/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ if (typeof window !== "undefined") { document._montageTiming = {} document._montageTiming.loadStartTime = Date.now(); // Give a threshold before we decide we need to show the bootstrapper progress // Applications that use our loader will interact with this timeout // and class name to coordinate a nice loading experience. Applications that do not will // just go about business as usual and draw their content as soon as possible. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var bootstrappingDelay = 1000; document._montageStartBootstrappingTimeout = setTimeout(function() { document._montageStartBootstrappingTimeout = null; var root = document.documentElement; if(!!root.classList) { root.classList.add("montage-app-bootstrapping"); } else { root.className = root.className + " montage-app-bootstrapping"; } document._montageTiming.bootstrappingStartTime = Date.now(); }, bootstrappingDelay); }); } (function (definition) { if (typeof require !== "undefined") { // CommonJS / NodeJS definition(require, exports, module); } else { // <script> definition({}, {}, {}); } })(function (require, exports, module) { // The global context object var global = new Function("return this")(); /** * Initializes Montage and creates the application singleton if * necessary. */ exports.initMontage = function () { var platform = exports.getPlatform(); // Platform dependent platform.bootstrap(function (Require, Promise, URL, Clock) { var params = platform.getParams(); var config = platform.getConfig(); var montageLocation = URL.resolve(Require.getLocation(), params.montageLocation); // setup the reel loader config.makeLoader = function (config) { return exports.ReelLoader( config, Require.makeLoader(config) ); }; // setup serialization compiler config.makeCompiler = function (config) { return exports.SerializationCompiler( config, exports.TemplateCompiler( config, Require.makeCompiler(config) ) ); }; var location = URL.resolve(config.location, params["package"] || "."); Require.loadPackage(montageLocation, config) .then(function (montageRequire) { montageRequire.inject("core/promise", Promise); montageRequire.inject("core/next-tick", Clock); montageRequire.inject("core/mini-url", URL); // install the linter, which loads on the first error config.lint = function (module) { montageRequire.async("core/jshint") .then(function (JSHINT) { if (!JSHINT.JSHINT(module.text)) { console.warn("JSHint Error: "+module.location); JSHINT.JSHINT.errors.forEach(function(error) { if (error) { console.warn("Problem at line "+error.line+" character "+error.character+": "+error.reason); if (error.evidence) { console.warn(" " + error.evidence); } } }); } }); }; if ("autoPackage" in params) { montageRequire.injectPackageDescription(location, { dependencies: { montage: "*" } }); } // handle explicit package.json location if (location.slice(location.length - 5) === ".json") { var packageDescriptionLocation = location; location = URL.resolve(location, "."); montageRequire.injectPackageDescriptionLocation( location, packageDescriptionLocation ); } return montageRequire.loadPackage(location) .then(function (applicationRequire) { global.require = applicationRequire; global.montageRequire = montageRequire; platform.initMontage(montageRequire, applicationRequire, params); }) }) .end(); }); }; /** Adds "_montage_metadata" property to all objects and function attached to the exports object. @see Compiler middleware in require/require.js @param config @param compiler */ var reverseReelExpression = /((.*)\.reel)\/\2$/; var reverseReelFunction = function ($0, $1) { return $1 }; exports.SerializationCompiler = function(config, compile) { return function(module) { compile(module); if (!module.factory) return; var defaultFactory = module.factory; module.factory = function(require, exports, module) { defaultFactory.call(this, require, exports, module); for (var name in exports) { var object = exports[name]; // avoid attempting to initialize a non-object if (!(object instanceof Object)) { // avoid attempting to reinitialize an aliased property } else if (object.hasOwnProperty("_montage_metadata") && !object._montage_metadata.isInstance) { object._montage_metadata.aliases.push(name); object._montage_metadata.objectName = name; } else if (!Object.isSealed(object)) { var id = module.id.replace( reverseReelExpression, reverseReelFunction ); Object.defineProperty( object, "_montage_metadata", { value: { require: require, module: id, moduleId: id, // deprecated property: name, objectName: name, // deprecated aliases: [name], isInstance: false } } ); } } }; return module; }; }; /** * Allows reel directories to load the contained eponymous JavaScript * module. * @see Loader middleware in require/require.js * @param config * @param loader the next loader in the chain */ var reelExpression = /([^\/]+)\.reel$/; exports.ReelLoader = function (config, load) { return function (id, module) { var match = reelExpression.exec(id); if (match) { module.redirect = id + "/" + match[1]; return module; } else { return load(id, module); } }; }; /** Allows the reel's html file to be loaded via require. @see Compiler middleware in require/require.js @param config @param compiler */ exports.TemplateCompiler = function(config, compile) { return function(module) { if (!module.location) return; var match = module.location.match(/(.*\/)?(?=[^\/]+\.html$)/); if (match) { module.dependencies = module.dependencies || []; module.exports = { directory: match[1], root: match, // deprecated content: module.text }; return module; } else { compile(module); } }; }; // Bootstrapping for multiple-platforms exports.getPlatform = function () { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window && window.document) { return browser; } else if (typeof process !