/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ var ShapeTool = require("js/tools/ShapeTool").ShapeTool; var ShapesController = require("js/controllers/elements/shapes-controller").ShapesController; var DrawingToolBase = require("js/tools/drawing-tool-base").DrawingToolBase; var defaultEventManager = require("montage/core/event/event-manager").defaultEventManager; var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var NJUtils = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; var ElementMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator; var TagTool = require("js/tools/TagTool").TagTool; var ElementController = require("js/controllers/elements/element-controller").ElementController; var snapManager = require("js/helper-classes/3D/snap-manager").SnapManager; var AnchorPoint = require("js/lib/geom/anchor-point").AnchorPoint; var SubPath = require("js/lib/geom/sub-path").SubPath; //todo remove this global var var g_DoPenToolMouseMove = true; exports.PenTool = Montage.create(ShapeTool, { _toolID: { value: "penTool" }, _imageID: { value: "penToolImg" }, _toolImageClass: { value: "penToolUp" }, _selectedToolImageClass: { value: "penToolDown" }, _toolTipText: { value: "Pen Tool" }, _penView: { value: null, writable: true }, _selectedToolClass: { value: "penToolSpecificProperties" }, _penToolProperties: { enumerable: false, value: null, writable: true }, _parentNode: { enumerable: false, value: null, writable: true }, _toolsPropertiesContainer: { enumerable: false, value: null, writable: true }, // Need to keep track of current mouse position for KEY modifiers event which do not have mouse coordinates _currentX: { value: 0, writable: true }, _currentY: { value: 0, writable: true }, //the subpaths are what is displayed on the screen currently, with _selectedSubpath being the active one currently being edited _selectedSubpath: { value: null, writable: true }, _makeMultipleSubpaths: { value: true, writable: true }, //set this to true if you want to keep making subpaths after closing current subpath //whether the user has held down the Alt key _isAltDown: { value: false, writable: true }, //whether the user has held down the Esc key _isEscapeDown: {value: false, writable: true }, //whether we have just started a new path (set true in mousedown, and set false in mouse up _isNewPath: {value: false, writable: true}, //whether we have clicked one of the endpoints after entering the pen tool in ENTRY_SELECT_PATH edit mode _isPickedEndPointInSelectPathMode: {value: false, writable: true}, //when the user wants to place a selected anchor point on top of another point, this is the target where the point will be placed _snapTarget: { value: null, writable: true }, //whether or not we're using webgl for drawing _useWebGL: {value: false, writable: false }, //the canvas created by the pen tool...this is grown or shrunk with the path (if the canvas was not already provided) _penCanvas: { value: null, writable: true }, //the plane matrix for the first click...so the entire path is on the same plane _penPlaneMat: { value: null, writable: true }, //index of the anchor point that the user has hovered over _hoveredAnchorIndex: {value: -1, writable: true}, //constants used for picking points --- NOTE: these should be user-settable parameters _PICK_POINT_RADIUS: { value: 10, writable: false }, _DISPLAY_ANCHOR_RADIUS: { value: 5, writable: false }, _DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_RADIUS: { value: 10, writable: false }, _DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_PREV_RADIUS: { value: 2, writable: false }, _DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_NEXT_RADIUS: { value: 2, writable: false }, //constants used for editing modes (can be OR-ed) EDIT_NONE: { value: 0, writable: false }, EDIT_ANCHOR: { value: 1, writable: false }, EDIT_PREV: { value: 2, writable: false }, EDIT_NEXT: { value: 4, writable: false }, EDIT_PREV_NEXT: { value: 8, writable: false }, _editMode: { value: this.EDIT_NONE, writable: true }, //constants used for selection modes on entry to pen tool (mutually exclusive) ENTRY_SELECT_NONE: { value: 0, writable: false}, ENTRY_SELECT_CANVAS: { value: 1, writable: false}, ENTRY_SELECT_PATH: { value: 2, writable: false}, _entryEditMode: {value: this.ENTRY_SELECT_NONE, writable: true}, _getUnsnappedPosition: { value: function(x,y){ var elemSnap = snapManager.elementSnapEnabled(); var gridSnap = snapManager.gridSnapEnabled(); var alignSnap = snapManager.snapAlignEnabled(); snapManager.enableElementSnap(false); snapManager.enableGridSnap(false); snapManager.enableSnapAlign(false); var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(x,y)); var unsnappedpos = DrawingToolBase.getHitRecPos(snapManager.snap(point.x, point.y, false)); snapManager.enableElementSnap(elemSnap); snapManager.enableGridSnap(gridSnap); snapManager.enableSnapAlign(alignSnap); return unsnappedpos; } }, ShowToolProperties: { value: function () { this._penView = PenView.create(); this._penView.element = document.getElementById('topPanelContainer').children[0]; this._penView.needsDraw = true; this._penView.addEventListener(ToolEvents.TOOL_OPTION_CHANGE, this, false); } }, HandleLeftButtonDown: { value: function (event) { //ignore any right or middle clicks if (event.button !