag and Drop properties _dragAndDropHelper : { value: false }, _dragAndDropHelperCoords: { value: false }, dragAndDropHelperCoords: { get: function() { return this._dragAndDropHelperCoords; }, set: function(newVal) { this._dragAndDropHelperCoords = newVal; } }, _draggingIndex: { value: false }, draggingIndex: { get: function() { return this._draggingIndex; }, set: function(newVal) { this._draggingIndex = newVal; } }, _dragAndDropHelperOffset : { value: false }, _appendHelper: { value: false }, _deleteHelper: { value: false }, _trackData:{ value: false }, trackData:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._trackData; }, set:function(val){ this._trackData = val; if(this._trackData){ this.setData(); } } }, _setDataTimestamp : { value: false }, setData:{ value:function(){ if (typeof(this.trackData) === "undefined") { return; } this.bypassAnimation = this.trackData.bypassAnimation; this.trackID = this.trackData.layerID; this.tweens = this.trackData.tweens; this.arrPositionTracks = this.trackData.arrPositionTracks; this.animatedElement = this.trackData.animatedElement; this.arrStyleTracks = this.trackData.arrStyleTracks; this.isTrackAnimated = this.trackData.isTrackAnimated; this.trackDuration = this.trackData.trackDuration; this.animationName = this.trackData.animationName; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.trackData.currentKeyframeRule; this.isMainCollapsed = this.trackData.isMainCollapsed; this.isPositionCollapsed = this.trackData.isPositionCollapsed; this.isTransformCollapsed = this.trackData.isTransformCollapsed; this.isStyleCollapsed = this.trackData.isStyleCollapsed; this.trackPosition = this.trackData.trackPosition; this.isVisible = this.trackData.isVisible; this.stageElement = this.trackData.stageElement; this.trackEditorProperty = "master"; this.needsDraw = true; } }, createTrackData: { value: function() { tempData = {}; tempData.bypassAnimation = this.bypassAnimation; tempData.trackID = this.layerID; tempData.tweens = this.tweens; tempData.animatedElement = this.animatedElement; tempData.arrStyleTracks = this.arrStyleTracks; tempData.arrPositionTracks = this.arrPositionTracks; tempData.isTrackAnimated = this.isTrackAnimated; tempData.trackDuration = this.trackDuration; tempData.animationName = this.animationName; tempData.currentKeyframeRule = this.currentKeyframeRule; tempData.isMainCollapsed = this.isMainCollapsed; tempData.isPositionCollapsed = this.isPositionCollapsed; tempData.isTransformCollapsed = this.isTransformCollapsed; tempData.isStyleCollapsed = this.isStyleCollapsed; tempData.trackPosition = this.trackPosition; tempData.isVisible = this.isVisible; this.trackData = tempData; } }, // Data binding observation point and trigger method _bindingPoint : { value : {} }, bindingPoint: { get: function() { return this._bindingPoint; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._bindingPoint) { this._bindingPoint = newVal; this.setData(); } } }, triggerOutgoingBinding : { value: function() { this.trackData.triggerBinding = !this.trackData.triggerBinding; } }, prepareForDraw:{ value:function () { this.init(); this.ninjaStylesContoller = this.application.ninja.stylesController; this.element.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("tlZoomSlider", this, false); // Drag and Drop event handlers //this.element.addEventListener("dragover", this.handleKeyframeDragover.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("dragstart", this.handleKeyframeDragstart.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("dragend", this.handleKeyframeDragend.bind(this), false); //this.element.addEventListener("drop", this.handleKeyframeDrop.bind(this), false); } }, draw:{ value:function () { this.ninjaStylesContoller = this.application.ninja.stylesController; var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); if (selectedIndex !== false) { if(this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.stageElement){ this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.stageElement; } } // Drag and Drop: // Do we have a helper to append? if (this._appendHelper === true) { this.track_lanes.appendChild(this._dragAndDropHelper); this._appendHelper = false; } // Do we need to move the helper? if (this._dragAndDropHelperCoords !== false) { if (this._dragAndDropHelper !== null) { if (typeof(this._dragAndDropHelper.style) !== "undefined") { this._dragAndDropHelper.style.left = this._dragAndDropHelperCoords; } } this._dragAndDropHelperCoords = false; } // Do we have a helper to delete? if (this._deleteHelper === true) { if (this._dragAndDropHelper === null) { // Problem....maybe a helper didn't get appended, or maybe it didn't get stored. // Try and recover the helper so we can delete it. var myHelper = this.element.querySelector(".track-dnd-helper"); if (myHelper != null) { this._dragAndDropHelper = myHelper; } } if (this._dragAndDropHelper !