/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var Collapser = require("js/panels/Timeline/Collapser").Collapser; var defaultEventManager = require("montage/core/event/event-manager").defaultEventManager; var TimelineTrack = exports.TimelineTrack = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value:true }, _trackID:{ serializable:true, value:null }, trackID:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackID; }, set:function (value) { if (value !== this._trackID) { this._trackID = value; this.trackData.layerID = value; } } }, _isVisible:{ value: true }, isVisible:{ get:function(){ return this._isVisible; }, set:function(value){ if (this._isVisible !== value) { this._isVisible = value; if (this.element !== null) { if (value === true) { this.element.classList.remove("layer-hidden"); } else { this.element.classList.add("layer-hidden"); } } } this.trackData.isVisible = value; } }, // Are the various collapsers collapsed or not _isMainCollapsed:{ value: true }, isMainCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isMainCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isMainCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isMainCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isTransformCollapsed:{ value:true }, isTransformCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isTransformCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isTransformCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isTransformCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isPositionCollapsed:{ value:true }, isPositionCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isPositionCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isPositionCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isPositionCollapsed = newVal; } }, _isStyleCollapsed:{ value:true }, isStyleCollapsed:{ get:function () { return this._isStyleCollapsed; }, set:function (newVal) { this._isStyleCollapsed = newVal; this.trackData.isStyleCollapsed = newVal; } }, _bypassAnimation : { serializable: true, value: false }, bypassAnimation : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._bypassAnimation; }, set: function(newVal) { if (typeof(this.trackData) !== "undefined") { this._bypassAnimation = newVal; this.trackData.bypassAnimation = newVal; } } }, _arrStyleTracks : { serializable:true, enumerable:true, value: [] }, arrStyleTracks: { serializable:true, enumerable:true, get: function() { return this._arrStyleTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrStyleTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrStyleTracks = newVal; } }, _styleTracksRepetition: { serializable: true, value: null }, styleTracksRepetition : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._styleTracksRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._styleTracksRepetition = newVal; } }, /* Position Property Tracks */ _arrPositionTracks : { serializable:true, enumerable:true, value: [] }, arrPositionTracks: { serializable:true, enumerable:true, get: function() { return this._arrPositionTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrPositionTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrPositionTracks = newVal; } }, _positionTracksRepetition: { serializable: true, value: null }, positionTracksRepetition : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._positionTracksRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._positionTracksRepetition = newVal; } }, /* Transform Property Tracks */ _arrTransformTracks : { serializable:true, enumerable:true, value: [] }, arrTransformTracks: { serializable:true, enumerable:true, get: function() { return this._arrTransformTracks; }, set: function(newVal) { this._arrTransformTracks = newVal; this.trackData.arrTransformTracks = newVal; } }, _transformTracksRepetition: { serializable: true, value: null }, transformTracksRepetition : { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._transformTracksRepetition; }, set: function(newVal) { this._transformTracksRepetition = newVal; } }, _tweens:{ enumerable: false, value:[] }, tweens:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._tweens; }, set:function (newVal) { this._tweens = newVal; this.trackData.tweens = newVal; } }, _tweenRepetition:{ serializable:true, value:null }, tweenRepetition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._spanRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._spanRepetition = newVal; } }, _trackDuration:{ serializable: true, value:0 }, trackDuration:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackDuration; }, set:function (val) { this._trackDuration = val; if(this._trackDuration > this.application.ninja.timeline.masterDuration){ this.application.ninja.timeline.masterDuration = this._trackDuration; } this.trackData.trackDuration = val; } }, _trackPosition:{ serializable:true, value:0 }, trackPosition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackPosition; }, set:function (val) { this._trackPosition = val; this.trackData.trackPosition = val; } }, _currentKeyframeRule:{ serializable: true, value:null }, currentKeyframeRule:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._currentKeyframeRule; }, set:function(val){ this._currentKeyframeRule = val; this.trackData.currentKeyframeRule = val; } }, nextKeyframe:{ value:1 }, currentMillisecClicked:{ value:0 }, _isTrackAnimated:{ serializable: true, value:null }, isTrackAnimated:{ serializable: true, get:function(){ return this._isTrackAnimated; }, set:function(val){ this._isTrackAnimated = val; this.trackData.isTrackAnimated = val; } }, // should be unneeded with one element per layer restriction _animatedElement:{ enumerable: true, serializable:true, value:null }, animatedElement:{ enumerable: true, serializable:true, get:function () { return this._animatedElement; }, set:function (val) { this._animatedElement = val; this.trackData.animatedElement = val; } }, _animationName:{ serializable:true, value:null }, animationName:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._animationName; }, set:function (val) { this._animationName = val; this.trackData.animationName = val; } }, ninjaStylesContoller:{ value:null }, _positionCollapser:{ value:null }, _mainCollapser:{ value:null }, _transformCollapser:{ value:null }, _styleCollapser:{ value:null }, _trackData:{ serializable: true, value: false }, trackData:{ serializable:true, get:function(){ return this._trackData; }, set:function(val){ this._trackData = val; if(this._trackData){ this.setData(); } } }, _setDataTimestamp : { value: false }, setData:{ value:function(){ if (typeof(this.trackData) === "undefined") { return; } this.bypassAnimation = this.trackData.bypassAnimation; this.trackID = this.trackData.layerID; this.tweens = this.trackData.tweens; this.animatedElement = this.trackData.animatedElement; // unneeded with one element per layer restriction this.arrStyleTracks = this.trackData.arrStyleTracks; this.isTrackAnimated = this.trackData.isTrackAnimated; this.trackDuration = this.trackData.trackDuration; this.animationName = this.trackData.animationName; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.trackData.currentKeyframeRule; this.isMainCollapsed = this.trackData.isMainCollapsed; this.isPositionCollapsed = this.trackData.isPositionCollapsed; this.isTransformCollapsed = this.trackData.isTransformCollapsed; this.isStyleCollapsed = this.trackData.isStyleCollapsed; this.trackPosition = this.trackData.trackPosition; this.isVisible = this.trackData.isVisible; this.needsDraw = true; } }, // Data binding observation point and trigger method _bindingPoint : { serializable: true, value : {} }, bindingPoint: { serializable: true, get: function() { return this._bindingPoint; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._bindingPoint) { this._bindingPoint = newVal; this.setData(); } } }, triggerOutgoingBinding : { value: function() { if (this.trackData.triggerBinding === true) { this.trackData.triggerBinding = false; } else { this.trackData.triggerBinding = true; } } }, prepareForDraw:{ value:function () { this.init(); this.ninjaStylesContoller = this.application.ninja.stylesController; this.element.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("tlZoomSlider", this, false); } }, draw:{ value:function () { this.ninjaStylesContoller = this.application.ninja.stylesController; var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); if (selectedIndex !== false) { if(this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.elementsList[0]){ this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.elementsList[0]; } } } }, didDraw:{ value:function () { if ((!this.application.ninja.documentController.creatingNewFile)||(!this.application.ninja.currentDocument.setLevel)) { if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[0]) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); if (selectedIndex !== false) { if (!this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.created) { this.retrieveStoredTweens(); } } } } } }, handleTlZoomSlider: { value: function(event) { var currentMilliSecPerPixel , currentMilliSec , clickPos,thingToPush; var i = 0, tweensLength = this.tweens.length; for (i = 0; i < tweensLength; i++) { if (i === 0) { // Exception: 0th item does not depend on anything // TODO: If 0th tween is draggable, this will need to be fixed. this.tweens[i].tweenData.spanWidth=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.spanPosition=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFramePosition=0; this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec=0; } else { var prevKeyFramePosition = this.tweens[i - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition, myObj = {}, thing = {}; currentMilliSecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); currentMilliSec = this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec; clickPos = currentMilliSec / currentMilliSecPerPixel; for (thing in this.tweens[i].tweenData) { myObj[thing] = this.tweens[i].tweenData[thing]; } myObj.spanWidth = clickPos - prevKeyFramePosition; myObj.keyFramePosition = clickPos; myObj.spanPosition = clickPos - (clickPos - prevKeyFramePosition); this.tweens[i].tweenData = myObj; } } } }, handleClick:{ value:function (ev) { // TEMP - if the SHIFT key is down, add a new keyframe or split an existing span // This needs to move to a keyboard shortcut that is TBD var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); if (ev.shiftKey) { if (this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.elementsList.length == 1) { if (this.tweens.length < 1) { this.insertTween(0); this.addAnimationRuleToElement(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } else { this.handleNewTween(ev); this.updateKeyframeRule(); } } else { console.log("There must be exactly one element in an animated layer."); } } } }, handleNewTween:{ value:function (ev) { if (ev.offsetX > this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.selectLayer(selectedIndex, false); this.insertTween(ev.offsetX); } else { this.splitTween(ev); } } }, insertTween:{ value:function (clickPos) { var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.selectLayer(selectedIndex, true); var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); var currentMillisec = currentMillisecPerPixel * clickPos; this.trackDuration = currentMillisec; var newTween = {}; newTween.tweenData = {}; if (clickPos == 0) { this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList[0]; newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = 0; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight; this.tweens.push(newTween); } else { newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = clickPos - this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = clickPos; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = currentMillisec; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = this.nextKeyframe; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = clickPos - newTween.tweenData.spanWidth; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["width"] = this.animatedElement.offsetWidth; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["height"] = this.animatedElement.offsetHeight; this.tweens.push(newTween); // update the animation duration var animationDuration = (this.trackDuration / 1000) + "s"; this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration", animationDuration); this.nextKeyframe += 1; } this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.needsSave = true; } }, splitTween:{ value:function (ev) { console.log("Splitting an existing span with a new keyframe is not yet supported."); } }, retrieveStoredTweens:{ value:function () { var percentValue, fraction, splitValue,offsetAttribute,topOffSetAttribute,leftOffsetAttribute; var currentMilliSec,currentMilliSecPerPixel,clickPosition,tempTiming,tempTimingFloat,trackTiming,i = 0; var selectedIndex = this.application.ninja.timeline.getLayerIndexByID(this.trackID); this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.created=true; this.animatedElement = this.application.ninja.timeline.arrLayers[selectedIndex].layerData.elementsList[0]; if(this.animatedElement!==undefined){ this.animationName = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-name"); if(this.animationName){ trackTiming = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration"); this.nextKeyframe = 0; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.application.ninja.stylesController.getAnimationRuleWithName(this.animationName, this.application.ninja.currentDocument._document); for (i =0; this.currentKeyframeRule[i] ;i++) { var newTween = {}; newTween.tweenData = {}; offsetAttribute = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].cssText.split(" "); topOffSetAttribute = offsetAttribute[3].split("px"); leftOffsetAttribute = offsetAttribute[5].split("px"); var tempTopOffset = parseInt(topOffSetAttribute[0]); var tempLeftOffset =parseInt(leftOffsetAttribute[0]); if (this.currentKeyframeRule[i].keyText === "0%") { newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = 0; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition = 0; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties = []; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = tempTopOffset; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = tempLeftOffset; this.tweens.push(newTween); } else { tempTiming = trackTiming.split("s"); tempTimingFloat = parseFloat(tempTiming[0]); this.trackDuration = tempTimingFloat *1000; percentValue = this.currentKeyframeRule[i].keyText; splitValue = percentValue.split("%"); fraction = splitValue[0] / 100; currentMilliSec = fraction * this.trackDuration; currentMilliSecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.application.ninja.timeline.millisecondsOffset / 80); clickPosition = currentMilliSec / currentMilliSecPerPixel; newTween.tweenData.spanWidth = clickPosition - this.tweens[this.tweens.length - 1].tweenData.keyFramePosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFramePosition = clickPosition; newTween.tweenData.keyFrameMillisec = currentMilliSec; newTween.tweenData.tweenID = this.nextKeyframe; newTween.tweenData.spanPosition =clickPosition - newTween.tweenData.spanWidth; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties=[]; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = tempTopOffset; newTween.tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = tempLeftOffset; this.tweens.push(newTween); } this.nextKeyframe += 1; } this.isTrackAnimated = true; } } } }, addAnimationRuleToElement:{ value:function (tweenEvent) { this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["top"] = this.animatedElement.offsetTop; this.tweens[0].tweenData.tweenedProperties["left"] = this.animatedElement.offsetLeft; var animationDuration = Math.round(this.trackDuration / 1000) + "s"; this.animationName = "animation_" + this.animatedElement.classList[0]; this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-name", this.animationName); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-duration", animationDuration); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-iteration-count", 1); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-animation-fill-mode", "both"); this.ninjaStylesContoller.setElementStyle(this.animatedElement, "-webkit-transition-timing-function", "linear"); var initRule = "@-webkit-keyframes " + this.animationName + " { 0% {top: " + this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px; left: " + this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px;} 100% {top: " + this.animatedElement.offsetTop + "px; left: " + this.animatedElement.offsetLeft + "px;} }"; this.currentKeyframeRule = this.ninjaStylesContoller.addRule(initRule); this.insertTween(tweenEvent.offsetX); this.isTrackAnimated = true; } }, updateKeyframeRule:{ value:function () { // delete the current rule this.ninjaStylesContoller.deleteRule(this.currentKeyframeRule); // build the new keyframe string var keyframeString = "@-webkit-keyframes " + this.animationName + " {"; for (var i = 0; i < this.tweens.length; i++) { var keyMill = parseInt(this.tweens[i].tweenData.keyFrameMillisec); // TODO - trackDur should be parseFloat rounded to significant digits var trackDur = parseInt(this.trackDuration); var keyframePercent = Math.round((keyMill / trackDur) * 100) + "%"; var keyframePropertyString = " " + keyframePercent + " {"; for(var prop in this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenedProperties){ keyframePropertyString += prop + ": " + this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenedProperties[prop] + "px;"; } keyframePropertyString += "}"; keyframeString += keyframePropertyString; } keyframeString += " }"; // set the keyframe string as the new rule this.currentKeyframeRule = this.ninjaStylesContoller.addRule(keyframeString); this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.needsSave = true; } }, // Init and event handler for layer expand/collapse init:{ value:function () { this.arrPositionTracks = [0, 1]; this.arrTransformTracks = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; // Register event handler for layer events. defaultEventManager.addEventListener("layerEvent", this, false); } }, handleLayerEvent:{ value:function (layerEvent) { if (layerEvent.layerID !== this.trackID) { return; } if (layerEvent.layerEventType === "newStyle") { // TODO: Add a real track of tweens. Probably need a method for that. this.arrStyleTracks.push("1"); } else if (layerEvent.layerEventType === "deleteStyle") { // TODO: Delete the right track. Index can be passed in event object, use that for splice(). this.arrStyleTracks.pop(); } } }, getTweenIndexById: { value: function(intID) { var i = 0, arrTweensLength = this.tweens.length; for (i = 0; i < arrTweensLength; i++) { if (this.tweens[i].tweenData.tweenID === intID) { returnVal = i; } } return returnVal; } }, /* Begin: Logging routines */ _boolDebug: { enumerable: false, value: false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug: { get: function() { return this._boolDebug; }, set: function(boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log: { value: function(strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber: { value: function() { try { throw new Error('bazinga') }catch(e){ return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* End: Logging routines */ });