== 0) { //NOTE: this will work on Webkit only...IE has different codes (left: 1, middle: 4, right: 2) return; } if (this._canDraw) { this._isDrawing = true; } this.startDraw(event); //assume we are not starting a new path as we will set this to true if we create a new GLSubpath() this._isNewPath = false; //add an anchor point by computing position of mouse down var mouseDownPos = this._getUnsnappedPosition(event.pageX, event.pageY); //this.getMouseDownPos(); if (mouseDownPos) { //if we had closed the selected subpath previously, or if we have not yet started anything, create a subpath if (this._selectedSubpath === null) { this._selectedSubpath = new SubPath(); this._isNewPath = true; if (this._entryEditMode === this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH){ //this should not happen, as ENTRY_SELECT_PATH implies there was a selected subpath this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_NONE; console.log("Warning...PenTool handleMouseDown: changing from SELECT_PATH to SELECT_NONE"); } } var prevSelectedAnchorIndex = this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex(); // ************* Add/Select Anchor Point ************* //check if the clicked location is close to an anchor point...if so, make that anchor the selected point and do nothing else // BUT if the anchor point selected is the first anchor point, check if the previous selected anchor was the last anchor point...in that case, close the path var selParam = this._selectedSubpath.pickPath(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2], this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS); var whichPoint = this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedMode(); if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_ANCHOR) { //if we're in ENTRY_SELECT_PATH mode AND we have not yet clicked on the endpoint AND if we have now clicked on the endpoint if (this._entryEditMode === this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH && this._isPickedEndPointInSelectPathMode === false){ var selAnchorIndex = this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex(); if (selAnchorIndex===0 || selAnchorIndex===this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors()-1){ //we have picked the endpoint of this path...reverse the path if necessary if (selAnchorIndex ===0){ //reverse this path this._selectedSubpath.reversePath(); selAnchorIndex = this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex(); } this._isPickedEndPointInSelectPathMode = true; } } this._editMode = this.EDIT_ANCHOR; //if we have selected the first anchor point, and previously had selected the last anchor point, close the path var numAnchors = this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors(); if (numAnchors>1 && !this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed() && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()===0 && prevSelectedAnchorIndex === numAnchors-1){ //setting the selection mode to NONE will effectively add a new anchor point at the click location and also give us snapping whichPoint = this._selectedSubpath.SEL_NONE; //set the snap target in case the mouse move handler doesn't get called this._snapTarget = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(0); } } //check if the clicked location is close to prev and next of the selected anchor point..if so select that anchor, set mode to PREV or NEXT and do nothing else // but if the selectedAnchor index is not -1 and neither prev nor next are selected, it means click selected a point selParam along bezier segment starting at selectedAnchor else if (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() !== -1) { if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_PREV){ this._editMode = this.EDIT_PREV; } else if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_NEXT){ this._editMode = this.EDIT_NEXT; } else if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_PATH) { //the click point is close enough to insert point in bezier segment after selected anchor at selParam if (selParam > 0 && selParam < 1) { this._selectedSubpath.insertAnchorAtParameter(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex(), selParam); //set the mode so that dragging will update anchor point positions //this._editMode = this.EDIT_ANCHOR; } } } //the clicked location is not close to the path or any anchor point if (whichPoint === this._selectedSubpath.SEL_NONE) { if (this._entryEditMode !== this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH) { //since we're not in ENTRY_SELECT_PATH mode, we don't edit the closed path...we start a new path if we clicked far away from selected path if (this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed() && this._makeMultipleSubpaths) { this._penCanvas = null; this._penPlaneMat = null; this._snapTarget = null; this._selectedSubpath = new SubPath(); this._isNewPath = true; } //add an anchor point to end of the subpath, and make it the selected anchor point if (!this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed() || this._makeMultipleSubpaths) { this._selectedSubpath.addAnchor(new AnchorPoint()); var newAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); newAnchor.setPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); newAnchor.setPrevPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); newAnchor.setNextPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); //set the mode so that dragging will update the next and previous locations this._editMode = this.EDIT_PREV_NEXT; } } else { if (this._isPickedEndPointInSelectPathMode){ //TODO clean up this code...very similar to the code block above if (!this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed()) { this._selectedSubpath.addAnchor(new AnchorPoint()); var newAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); newAnchor.setPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); newAnchor.setPrevPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); newAnchor.setNextPos(mouseDownPos[0], mouseDownPos[1], mouseDownPos[2]); //set the mode so that dragging will update the next and previous locations this._editMode = this.EDIT_PREV_NEXT; } } } } //if (whichPoint === this._selectedSubpath.SEL_NONE) (i.e. no anchor point was selected) //display the curve overlay this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); this.DrawSubpathSVG(this._selectedSubpath); } //if (mouseDownPos) { i.e. if mouse down yielded a valid position if (!g_DoPenToolMouseMove){ NJevent("enableStageMove"); } this._hoveredAnchorIndex = -1; } //value: function (event) { }, //HandleLeftButtonDown //need to override this function because the ShapeTool's definition contains a clearDrawingCanvas call - Pushkar // might not need to override once we draw using OpenGL instead of SVG // Also took out all the snapping code for now...need to add that back HandleMouseMove: { value: function (event) { //ignore any right or middle clicks if (event.button !