/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, PiData = require("js/data/pi/pi-data").PiData, CustomSection = require("js/panels/properties/sections/custom.reel").CustomSection; var ElementsMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator; exports.Content = Montage.create(Component, { elementName: { value: null }, elementID: { value: null }, elementClassName: { value: null }, customSections: { value: [] }, _customPi: { value: null }, customPi: { get: function() { return this._customPi; }, set: function(value) { if(this._customPi !== value) { this._customPi = value; } } }, prepareForDraw: { value : function() { this.eventManager.addEventListener("selectionChange", this, false); // This will be a toggle option if(this.application.ninja.appData.PILiveUpdate) { this.eventManager.addEventListener( "elementChanging", this, false); } this.eventManager.addEventListener("openDocument", this, false); } }, // Document is opened - Display the current selection handleOpenDocument: { value: function() { this.eventManager.addEventListener( "elementChange", this, false); // For now always assume that the stage is selected by default if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length === 0) { this.displayStageProperties(); } this.elementId.element.addEventListener("blur", this, false); this.elementId.element.addEventListener("keyup", this, false); } }, /** * Blur and Key up to handle change in the Element ID field. */ handleBlur: { value: function(event) { if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length) { ElementsMediator.setAttribute(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0], "id", this.elementId.value, "Change", "pi"); } else { ElementsMediator.setAttribute(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot, "id", this.elementId.value, "Change", "pi", this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.elementModel.id); } } }, handleKeyup: { value: function(event) { if(event.keyCode === 13) { this.elementId.element.blur(); } } }, handleElementChanging: { value: function(event) { // this.positionSize.leftPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]._element, "left")); // this.positionSize.topPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]._element, "top")); } }, handleElementChange: { value: function(event) { // console.log("Element Change PI ", event.detail.source); // If the event comes from the pi don't need to update if(event.detail.source && event.detail.source !== "pi") { // TODO - This should only update the properties that were changed. var el = this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]._element || this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]; this.positionSize.leftPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "left")); this.positionSize.topPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "top")); this.positionSize.heightSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "height")); this.positionSize.widthSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "width")); if(this.threeD.inGlobalMode) { this.threeD.x3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "x3D"); this.threeD.y3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "y3D"); this.threeD.z3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "z3D"); this.threeD.xAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "xAngle"); this.threeD.yAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "yAngle"); this.threeD.zAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "zAngle"); } } } }, handleSelectionChange: { value: function(event) { if(event.detail.isDocument) { this.displayStageProperties(); } else { if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length === 1) { this.displayElementProperties(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]._element); } else { this.displayGroupProperties(this.application.ninja.selectedElements); } } } }, displayStageProperties: { value: function() { var stage = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot; //this is test code please remove this.elementName = "Stage"; this.elementId.value = stage.elementModel.id; this.elementClassName = ""; this.positionSize.disablePosition = true; this.threeD.disableTranslation = true; this.positionSize.heightSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(stage, "height")); this.positionSize.widthSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(stage, "width")); if(this.customPi !== stage.elementModel.pi) { this.customPi = stage.elementModel.pi; this.displayCustomProperties(stage, stage.elementModel.pi); } // For now hardcode the background since it is the only custom property // No need to loop through all the properties. var backgroundChip = this.customSections[0].content.controls["background"]; backgroundChip.initialColor = ElementsMediator.getProperty(stage, "background"); /* var customPI = PiData[this.customPi]; // Get all the custom section for the custom PI for(var i = 0, customSec; customSec = customPI[i]; i++) { // Now set the Fields for the custom PI for(var j = 0, fields; fields = customSec.Section[j]; j++) { for(var k = 0, control; control = fields[k]; k++) { var colorChipEl = this.customSections[i].content.controls[control.id]; this.foo = colorChipEl; colorChipEl.addEventListener("firstDraw", this, false); } } } */ } }, handleFirstDraw: { value: function() { this.foo.chipBtn.color('rgb', {wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change', color: {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0}, css: 'rgb(255,0,0)'}); } }, displayElementProperties: { value: function (el) { var customPI, currentValue; this.elementName = el.elementModel.selection; this.elementId.value = el.getAttribute("id") || ""; this.elementClassName = el.getAttribute("class"); this.positionSize.disablePosition = false; this.threeD.disableTranslation = false; this.positionSize.leftPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "left")); this.positionSize.topPosition = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "top")); this.positionSize.heightSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "height")); this.positionSize.widthSize = parseFloat(ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, "width")); if(this.threeD.inGlobalMode) { this.threeD.x3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "x3D"); this.threeD.y3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "y3D"); this.threeD.z3D = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "z3D"); this.threeD.xAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "xAngle"); this.threeD.yAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "yAngle"); this.threeD.zAngle = ElementsMediator.get3DProperty(el, "zAngle"); } // Custom Section if(this.customPi !== el.elementModel.pi) { this.customPi = el.elementModel.pi; this.displayCustomProperties(el, el.elementModel.pi); } customPI = PiData[this.customPi]; // Get all the custom section for the custom PI for(var i = 0, customSec; customSec = customPI[i]; i++) { // Now set the Fields for the custom PI for(var j = 0, fields; fields = customSec.Section[j]; j++) { for(var k = 0, control; control = fields[k]; k++) { if(control.type !== "color") { currentValue = ElementsMediator.getProperty(el, control.prop, control.valueMutator); if(currentValue === null) { currentValue = control.defaultValue; } this.customSections[i].content.controls[control.id] = currentValue; } else { currentValue = ElementsMediator.getColor2(el, control.prop, control.valueMutator); if(control.prop === "border") { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.input = "stroke"; } else if(control.prop === "background") { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.input = "fill"; } if(currentValue) { if(currentValue.mode === "gradient") { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel["gradient"] = {value: currentValue.color, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change'}; } else { if (currentValue.color.a !== undefined) { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.alpha = {value: currentValue.color.a, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change'}; } this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel[currentValue.color.mode] = currentValue.color; } } else { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.alpha = {value: 1, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change'}; this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.applyNoColor(); } } } } } } }, displayGroupProperties: { value: function (els) { this.elementName = "Multiple Elements"; } }, displayCustomProperties: { value: function() { var customPI; this.customSections = []; customPI = PiData[this.customPi]; if(customPI) { //Get all the custom sections for the custom PI for(var i = 0, customSec; customSec = customPI[i]; i++) { var customUI = CustomSection.create(); customUI.fields = customSec.Section; this.customSections.push({ name: customSec.label, content: customUI }); } } for(var j = 0, customSections; customSections = this.customSections[j]; j++) { customSections.content.addEventListener("propertyChange", this, false); customSections.content.addEventListener("propertyChanging", this, false); } } }, handlePropertyChange: { value: function(e) { if(e.wasSetByCode) return; var newValue; e.units ? newValue = e.value + e.units : newValue = e.value; ElementsMediator.setProperty(this.application.ninja.selectedElements, e.prop, [newValue], "Change", "pi"); } }, handlePropertyChanging: { value: function(e) { if(e.wasSetByCode) return; // ElementsMediator.setProperty(this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "border-style", [this.customSections[0].content.controls.borderStyle], "Changing", "pi"); ElementsMediator.setProperty(this.application.ninja.selectedElements, e.prop, [e.value + "px"], "Changing", "pi"); } } });