== null) { // We need to delete the helper. Can we delete it from track_lanes? if (this._dragAndDropHelper && this._dragAndDropHelper.parentNode === this.track_lanes) { this.track_lanes.removeChild(this._dragAndDropHelper); this._dragAndDropHelper = null; this._deleteHelper = false; } } } } }, didDraw:{ value:function () { if ((!this.application.ninja.documentController.creatingNewFile)||(!this.application.ninja.currentDocument.setLevel)) { if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.children[0]) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); if (selectedIndex !== false) { if (!this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.created) { this.retrieveStoredTweens(); } } } } if (this._isFirstDraw === true) { if (this.isMainCollapsed === false) { this._mainCollapser.myContent.style.height = "auto"; this._mainCollapser.myContent.classList.remove(this._mainCollapser.collapsedClass); this._mainCollapser.clicker.classList.remove(this._mainCollapser.collapsedClass); } if (this.isPositionCollapsed === false) { this._positionCollapser.myContent.style.height = "auto"; this._positionCollapser.myContent.classList.remove(this._positionCollapser.collapsedClass); this._positionCollapser.clicker.classList.remove(this._positionCollapser.collapsedClass); } if (this.isTransformCollapsed === false) { this._transformCollapser.myContent.style.height = "auto"; this._transformCollapser.myContent.classList.remove(this._transformCollapser.collapsedClass); this._transformCollapser.clicker.classList.remove(this._transformCollapser.collapsedClass); } if (this.isStyleCollapsed === false) { this._styleCollapser.myContent.style.height = "auto"; this._styleCollapser.myContent.classList.remove(this._styleCollapser.collapsedClass); this._styleCollapser.clicker.classList.remove(this._styleCollapser.collapsedClass); } this._isFirstDraw = false; } } }, handleTlZoomSlider: { value: function(event) { var currentMilliSecPerPixel , currentMilliSec , clickPos,thingToPush; var i = 0, tweensLength = this.tweens.length; for (i = 0; i < tweensLength; i++) { if (i === 0) { // Exception: 0th item does not depend on anything // TODO: If 0th tween is draggable, this will need to be fixed. this.tweens[i].tweenData.spanWidth=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.spanPosition=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFramePosition=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec=0; } else { var prevKeyFramePosition = this.tweens[i - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition, myObj = {}, thing = {}; currentMilliSecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); currentMilliSec = this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec; clickPos = currentMilliSec / currentMilliSecPerPixel; for (thing in this.tweens[i].tweenData) { myObj[thing] = this.tweens[i].tweenData[thing]; } myObj.spanWidth = clickPos - prevKeyFramePosition; myObj.keyFramePosition = clickPos; myObj.spanPosition = clickPos - (clickPos - prevKeyFramePosition); this.tweens[i].tweenData = myObj; } } } }, handleClick:{ value:function (ev) { // TEMP - if the SHIFT key is down, add a new keyframe or split an existing span // This needs to move to a keyboard shortcut that is TBD var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); var targetElementOffset = this.findXOffset(ev.currentTarget), position = (event.pageX - targetElementOffset) - 18; this.application.ninja.timeline.playheadmarker.style.left = position + "px"; var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); var currentMillisec = currentMillisecPerPixel * position; this.application.ninja.timeline.updateTimeText(currentMillisec); if (ev.shiftKey) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.selectLayer(selectedIndex, true); if (this.tweens.length < 1) { this.insertTween(0); this.addAnimationRuleToElement(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } else { if (ev.target.className === "tracklane") { this.handleNewTween(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } else if (ev.target.className === "tween_span_bar" && ev.target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.className === "tracklane") { this.handleNewTween(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } } } } }, handleKeyboardShortcut:{ value:function(ev){ if(ev.actionType == "insert"){ if (this.tweens.length < 1) { this.insertTween(0); this.addAnimationRuleToElement(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } else { this.handleNewTween(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } } else if(ev.actionType == "remove"){ this.removeTween(); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } } }, handleNewTween:{ value:function (ev) { if (ev.offsetX > this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.selectLayer(selectedIndex, false); this.insertTween(ev.offsetX); } else { // We will be splitting a tween. Get the x-coordinate of the mouse click within the target element. // You'd think you could use the event.x info for that, right? NO. We must use page values, calculating offsets and scrolling. if (typeof(ev.currentTarget) === "undefined") { this.splitTweenAt(ev.offsetX); } else { var targetElementOffset = this.findXOffset(ev.currentTarget), position = event.pageX - targetElementOffset; this.splitTweenAt(position-18); } } } }, findXOffset:{ value:function (obj) { // Here's an easy function that adds up offsets and scrolls and returns the page x value of an element var curleft = 0; if (typeof(obj) === "undefined") { //debugger; } if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += (obj.offsetLeft - obj.scrollLeft); } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return curleft; } }, insertTween:{ value:function (clickPos) { var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); var currentMillisec = currentMillisecPerPixel * clickPos; this.trackDuration = currentMillisec; var newTween = {}; newTween.tweenData = {}; if (clickPos == 0) { this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[this.application.ninja.timeline.currentLayersSelected[0]].layerData.stageElement; newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = 0; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.easing = "none"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight + "px"; this.tweens.push(newTween); this.createMatchingPositionSizeTween(newTween); } else { newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = clickPos - this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = clickPos; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = currentMillisec; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = this.nextKeyframe; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = clickPos - newTween.tweenData.spanWidth; newTween.tweenData.easing = "none"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth + "px"; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight + "px"; this.tweens.push(newTween); // update the animation duration var animationDuration = (this.trackDuration / 1000) + "s"; this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration", animationDuration); this.nextKeyframe += 1; this.createMatchingPositionSizeTween(newTween); } this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; } }, removeTween:{ value:function(){ var tweenIDToRemove = this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedTweens[0].tweenID, oldPosition = this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedTweens[0].spanPosition, oldSpanWidth = this.application.ninja.timeline.selectedTweens[0].spanWidth; if(tweenIDToRemove == this.tweens[this.tweens.length-1].tweenData.tweenID){ this.trackDuration = this.tweens[this.tweens.length-2].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec; this.tweens.pop(); return; } // Update the next tween to have new span position and width. this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].tweenData.spanPosition = oldPosition; this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].spanPosition = oldPosition; this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].tweenData.spanWidth = this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].tweenData.spanWidth + oldSpanWidth; this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].spanWidth = this.tweens[tweenIDToRemove + 1].spanWidth + oldSpanWidth; // redraw the tweens for(var i in this.tweenRepetition.childComponents){ this.tweenRepetition.childComponents[i].setData(); } // remove the selected tween this.tweens.splice(tweenIDToRemove, 1); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; // update the tween ids for (var j = 0; j < this.tweens.length; j++) { this.tweens[j].tweenID = j; this.tweens[j].tweenData.tweenID = j; } } }, createMatchingPositionSizeTween:{ value:function (newTween) { var i; var posTracks = this.positionTracksRepetition.childComponents.length; for (i = 0; i < posTracks; i++) { this.positionTracksRepetition.childComponents[i].propTweens.push(newTween); } } }, // splitTweenAt: Split a tween at a particular position (x coordinate) splitTweenAt: { value:function (position) { var i, j, nextComponentIndex, tweensLength = this.tweens.length-1, prevTween, nextTween, splitTweenIndex; // Search through the tweens and find the pair whose keyframes bracket position. for(i=0; i<tweensLength; i++){ prevTween = this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFramePosition; nextTween = this.tweens[i+1].tweenData.keyFramePosition; if(position > prevTween && position < nextTween) { // We will insert a new tween at this index splitTweenIndex = i+1; // Update the next tween to have new span position and width. this.tweens[i+1].tweenData.spanPosition = position; this.tweens[i+1].spanPosition = position; this.tweens[i+1].tweenData.spanWidth = this.tweens[i+1].tweenData.keyFramePosition - position; this.tweens[i+1].spanWidth = this.tweens[i+1].keyFramePosition - position; // You'd think that would be enough to make the component associated with that part of the array redraw, wouldn't you? // Turns out we have to manually poke the desired childComponent in the repetition to register its new changes. // So we