== 0) { //NOTE: this will work on Webkit only...IE has different codes (left: 1, middle: 4, right: 2) return; } //clear the canvas before we draw anything else this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas(); this._hoveredAnchorIndex = -1; //set the cursor to be the default cursor this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = "auto"; if (this._isDrawing) { var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); //go through the drawing toolbase to get the position of the mouse var currMousePos = DrawingToolBase.getHitRecPos(DrawingToolBase.getUpdatedSnapPoint(point.x, point.y, false, this.mouseDownHitRec)); if (currMousePos && this._selectedSubpath && (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() >= 0 && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() < this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors())) { //var scoord = this._getScreenCoord(this._mouseUpHitRec); var selAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); var selX = selAnchor.getPosX(); var selY = selAnchor.getPosY(); var selZ = selAnchor.getPosZ(); if (this._editMode & this.EDIT_ANCHOR) { selAnchor.translateAll(currMousePos[0] - selX, currMousePos[1] - selY, currMousePos[2] - selZ); } else if (this._editMode & this.EDIT_PREV) { var oldPX = selAnchor.getPrevX(); var oldPY = selAnchor.getPrevY(); var oldPZ = selAnchor.getPrevZ(); selAnchor.translatePrev(currMousePos[0] - oldPX, currMousePos[1] - oldPY, currMousePos[2] - oldPZ); //move the next point if Alt key is down to ensure relative angle between prev and next if (this._isAltDown) { selAnchor.translateNextFromPrev(currMousePos[0] - oldPX, currMousePos[1] - oldPY, currMousePos[2] - oldPZ); } } else if (this._editMode & this.EDIT_NEXT) { var oldNX = selAnchor.getNextX(); var oldNY = selAnchor.getNextY(); var oldNZ = selAnchor.getNextZ(); selAnchor.translateNext(currMousePos[0] - oldNX, currMousePos[1] - oldNY, currMousePos[2] - oldNZ); //move the prev point if Alt key is down to ensure relative angle between prev and next if (this._isAltDown) { selAnchor.translatePrevFromNext(currMousePos[0] - oldNX, currMousePos[1] - oldNY, currMousePos[2] - oldNZ); } } else if (this._editMode & this.EDIT_PREV_NEXT) { selAnchor.setNextPos(currMousePos[0], currMousePos[1], currMousePos[2]); selAnchor.setPrevFromNext(); } //snapping...check if the new location of the anchor point is close to another anchor point this._snapTarget = null; var numAnchors = this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors(); for (var i = 0; i < numAnchors; i++) { //check if the selected anchor is close to any other anchors if (i === this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()) continue; var currAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(i); var distSq = currAnchor.getDistanceSq(selX, selY, selZ); if (distSq < this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS) { //set the snap target to the location of the first close-enough anchor this._snapTarget = currAnchor; break; } } //make the subpath dirty so it will get re-drawn this._selectedSubpath.makeDirty(); this.DrawSubpathSVG(this._selectedSubpath); } } else { //if mouse is not down: //this.doSnap(event); //this.DrawHandles(); var currMousePos = this._getUnsnappedPosition(event.pageX, event.pageY); if (currMousePos && this._selectedSubpath ){ var selAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.pickAnchor(currMousePos[0], currMousePos[1], currMousePos[2], this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS); if (selAnchor >=0) { this._hoveredAnchorIndex = selAnchor; } else { //detect if the current mouse position will hit the path var pathHitTestData = this._selectedSubpath.pathHitTest(currMousePos[0], currMousePos[1], currMousePos[2], this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS); if (pathHitTestData[0]!==-1){ //change the cursor var cursor = "url('images/cursors/penAdd.png') 10 10,default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } } } } //else of if (this._isDrawing) { //this.drawLastSnap(); // Required cleanup for both Draw/Feedbacks if (this._selectedSubpath){ this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); } }//value: function(event) },//HandleMouseMove TranslateSelectedSubpathPerPenCanvas:{ value: function() { if (this._penCanvas!