/* <copyright> Copyright (c) 2012, Motorola Mobility, Inc All Rights Reserved. BSD License. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of Motorola Mobility nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. </copyright> */ if (typeof window !== "undefined") { document._montageTiming = {} document._montageTiming.loadStartTime = Date.now(); // Give a threshold before we decide we need to show the bootstrapper progress // Applications that use our loader will interact with this timeout // and class name to coordinate a nice loading experience. Applications that do not will // just go about business as usual and draw their content as soon as possible. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var bootstrappingDelay = 1000; document._montageStartBootstrappingTimeout = setTimeout(function() { document._montageStartBootstrappingTimeout = null; var root = document.documentElement; if(!!root.classList) { root.classList.add("montage-app-bootstrapping"); } else { root.className = root.className + " montage-app-bootstrapping"; } document._montageTiming.bootstrappingStartTime = Date.now(); }, bootstrappingDelay); }); } (function (definition) { if (typeof require !== "undefined") { // CommonJS / NodeJS definition(require, exports, module); } else { // <script> definition({}, {}, {}); } })(function (require, exports, module) { // The global context object var global = new Function("return this")(); /** * Initializes Montage and creates the application singleton if * necessary. */ exports.initMontage = function () { var platform = exports.getPlatform(); // Platform dependent platform.bootstrap(function (Require, Promise, URL, Clock) { var params = platform.getParams(); var config = platform.getConfig(); var montageLocation = URL.resolve(Require.getLocation(), params.montageLocation); // setup the reel loader config.makeLoader = function (config) { return exports.ReelLoader( config, Require.makeLoader(config) ); }; // setup serialization compiler config.makeCompiler = function (config) { return exports.SerializationCompiler( config, exports.TemplateCompiler( config, Require.makeCompiler(config) ) ); }; var location = URL.resolve(config.location, params["package"] || "."); Require.loadPackage(montageLocation, config) .then(function (montageRequire) { montageRequire.inject("core/promise", Promise); montageRequire.inject("core/next-tick", Clock); montageRequire.inject("core/mini-url", URL); // install the linter, which loads on the first error config.lint = function (module) { montageRequire.async("core/jshint") .then(function (JSHINT) { if (!JSHINT.JSHINT(module.text)) { console.warn("JSHint Error: "+module.location); JSHINT.JSHINT.errors.forEach(function(error) { if (error) { console.warn("Problem at line "+error.line+" character "+error.character+": "+error.reason); if (error.evidence) { console.warn(" " + error.evidence); } } }); } }); }; if ("autoPackage" in params) { montageRequire.injectPackageDescription(location, { dependencies: { montage: "*" } }); } // handle explicit package.json location if (location.slice(location.length - 5) === ".json") { var packageDescriptionLocation = location; location = URL.resolve(location, "."); montageRequire.injectPackageDescriptionLocation( location, packageDescriptionLocation ); } return montageRequire.loadPackage(location) .then(function (applicationRequire) { global.require = applicationRequire; global.montageRequire = montageRequire; platform.initMontage(montageRequire, applicationRequire, params); }) }) .end(); }); }; /** Adds "_montage_metadata" property to all objects and function attached to the exports object. @see Compiler middleware in require/require.js @param config @param compiler */ var reverseReelExpression = /((.*)\.reel)\/\2$/; var reverseReelFunction = function ($0, $1) { return $1 }; exports.SerializationCompiler = function(config, compile) { return function(module) { compile(module); if (!module.factory) return; var defaultFactory = module.factory; module.factory = function(require, exports, module) { defaultFactory.call(this, require, exports, module); for (var name in exports) { var object = exports[name]; // avoid attempting to initialize a non-object if (!(object instanceof Object)) { // avoid attempting to reinitialize an aliased property } else if (object.hasOwnProperty("_montage_metadata") && !object._montage_metadata.isInstance) { object._montage_metadata.aliases.push(name); object._montage_metadata.objectName = name; } else if (!Object.isSealed(object)) { var id = module.id.replace( reverseReelExpression, reverseReelFunction ); Object.defineProperty( object, "_montage_metadata", { value: { require: require, module: id, moduleId: id, // deprecated property: name, objectName: name, // deprecated aliases: [name], isInstance: false } } ); } } }; return module; }; }; /** * Allows reel directories to load the contained eponymous JavaScript * module. * @see Loader middleware in require/require.js * @param config * @param loader the next loader in the chain */ var reelExpression = /([^\/]+)\.reel$/; exports.ReelLoader = function (config, load) { return function (id, module) { var match = reelExpression.exec(id); if (match) { module.redirect = id + "/" + match[1]; return module; } else { return load(id, module); } }; }; /** Allows the reel's html file to be loaded via require. @see Compiler middleware in require/require.js @param config @param compiler */ exports.TemplateCompiler = function(config, compile) { return function(module) { if (!module.location) return; var match = module.location.match(/(.*\/)?(?=[^\/]+\.html$)/); if (match) { module.dependencies = module.dependencies || []; module.exports = { directory: match[1], root: match, // deprecated content: module.text }; return module; } else { compile(module); } }; }; // Bootstrapping for multiple-platforms exports.getPlatform = function () { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window && window.document) { return browser; } else if (typeof process !