have to get the index of the actual componentin the repetition, which may not match our iteration index. for (j = 0; j < tweensLength +1; j++) { if (this.tweenRepetition.childComponents[j].keyFramePosition === nextTween) { nextComponentIndex = j; } } this.tweenRepetition.childComponents[nextComponentIndex].setData(); // Create the new tween and splice it into the model var newTweenToInsert = {}; newTweenToInsert.tweenData = {}; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.spanWidth = position - prevTween; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.keyFramePosition = position; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80) * position; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenID = this.tweens.length; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.spanPosition = position - newTweenToInsert.tweenData.spanWidth; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px"; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px"; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth + "px"; newTweenToInsert.tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight + "px"; this.tweens.splice(splitTweenIndex, 0, newTweenToInsert); // We are done, so end the loop. i = tweensLength; } } // We've made a change, so set the needsSave flag this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; // Our tween IDs are now all messed up. Fix them. for (i = 0; i <= tweensLength+1; i++) { this.tweens[i].tweenID = i; this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenID = i; } } }, retrieveStoredTweens:{ value:function () { var percentValue, fraction, splitValue,offsetAttribute,topOffSetAttribute,leftOffsetAttribute,widthOffsetAttribute,heightOffsetAttribute; var currentMilliSec,currentMilliSecPerPixel,clickPosition,tempTiming,tempTimingFloat,trackTiming,i = 0; var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.created=true; this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.stageElement; if(this.animatedElement!==undefined){ this.animationName = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-name"); // build tweens for this tracks's keyframe rule if(this.animationName){ // check for multiple animation names var animationNameList = this.animationName.split(","); if (animationNameList.length > 1) { this.animationNamesString = this.animationName; this.animationName = animationNameList[0]; this.getAllAnimationRules(animationNameList); } else { this.animationNamesString = this.animationName; } trackTiming = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration"); this.nextKeyframe = 0; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getAnimationRuleWithName(this.animationName, this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document); for (i =0; this.currentKeyframeRule[i] ;i++) { var newTween = {}; newTween.tweenData = {}; var j, styleLength = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].style.length, keyframeStyles = []; for(j=0; j<styleLength; j++){ // check for vendor prefixes and skip them for now var firstChar = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].style[j].charAt(0); if(firstChar === "-"){ break; } else { var currProp = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].style[j]; var propVal = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].style[currProp]; keyframeStyles.push([currProp, propVal]); } } // recreate tween properties array for timeline tween newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; for(var k in keyframeStyles){ newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties[keyframeStyles[k][0]] = keyframeStyles[k][1]; } if (this.currentKeyframeRule[i].keyText === "0%") { newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = 0; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = 0; this.tweens.push(newTween); this.createMatchingPositionSizeTween(newTween); } else { tempTiming = trackTiming.split("s"); tempTimingFloat = parseFloat(tempTiming[0]); this.trackDuration = tempTimingFloat *1000; percentValue = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].keyText; splitValue = percentValue.split("%"); fraction = splitValue[0] / 100; currentMilliSec = fraction * this.trackDuration; currentMilliSecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); clickPosition = currentMilliSec / currentMilliSecPerPixel; newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = clickPosition - this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = clickPosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = currentMilliSec; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = this.nextKeyframe; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition =clickPosition - newTween.tweenData.spanWidth; newTween.tweenData.easing = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].style.webkitAnimationName; if (newTween.tweenData.easing == "") { newTween.tweenData.easing = "none"; } this.tweens.push(newTween); this.createMatchingPositionSizeTween(newTween); } this.nextKeyframe += 