==null) { //obtain the 2D translation of the canvas due to the Selection tool...assuming this is called in Configure var penCanvasLeft = parseInt(ElementMediator.getProperty(this._penCanvas, "left"));//parseFloat(DocumentControllerModule.DocumentController.GetElementStyle(this._penCanvas, "left")); var penCanvasTop = parseInt(ElementMediator.getProperty(this._penCanvas, "top"));//parseFloat(DocumentControllerModule.DocumentController.GetElementStyle(this._penCanvas, "top")); var penCanvasWidth = parseInt(ElementMediator.getProperty(this._penCanvas, "width"));//this._penCanvas.width; var penCanvasHeight = parseInt(ElementMediator.getProperty(this._penCanvas, "height"));//this._penCanvas.height; var penCanvasOldX = penCanvasLeft + 0.5 * penCanvasWidth; var penCanvasOldY = penCanvasTop + 0.5 * penCanvasHeight; var translateCanvasX = penCanvasOldX - this._selectedSubpath.getCanvasX(); var translateCanvasY = penCanvasOldY - this._selectedSubpath.getCanvasY(); //update the canvasX and canvasY parameters for this subpath and also translate the subpath points (since they're stored in stage world space) this._selectedSubpath.setCanvasX(translateCanvasX + this._selectedSubpath.getCanvasX()); this._selectedSubpath.setCanvasY(translateCanvasY + this._selectedSubpath.getCanvasY()); this._selectedSubpath.translateAnchors(translateCanvasX, translateCanvasY, 0); this._selectedSubpath.createSamples(); //updates the bounding box } } }, ShowSelectedSubpath:{ value: function() { if (this._selectedSubpath){ this._selectedSubpath.createSamples(); //dirty bit is checked here var bboxMin = this._selectedSubpath.getBBoxMin(); var bboxMax = this._selectedSubpath.getBBoxMax(); var bboxWidth = bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0]; var bboxHeight = bboxMax[1] - bboxMin[1]; var bboxMid = [0.5 * (bboxMax[0] + bboxMin[0]), 0.5 * (bboxMax[1] + bboxMin[1]), 0.5 * (bboxMax[2] + bboxMin[2])]; this._selectedSubpath.setCanvasX(bboxMid[0]); this._selectedSubpath.setCanvasY(bboxMid[1]); //call render shape with the bbox width and height this.RenderShape(bboxWidth, bboxHeight, this._penPlaneMat, bboxMid, this._penCanvas); } } }, HandleLeftButtonUp: { value: function (event) { if (this._isAltDown) { var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this.mouseUpHitRec = DrawingToolBase.getUpdatedSnapPoint(point.x, point.y, false, this.mouseDownHitRec); } else if (this._isDrawing) { this.doDraw(event); //needed to get the mouse up point in case there was no mouse move } //snapping...if there was a snapTarget and a selected anchor, move the anchor to the snap target if (this._snapTarget !== null && this._selectedSubpath && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() !== -1) { var selAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); selAnchor.setPos(this._snapTarget.getPosX(), this._snapTarget.getPosY(), this._snapTarget.getPosZ()); this._selectedSubpath.makeDirty(); //if the first or last anchor point were snapped for an open path, check if the first and last anchor point are at the same position if (!this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed()) { var lastAnchorIndex = this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors() - 1; var firstAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(0); var lastAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(lastAnchorIndex); if ((this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() === 0 && this._snapTarget === lastAnchor) || (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() === lastAnchorIndex && this._snapTarget === firstAnchor)) { this._selectedSubpath.setIsClosed(true); //set the prev of the first anchor to the be prev of the last anchor firstAnchor.setPrevPos(lastAnchor.getPrevX(), lastAnchor.getPrevY(), lastAnchor.getPrevZ()); //only if we have more than two anchor points, remove the last point if (lastAnchorIndex > 1) { //remove the last anchor from the subpath this._selectedSubpath.removeAnchor(lastAnchorIndex); } else { //set the next of the last anchor to the be next of the first anchor lastAnchor.setPrevPos(firstAnchor.getNextX(), firstAnchor.getNextY(), firstAnchor.getNextZ()); } } } } this._snapTarget = null; var drawData = this.getDrawingData(); if (drawData) { if (!this._penPlaneMat) { this._penPlaneMat = drawData.planeMat; } if (this._isNewPath) { var strokeSize = 1.0;//default stroke width if (this.options.strokeSize) { strokeSize = ShapesController.GetValueInPixels(this.options.strokeSize.value, this.options.strokeSize.units); } this._selectedSubpath.setStrokeWidth(strokeSize); if (this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.stroke.webGlColor){ this._selectedSubpath.setStrokeColor(this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.stroke.webGlColor); } if (this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.fill.webGlColor){ this._selectedSubpath.setFillColor(this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.fill.webGlColor); } } //if this is a new path being rendered this._selectedSubpath.makeDirty(); this._selectedSubpath.createSamples(); //if we have some samples to render... if (this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors() > 1) { this.ShowSelectedSubpath(); } //if (this._selectedSubpath.getNumPoints() > 0) { } //if drawData //always assume that we're not starting a new path anymore this._isNewPath = false; this.endDraw(event); this._isDrawing = false; this._hasDraw = false; this._editMode = this.EDIT_NONE; this.DrawHandles(); //if (this._entryEditMode === this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH || !this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed()){ if (this._selectedSubpath){ this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath);//render the subpath anchors on canvas (not GL) } //} if (!g_DoPenToolMouseMove){ NJevent("disableStageMove"); } this._hoveredAnchorIndex = -1; } }, //override the Alt key handlers from drawing-tool.js HandleAltKeyDown: { value: function (event) { this._isAltDown = true; } }, HandleAltKeyUp: { value: function (event) { this._isAltDown = false; } }, HandleEscape: { value: function(event) { this._isEscapeDown = true; //close the current subpath and reset the pen tool this._penCanvas = null; this._penPlaneMat = null; this._snapTarget = null; this._selectedSubpath = null; this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas(); } }, HandleKeyUp: { value: function(event){ if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) { if(event.altKey || event.keyCode === 18) { //for key up, the event.altKey is false when it should be true, so I also check keyCode this.HandleAltKeyUp(event); } else { console.log("Pen tool Unhandled key up:", event.keyCode); } } } }, HandleKeyPress: { value: function(event){ var inc, currentValue, moveCommand; if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) { if(event.shiftKey) { this.HandleShiftKeyDown(event); } else if(event.altKey) { this.HandleAltKeyDown(event); } else if (event.keyCode === Keyboard.SPACE) { event.preventDefault(); this.HandleSpaceKeyDown(event); } else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.BACKSPACE || event.keyCode === Keyboard.DELETE) { //this is probably unnecessary since we handle delete and backspace via the delete delegate event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } else if (event.keyCode === Keyboard.ESCAPE){ this.HandleEscape(event); } else { console.log("Pen tool Unhandled key press:", event.keyCode); } } } }, handleScroll: { value: function(event) { this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas();//stageManagerModule.stageManager.clearDrawingCanvas(); this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); } }, RenderShape: { value: function (w, h, planeMat, midPt, canvas) { if ((Math.floor(w) === 0) || (Math.floor(h) === 0)) { return; } var left = Math.round(midPt[0] - 0.5 * w); var top = Math.round(midPt[1] - 0.5 * h); if (!canvas) { var newCanvas = null; newCanvas = NJUtils.makeNJElement("canvas", "Subpath", "shape", {"data-RDGE-id": NJUtils.generateRandom()}, true); var elementModel = TagTool.makeElement(parseInt(w), parseInt(h), planeMat, midPt, newCanvas); ElementMediator.addElement(newCanvas, elementModel.data, true); // create all the GL stuff var world = this.getGLWorld(newCanvas, this._useWebGL);//this.options.use3D);//this.CreateGLWorld(planeMat, midPt, newCanvas, this._useWebGL);//fillMaterial, strokeMaterial); //store a reference to this newly created canvas this._penCanvas = newCanvas; var subpath = this._selectedSubpath; //new GLSubpath(); subpath.setWorld(world); subpath.setCanvas(newCanvas); subpath.setPlaneMatrix(planeMat); var planeMatInv = glmat4.inverse( planeMat, [] ); subpath.setPlaneMatrixInverse(planeMatInv); subpath.setPlaneCenter(midPt); world.addObject(subpath); world.render(); //TODO this will not work if there are multiple shapes in the same canvas newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLGeomObj = subpath; newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.shapeCount++; if(newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.shapeCount === 1) { newCanvas.elementModel.selection = "Subpath"; newCanvas.elementModel.pi = "SubpathPi"; newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.strokeSize = this.options.strokeSize.value + " " + this.options.strokeSize.units; var strokeColor = subpath.getStrokeColor(); newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.stroke = strokeColor; if(strokeColor) { newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.border = this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.stroke; } newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.strokeMaterial = subpath.getStrokeMaterial(); newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLGeomObj = subpath; newCanvas.elementModel.shapeModel.useWebGl = this.options.use3D; } else { // TODO - update the shape's info only. shapeModel will likely need an array of shapes. } if(newCanvas.elementModel.isShape) { this.application.ninja.selectionController.selectElement(newCanvas); } } //if (!canvas) { else { var world = null; if (canvas.elementModel.shapeModel && canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld) { world = canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld; } else { world = this.getGLWorld(canvas, this._useWebGL);//this.options.use3D);//this.CreateGLWorld(planeMat, midPt, canvas, this._useWebGL);//fillMaterial, strokeMaterial); } if (this._entryEditMode !== this.ENTRY_SELECT_CANVAS){ //update the left and top of the canvas element var canvasArray=[canvas]; ElementMediator.setProperty(canvasArray, "left", [parseInt(left)+"px"],"Changing", "penTool");//DocumentControllerModule.DocumentController.SetElementStyle(canvas, "left", parseInt(left) + "px"); ElementMediator.setProperty(canvasArray, "top", [parseInt(top) + "px"],"Changing", "penTool");//DocumentControllerModule.DocumentController.SetElementStyle(canvas, "top", parseInt(top) + "px"); ElementMediator.setProperty(canvasArray, "width", [w+"px"], "Changing", "penTool");//canvas.width = w; ElementMediator.setProperty(canvasArray, "height", [h+"px"], "Changing", "penTool");//canvas.height = h; //update the viewport and projection to reflect the new canvas width and height world.setViewportFromCanvas(canvas); if (this._useWebGL){ var cam = world.renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera(); cam.setPerspective(world.getFOV(), world.getAspect(), world.getZNear(), world.getZFar()); } } var subpath = this._selectedSubpath; subpath.setDrawingTool(this); subpath.setPlaneMatrix(planeMat); var planeMatInv = glmat4.inverse( planeMat, [] ); subpath.setPlaneMatrixInverse(planeMatInv); subpath.setPlaneCenter(midPt); subpath.setWorld(world); world.addIfNewObject(subpath); world.render(); //TODO this will not work if there are multiple shapes in the same canvas canvas.elementModel.shapeModel.GLGeomObj = subpath; } //else of if (!canvas) { } //value: function (w, h, planeMat, midPt, canvas) { }, //RenderShape: { BuildSecondCtrlPoint:{ value: function(p0, p2, p3) { var baselineOrig = VecUtils.vecSubtract(3, p3, p0); var baseline = VecUtils.vecNormalize(3, baselineOrig); var delta = VecUtils.vecSubtract(3, p2, p3); //component of the delta along baseline var deltaB = baseline; VecUtils.vecScale(3, deltaB, VecUtils.vecDot(3, baseline, delta)); //component of the delta orthogonal to baseline var deltaO = VecUtils.vecSubtract(3, delta, deltaB); var p1 = VecUtils.vecInterpolate(3, p0, p3, 0.3333); p1= VecUtils.vecAdd(3, p1,deltaO); return p1; } //value: function(p0, p2, p3) { }, //BuildSecondCtrlPoint:{ HandleDoubleClick: { value: function () { //if there is a selected anchor point if (this._selectedSubpath && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() !