== "undefined") { return require("./node.js"); } else { throw new Error("Platform not supported."); } }; var urlModuleFactory = function (require, exports) { var baseElement = document.querySelector("base"); var existingBaseElement = baseElement; if (!existingBaseElement) { baseElement = document.createElement("base"); baseElement.href = ""; } var head = document.querySelector("head"); var relativeElement = document.createElement("a"); exports.resolve = function (base, relative) { if (!existingBaseElement) { head.appendChild(baseElement); } base = String(base); if (!/^[\w\-]+:/.test(base)) { // isAbsolute(base) throw new Error("Can't resolve from a relative location: " + JSON.stringify(base) + " " + JSON.stringify(relative)); } var restore = baseElement.href; baseElement.href = base; relativeElement.href = relative; var resolved = relativeElement.href; baseElement.href = restore; if (!existingBaseElement) { head.removeChild(baseElement); } return resolved; }; }; var browser = { getConfig: function() { return { location: "" + window.location }; }, getParams: function() { var i, j, match, script, montage, attr, name; if (!this._params) { this._params = {}; // Find the <script> that loads us, so we can divine our // parameters from its attributes. var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { script = scripts[i]; montage = false; if (script.src && (match = script.src.match(/^(.*)montage.js(?:[\?\.]|$)/i))) { this._params.montageLocation = match[1]; montage = true; } if (script.hasAttribute("data-montage")) { this._params.montageLocation = script.getAttribute("data-montage"); montage = true; } if (montage) { if (script.dataset) { for (name in script.dataset) { this._params[name] = script.dataset[name]; } } else if (script.attributes) { for (j = 0; j < script.attributes.length; j++) { attr = script.attributes[j]; match = attr.name.match(/^data-(.*)$/); if (match) { this._params[match[1]] = attr.value; } } } // Permits multiple montage.js <scripts>; by // removing as they are discovered, next one // finds itself. script.parentNode.removeChild(script); break; } } } return this._params; }, bootstrap: function (callback) { var base, Require, DOM, Promise, URL, Clock; var params = this.getParams(); // observe dom loading and load scripts in parallel // observe dom loaded function domLoad() { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domLoad, true); DOM = true; callbackIfReady(); } // this permits montage.js to be injected after domready if (document.readyState === "complete") { domLoad(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domLoad, true); } // determine which scripts to load var pending = [ "require/require", "require/browser", "core/promise", "core/next-tick" ]; // load in parallel, but only if we’re not using a preloaded cache. // otherwise, these scripts will be inlined after already if (typeof BUNDLE === "undefined") { pending.forEach(function(name) { var url = params.montageLocation + name + ".js"; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; script.onload = function () { // remove clutter script.parentNode.removeChild(script); }; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); }); } // register module definitions for deferred, // serial execution var definitions = {}; global.bootstrap = function (id, factory) { definitions[id] = factory; var at = pending.indexOf(id); if (at !== -1) { pending.splice(at, 1); } if (pending.length === 0) { allModulesLoaded(); } }; global.bootstrap("core/mini-url", urlModuleFactory); // miniature module system var bootModules = {}; function bootRequire(id) { if (!bootModules[id] && definitions[id]) { var exports = bootModules[id] = {}; definitions[id](bootRequire, exports); } return bootModules[id]; } // execute bootstrap scripts function allModulesLoaded() { Clock = bootRequire("core/next-tick"); Promise = bootRequire("core/promise"); URL = bootRequire("core/mini-url"); Require = bootRequire("require/require"); delete global.bootstrap; callbackIfReady(); } function callbackIfReady() { if (DOM && Require) { callback(Require, Promise, URL, Clock); } } }, initMontage: function (montageRequire, applicationRequire, params) { var Promise, defaultEventManager, application; montageRequire.async("core/promise").then(function(exports) { Promise = exports.Promise; Promise.all([ montageRequire.async("core/event/event-manager"), montageRequire.async("core/deserializer") ]).then(function(exportsArray) { // Load the event-manager defaultEventManager = exportsArray[0].EventManager.create().initWithWindow(window); // montageWillLoad is mostly for testing purposes if (typeof global.montageWillLoad === "function") { global.montageWillLoad(); } // Load the application var appProto = applicationRequire.packageDescription.applicationPrototype, applicationDescription, appModulePromise; if (appProto) { applicationDescription = exportsArray[1].Deserializer.parseForModuleAndName(appProto); appModulePromise = applicationRequire.async(applicationDescription.module); } else { appModulePromise = montageRequire.async("ui/application"); } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { montageRequire.async("core/event/binding").end(); } appModulePromise.then(function(exports) { application = exports[(applicationDescription ? applicationDescription.name : "Application")].create(); window.document.application = application; defaultEventManager.application = application; application.eventManager = defaultEventManager; application._load(applicationRequire, function() { if (params.module) { // If a module was specified in the config then we initialize it now applicationRequire.async(params.module).end(); } }); }).end(); }).end(); }); } }; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { if (global.__MONTAGE_LOADED__) { console.warn("Montage already loaded!"); } else { global.__MONTAGE_LOADED__ = true; exports.initMontage(); } } else { // may cause additional exports to be injected: exports.getPlatform(); } });