1; } this.isTrackAnimated = true; } } } }, getAllAnimationRules:{ value:function(ruleNames){ ruleNames.splice(0,1); // temp remove first animation already retrieved for main track for(var i in ruleNames){ var currentName = ruleNames[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); // trim whitespace var currentRule = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getAnimationRuleWithName(currentName, this.application.ninja.currentDocument._document); this.ruleList[currentName] = currentRule; } this.recreatePropertyTracks(this.ruleList); } }, recreatePropertyTracks:{ value:function(ruleSet){ for(var i in ruleSet){ var styleProp = ruleSet[i][0].style[0]; this.application.ninja.timeline.layerRepetition.childComponents[0].addStyle(styleProp, ruleSet[i]); } } }, addAnimationRuleToElement:{ value:function (tweenEvent) { this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px"; this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px"; this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth + "px"; this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight + "px"; var animationDuration = Math.round(this.trackDuration / 1000) + "s"; this.animationName = this.animatedElement.classList[0] + "_PositionSize"; if(this.animationNamesString.length == 0){ this.animationNamesString = this.animationName; } else { this.animationNamesString = this.animationName + ", " + this.animationNamesString; } this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-name", this.animationNamesString); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration", animationDuration); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-fill-mode", "forwards"); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-iteration-count", 1); var initRule = "@-webkit-keyframes " + this.animationName + " { 0% {top: " + this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px; left: " + this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px;} 100% {top: " + this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px; left: " + this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px;} }"; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.ninjaStylesContoller.addRule(initRule); this.insertTween(tweenEvent.offsetX); this.isTrackAnimated = true; } }, updateKeyframeRule:{ value:function () { // delete the current rule this.ninjaStylesContoller.deleteRule(this.currentKeyframeRule); // build the new keyframe string var keyframeString = "@-webkit-keyframes " + this.animationName + " {"; //console.log(this.animationName); for (var i = 0; i < this.tweens.length; i++) { var keyMill = parseInt(this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec); // TODO - trackDur should be parseFloat rounded to significant digits var trackDur = parseInt(this.trackDuration); var keyframePercent = Math.round((keyMill / trackDur) * 100) + "%"; var keyframePropertyString = " " + keyframePercent + " {"; for(var prop in this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenedProperties){ //console.log(prop + " - " + this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenedProperties[prop]); keyframePropertyString += prop + ": " + this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenedProperties[prop] + ";"; } keyframePropertyString += "}"; keyframeString += keyframePropertyString; } keyframeString += " }"; //console.log(keyframeString); // set the keyframe string as the new rule this.currentKeyframeRule = this.ninjaStylesContoller.addRule(keyframeString); //console.log(this.currentKeyframeRule); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.needsSave = true; } }, // Init and event handler for layer expand/collapse init:{ value:function () { this.createPositionTracks(); // Register event handler for layer events. //defaultEventManager.addEventListener("layerEvent", this, false); this.element.addEventListener("layerEvent", this, false); } }, createPositionTracks:{ value:function(){ // create track objects for position and transform tracks and push into arrays // ... but only do it if we haven't already. if (this.arrPositionTracks.length > 0) { return; } // create 'left' track var newLeftTrack = {}; newLeftTrack.propTrackData = {}; newLeftTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; newLeftTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = 1; newLeftTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "position"; newLeftTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = "left"; this.arrPositionTracks.push(newLeftTrack); // create 'top' track var newTopTrack = {}; newTopTrack.propTrackData = {}; newTopTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; newTopTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = 0; newTopTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "position"; newTopTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = "top"; this.arrPositionTracks.push(newTopTrack); // create 'width' track var newWidthTrack = {}; newWidthTrack.propTrackData = {}; newWidthTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; newWidthTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = 2; newWidthTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "position"; newWidthTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = "width"; this.arrPositionTracks.push(newWidthTrack); // create 'height' track var newHeightTrack = {}; newHeightTrack.propTrackData = {}; newHeightTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; newHeightTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = 3; newHeightTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "position"; newHeightTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = "height"; this.arrPositionTracks.push(newHeightTrack); } }, handleLayerEvent:{ value:function (layerEvent) { if (layerEvent.layerID !== this.trackID) { return; } if (layerEvent.layerEventType === "newStyle") { var newStyleTrack = {}; newStyleTrack.propTrackData = {}; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.styleSelection = layerEvent.styleSelection; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "style"; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = ""; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = layerEvent.styleIndex; newStyleTrack.propTrackData.existingRule = ""; this.arrStyleTracks.push(newStyleTrack); } else if (layerEvent.layerEventType === "restoreStyle") { var restoredStyleTrack = {}; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData = {}; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.styleSelection = layerEvent.styleSelection; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.propTweens = []; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.trackType = "style"; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.trackEditorProperty = layerEvent.trackEditorProperty; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.styleIndex = layerEvent.styleIndex; restoredStyleTrack.propTrackData.existingRule = layerEvent.existingRule; this.arrStyleTracks.push(restoredStyleTrack); } else if (layerEvent.layerEventType === "deleteStyle") { // We are deleting a style, so delete the associated track this.arrStyleTracks.splice(layerEvent._event.selectedStyleIndex, 1); } } }, getTweenIndexById: { value: function(intID) { var i = 0, arrTweensLength = this.tweens.length; for (i = 0; i < arrTweensLength; i++) { if (this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenID === intID) { returnVal = i; } } return returnVal; } }, // Drag and drop event handlers handleKeyframeDragstart : { value: function(event) { var dragIcon = document.createElement("img"), minPosition = 0, maxPosition = 100000000000; event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', this.identifier); dragIcon.src = "" dragIcon.width = 1; event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragIcon, 0, 0); // Clone the element we're dragging this._dragAndDropHelper = event.target.cloneNode(true); this._dragAndDropHelper.style.opacity = 0.8; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.position = "absolute"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.top = "5px"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.left = "0px"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.zIndex = 700; this._dragAndDropHelper.classList.add("keyframeSelected"); //this._dragAndDropHelper.style.width = window.getComputedStyle(this.container_layers, null).getPropertyValue("width"); this._dragAndDropHelper.classList.add("track-dnd-helper"); if (this.draggingIndex < (this.tweens.length -1)) { maxPosition = this.tweenRepetition.childComponents[this.draggingIndex+1].keyFramePosition; } if (this.draggingIndex > 1) { minPosition = this.tweenRepetition.childComponents[this.draggingIndex-1].keyFramePosition; } this._keyframeMinPosition = minPosition+2; this._keyframeMaxPosition = maxPosition-9; this._appendHelper = true; this._deleteHelper = false; // Get my index in the track array var i = 0, arrLayersLength = this.parentComponent.parentComponent.arrLayers.length, myId = null; for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { var currUuid = this.parentComponent.parentComponent.trackRepetition.childComponents[i].uuid; if ( currUuid === this.uuid) { myId = i; } } this.parentComponent.parentComponent.draggingTrackId = myId; this.parentComponent.parentComponent.draggingType = "keyframe"; } }, handleKeyframeDragend : { value: function(event) { if (this.parentComponent.parentComponent.draggingType !== "keyframe") { return; } this._deleteHelper = true; this.needsDraw = true; } }, /* Begin: Logging routines */ _boolDebug: { enumerable: false, value: false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug: { get: function() { return this._boolDebug; }, set: function(boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log: { value: function(strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber: { value: function() { try { throw new Error('bazinga') }catch(e){ return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* End: Logging routines */ });