== -1) { var selAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); var pos = [selAnchor.getPosX(), selAnchor.getPosY(), selAnchor.getPosZ()]; var distToPrev = selAnchor.getPrevDistanceSq(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); var distToNext = selAnchor.getNextDistanceSq(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); var threshSq = 0; // 4 * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS; //if either prev or next are within threshold distance to anchor position if (distToPrev <= threshSq || distToNext <= threshSq) { var haveNext = false; var havePrev = false; var numAnchors = this._selectedSubpath.getNumAnchors(); if (numAnchors>1 && (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() < (numAnchors-1) || this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed())){ //there is an anchor point after this one var nextAnchor = null; if (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() < (numAnchors-1)) nextAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()+1); else nextAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(0); var nextAnchorPrev = [nextAnchor.getPrevX(), nextAnchor.getPrevY(), nextAnchor.getPrevZ()]; var nextAnchorPos = [nextAnchor.getPosX(), nextAnchor.getPosY(), nextAnchor.getPosZ()]; var newNext = this.BuildSecondCtrlPoint(pos, nextAnchorPrev, nextAnchorPos); selAnchor.setNextPos(newNext[0], newNext[1], newNext[2]); //check if the next is still not over the threshSq..if so, add a constant horizontal amount if (selAnchor.getNextDistanceSq(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) <= threshSq) { selAnchor.setNextPos(newNext[0]+ (3 * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS), newNext[1], newNext[2]); } haveNext = true; } if (numAnchors>1 && (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() > 0 || this._selectedSubpath.getIsClosed())){ //there is an anchor point before this one var prevAnchor = null; if (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() > 0) prevAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()-1); else prevAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(numAnchors-1); var prevAnchorNext = [prevAnchor.getNextX(), prevAnchor.getNextY(), prevAnchor.getNextZ()]; var prevAnchorPos = [prevAnchor.getPosX(), prevAnchor.getPosY(), prevAnchor.getPosZ()]; var newPrev = this.BuildSecondCtrlPoint(pos, prevAnchorNext, prevAnchorPos); selAnchor.setPrevPos(newPrev[0], newPrev[1], newPrev[2]); //check if the prev is still not over the threshSq..if so, add a constant horizontal amount if (selAnchor.getPrevDistanceSq(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) <= threshSq) { selAnchor.setPrevPos(newPrev[0]+ (3 * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS), newPrev[1], newPrev[2]); } havePrev = true; } if (haveNext && !havePrev){ selAnchor.setPrevFromNext(); } else if (havePrev && !haveNext){ selAnchor.setNextFromPrev(); } else if (!haveNext && !havePrev){ selAnchor.setNextPos(pos[0]+ (3 * this._PICK_POINT_RADIUS), pos[1], pos[2]); selAnchor.setPrevFromNext(); } } // if (distToPrev < threshSq) { else { //bring points close (to exactly same position) selAnchor.setNextPos(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); selAnchor.setPrevPos(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); } // else of if (distToPrev < threshSq) { this._selectedSubpath.makeDirty(); this._selectedSubpath.createSamples(); this.ShowSelectedSubpath(); //clear the canvas before we draw anything else this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas();//stageManagerModule.stageManager.clearDrawingCanvas(); this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); } //if (this._selectedSubpath && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex() !== -1) } //value: function () { }, //HandleDoubleClick: { _getScreenCoord: { value: function (hitRec) { var sRet = hitRec.getScreenPoint(); sRet[2] = 0; return sRet; } }, //_getScreenCoord: // DrawSubpathSVG // Draw the subpath using the SVG drawing capability (i.e. not WebGL) DrawSubpathSVG: { value: function (subpath) { if (subpath === null) return; subpath.createSamples(); //dirty bit will be checked inside this function var numAnchors = subpath.getNumAnchors(); if (numAnchors === 0) return; var ctx = this.application.ninja.stage.drawingContext;//stageManagerModule.stageManager.drawingContext; if (ctx === null) throw ("null drawing context in Pentool::DrawSubpathSVG"); ctx.save(); var horizontalOffset = this.application.ninja.stage.userContentLeft; var verticalOffset = this.application.ninja.stage.userContentTop; //display the subpath as a sequence of cubic beziers ctx.lineWidth = 1;//TODO replace hardcoded stroke width with some programmatically set value (should not be same as stroke width) ctx.strokeStyle = "green"; //if (subpath.getStrokeColor()) // ctx.strokeStyle = MathUtils.colorToHex( subpath.getStrokeColor() ); ctx.beginPath(); var p0x = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPosX()+ horizontalOffset; var p0y = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPosY()+ verticalOffset; ctx.moveTo(p0x, p0y); for (var i = 1; i < numAnchors; i++) { var p1x = subpath.getAnchor(i - 