== "undefined") { return require("./node.js"); } else { throw new Error("Platform not supported."); } }; var urlModuleFactory = function (require, exports) { var baseElement = document.querySelector("base"); var existingBaseElement = baseElement; if (!existingBaseElement) { baseElement = document.createElement("base"); baseElement.href = ""; } var head = document.querySelector("head"); var relativeElement = document.createElement("a"); exports.resolve = function (base, relative) { if (!existingBaseElement) { head.appendChild(baseElement); } base = String(base); if (!/^[\w\-]+:/.test(base)) { // isAbsolute(base) throw new Error("Can't resolve from a relative location: " + JSON.stringify(base) + " " + JSON.stringify(relative)); } var restore = baseElement.href; baseElement.href = base; relativeElement.href = relative; var resolved = relativeElement.href; baseElement.href = restore; if (!existingBaseElement) { head.removeChild(baseElement); } return resolved; }; }; var browser = { getConfig: function() { return { location: "" + window.location }; }, getParams: function() { var i, j, match, script, montage, attr, name; if (!this._params) { this._params = {}; // Find the <script> that loads us, so we can divine our // parameters from its attributes. var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { script = scripts[i]; montage = false; if (script.src && (match = script.src.match(/^(.*)montage.js(?:[\?\.]|$)/i))) { this._params.montageLocation = match[1]; montage = true; } if (script.hasAttribute("data-montage")) { this._params.montageLocation = script.getAttribute("data-montage"); montage = true; } if (montage) { if (script.dataset) { for (name in script.dataset) { this._params[name] = script.dataset[name]; } } else if (script.attributes) { for (j = 0; j < script.attributes.length; j++) { attr = script.attributes[j]; match = attr.name.match(/^data-(.*)$/); if (match) { this._params[match[1]] = attr.value; } } } // Permits multiple montage.js <scripts>; by // removing as they are discovered, next one // finds itself. script.parentNode.removeChild(script); break; } } } return this._params; }, bootstrap: function (callback) { var base, Require, DOM, Promise, URL, Clock; var params = this.getParams(); // observe dom loading and load scripts in parallel // observe dom loaded function domLoad() { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domLoad, true); DOM = true; callbackIfReady(); } // this permits montage.js to be injected after domready if (document.readyState === "complete") { domLoad(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domLoad, true); } // determine which scripts to load var pending = [ "require/require", "require/browser", "core/promise", "core/next-tick" ]; // load in parallel, but only if we’re not using a preloaded cache. // otherwise, these scripts will be inlined after already if (typeof BUNDLE === "undefined") { pending.forEach(function(name) { var url = params.montageLocation + name + ".js"; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; script.onload = function () { // remove clutter script.parentNode.removeChild(script); }; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); }); } // register module definitions for deferred, // serial execution var definitions = {}; global.bootstrap = function (id, factory) { definitions[id] = factory; var at = pending.indexOf(id); if (at !== -1) { pending.splice(at, 1); } if (pending.length === 0) { allModulesLoaded(); } }; global.bootstrap("core/mini-url", urlModuleFactory); // miniature module system var bootModules = {}; function bootRequire(id) { if (!bootModules[id] && definitions[id]) { var exports = bootModules[id] = {}; definitions[id](bootRequire, exports); } return bootModules[id]; } // execute bootstrap scripts function allModulesLoaded() { Clock = bootRequire("core/next-tick"); Promise = bootRequire("core/promise"); URL = bootRequire("core/mini-url"); Require = bootRequire("require/require"); delete global.bootstrap; callbackIfReady(); } function callbackIfReady() { if (DOM && Require) { callback(Require, Promise, URL, Clock); } } }, initMontage: function (montageRequire, applicationRequire, params) { var Promise, defaultEventManager, application; montageRequire.async("core/promise").then(function(exports) { Promise = exports.Promise; Promise.all([ montageRequire.async("core/event/event-manager"), montageRequire.async("core/deserializer") ]).then(function(exportsArray) { // Load the event-manager defaultEventManager = exportsArray[0].EventManager.create().initWithWindow(window); // montageWillLoad is mostly for testing purposes if (typeof global.montageWillLoad === "function") { global.montageWillLoad(); } // Load the application var appProto = applicationRequire.packageDescription.applicationPrototype, applicationDescription, appModulePromise; if (appProto) { applicationDescription = exportsArray[1].Deserializer.parseForModuleAndName(appProto); appModulePromise = applicationRequire.async(applicationDescription.module); } else { appModulePromise = montageRequire.async("ui/application"); } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { montageRequire.async("core/event/binding").end(); } appModulePromise.then(function(exports) { application = exports[(applicationDescription ? applicationDescription.name : "Application")].create(); window.document.application = application; defaultEventManager.application = application; application.eventManager = defaultEventManager; application._load(applicationRequire, function() { if (params.module) { // If a module was specified in the config then we initialize it now applicationRequire.async(params.module).end(); } }); }).end(); }).end(); }); } }; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { if (global.__MONTAGE_LOADED__) { console.warn("Montage already loaded!"); } else { global.__MONTAGE_LOADED__ = true; exports.initMontage(); } } else { // may cause additional exports to be injected: exports.getPlatform(); } });