1).getNextX()+ horizontalOffset; var p1y = subpath.getAnchor(i - 1).getNextY()+ verticalOffset; var p2x = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPrevX()+ horizontalOffset; var p2y = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPrevY()+ verticalOffset; var p3x = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPosX()+ horizontalOffset; var p3y = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPosY()+ verticalOffset; ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y); } if (subpath.getIsClosed()) { var i = numAnchors - 1; var p1x = subpath.getAnchor(i).getNextX()+ horizontalOffset; var p1y = subpath.getAnchor(i).getNextY()+ verticalOffset; var p2x = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPrevX()+ horizontalOffset; var p2y = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPrevY()+ verticalOffset; var p3x = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPosX()+ horizontalOffset; var p3y = subpath.getAnchor(0).getPosY()+ verticalOffset; ctx.bezierCurveTo(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } //function (subpath) }, //DrawSubpathSVG DrawSubpathAnchors: { value: function (subpath) { if (subpath === null) return; var numAnchors = subpath.getNumAnchors(); if (numAnchors === 0) return; var ctx = this.application.ninja.stage.drawingContext;//stageManagerModule.stageManager.drawingContext; if (ctx === null) throw ("null drawing context in Pentool::DrawSelectedSubpathAnchors"); ctx.save(); var horizontalOffset = this.application.ninja.stage.userContentLeft;//stageManagerModule.stageManager.userContentLeft; var verticalOffset = this.application.ninja.stage.userContentTop;//stageManagerModule.stageManager.userContentTop; //display circles and squares near all control points ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "green"; var anchorDelta = 2; var selAnchorDelta = 4; for (var i = 0; i < numAnchors; i++) { var px = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPosX(); var py = subpath.getAnchor(i).getPosY(); ctx.beginPath(); //ctx.arc(px + horizontalOffset, py + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_ANCHOR_RADIUS, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.moveTo(px-anchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-anchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+anchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-anchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+anchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+anchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px-anchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+anchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } //display the hovered over anchor point ctx.lineWidth = 2; if (this._hoveredAnchorIndex>=0 && this._hoveredAnchorIndex<numAnchors) { var px = subpath.getAnchor(this._hoveredAnchorIndex).getPosX(); var py = subpath.getAnchor(this._hoveredAnchorIndex).getPosY(); ctx.beginPath(); //ctx.arc(px + horizontalOffset, py + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_ANCHOR_RADIUS*1.5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.moveTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } //display selected anchor and its prev. and next points if (this._selectedSubpath && subpath === this._selectedSubpath && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()!== -1) { ctx.lineWidth = 1; var defFill = "#FFFFFF"; var defStroke = "green"; var selHandleFill = "#000000" ctx.strokeStyle = defStroke; ctx.fillStyle = defFill; var selAnchor = this._selectedSubpath.getAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); var whichPoint = this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedMode(); //which of the selected handles to highlight //line from prev to anchor ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(selAnchor.getPrevX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getPrevY() + verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(selAnchor.getPosX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getPosY() + verticalOffset); ctx.stroke(); //selected anchor prev ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(selAnchor.getPrevX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getPrevY() + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_PREV_RADIUS, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.closePath(); if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_PREV){ ctx.fillStyle = selHandleFill; ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = defFill; }else { ctx.fill(); } ctx.stroke(); //line from next to anchor ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(selAnchor.getNextX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getNextY() + verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(selAnchor.getPosX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getPosY() + verticalOffset); ctx.stroke(); //selected anchor next ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(selAnchor.getNextX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getNextY() + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_NEXT_RADIUS, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (whichPoint & this._selectedSubpath.SEL_NEXT){ ctx.fillStyle = selHandleFill; ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = defFill; }else { ctx.fill(); } ctx.stroke(); //selected anchor point var px = selAnchor.getPosX(); var py = selAnchor.getPosY(); ctx.beginPath(); //ctx.arc(selAnchor.getPosX() + horizontalOffset, selAnchor.getPosY() + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_RADIUS, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.moveTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); //display the snap target if it isn't null if (this._snapTarget) { ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.strokeStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); //ctx.arc(this._snapTarget.getPosX() + horizontalOffset, this._snapTarget.getPosY() + verticalOffset, this._DISPLAY_SELECTED_ANCHOR_RADIUS * 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.moveTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py-selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px+selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.lineTo(px-selAnchorDelta+horizontalOffset, py+selAnchorDelta+verticalOffset); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } } //if this._selectedSubpath && subpath === this._selectedSubpath && this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()!== -1 ctx.restore(); } //value: function() { }, //DrawSubpathAnchors { Configure: { value: function (wasSelected) { if (wasSelected) { defaultEventManager.addEventListener("resetPenTool", this, false); this.application.ninja.elementMediator.deleteDelegate = this; if (this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length === 0){ this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_NONE; } else{ for (var i=0;i<this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length;i++){ var element = this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i]._element; console.log("Entered pen tool, had selected: " + element.elementModel.selection); if (element.elementModel.selection === 'Subpath'){ //TODO what to do if the canvas is drawn by tag tool? //set the pen canvas to be the selected canvas this._penCanvas = this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i]._element; // get the subpath for this world this._selectedSubpath = null; this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_CANVAS; //by default, we're in this mode...change if we find a subpath contained in this canvas var world = ElementMediator.getShapeProperty(this._penCanvas, "GLWorld"); if (world === null){ break; //something bad happened //TODO handle this better } //TODO assuming that we want the first subpath in this world...fix this! var go = world.getGeomRoot(); if (go !== null){ while (go.geomType() !== go.GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER && go.getNext()) { go = go.getNext(); //find the first subpath in this world } if (go.geomType() === go.GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER){ this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH; this._selectedSubpath = go; this.TranslateSelectedSubpathPerPenCanvas(); this._selectedSubpath.deselectAnchorPoint(); this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); } } break; //assume that we want to edit only the first subpath found in the selected canvases } else { this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_NONE; } } } this._isPickedEndPointInSelectPathMode = false; //only applies to the ENTRY_SELECT_PATH mode if (g_DoPenToolMouseMove){ NJevent("enableStageMove"); } } //if the pen tool was selected else { if (g_DoPenToolMouseMove){ NJevent("disableStageMove"); } this._selectedSubpath = null; this._penCanvas = null; this._penPlaneMat = null; this._snapTarget = null; defaultEventManager.removeEventListener("resetPenTool", this, false); this.application.ninja.elementMediator.deleteDelegate = null; } //if the pen tool was de-selected } }, handleDelete:{ value: function(event){ var len = this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length; if (len===0) { //clear the selected subpath...the only new additions to this function w.r.t. ToolBase if (this._selectedSubpath){ if (this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()>=0){ this._hoveredAnchorIndex=-1; this._selectedSubpath.removeAnchor(this._selectedSubpath.getSelectedAnchorIndex()); this._selectedSubpath.createSamples(); //clear the canvas this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas();//stageManagerModule.stageManager.clearDrawingCanvas(); this.DrawSubpathAnchors(this._selectedSubpath); this.ShowSelectedSubpath(); } else { this._selectedSubpath.clearAllAnchors(); //perhaps unnecessary this._selectedSubpath = null; //clear the canvas this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas();//stageManagerModule.stageManager.clearDrawingCanvas(); //undo/redo...go through ElementController and NJEvent var els = []; ElementController.removeElement(this._penCanvas); els.push(this._penCanvas); NJevent( "deleteSelection", els ); this._penCanvas = null; } } //do nothing if there was no selected subpath and if there was no selection } else { //undo/redo...go through ElementMediator (see ElementMediator.handleDeleting() from where the much of this function is copied) //clear the canvas this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas();//stageManagerModule.stageManager.clearDrawingCanvas(); var els = []; for(var i = 0; i<len; i++) { els.push(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i]); } for(i=0; i<len; i++) { ElementController.removeElement(els[i]._element); } NJevent( "deleteSelection", els ); //clear out the selected path if it exists if (this._selectedSubpath) { this._selectedSubpath.clearAllAnchors(); this._selectedSubpath = null; if (this._entryEditMode === this.ENTRY_SELECT_PATH){ this._entryEditMode = this.ENTRY_SELECT_NONE; } this._penCanvas = null; } } //redraw the stage to update it this.application.ninja.stage.draw(); } }, handleResetPenTool: { value: function (event) { this.Reset(); this.DrawHandles(); } }, handleToolOptionChange: { value: function (event) { if (event._event.type === ToolEvents.TOOL_OPTION_CHANGE) { this.Reset(); this.DrawHandles(); } } }, Reset: { value: function () { this._isDrawing = false; this._selectedSubpath = null; this.DrawHandles(); this.Configure(true); } } });